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Save File Location on the Mac?

Posted: Sun Jan 22, 2012 5:15 am
by Xerazal
I play KS on my Gaming PC (Windows 7 x64 Ultimate) but i'd like to transfer the saves to the Mac so that I can continue while at a friend's house. Does anyone know where the game saves everything on the mac? it'd help out alot.

Re: Save File Location on the Mac?

Posted: Tue Jan 24, 2012 4:33 pm
by Merlyn_LeRoy
I don't know if the files are compatible, but look in
Where "~" is your current login home

Re: Save File Location on the Mac?

Posted: Mon Jan 30, 2012 8:19 pm
by Guest
If you're on Lion you'll need to go to the menu item "Go" -> "Go to Folder..." and put /Users/<your username>/Library where <your username> is whatever name you log in as. From the window that appears you'll find a Renpy folder that contains the save data for Katawa Shoujo.

You can copy your save files from Windows into the katawashoujo_actual folder (they end in .save).

The persistent file which contains information about your progress throughout the game does not copy correctly between Windows and Mac. This means that while you can load existing saved games, your progress on the main screen and any unlocked extras will not transfer.

There should be a way to do this but I do not want to risk violating the terms of the Katawa Shoujo license :D .