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Was KS inspired by Nurse-kun/Damged Goods?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 7:44 pm
by Hyu
I found about about this story on the kotaku article on Katawa Shoujo, from there I started reading it. It took me 7 hours but I read all the chapters and a lot of the questions /b/ made.
I'm still confused about the ending and whether it was true or just the work of a legendary troll. The story was brilliant and almost made me cry at certain points(katawa shoujo sad music helped a lot).
So yeah does Nurse-kun story have anything to do with KS?

Re: Was KS inspired by Nurse-kun/Damged Goods?

Posted: Mon Feb 06, 2012 8:31 pm
by Nekken
IIRC, the Hanako team has claimed some inspiration from the Nurse-kun story. I don't know about the others.

Re: Was KS inspired by Nurse-kun/Damged Goods?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 12:57 am
by Snow_Storm
KS was inspired an art design from this Japanese dude name RAITA who had an idea for something like KS. Nurse-Kun I think inspired Nurse and Emi.

Re: Was KS inspired by Nurse-kun/Damged Goods?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 3:41 am
by NoOne3 ... -name.html
Check out the note about Nurse's name.


Re: Was KS inspired by Nurse-kun/Damged Goods?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 5:14 pm
by Hyu
I'm playing Emi's path right now and there's a part I think it's a reference to Nurse-kun's saga. The part i'm talking about is a H-scene I'm going to talk about in the spoiler area below.

WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ WARNING 18+ This is the part I'm talking about "I helped her remove her underwear, setting it aside, and tugging her gown up slightly, to leave her rear exposed, then, after a quick hand sanitizer application, I donned the latex gloves, and squeezed a dab of lubricant onto the tip of my right middle finger, since I'd be using my index finger to peel the suppository in a moment. With a calming word of warning ahead of time, I spread her cheeks gently, just enough to expose her anus, with my left hand, and shifted my right in to carefully rub the bead of lube over and into it, just a bit...she tensed up at first, gasping softly, and I paused, letting her adjust...

After about five seconds of her trying to instinctively 'squeeze me out', she finally started to relax, my murmered encouragement and praise for her courage perhaps helping, perhaps not, and I withdrew, reasoning from experience that it was better to get it out of the way now than while trying to actually insert the tablet. Patting her shoulder and telling her how well she was doing, I moved on to unwrap the foil from the tablet, and scrape away the bit of an edge the machine left on one side, while applying a light coating of the remaining lube from my middle finger to the 'top' of the tablet, pointed for easier insertion. Then I squeezed a more generous quantity onto my index finger's length, gripped the suppository between said index finger and thumb, and spread her cheeks again, letting her know to relax, as I placed the tip against her anus.

I shifted my left hand, now that my finger was ready and waiting, up to tug the glove off, and offer said hand to her...after a moment, she reached out to squeeze it with her own, and I told her that it'd be over in a few seconds. I began counting up from three, and as I finished, I pressed in, gently but firmly, and after a momentary resistance, slipped the tablet, and my finger, inside her.

She cried out as I entered her, mostly out of surprise, as it was a new experience for her, despite having had other entries in the past. Her hand squeezed mine almost painfully, as tightly as she could, her eyes squeezed shut when I looked up to her face to make sure she was all wasn't an expression of serious pain, just of discomfort, so I continued, to try and get it over with as quickly as I could.

Sliding my finger in further, squeezed on all sides by impressive pressure and heat, I soon met some resistance as it reached her hardened stool. Sliding my finger around just a bit, to see if it could go any further, she groaned, trying to stifle herself without much success, her hips shifting uneasily, hand squeezing mine again. Realizing that attempting a deeper penetration wouldn't do much good, I relented, nudging the suppository away from my fingertip as I started to withdraw it, not lingering unduly, but not moving too fast, to avoid exacerbating the situation. Finally, as my finger slid out of her anus completely, a small wet sound accompanying it as she squeezed shut behind it, she moaned one last time, her hips shifting again on the bed, as I peeled the glove off as best I could, using my teeth on the wristline, and tossed it, with the other one, into her wastebasket."

.So the part I'm talking about is when they enter the deposit thing near the track and the door closes.Then they start to have anal sex during which Hisao says "I just wanted to give you a chance to adjust" reference to "she tensed up at first, gasping softly, and I paused, letting her adjust..." Then after they're finished she says(and I quote) I think we should skip to the basics don't you? I mean most of this is new to me anyway." To which he replies:What d'you mean most? She then says, I'll never tell.


If this is

Re: Was KS inspired by Nurse-kun/Damged Goods?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 6:00 pm
by encrypted12345
A while ago, once I realized that scene was had a reference to Nurse kun's saga, I laughed hard. :lol:

Re: Was KS inspired by Nurse-kun/Damged Goods?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:04 pm
by TheHivemind
encrypted12345 wrote:A while ago, once I realized that scene was had a reference to Nurse kun's saga, I laughed hard. :lol:
Hilariously for me and for you all, that scene wasn't a reference to that.

Re: Was KS inspired by Nurse-kun/Damged Goods?

Posted: Tue Feb 07, 2012 8:42 pm
by Hyu
TheHivemind wrote:
encrypted12345 wrote:A while ago, once I realized that scene was had a reference to Nurse kun's saga, I laughed hard. :lol:
Hilariously for me and for you all, that scene wasn't a reference to that.
oh really? and I felt happy believing that was a reference.Dear writer please tell us every reference there is to the awesome nurse-kun saga. :P