What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitude?

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What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitude?

Post by KnownAnonymous »

Kenji's disability will remain but his attitude will be like Hisao's,

Does it fits him?

...then Hisao will pretend as Kenji..
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Re: What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitud

Post by Woody Alien »

You mean, switching places between Kenji and Hisao, and having a half-blind main character plagued by a paranoiac boy with a heart condition?

Hmm... It doesn't appeal to me that much...
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Re: What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitud

Post by Althamus »

FEMINIST THEORY! It's almost like there is SOMETHING OUT THERE that is pushing me towards a romance with these women!
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Re: What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitud

Post by scopedknife »

I would conjecture that, assuming Kenji assumed Hisao's attitude/personality, that the whole experience would be much the same. The only notable difference would be that we wouldn't be able to enjoy all the lovely sprites and backgrounds unless they came within an inch of the new protagonist's nose... rather stick with the dude who can see. It is a VISUAL novel after all :wink:
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Re: What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitud

Post by VIVI »

i don´t know.
See, Hisao have that heart condition and he began to know love there in Yamaku, healing the "simbolic heart" And Kenji is paranoid and all that (a bad perseption of reality, a blurry "blindness"... he can´t see more than his idea of the world), who is exactly his visual problem (legally blind)
If this is suddenly switched, well, will be interesting, but the simbolism is lost. AND all our game will have only blurry images of backgrounds or very big faces of our girls. XD

Re: What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitud

Post by x »

but guys, kenji's disability doesn't only cover being legally blind. his being paranoid isn't a part of his personality, it's his disability as well - it's been mentioned that he experiences panic attacks, that's when he behaves like that.
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Re: What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitud

Post by NoOne3 »

I don't really know what topic-founder had in mind saying about "Hisao's attitude", but Kenji sure would have interesting choice options:

* Hi! I'm new here. Kenji Setou. We're in the same class.
* I'm sorry. I didn't mean to startle you.
* You will never get my semen!
* Ivegottadosomefalloutshelter!

But to be honest, I still don't know what makes Kenji tick, and why in so distorted manner.

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Re: What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitud

Post by VIVI »

x wrote:but guys, kenji's disability doesn't only cover being legally blind. his being paranoid isn't a part of his personality, it's his disability as well - it's been mentioned that he experiences panic attacks, that's when he behaves like that.
I began to think who he is like that for the visual problem.Maybe he no born like this; his vision turn like that since a late but important part of his life (14-15 maybe?) and only goes worse and worse. He can´t go outside without before know where he will go, because he can end completly lost...and here is when the panic attacks appeared. (remember that story of the bird and the poo? he was in one of that situations.) And think in how was his days in that normal school, the bulling of the other childs (for that big glasses)...that can turn him antisocial. Even that, the last incident (the Strangelove thing XD) was the last...ended with that strange paranoia who he have...but i don´t think who he have a "real" paranoia.
My theory is who is all about how he express things. He is a freak for conspiracies and criptografic messages; maybe he TALKS in backwards. Yes, he have anxiety and is an hikikomori bordeline (who go outside only in the night, when is more difficult for see anything. He only go to places who he know)...the hikikomoris are "outsiders" of society; they feel the preassure of the norms and form of life of Japan and can´t go with it because is too much. In his case, this is "the feminists"...he feel who he can´t do the requeriments for have a relation with a woman, because is shy and have his fears too...Or discover, very late and in a shocking form, who females no was his "cup of tea", after all, and males are a bit better...
But is proud and no want who anyone detect this, then he hides all (including himself, back the scarf and that old glasses) and talk about this with clues.He think who is himself the problem and no want be seen for anyone. Is a Caged Heart.
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Re: What if Kenji will be the protagonist w/ Hisao's attitud

Post by NoOne3 »

Your grammar might be strange, but your insight is deep.
The thing that bothers me the most is Kenji being always left alone. Or at least it looks like this. And if he's really Yuuko's ex, and what she tells about him is true than the change might be even more sudden. He might be in need right now with some more serious mental derangement evolving, and he has noone to talk to except this somewhat dense, fancy-looking guy next door. He seems to cling to Hisao on every oportunity.

Edit: To think of it, all the girls seems to have good future outlooks, even left by theirselfs (taking different path). He's case doesn't look that good though.
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