Emi inspired running/workout

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Emi inspired running/workout

Post by HurricaneHarvey »

Right off I apologize if there is already a thread like this but a quick scan for one said no so I decided to make one. I'm looking for some other people starting or recently starting to workout after reading Emi's route. Updates and reading about other's progress should be encouraging for when I feel like stopping my regular workouts.
Besides some other things I decided to do after reading the whole game I decided my lack of physical activity needed changing. Every male on my father's side for the last 5 generations, including himself, has had Sick Sinus Syndrome and most died by 55 due to heart issues. No idea if I have it, as it can show little to no symptoms until it becomes bad enough to be an issue anyway. Long story short I have been very lazy in making sure my heart is in good condition for the likely oncoming heart attacks and pace maker at 40 because I may or may not run into trouble and my father had to get a pace maker but has otherwise been unaffected. Well I decided I should get my ass into gear and have a healthy heart in case I do because I wont have any chance to do it after the fact.

As for progress I have been running on an elliptical the last 3 days for 30 minutes at a mid level resistance and angle setting. I use a gym since I live no where near a park and running along the streets here is not a great idea. So far I only get a mile and a quarter out of the 30 minutes but it feels good. Today however the elliptical machines where taken so I used a tread mill and WOW that is much harder. I had been under the impression that other then the impact shock from running the elliptical was not much different but I seem to have been very wrong. I think starting tomorrow I am going to use the tread mill since it is so much more strenuous but I have also noticed I have a much bigger need to stretch since my muscles are more sore.
Anyone else have advice on what kind of aerobic exercise machine or better settings to be using?

Some one requested a link to the couch to 5k chart with Emi on the front page, so here it is along with the rest of the Emi RunBro links from the 4chan pastebin.

Workout Guides & Mixes for Emi/Run bros:
- Running Schedule
- Stretching Guide
- Stretching Guide Emi Edition
- Stretching Guide part 2
- Running Guide
http://www.mediafire.com/?8cy8fijuc6glx - Running Mixes Collection

Week 1:
Week 2:
Week 3:
http://www.mediafire.com/?r8bb5d2qyuxe99m {broken}
Week 4:
http://www.mediafire.com/?vbhqz9tpoa6mda0 {broken}
Week 5: Warning week 5 day 1 mix has the timing off
http://www.mediafire.com/?j7w6cv4zy13yl2b {broken}
http://www.mediafire.com/?4dhcqn8nn1azo2e {broken}
Week 6:
http://www.mediafire.com/?hvlmct7q3hgcud1 {broken}

5k to 10k bridge with Emi!

100 Push-up Challenge
- Emi push-up guide *brought to you by Althamus
http://i11.photobucket.com/albums/a159/ ... g~original - Rin version of push-up guide
Pushups: This explains how to do a "good" pushup, with several examples of how to do "bad" pushups.
Inverted Rows: This is just a video of a guy doing the inverted rows, nothing is explained.
Chair Dips: Shows a basic chair dip and an "advanced" version.
Last edited by HurricaneHarvey on Wed Sep 11, 2013 11:56 pm, edited 12 times in total.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by urishima »

I've also started working out but a little piece of advice here:

Working out daily isn't really healthy, your body needs a day to repair the damage done by your workout. I asked the trainers in the gym I go to (all professionals) and they urged me not to go running every day but every 2nd day instead.

Good luck to both of us ;)
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by HurricaneHarvey »

That is a good point. I have heard that doing it every day is not the best way to go about it. I have also heard to get at least 20 minutes of raised heart rate level aerobic activity however. I wounder if instead I could do bike riding witch will focus on different leg muscles then running on alternating days. I will have to look into all this a little better.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Slitsen »

Depending on the state of your body and condition, a sudden start of working out might make it go "WHOA!".
I think that actually taking it slow in the beginning is the best way to go and not take any shortcuts. It might tear a bit on the patience since usually when one gets into the mood of working out then it's hard to leave that feeling :P Focusing on letting the body recover properly before the next session can be crucial in the beginning for many depending on how active you usually are.
I myself am pretty out of shape right now compared to a year ago and I thought I'd start by taking long brisk walks every day as a starter before stepping it up. I'm not in a hurry right now anyway.
But, no matter how weird I feel admitting it, the Emi route did make feel like I should get my sh*t together and stop slacking so much.

Best of luck to everyone who are thinking about starting to work out a bit more!
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Bix »

I've been going to a trainer since I was little, and have worked as one over the summer.
In truth what you first need to do is prioritize your goal, do you want to lose weight? Or do you want to build Muscle/Stamina
Getting 20 min of light cardio once a day is not going to kill you, and will help your heart and lungs grow strong, but is not ideal for people who want to build bulk.
Resistance training (You don't have to use weights, free-weight lifting such as pushups and abdominal workouts count as well) is ideal for weight loss and for building muscle, but it is bad to do this every day, this is the exercise you want to stretch out every other day, or three times a week.

Also, as Emi would say, You Gotta Eat Healthy
Diets are crucial if you want to lose weight. There are two kinds, Calorie Depravation and Macro Nutritional Manipulation

Calorie Depravation are know as the starvation diets, where you take in low amounts of calories, fats and carbs, these are generally for people who do not want to work out, or do not have time to go to the gym every day. The point of this diet is to get your body to go into ketosis, a state where your body burns fat instead of muscle. Because of the low intake of energy, your body will be sluggish and you will be advised not to do strenuous exercise.

Macro Nutritional Manipulation is a diet that focuses on in-taking only clean healthy foods, but is often paired with regular trips to the gym. With this diet you can eat as much lean meat and steamed low sugar vegetables as you want (Broccoli, Rutabaga and Lettuce, but low amounts of carrots, tomatos and grilled onions). This diet allows for more choices but is generally more long term, when paired with exercise it speeds up. This is the diet they encourage on The Biggest Loser.

If anyone has any questions feel free to IM me
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by HurricaneHarvey »

Well after reading up it does seem to be an OK idea for cardiovascular health but a bad idea for joints and leg muscles to do it everyday. Alternating between what muscle groups are used seems to be fine, such as doing weight lifting or some upper body workout alternating with running, but I will probably still pick a day to do nothing at all for each week.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by migoroth »

im 15 years old and im not very healthy, i hit the scaes at about 88-94 kg wich isnt good for my age. i used to go to a gym but i couldnt afford to keep my memborship and ever since then my weight has gone up from 69 kg in the last 8 months. since playing emis route it really made me wanna get back into running, but its hard to do it without a partner. so i found emis running schedule tihng on the /b/ yesterdy wich is what im now doing, and i love it give it a try and best of hopes.
http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/7091 ... 274917.png
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Bix »

HurricaneHarvey wrote:Well after reading up it does seem to be an OK idea for cardiovascular health but a bad idea for joints and leg muscles to do it everyday. Alternating between what muscle groups are used seems to be fine, such as doing weight lifting or some upper body workout alternating with running, but I will probably still pick a day to do nothing at all for each week.
Thats perfectly fine, you don't have to run even, just keep up a steady pace and keep your heart beat up. If you are not used to running I recommend starting with a walk, go 30min out and 30min back, and each day try to go one block farther in the same time. (I walk in the city)
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by HurricaneHarvey »

@ Bix
Yea, nutrition is what is going to be the hardest part of doing anything for myself. Eating lean meat and raw vegetables along with some portion control and a multi-vitamin at night is no big deal. Eating when I am supposed to or not out right skipping meals is what I can never seem to do. I just keep very odd hours being a closing shift butcher, but hey I have all the cheap meats I want.
I suppose what I should do is actually decide on some sort of goal more specific then try and be healthier.

I have seen that chart too. only thing is I cant get my heart rate up to where I need it to be for a good workout if I don't skip at least part way into the schedule. I may try doing it but from part way down to see how that does for me. Like it says in the picture, others online are running and cheering you on too.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Bix »

If your a meat 'n potatoes kind of guy, I recommend cooking some diced Rutabaga in with your meat, it is nearly flavorless and has the consistency and texture of a potato, it soaks up the juices of the meat as it cooks and honestly tastes delicious when ground up into tiny squares and mixed with ground beef.

A method of eating my old trainer taught me is that if the food was prepared the same way it would be 100 years ago, its safe to eat. No preservatives or sugary sauces.
Remember that Complex Carbs like Fiber should be the only kind of carbs you are in-taking.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Bix »

migoroth wrote:im 15 years old and im not very healthy, i hit the scaes at about 88-94 kg wich isnt good for my age. i used to go to a gym but i couldnt afford to keep my memborship and ever since then my weight has gone up from 69 kg in the last 8 months. since playing emis route it really made me wanna get back into running, but its hard to do it without a partner. so i found emis running schedule tihng on the /b/ yesterdy wich is what im now doing, and i love it give it a try and best of hopes.
http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/7091 ... 274917.png
It's pretty strict, but so long as you don't push your limits and HNNNNG on us you should be ok.
I recommend adding one week to the beginning of just taking an hour long walk each day, it will help your body adjust to the new work out.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by urishima »

migoroth wrote:im 15 years old and im not very healthy, i hit the scaes at about 88-94 kg wich isnt good for my age. i used to go to a gym but i couldnt afford to keep my memborship and ever since then my weight has gone up from 69 kg in the last 8 months. since playing emis route it really made me wanna get back into running, but its hard to do it without a partner. so i found emis running schedule tihng on the /b/ yesterdy wich is what im now doing, and i love it give it a try and best of hopes.
http://img844.imageshack.us/img844/7091 ... 274917.png
Funny, that is EXACTLY what the trainers at the gym told me :D

So yeah, I would say go for it. My traingin Plan looks like this atm:
Emi's running schedule (monday, wednesday and friday) plus circle training every saturday at the gym, which is mostly cardio and muscle training.

For those who don't know what I mean with circle training:
It is basicly a circle (duh) of various exercise machines that focus on different muscle groups (8 machines in total) and 2 stations for cardio (exercise bike after the first 4 and a cross trainer at the end).
So you start at the benchpress-machine go for a minute, then you have 40 seconds to go to the next machine (there is a light in the middle telling everyone when to switch) until you cleared the machine 1 to 4 and get on the bike for 6 minutes of cardio training. The bike automaticly keeps your heartrate at the best level by changing the resistance when your heartrate is too low or too high. That's somewhere around 148 bpm for me ( +- 3 I think ). Then the next 4 machines like before and then the cross trainer in the end, again cardio for 6 minutes. Then you repeat the whole circle again so you go through the whole process twice.
The machines are equipped with cardreaders and the card contains all the information nessesray: age, how much weight on which machine, the height of the seats and so on. Just put in your card and you are ready to go.

The goal is to go to the max on every muscle group. One can adjust the weights at any time.

This is what the circle looks like:

Realized that the picture isn't correct. It's missing the leg press (?) and the dips. Let me edit that real quick.

[edit 2]
4 = back trainer
7 = leg press
8 = adductor muscles
9 = dips
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by HurricaneHarvey »

Bix wrote:If your a meat 'n potatoes kind of guy
You have NO idea. I'm a butcher and I live in Idaho. Meat and potatoes are the cheapest foods I can hope to get hold of locally so its a force of habit. The rutabaga advice sounds great though. I have been using tofu in a similar way with vegetables so far.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Notguest »

Well I started doing a little jogging last December, though to be honest, it was more inspired by Cracked than Katawa Shoujo.
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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Post by Bix »

HurricaneHarvey wrote:
Bix wrote:If your a meat 'n potatoes kind of guy
You have NO idea. I'm a butcher and I live in Idaho. Meat and potatoes are the cheapest foods I can hope to get hold of locally so its a force of habit. The rutabaga advice sounds great though. I have been using tofu in a similar way with vegetables so far.
Try to keep meats low on fat as well. Another step is to cut out condiments such as ketchup and mayo
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