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Re: An Open Letter to the Devs of Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:34 am
by AshWullfer
To 4LS team...i say thank you for the hard work for this Visual Novel.
So much efort you put in this VN and i apreciate it. Aplause for 4LS. :wink: d

I like the Hanako s make my mood so live.....thank you. :D

Re: An Open Letter to the Devs of Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:12 am
by Dave
To All who helped contribute/create KS

Thank you for such a wonderful game/visual novel!
This has been one of the rare things that I have played from start to finish, hours on end, as it compelled me to read on, to find out what happens next.
So many words fill my head when trying to describe it, captivating, inspiring, emotional, amazing, and even heart breaking at points.
You guys should be proud to have created something so great. The culmination of wonderful visuals, descriptive narratives, and well thought out plot for each character, is truly a testament to all of your time and effort.
The way a different and sensitive perspective is taken onto a quite uncharted topic, is simply spectacular, and I applaud you guys for that.
What surprised me more is the fact this is completely free!
I realise that it has taken a very long time to finish this very polished piece of work, but if there was ever another production from this team, you can rest assured, that there will be many followers.

So thanks again for your devotion to this project, and for creating something so beautiful.

Re: An Open Letter to the Devs of Katawa Shoujo

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 11:56 am
by Ryeblick
Well, bloody hell. Even though I've never done this before; I have to give you my sincerest thanks. The game was amazing. I don't know if it's just the fact that I've followed the development for so long, or if it's just a really brilliant game, but KS had more emotional impact on me than any game I've played in years.

And now I'm sad. Sad because it's all over, and because I'll never feel the need to thank you again. So I have to thank you now, while I'm still fresh from the experience. So thank you for making this game. And thank you again for making this game. And... you get the idea.

Just a public thanks to Four Leaf

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:33 pm
by FairysHuff
I signed up to these forums despite not liking forums in general after not being able to find an email address to send this message to. So while I'm at it I may as well make it public so everyone can see how wonderful I think the Katawa Shoujo game is.

I want to start with some background first and I apologise that this will take some time to read so you may want to read it in stages. But it's important for getting across why this game is so important to me.
I am 31 years old. When I was 21 I was diagnosed with depression and just October last year I was FINALLY diagnosed with Aspergers Syndrome. I also suffer from chronic headpain/migraines, light sensitivity, sound sensitivity and all the usual stuff that comes with AS. As a child and even as an adult I have had a great deal of difficulty in making and keeping friends and relationships due to my issues. My relationships barely lasting more than a month each. I have hated myself since I was a child not understanding why I couldn't do the simple things like talk to others or keep up with a conversation that other people find so easy to do. I didn't understand I thought that somehow it was my fault (In a seperate way I guess it is) and so would end up hating myself even more for not being able to measure up to the people around me.
I have wasted 31 years of my life because I did not know about my issues and stubbornly tried to do things other people did as I expected myself to be able to do them or I should do them because others could do them. I saw myself as lazy, worthless and a waste of space. I would take jobs in retail simply because it was the easiest area to get into but obviously that was a very poor choice for someone with AS and so my jobs would last mere weeks or months. For 15 years I have done this trying to build some sort of life for myself. And yes... I have on occassion been close to suicide.
Finally I am getting some help. After being seen by a disability advisor then tested by a psychologist and finally diagnosed officially by a psychiatrist I am on 60 mg of Fluoxetine a day along with painkillers for my head pain. The headpain never stops btw which makes me drowsy and find it difficult to concentrate. But back to my positive point heh. I am also to be seen by a case worker from a company that specialises in helping people with issues back to work and also to be seen by a social worker... eventually.
So after being diagnosed things are slowly turning around. Theres a long way to go but I feel hope at last for the first time in 17 years. Maybe someday I'll even be able to have a relationship without it falling apart ^_^

And so I come to actually talking about Katawa Shoujo. This game you have created is a wonderful testament to the variety of people in this world and shows that we are still human and still need affection. In my case I have lived vicariously through characters in books, anime and games to experience a fulfilling relationship but Katawa Shoujo is by far the best and I just wanted to thankyou for bringing it to fruition.
I'd like to see more such games, even ones geared towards people with mental health issues. Though that I imagine would be a very difficult game to script to say the least. So many personality and mental variables for each character.
Katawa Shoujo has given me a character and people I can identify with to a greater degree than the standard Japanese RPGs. I always seemed to be drawn to the one sickly girl in those ^_^
Thankyou again for creating this game and anyone who says that it is just exploiting simply doesn't understand or has dismissed the idea that people with disabilities are still people who need love and affection as well just like anyone else. We don't want to be ignored and forgotten. Give us a chance to be part of your lives. Let us love and care for you.
If anyone tries to bad mouth your game for supposedly exploiting the disabled please feel free to show them this email as evidence that it is no such thing.

One last time I thankyou for giving myself and the world in general this wonderful story/game. If I wasn't unemployed I would happily donate as much money as I could realistically spare just to support your company and this magnificent title. Who knows? Maybe I will find a job that will keep me on despite my issues and I will actually be able to donate after all. I hope so. Your certainly deserving of it.

Thankyou again.

Signed Gary (Central Scotland)

P.S. feel free to advertise this email address that is registered to my forum account. It is a disposable account so if people start spamming me I can just delete it ^_^ I hope that I can help provide some positive publicity for your company and game. Hence why I'm allowing the publicity of my email address.

Hope to hear about you working on a new title in a year or two ^_^ I will certainly BUY it. Whatever the price.

Re: Just a public thanks to Four Leaf

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:36 pm
by Xevo
Seeing as your from scotland, have you seen a blind girl with blue eyes and blond hair before?

(One can always try)

Re: Just a public thanks to Four Leaf

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:38 pm
by FairysHuff
Xevo wrote:Seeing as your from scotland, have you seen a blind girl with blue eyes and blond hair before?

(One can always try)
Hehe. Actually I have as well as a blond male who is deaf.

Re: Just a public thanks to Four Leaf

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:40 pm
by Xevo
FairysHuff wrote:Hehe. Actually I have as well as a blond male who is deaf.
BANZAI! And if her name were to be lilly all the KS fans will be visiting scotland now.

No but seriously, you actually know one? ( The girl, not that into guys, sorry. )

Re: Just a public thanks to Four Leaf

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 12:46 pm
by FairysHuff
Xevo wrote:
FairysHuff wrote:Hehe. Actually I have as well as a blond male who is deaf.
BANZAI! And if her name were to be lilly all the KS fans will be visiting scotland now.

No but seriously, you actually know one? ( The girl, not that into guys, sorry. )
I do not "Know" her but have seen her and others like her. Of varying ages and disabilities. There is also a school for the deaf near where I live. About 20 minute bus ride away.

hello :)

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 4:24 pm
by Radical Dreamer
Hi guys !!!
well, dont know how to start :)
to be honest i'm not such in doujinshi games i played some (digital love story, fate stay night and mb one or two i dont remeber :) )
the fact is that ... this one ... that i casually downloaded...
well my girls dumped me :)
for a reason that i dont really understand ... "i dont love you anymore..."
anyway, i already had a story like this ... after a relation of 4years ... this one was 2years and 6month ...
it was hard... iwas already depressed ... and then this ... i was really going to finish with all this by ending my life ... i tried once ... and failed ... mb i didnt wanted realy this ... or the lack of courage...
anyway i failed ... it is still so hard ... to live with this .... but then i started this game ^^...
at the start i was a little shoked ... what a theme man ...
but little by little ... i know that its just a game... but in real life... being sick ... being incurable... its ugly ... really ugly ... it demands true efforts ... true strenght of mind ...
thx god... i'm not handicaped... i have a relativly good health ... i still have the hope of having a bright futur ...
i only wanted to tell that this game... kinda helped me ...
so to every person who participated on creating it ...
THANK YOU ... really ... thanks alot ...
a Radical Dreamer who was going to loos hope ... :)

A simple Thank You

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:26 pm
by Dea
I downloaded the game the morning of it's release day and have not put it down since. It has touched me in ways few real books have, the score, the writing, everything makes it seem it has so much more production quality than one would assume from a team of fans working out of love. It has moments that have touched me in ways i did not think i could be touched, made me regret choices i have made in my life and forced me to rethink my outlook on reality at times. I have gone though each of the girls in turn, and each story has felt better then the next. Lilly and Shizune were the first ones i did, and each story had it's own twists and turns. Although i loved Lilly's path to death it did not effect me as much as the heart break of Misha did in Shizune's path, the feeling of betray i felt for myself made it all the more real to me when i got my first bad ending, but i carried on to the others and was blow away. Next up was Emi, who's monolog in the grave yard brought me to tears, then Rin who i had to stop playing after her break down because i was so touched. Finally there was Hanako who although it did not effect me nearly as much as Emi or Rin i still felt my emotions swell.

Although each of the girls are only a digital incarnation each one is just as human as any one i have ever met, the writing and the subject matter was handled in such a mature and respectful way that it really made me feel for each of their triumphs and downfalls. So in the end, thank-you very much for this game, and this gift of writing prowess, i really hope to see Four Leaf blossom into a true game studio and really hope to see more well written visual novels from you in the future.

Thank-you for everything


Re: A simple Thank You

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:46 pm
by 「ユウキ」
I would also like to out forth a Thank You to 4 Leaf Studios. A 4 year wait on my part, and It's more than simply a worthy wait. This story was more than just a story. It was inspiring. Heartwarming and longitudinal. This is a medium of art that is beyond any beauty of anything I have ever experianced, and the inspiration bore from this story is something that will motivate me for years. Thank you. I cannot word it any better. You people are more than geniuses. You are creators, and you have created a story that pulls perfection from every possible definition of the term, story. Be it whatever path chosen, the story works, it flows, and most of all, it ends. It ends well. It is not too long, nor is it too short, and yet it is jsut so perfect. The happiness I feel in my (admittedly romantic) heart will last for a life time, and I will not easily forget this novel. I cannot easily see me not looking back at this work of art and appreciating it's effect on myself. It has not only inspired me to live, and love, but to also accept. And that it a message I feel that this novel lives up to, and it does not fail at that.

Love to Aura, all writers. The music was beautifully composed, and the art was consistent and of a high quality that touched my heart at their major points.

Thank you all for this creation. This is something I will show to my children if I may ever have any when I grow.

Thank you..

Just thank you...You have my undieing respect and influence.

May you all live happy and wonderful lives knowing that you have spawned such a beautiful creation.


This completely blew my mind away.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 6:58 pm
by snowpee
I downloaded this VN originally thinking that it couldn't possibly be that good. I thought to myself stupid things like.. they're just basically a bunch of unprofessional people who wanted to work on this as a simple project right? I mean, the idea of that did sound cool and all, but even then I thought that it wouldn't be able to interest me at all. I apologize for that. I really do. And I just wanted to thank the creators. The people who worked together as 4LS will probably never work together again as a whole, but the fact that they did at one point was amazing. I really don't know what I'm saying anymore. This was just amazing. This game has completely raped me. In a good way. I love every single way it was done. The music is .. it's just amazing. The visuals are in no way amateurish at all. I fuckin' love them. The characters are perfect. At first I thought that I might not be able to handle "crippled girls." (literally the girls, not the game) However, after just seeing the girls, I really didn't give a **** that there was something "wrong" with them. I still love every single moment I play this game. Yeah.. I just wanted to say that. So before I start rambling on about something random with no flow whatsoever, thanks again.

Re: This completely blew my mind away.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:05 pm
by PrinceOfTales
Not really sure about that "unprofessional" part. As far as I know, DoomFest and MikeInel contributed to this, and they are far from unprofessional.

But then, even though I knew about them working on this, I still have my mind blown, to be honest.

Amazing VN is amazing, wahaha~!

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 7:52 pm
by 1Gr1mm
After few years of patiently waiting for the release it finally happened. I went to the site a week or so before the release and I saw it. The release date was announced. I sha* bricks.

Then I found and started the demo version for what I knew would be the last time. Just to refresh some good memories. First of all, I have to say that I enjoyed act 1 preview of the game to the fullest and ever since I first played it (Hanako's path, to be precise), I was more eager than ever to play the full game.

Now to cut to the chase. Yesterday, while I was waiting for the game to download, I decided to get into the mood of the game like I should. So I armed myself with pretzels. I thought about bringing some whiskey along, but I realized it's not worth the trouble sneaking it past my parents. Not that they would forbid me, but rather for the sake of not answering awkward questions. I fear that they don't realize what manly is.

And so I played. Time flew by and soon it was late into the night. I knew I had to go to sleep, but I couldn't. Not yet, not until I finished Hanako's path. There were so many memorable moment in that playthrough that I will remember for quite some time. Me laughing like a maniac at almost every scene with Kenji, being all aww, I wanna hug you Hanako, saying "That's my Hisao, you're the man!" every time he did/said something that I would probably do exactly the same. And as hours went by, I managed to finish the game. With a neutral ending. And at first I was like: No, man... Hisao, go for it. You can be more than just friends. C'mon, don't be like this." "It can't end like this, why you do this to me 4LS?" Then I realized I saved before I made that fatal decision and, reloading, I decided to listen to the all-wise Lily. Then I played some more, and eventually got a good ending. And I'll be honest with you, as that final scene took place, emotions bulked up inside of me, I felt my eyes watering and I cried. Man(l)y tears.

And that final picture in Hanako's path is so lovely that I couldn't help making it my avatar on msn.

But, that wasn't enough for me. You see, while I played the demo, one other girl caught my eye. It was *drumrolls* Misha Yup, it wasn't Rin. Neither was it Emi, Shizune nor Lily. But I knew that in the end, I had to take Shizune's path to see more of Misha. And so far (still haven't finished it), I love it as much I loved Hanako's. As I so far did say kyaa~ so cute, wahaha~! more than few times. Also I went crazy when the two had lunch together. Misha did get some spotlight after all. Hellz yeah.

Also, I haven't seen anyone on the forums mention this, but that picture of Kenji in Shizune's path. The one when he takes his glasses of. Wow, just freaking wow. Kenji's character is amazing on it's own, but seeing him without glasses, he seems...NORMAL. It's just a pretty big mindfuc*. Thought I'd share my thoughts with you.

So, well... I know this is a lengthy post full of random stuff, and I apologize for that. I just wanted to share my opinion with you guys. Also I'd like to thank everyone from 4LS that made this game, that sticked to it 'till the very end, because it was worth it. If you look at the game as a whole, the story, the music, the characters, the art...this is not just a game. This is not just some visual novel. This is, my friends, art at it's very best.

Yeah, it would be probably better of if I posted this in 'feedback' section. But I don't know why I haven't done so, maybe because I thought that this part of the forum is more seen and...what I really wanted to write here so it can be seen is...

Thank you, 4LS. Thank you so much for making me laugh, cry... for making a game that gets me emotionally attached to, not just the girls, but the main character and other side characters as well.

I salute you.

Have a nice day, everyone~


Damn. Just...damn.


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Re: This completely blew my mind away.

Posted: Fri Jan 06, 2012 8:08 pm
by MrSabotage
after goin through the act 1 preview i had pretty high expectations of the game, and it still blew my mind.