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About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 8:57 pm
by Drawbro
Hello to the devs team (first you might notice shittons of errors in my message but just telling so you know I'm not an english native and my english went terrible these years)

First of all, my congratulation to you all for your damn beautifull words, I haven't finshed any roads yet since I don't read english pretty fast (but It's a great thing that I read in english, I need practice!) but still so far it's fabulous.

But here comes my question, that I'm asking at many places since I need to :D , which class the drawers/animation makers followed? For I'm in the point where I'm searching for a futur job and let me tell you, the education system in my country is damn messed up, and each time I see such beautifull work (like you guys did in the game (once again, godly good job)) I think to myself "Look at that! THAT'S what I want to be able to do" since drawing is the only thing I've been good at since childhood.

Sorry for too much information (loudmouth right here) and thanks again for a: That beautifull game and b: Any answers.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:09 pm
by Arivien
I'd kinda like to know this answer as well.

Or at least get some tips from people as to where to at least START learning how to draw. I've always wanted to, but couldn't really find a jumping-off point.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:14 pm
by Drawbro
Same here.
I don't want to steal their knowledge though, haha.
But still, where I live, the only option is to go in animation, and you can pass the drawing test when your middle school's notes summary is 75% or more...
I had 74%...
Two years since then, still searching for a solution.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:49 pm
by saffysparkles
Okay, I'm not a dev, but this is very important:

Do not start anime art UNTIL you've got the basics. Drawing from observation, life, studies, etc.

A good starting point is, which focuses mostly on digital art but on key principles as well.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 10:57 pm
by Moekki
draw lots of moe animu. try to copy eroge art the best you can, it worked for me

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:21 pm
by Drawbro
saffysparkles wrote: A good starting point is, which focuses mostly on digital art but on key principles as well.
Was not about the anime part but more like Digital drawing part (I own a graphic tablet since the age of 16) and also working on animation.
Also big thanks for the link, will take a look.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:23 pm
by saffysparkles
Also a wonderful community of Concept/Digital Artists:

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:25 pm
by Drawbro
saffysparkles, I owe you one haha
Thanks again.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 11:27 pm
by saffysparkles
Just be prepared to feel extremely inadequate. :P

(Also, deviantart is not a good starting place, builds your ego too much in my opinion)

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:02 am
by Drawbro
Yeah, I noticed for deviantart. A child drawing is reverred in this place. But finaly I've got a direction. I used to practice with my tablet a lot but didn't have any direction as tutorials or else. These sites will be very helpfull, thx.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:10 am
by Yuno
Learning art is one of those things that you kind of have to do by yourself.

It's always useful to follow guides and tutorials because there are good things out there. However, most artists throughout history were self-taught through years and years of practice, copying other's work, making minor changes, and developing their own style.

Here's a resource I use for improving my art: ... -tutorials

The important thing to know is that, while you can learn technicalities from other people, you have to ultimately teach yourself.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:10 am
by purple haired Katawa Shoujo character
Practice, practice, practice.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:26 am
by Nekken
An artist friend of mine once told me that everyone has 50,000 bad drawings in them. Get them out, and the process of getting good is pretty much done.

Then again, he estimated that he had about 20,000 to go.

Re: About the Arts. (to the devs)

Posted: Thu Jan 12, 2012 12:40 am
by CNB
Not a ksdev, but someone who's drawn as a casual hobby since I was a child.

The key to getting good is to a) draw all the goddamn time and b) reference everything you can. My first experiences with drawing humans was cartoon characters, and while the realization that you can strip a face's detail way, way down and still have it parse as a face helped me get over a big self-confidence hurdle, not having a firm basis in life drawing also held me back. Never feel like you're "cheating" by googling up photo reference, or better yet looking at a real person in real life, even if it's just you posing in the mirror.

Also, c) realize you're going to suck in the beginning, and you may well continue to suck for a long time. Just like exercise, you need to be persistent, and you also need to consistently push your limits if you expect to make real gains. Find some way to motivate yourself; I had some success with leaving the walls of my room bare, so I'd have to draw things to fill them up.