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Hello everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 9:42 pm
by Fireforged
I'm sorry, I wasn't sure what to put the title as. I have cardiomyopathy and long qt syndrome, a pacemaker/defibrillator installed a total of 6 times. I have an electrically weak heart that has lead me to depression and dark spaces, I also can't exert a lot physically because of this.

I have had a really tough time relating to other people and it has been really lonely. Playing this game touched me in a lot of ways especially with how the main character is during the beginning coming to terms and how I wish my childhood could've been spent in a community like this than my actually life.

If there is anyone around that would like to talk I would really like that. Having a condition doesn't matter, I am just lonely in general.
Thank you anyone that took the time to read, it means a lot.


Also, if anyone knows a better way to meet other people with conditions (not necessarily similar) that can help each other out emotionally, that would be really, really appreciated.

Sorry everyone that saw this as sleazy, I am trying to be sincere. I'm just not good at asking this stuff.

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:31 am
by OpusEponymous

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 9:43 am
by gRaViJa
You've come to the right community :) I have been dealing with some problems of my own (not really physically though) and venting them here really helped. I'm not sure what the possibilities are to meet people with a condition, but i'm sure someone around here will know. Cya around!

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:01 am
by Althamus
Welcome to the community :)

In terms of meeting people with similar conditions, I'm sure there must be forums somewhere on teh internets set up specifically for people with conditions. It may be a dumb question, but have you tried googling for forums set up with that in mind? And/or finding out if there're any people located nearby via asking at a local hospital for... groups or something? I'm sorry, I'm trying to help with ideas, but have never really considered the question before :3

I don't think many people on the KS forums have conditions, but I think we are all sympathetic to people with conditions (as a response from playing the game), so I guess we're a good second best :)

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Mon Feb 20, 2012 10:17 am
by toxicmaniac
Welcome i just signed to this forum yesterday. Forums are a great way to socialize with people that have the same interests as you.

Also you've found a great one as this is a forum where alot of people share certain problems with eachother due to the emotional factor this visual novel brings. I wouldn't be suprised to see alot of people talking about their problems and relating with eachother and the characters in the game. I myself wanted to make a thread about how similiar i am to Rin (although i am more of a rational version of her) and how it affects my life but thats a different thing.

I myself have more knowledge about mental issues and social philosophy within the human behaviour opposed to physical problems but if you ever feel like you need someone to talk to you can always hit me or someone else at PM's.

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 4:20 am
by Swoopie
Not sleazy, not sleazy at all. If you feel the need to come into contact with people and have trouble to do that in real life, why not do it on forums? And as said by Althamus, people that played KS are not necessarily having conditions themselves, but still, there will be a lot of (attempts to) understanding people who do have issues. So, I'm new here and not (yet?) a fairly regular visitor here, but want to welcome you anyway!

Having said that, it's been over two weeks since your first (and only) post. Where are you now?

Edit: Ok, forget my last remark, I just noticed that the first reply came in yesterday, can imagine you lost interest a bit when after two days no reply was given yet...

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 6:53 am
by Nightydreams
My friend, there is simply no better place to find companionship than this forum. Nowhere is a concentration of well meaning and intelligent people greater. If you ever need a far away pen friend, you can Send me a private message, or you can give me a skype call. My Skype name is the same as this forum name I use here. I myself suffer from a rather dibilitating physical disabilty which, while not like yours, helps me relate to what your going through.

We're here for you. All of us.

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 7:13 am
by newnar
Zannen, boku wa tomogachi ga sukanai desu...

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 9:51 am
by Swoopie
newnar wrote:Zannen, boku wa tomogachi ga sukanai desu...
Hey, that's not fair, Google Translate doesn't know how to handle that!

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 11:12 am
by newnar
Swoopie wrote:
newnar wrote:Zannen, boku wa tomogachi ga sukanai desu...
Hey, that's not fair, Google Translate doesn't know how to handle that!
Unfortunately, I have no friends.

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:13 pm
by AnotherKatawaShoujo
Just wanted to pop in and say hello and welcome to you as well. The interwebz can be a great way to meet people. I know you said you weren't looking for a place where people necessarily have similar conditions, but there are MANY disability support forums (they are usually somewhat specific to the condition, though) that I'm sure you could look into. I've found a few that I've joined myself and they can be great fun and very therapeutic too.

But as others have said, this forum is quite lively and the people I've encountered have been quite kind and civil towards one another. At any rate, good to meet you.

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 2:37 pm
by geekahedron
Wow, my first thought is, how did this thread go unnoticed for two solid weeks after creation? What a horrible group of people we must be. :cry:

Anyway, I'm always available to chat with whomever, via various chat protocols as indicated or basically anywhere (to my knowledge) you see this username. Just mention "ks" or something so I don't dismiss you as just another spambot. I don't have any physical issues or debilitation conditions but am, like most people around here seem to be, a pretty friendly, approachable guy, and no stranger to feelings of loneliness, to be candid.

I actually hope to hear from you (OP), actually any of you (general forumites). :)

Re: Hello everyone

Posted: Tue Feb 21, 2012 8:06 pm
by newnar
geekahedron wrote:Wow, my first thought is, how did this thread go unnoticed for two solid weeks after creation? What a horrible group of people we must be. :cry:

Anyway, I'm always available to chat with whomever, via various chat protocols as indicated or basically anywhere (to my knowledge) you see this username. Just mention "ks" or something so I don't dismiss you as just another spambot. I don't have any physical issues or debilitation conditions but am, like most people around here seem to be, a pretty friendly, approachable guy, and no stranger to feelings of loneliness, to be candid.

I actually hope to hear from you (OP), actually any of you (general forumites). :)

Because most new members of late decided to ditch the intro threads and jump straight to creating their personal clones of "Hi I've just started KS & I am in awe/OMG my feels/This game is so good" threads.

No offence meant to anyone.