The "thank you 4LS" thread.

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Thank you. I mean it.

Post by Naline1 »

Hello everyone. I've been a long-time lurker, first time poster.
I've recently come back home from the military, on a medical discharge. I'm deaf in one ear, and have extremely limited feeling in both hands. I've been depressed, and it's been hard coping with these disabilities.
BUT, I have this VN.

So I want to say thank you, to the Devs, and to the community. Every day, when I get home from my college classes, I can sit down, open my laptop, and turn on KS.
It helps me vent. All of my anger, all of my frustration, gone, thanks to this game.

I'm not sure if this will be locked, or whatever, and I don't really care. I just want SOMEONE, at least ONE of the devs to read this, so they can know, someone is truly thankful for what they've created.

Thank you for your time everyone. I'm registered now, so you'll probably see me around.
Hope you all have a good day. :D
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Re: Thank you. I mean it.

Post by Matthew72 »

Another first-time poster here. I've got to thank the Devs, too.

I've got so many ideas and stories stashed up in my mind, but I've never acted on any of them. But, after reading about how they made it to where they are now, humble beginnings and all, I've been inspired. Here, are just a few random people who saw a single page on a doujin about how making a game where you date disabled girls would be cool. And they took it and turned it into an awesome VN with quality rivaling commercial VNs.

From the History of KS, to the most recent post about skill gaps, and a few other posts and comments, I've finally decided that if a bunch of people who started a visual novel based on a doujin page on 4chan can make it this far, then it's definately worth it for me to at least ATTEMPT to begin these projects I've been putting off.

So, I just want to say, Thank you Four Leaf Studios and everyone involved in making this game, and good luck with Katawa Shoujo. We'll all be looking forward to it.
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Re: Thank you. I mean it.

Post by Raiden »

Welcome to the forum, and may you're stay be a pleasant one.

Also, thank you for serving your country, you have my respect.
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Re: Thank you. I mean it.

Post by Mercutio »

Raiden wrote:Welcome to the forum, and may you're stay be a pleasant one.

Also, thank you for serving your country, you have my respect.
what Raiden said. :D but seriously, welcome, and it's awesome that KS is helping you with your problems. and really, thanks for your service. you can't see me, but I'm saluting you. :mrgreen:
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Emi = Hanako > Lilly > Rin >>>>>>> Shizune
amazing how preference changes now that the game's actually out.
Akira/Hanako for the win. Meiko/Nurse for even more win. Miki/Misha for win that goes BEYOND THE IMPOSSIBLE.
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Re: Thank you. I mean it.

Post by Nightdragon »

Glad to see you here. Its a shame you got discharged, hopefully you can use that disability money to get a good job, house, etc. I know getting med sepped is no fun. Dont be afraid to use VA and other options available to you too, along with fellow service members. I'm just curious, what branch were you in? Where were you stationed? I'm currently active duty, been enlisted for over 3 years now. Hope to see you around here for a while bro.
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Re: Thank you. I mean it.

Post by Naline1 »

I was Army. And I've only been stationed in Fort Benning. Did two years. Had a mishap at the rifle range, with the trainee's.
It was my pleasure. I don't want everyone thinking I was out in combat, I wasn't xD
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Re: Thank you. I mean it.

Post by Aura »

I read this.

People taking our work in and being truly affected it is something we never really expected, but it makes everything feel just that much more worthwhile and wonderful.
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Some ramblings from an old fan

Post by Extremist_Line »

Hello there everyone. My name, as you can see, is Extremist_Line. I'm just your average high school senior. I am also an old fan of Katawa Shoujo.
I found it during the spring back in 2009. I found via, surprise surprise, TV Tropes. I thought it looked interesting but never got around to downloading it. Well, one faithful day, I got a cold. I was laying sick in my bed with a mouthful of vitamin C's when I decided "Ah, what the hell." and downloaded it. I finished all five routes, plus the bad ending, and wrote a review all in one day. I was hooked. It wasn't until the next year that I signed up for the forums.

I had many good times and many bad times. Arguments with people and such. But then one day after I read a fanfiction here, I decided to take the plunge and make one myself. I ended up writing two fics, nearly finished one, and partially wrote one. After I hit my peak with my writing, I declined in interest with KS until I eventually quit visiting the forums.

Since then, many things have happened. I tried to write multiple other stories, but never finished them. So far, my two fics are the only finished works I have ever written. I had a few good times and a lot of bad times after KS, my first love, attempted suicide, therapy, you know, good stuff like that. Since then, I've gotten a bit better I suppose.

Then one day my friend that I had gotten interested in this game told me that there is a release date for the full version. Even though I hadn't had much to do with this game in over a year, I couldn't help but feel just a bit of excitement. Now, we're two days away from release. Coincidentally, it will be released on the final day before my winter break ends.

Even though I lost interest in KS, I still couldn't help but think about it. KS changed my life. It made me look at people with disabilities in a whole new light. Originally, I thought they were a bit strange. But now, I look at them as individuals that truly have the strength to overcome some of life's greatest challenges. Whenever I hear or read about someone deaf or blind or an amputee, I can't help but become interested. To this day, I still hold up KS as a shining example that games can be art, that deep emotional stories can be told, and that pornographic content does not need to diminish the quality of a project. It is my second favorite game of all time (just behind Persona 3) and to date the only visual novel I have played.

I remember one day in religion class at school a couple of weeks ago, we had finished taking notes and had free class time. My PSP was dead so I couldn't play anymore BlazBlue. So then, I opened up my laptop, and looked at the little patched up heart. I started up the game, got pissed that my save data was gone, then started playing. Just hearing the music at the menu screen brought back memories. Seeing the opening nearly made me tear up. That is how much this game really meant to me.

So, on January 4, 2011, I will be there with the rest of you, downloading this game in the wee hours of the morning. I expect that by the time the day is over, I'll be well done with Hanako's route, after probably getting a couple of bad endings.

I dunno if this post will get locked or deleted, considering it doesn't really have much relevance. It's just me rambling. But I just want to say to the whole dev team:

Thank you
God bless
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Re: Some ramblings from an old fan

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Welcome back!
It's good to see some of the old regulars returning, and who knows, maybe you'll end up writing another fic or two ;-)
Also, I think your post has more relevance than half the topics right now^^°
Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

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griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
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Re: Some ramblings from an old fan

Post by Yubiseiharukana »

Agreed that if absolute relevance was necessary, many blog topics would be banned.

And besides, it seems relevant to me. I've been visiting the KS blog since my 8th grade year in junior HS 5 years ago (now a freshman in college), but I haven't really been actively involved in the forums until very recently, and I've only visited the Shimmie once or twice. Still, I don't think I've gone longer than a week without at least checking to see if a new blog post had been put up. So I guess I'm an old fan that also has no life :lol: . I've made bets with friends that payed marginal attention to the KS project as to whether or not it would actually be completed, and I'm in for a payday the 4th :wink: . Despite not declining in interest with KS like in your situation, I can relate in that the KS project has meant quite a deal to me. Perhaps what got me so attached originally was Hanako, as I was at the peak of my social anxiety syndrome 4-5 years ago. As I eventually got to play the demo, I became attached to all of the characters, and it felt so real to me, that I could relate to many of their situations (as I had posted in a previous topic I made). So like many others, I hope that we enjoy the game on the 4th! :D
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Re: Some ramblings from an old fan

Post by Fishpick »

I'm pretty new to these forums myself. And I only discovered Katawa Shoujo in the summer of 2011. And it was much later that I started looking at the forums. But I'm still extremely excited to play more of this game!
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Re: Some ramblings from an old fan

Post by Extremist_Line »

Haha thanks guys. It's been a while since I'd been on a forum of any kind so I was nervous of the results of posting this. What ever happened to kosher and Smoku and the rest of the fellows that tended to visit my topics?
Mirage_GSM wrote:Welcome back!
It's good to see some of the old regulars returning, and who knows, maybe you'll end up writing another fic or two ;-)
Also, I think your post has more relevance than half the topics right now^^°
Originally I was gonna say that's not gonna happen. But then something strange happened. As I was looking back through my old fic topics and reading private messaged between the writefags, I was hit with something I haven't felt in almost a year.
It's entirely possible you will see a new fic from me. I'm actually kinda excited myself. I have to get some preliminary stuff done before I can work on it though.

As a totally random aside since I don't want to make a new topic: Does anyone know a good program to record KS with? I need to find one because I was gonna make a "E_L's Top Ten Games" list and need footage for it. I tried using FRAPS but KS isn't an Open GL program so it doesn't record.
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Re: Some ramblings from an old fan

Post by Worthington »

Go for it dude, always great to see an oldfag return. I actually haven't seen Kosher around in a while, so please, write some fics, fill the void.
Extremist_Line wrote: As a totally random aside since I don't want to make a new topic: Does anyone know a good program to record KS with? I need to find one because I was gonna make a "E_L's Top Ten Games" list and need footage for it. I tried using FRAPS but KS isn't an Open GL program so it doesn't record.
Try Camtasia, isn't as CPU-intensive and records better than FRAPS, without the massive slowdown when you get a recording.
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Re: Some ramblings from an old fan

Post by Validus Razgriz »

Speaking of oldfags and fanfiction, anybody seen Yamaku Man at all?
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Re: Some ramblings from an old fan

Post by Worthington »

The last KS Storytime I've seen in a while was Bromont's newest and last thread. Yamaku Man hasn't been around since around Bromont and Niggawatts and such started, iirc.
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