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What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 4:29 pm
by Honeymuffin
This thread is for revealing what KS taught you, and what it "re-taught" you. By re-taught I mean that KS included something you already knew, but added a new layer of significance or understanding to that knowledge.


Visual novels can exert life-changing emotional power on those who play them.

North Americans can totally keep up with the Japanese when it comes to making great VAs.

I can fall in love with a fictional character.

There is no non-gross way to describe anal sex.

Understanding your partner isn't vital to a healthy relationship.


Some people will only accept help on their own terms.

Happy, loud chicks can be deep.

There is no "lasting" happiness; you must always work for it, and it isn't always worth it.

You won't know if something is worth it until you try.

Re: What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:43 pm
by Valtameri
Honeymuffin wrote:Learned

Visual novels can exert life-changing emotional power on those who play them.

I can fall in love with a fictional character.
Agree most of those, but specially these two... Really messed my head up! :o

Re: What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 5:47 pm
by purple haired Katawa Shoujo character
I learned that it takes a vast amount of energy to masturbate to something with so many layers of emotion.

Re: What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:06 pm
by sleepingfox
i loved that last reply...made me lol :)

You can get very attached to another reality (mainly me, i realized how much i fantasize about being in some kind of anime. now im deciding to make life my own one)

you can become attached to anything and anyone, as you think more about them, spend more time with, and understand them more

there is more then meets the eye

you shouldent judge people you dont really know

dont ask too much

dont let your emotions controll your thinking

solely holding negative feelings agenst someone you care about will only hurt the both of you (learning this last one, helped me save my friendship with a very dear friend, who i had dated not too long ago)

you are who you make yourself

compassion and understanding are key to relationships

some of these are relearned

Re: What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:10 pm
by t0xic
I learned:

-If Hanako or Lilly was real... I would like to be with her to the end :)
-That made up story is better then my life :P
-I will never meet girls like that
-I have to stop crying...

Re: What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:13 pm
by Nyarly
I can really see myself in some fictional characters. But sometimes it really hits close to home.

I really should speak my mind more often and voice my disapproval of some things. Preferably before I explode.

Yes, these two points are connected. I (re-)learned that, when I thought about Hanako's route a bit and realized that she is partly at fault, for how she is treated, herself.

Re: What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:27 pm
by Ry74
The big one for me was: "Demand more from other games." Not because KS was bad, but instead the opposite.

Others include-

-I can actually enjoy and be affected by good Romance stories.

-I need to find myself a sweet hat to go with my suit.

-There are circumstances that will make me willing to give up some control over a character in a game.

Re: What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:29 pm
by Darkish-One
I learned how hard it is to hold in some intense emotion, whew these tears were so hard to hold back, and it wasn't a depressed feel sorry for myself type but a please don't let this girl ruin her life, she's an empty shell of her former self just to express herself... why, what's going to happen to her D: ... Sure it's a game but damn, 4LS knew what they was doing to us.

I also learned that I need to kick my life into gear and do some kind of activity like running, cause I wanted to see what I can do and found out I can't run for crap.

Re: What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 6:53 pm
by ingordo
Honeymuffin wrote:

Visual novels can exert life-changing emotional power on those who play them.

North Americans can totally keep up with the Japanese when it comes to making great VAs.
Aren't like half of the KS writers from Australia? :o

Re: What you learned (and re-learned) from this game:

Posted: Fri Jan 13, 2012 7:18 pm
by Guest
ingordo wrote:
Honeymuffin wrote:

Visual novels can exert life-changing emotional power on those who play them.

North Americans can totally keep up with the Japanese when it comes to making great VAs.
Aren't like half of the KS writers from Australia? :o
I'm pretty sure two or three were from Australia and at least one from Europe.
And they weren't making VAs either.