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Hisao's Dream

Posted: Thu Feb 23, 2012 11:50 pm
by HarvestmanMan
Would you look at that, I wrote another story.
:lol: :D :o :) :P :| :? :( :x :cry: :shock: :evil:

Hisao was surrounded by clouds. Using Mutou's technique, he concluded that one of two things had happened: 1) he was having another one of those dreams right after he ate the veal parmesan from the cafeteria, or 2) he had unexpectedly turned into an Airbus A-320.

Shit, he thought. Think, Hisao. Think. What did Mutou say? If things don't seem to make sense, look at them from a different perspective. That said (or thought, rather), he began to look at himself. He didn't have any wings, engines, pilots, or anyone inside him (possibly besides Lilly). He concluded that he must have turned into Superman.

All of a sudden, a Blastoise flew through the air driving a Ford Mondeo. The Blastoise parked the Mondeo on a cloud, which fell through and crashed into an apartment in Brussels. He stepped out and extended a paw of friendship to Hisao. "ごきげんいかが?, お元気ですか?" the Blastoise said.

What the fuck is even happening? thought Hisao, as well as the author. Am I in that weird part of /v/ again? No, I'm Superman and I'm being attacked by a floating Pokemon.

"Erm...who are you?" inquired Hisao hesitantly. Suddenly, the Blastoise turned into Rin. "Rin, what the hell are you doing here?" he stammered.

"Where are we?" asked Rin. "I honestly have no clue, but you were a Blastoise just a minute ago," replied Hisao. Rin tilted her head to one side and asked, "A what?"

In every story, there is a moment when nothing seems to make sense because everything is developing all at once. That wasn't even happening and Hisao still felt confused. He tried to convey the idea of a Blastoise to the red-haired flit: "Well, it's sort of like a giant turtle, see? And it has water cannons coming out of its back, and it looks real fierce." Immediately after saying this. Hisao felt the way a person does just after they have voluntarily eaten a pack of crayons: humiliated, somewhat drugged, full, and incredibly stupid.

"その総理にかなっている。 もう一度あなたが余りにも多くリタリンをしましたか ?" Rin asked. Hisao was dumbfounded as he realized that he couldn't speak Japanese. "Εσείς εκεί, hisao;" she asked again. Just like before, he had no idea how to reply. For no apparent reason, Rin began to poke him in the side with a windshield wiper gleaned from the Mondeo, causing Hisao to lose his balance and fall to Earth.

Hisao woke up. It was one o'clock on a Wednesday afternoon, he had missed most of his class already, and Misha was giving him a blowjob in a Sailor Venus costume.

Sometimes the truth is stranger than fiction, Hisao thought.

Re: Hisao's Dream

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 12:17 am
by Katamari101
This is a very good description of 80% of my dreams.

And good god, dat ending.

Re: Hisao's Dream

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 1:45 am
by MAZZ0Murder
The ending got me too.

And as for dreams I could say they can surely be that way for a lot of people!

Re: Hisao's Dream

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 6:30 pm
by Lothbrok
So that is how the master of romance dreams.

Re: Hisao's Dream

Posted: Fri Feb 24, 2012 7:12 pm
by themocaw
Psh. Misha should be dressed as Chibi-Usa.