Whatever amount of years ago it was, I was browsing /v/ and came across something strangely intriguing: The release of Act 1 of KS. Now, as the cheeky teenage bastard I was back then, the state of my mind was a mix of "HAW HAW CRIPPLE PORN" and "damn weeaboos are creepy". Anyway, the whole concept of KS seemed so silly and intriguing that I downloaded it.
Now I should say that I was, and by all means I still am very far from interested in this whole "Otaku" culture thing. To me, it's always been this bizzare, outlandish thing that I come across on occasion when on the internet. I gave some of that stuff a few chances, but every time I tried to watch an anime or someone playing a game that appeals to such crowds (both as a result of frequent visits to /v/ related streaming sites), I couldn't help but just dislike them. I just can't see what's supposed to be so attractive about it all. Act 1 left me surprised in a good way, but trying other VNs (described as "accessible, good first reads") just wasn't enjoyable. I suppose they were far too engraved in that culture that is so incomprehensible to me.
So I was quite anticipated for the full thing. So much that since then the KS blog has been a (stealthily placed) bookmark for me. I checked up every now and then.
So now KS is finally out, it's the winter holidays, and with all this time to waste I decided this is a perfect moment to give KS a shot.
I enjoy reading, and remembering from the Act 1 release that she's a bit of a bookworm, I quickly found myself on Hanako's path. Reading it reminded me not of watching guy play a Persona game, or when I tried other VNs. It felt like I was reading a novel - a properly good one. This novel however is full of illustrations and has some choices (some of them really made me think). As I read my way through act 1, both I and the protagonist were familiarised to this rather unconventional setting.
From then on, it just gripped me. The characters felt believable, and I quickly grew to like them. Some of them reminded me of a few stereotypical weeaboo tropes, but they too had their moments that made them feel very believable and likeable. Surprisingly, despite the obvious moeblobbishness you'd expect from Hanako, she felt very believable. I could easily put myself in nearly everyone's shoes, and some situations reminded me of some very personal experiences, even though the setting was so incredibly unfamiliar. The only character that truly struck me as bizarre (and yet in a strange way, depressingly believable too) was Kenji, for obvious reasons I think. However with the long and constant series of rather hard hitting moments, his character's silliness lightened it all up in a refreshing way.
And as for the "H" scene, I felt it dignified and tactfully done, especially considering the difficult setting; and seeing it didn't make me think "lol, drawn porn".
One thing that bugged me was that even though I don't care about the art much, there are some inconsistencies. As for the overall artstyle, it's obviously not my thing, and I can't really judge it. It's clear though that lots of effort went into it.
KS feels professionally done, easy to read and well presented.
I really like it. I suppose that means it has quite a broad appeal.
Well done 4LS. I'll try to look into some other routes
What I think after completing a route.
Re: What I think after completing a route.
Dammit, I regret not registering. Fucking typos and mistakes.