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Strange memories

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:43 pm
by konoa
I couldn't think of what to title this, so thats about the closest thing i could think of to what im about to talk about.

Ive only done Shizunes and Emis path so far before i realized i had to take a break to think about it. As i was thinking i remembered some memories i had forgotten, from my childhood. It was about 9 or 10 years ago i suppose, perhaps more, but im going to assume this happened in the 3rd or 4th grade.

I was always sort of socially awkward, i still am i guess. I would read in the library during lunch, and was constantly told to stop spacing out or falling asleep in classes. I had a small speech impediment and always have had low eyesight in my right eye due to some eye surgery i had for lazy eye. Now, the memories are a little hazy, but at some point I began spending my lunchtime not in the library but in the special ed classroom. Im not sure how or even why, but I remember feeling i fit in more there. I had real friends in there. I knew people where deaf, people who had bad and not so bad mental disabilities and a student in a wheelchair. I cant remember much more than that for some reason. The reason Katawa brought up this memory i think is because of the most clear memory i have of that time. Someone in the class was leaving, and we were throwing him a goodbye party. He was one of my friends that was in a wheelchair. I cant remember much more, but it was both a sad and happy moment, because he was moving with his family and i think they were going overseas to a nice place, and he was happy about it too. I think the reason why i remember that now is because it was the same feeling i got from the ending of Shizunes path. Feeling both happy that everything was ok, and sad because my friend was leaving and i wouldn't see him again.

The most sad part of all is that the memories are so fuzzy i cant remember much more. I remember bits and pieces, but i cant even remember the name of the school, much less anything else.