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What actually HAPPENED in the story

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:11 pm
by NoOne3

In relation to long going topics:
What you wouldn't have wanted to happen in the story
What you WOULD want to happen in the story
quite active during game's developement, I'd like to setup another one:

What happened in the story?

Which plot device used You wouldn't guess in a thousand years?
Which one was especially heartwrenching, mind-boggling, moe-inducing?
Which made You WTF-ed, which made You LOL-ed, and which was FTW all the way?

Which will you tell to your digitally enhanced, webinterfaced brats of granchildren You will have in 50 years time? (they won't listen, mind You)

Or just what made you think for a moment and sigh.

As for me I did all the good endings so far, some bad on the way, and this is what I have to say:

1.Started with Rin's path.
I hoped for the most leisured path of them all. Oh, was I wrong! Drugs (codeine coughdrops), weird sex (peaking in the first loft scene), and incomprehension of near-insanity. Visible psychological background. Hanako's Social Enxiety Disorder cannot compete with Rin's angst.

2. Got to Hanako's path right away
Distinctly fleshed heroine, not moefied out of her boots, and with feasible reactions. You will get nowhere by smothering her with misplaced concern. What I would never, ever guessed was Hanako's billiard and karaoke skills.

3. Shizune's path was next
Comparing with both path above, her was quite normal, as far as heart dillemas were concerned. But it had it's moments. Waiting for some sport match I didn't actually anticipated a fishing competition. I suspected Lily and Shizune having some distinct past, but making them (first) cousins (once removed) was a nice touch. And Shizune's father was definitely THE BOMB! Pity he didn't make an apearance in Lily's path somehow. Misha's sexual orientation duly expected.

4. Emi
Oh, dear Emi. FBI party vans around the country (and different kind of surveilance vehicles around the world) was idly running their engines in anticipation... in vain. But I think the decision was right, the character ended amiable while at the same time not entirely simple and predictable, and presented the plot with a slight kink even, especially for those craving such a plot experience.

5.And then Lily...
It couldn't be a better path for the last playthrough. Relatively early plot conclusion turned out to be aparent. The prolonged aftermath proved to be an introduction to the the most hearbreaking (pun intended)plot device since Mufasa's death.
LILLYS ENDING MAN, 'nuff said! Additionally Hanako taken care off, which is plainly nice on the part of the writer, since I was afraid of some drama there.

Anyway... It is a great day in the history of interwebs. A beautiful flower bloomed from the seed planted once on the fertile manure of it's deepest and darkest corner.

Re: What actually HAPPENED in the story

Posted: Sun Jan 08, 2012 9:22 pm
by sporkaganza
Interestingly, I actually did Lilly's arc FIRST and Rin's LAST. And I think that Rin's arc is a better one to finish off on than Lilly's. I do wish I had saved Lilly's arc for later and gone with Shizune's first though.

I was most surprised about some of the choices of characters. I was surprised at how often Shizune and Misha showed up in Lilly's arc - even Emi showed up once when she really doesn't have anything to do with anything. Conversely, I was surprised at how many established Act 1 characters were left out of Rin's arc. Shizune and Misha make a token appearance or two, Kenji only appears once, and even Emi seems to be much less involved than you would expect. Meanwhile, Lilly and Hanako basically drop off the face of the earth in her arc. It does make some sense, as a lot of the story takes place far away from Yamaku, but I was still surprised. And then I play Hanako's arc and Miki shows up, which I don't think anybody was expecting.