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Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 5:31 pm
by Rolanberry
It would have been really nice to get to know Misha better, she is a rather interesting character when you see how much depth she has.

I was more the interesting when she said that she had known some sign language prior to coming to the school, that really seemed like it deserved some follow up questions, along with what was her driving force behind wanting to be a sign language teacher.

Though she never hints at having hearing problems it just seems like she must be very close with some one hard of hearing. This would explain her very loud normal voice and inability to gauge how to be tone it down for other people. I had a friend who was very similar to her with being louder then 'normal' when it came to most things...who also happens to know sign language.

Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:01 pm
by Guest
Some people just find sign language interesting - you don't necessarily have to be close with a hard of hearing or deaf person, and I've known many "normal" schools teach a little sign language as part of a Citizenship class.

Re: Speculation

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 7:26 pm
by Merlyn_LeRoy
Guest wrote:
CindehQ wrote:
Fronzel wrote:Also, when Hisao asks her if she misses anyone from elementary or middle school, she immediately says "no".

And he says that she looks like she's had a lot of practice holding back tears.

Looks like poor Misha's had a somewhat crummy life.
I'm kind of suspecting Misha might've been teased for her weight, partly because I was a lot like Misha in high school, acting overly cheerful so people would accept me. I know her sexuality might seem like a more obvious target, but I doubt she would've confessed to Shizune if her sexuality were a source of torment for her.
I'm inclined to agree with the weight thing, too. Being overweight (or at least looking overweight) is highly looked down upon in Japan even when you're an adult, and I'm not even going to start on the various Japanese fashion subcultures and what their idea of fat is.
Going by the two images of her before the pink hair, where she looks as thin as Shizune, I thought she gained weight after Shizune turned her down i.e. eating through her misery.

Re: Speculation

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 8:46 pm
by Rubytyr
Fronzel wrote:Also, when Hisao asks her if she misses anyone from elementary or middle school, she immediately says "no".

And he says that she looks like she's had a lot of practice holding back tears.

Looks like poor Misha's had a somewhat crummy life.
I'm kind of suspecting Misha might've been teased for her weight, partly because I was a lot like Misha in high school, acting overly cheerful so people would accept me. I know her sexuality might seem like a more obvious target, but I doubt she would've confessed to Shizune if her sexuality were a source of torment for her.
I'm inclined to agree with the weight thing, too. Being overweight (or at least looking overweight) is highly looked down upon in Japan even when you're an adult, and I'm not even going to start on the various Japanese fashion subcultures and what their idea of fat is.

Going by the two images of her before the pink hair, where she looks as thin as Shizune, I thought she gained weight after Shizune turned her down i.e. eating through her misery.

Not to mention the radical change in hairstyle, went from a long-haired brunette to a dyed pink new-age hairstyle. looked good, but you can tell its a out-of-left-field move that people often make when hit with shock sometimes, almost like trying to wipe away the old self~

Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 9:18 pm
by Heartlesswithaheart
I still firmly believe Misha has something wrong with her voice control and was bullied for that, but that's still unconfirmed as far as I know. She's also rather innocent, but that may or may not be intentional.

As for Shizune, the deaf can make noises with their voice, but they usually reserve it for purposes when it automatically comes out. This is because it sounds rather... awkward. It's not beautiful, to say the least.

Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Tue Jan 10, 2012 11:58 pm
by CindehQ
Heartlesswithaheart wrote:I still firmly believe Misha has something wrong with her voice control and was bullied for that, but that's still unconfirmed as far as I know. She's also rather innocent, but that may or may not be intentional.

As for Shizune, the deaf can make noises with their voice, but they usually reserve it for purposes when it automatically comes out. This is because it sounds rather... awkward. It's not beautiful, to say the least.
I kind of believe Misha's hard of hearing. Not enough to really qualify as a disability, but maybe she learned some sign in case her condition got worse. Her general klutziness could be a sign of an inner ear problem.

And yeah, someone loud and ditzy like Misha would definitely be a bully magnet.

Re: Speculation

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 1:06 am
by DaMan65
Rubytyr wrote:
Fronzel wrote: Not to mention the radical change in hairstyle, went from a long-haired brunette to a dyed pink new-age hairstyle. looked good, but you can tell its a out-of-left-field move that people often make when hit with shock sometimes, almost like trying to wipe away the old self~
Speaking of this I got confused by that CG that goes on screen when Misha discusses confessing her feelings towards Shizune, until where she said she used to have a longer different hairstyle.

Then I was ohhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhhh I'm an idiot :oops:

Re: Speculation

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 2:03 am
by Zahlman
DaMan65 wrote: Speaking of this I got confused by that CG that goes on screen when Misha discusses confessing her feelings towards Shizune, until where she said she used to have a longer different hairstyle.
Playing Lilly's route first would have helped with this.

Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:13 am
by Namae
Zahlman wrote:Playing Lilly's route first would have helped with this.
Hell no, manly ending tears should be saved up for last.

Also, about the whole Shizune/voices thing: as far as I know, one born deaf can actually TALK (almost as fluently as a normal person too). It's extremely extenuating to learn how to do so, however, since it requires frequent special sessions since childhood - as in, instead of mimetizing what they hear, they mimetize the vibrations of the... uh, therapist or whatever's vocal chords.

This might sound unreal for a child to do, but 1. I'm not sure myself, I'm only saying it since I recalled it from somewhere and 2. that's the point of the sessions being special. Guess the topic's good for some research.

Well, though a deaf person's laughter does sound odd if they didn't have "talking" sessions or anything like that, I do think that moans or reflexive cries (on sex scenes too, but what about the international "Ow!" after banging your ankle on the bed?) would sound natural exactly because of that - they're almost instinct, no?

Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 3:33 am
by Fronzel
Namae wrote:
Zahlman wrote:Well, though a deaf person's laughter does sound odd if they didn't have "talking" sessions or anything like that, I do think that moans or reflexive cries (on sex scenes too, but what about the international "Ow!" after banging your ankle on the bed?) would sound natural exactly because of that - they're almost instinct, no?
Actually, the standard verbal cry of pain isn't the same across cultures. To take Japanese, for example (because weeaboo), it's itai, or shortened to ita'.

Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:44 pm
by Otakumon
I think Misha's comment about maybe not being hated at Yamaku was wishful thinking that a school full of people with problems of thier own would be more understanding and accepting of her homosexuality than elsewhere. I guess she's just a poor judge of human nature.

I really hated Shizune's dad. Too bad Hisao's such a wimp, I would have asked him what kind of father would be so ashamed of his daughter not being 'normal' that he couldn't be bothered to even learn how to communicate with her. Was her mother not in the game because he ran her off for giving him such an abnormal child since he himself is such a perfect speciman of manhood? :x

Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:50 pm
by Ry74
Otakumon wrote: I really hated Shizune's dad. Too bad Hisao's such a wimp, I would have asked him what kind of father would be so ashamed of his daughter not being 'normal' that he couldn't be bothered to even learn how to communicate with her. Was her mother not in the game because he ran her off for giving him such an abnormal child since he himself is such a perfect speciman of manhood? :x
Well, the guy had a sword. That tends to inspire caution.

Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 6:54 pm
by Fronzel
Otakumon wrote:Was her mother not in the game because he ran her off for giving him such an abnormal child since he himself is such a perfect speciman of manhood? :x
I think she's not in the game because humans having two parents is inconvenient for writers; just one gives you the room to do pretty much any parent/child story you want and a second just means you have to think of something for them to do.

Re: Misha Speculation

Posted: Wed Jan 11, 2012 9:57 pm
by CindehQ
I'm convinced Jigoro reproduces asexually. How else does one explain having blue hair that turns into a GREEN MULLET?! Such a feat could only be accomplished by nothing short of godhood.