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Wrong Aisle

Posted: Sun Feb 03, 2008 12:29 am
by ZoidsPilot100
The following scene takes these things to be assumptions:
Every Japanese convenience store has a porn section. All the ones I went to did. Maybe that's just Tokyo.
Kenji leaves is room.
Kenji has the balls to be in said section when he is not in his room.

Why did I write this.


"Another listless afternoon."

"Homework is boring and being a human heater in this already 33 degree room even worse."

hi "Enough of this, I need a break."

"After a yawn and a stretch, I reach for my stash of snacks in the desk drawer."

"Chips? Ramen? Cookies? Decisions, deciso{w=0.5}--huh?"

"My hand feels nothing but air."

"Empty? I just restocked the thing..."

"I may as well kill time going to Aura-Mart to get more. Like hell I'll be getting back to work anytime soon."

"I wonder if Kenji'd be willing to come along."

"After getting my wallet, I leave and lock my room."

hi "Hey! Kenji!"

"I shout as I knock on his door."


"...No reply. He's actually doing something? Surprising."

"I guess it can't be helped. A solo journey it is."


"The heat is unbearable. Why on Earth does the summer uniform have pants?"

"Maybe I should just grab some ice cream instead."

"Various thoughts of cooling down swirl through my head until I reach the store."

"I pass through the sliding doors to a chilling puff of air conditioned air."


"Clerk" "Welcome!"

"I nod to the greeting and make my way around the store."

"Standing in the furthest corner I see a familiar bush of blond hair."

"So this is where he is. What's he looking at anyway?"

"As I walk over to where Kenji is, I look around him at the display."

"Magazines? Wait a minute...geez."

hi "You came all the way through the heat to look at porn?"

ke "W-what?! who the-?"

"A startled Kenji closes the magazine in his hands and turns to face me."

ke "Hisao? What are you doing here?"

hi "I came to get some food. What are /you/ doing here?"

ke "Eh...I couldn't stand the boredom of the dorms anymore. I decided to get out for once. Just kinda ended up here."

"I hardly think one just 'ends up' perusing this material in broad daylight."

hi "Is this even allowed? You're underaged."

ke "They don't mind. Besides, the store is busy enough."

"I glance around to find no one but an older couple looking in the bread aisle."

hi "...Which brings me to next point. Can you even see what you're looking at?"

ke "I can see enough. But there are some things I've got to, you know, make up."

"I /don't/ know. I can very plainly see what is contained within these glossed covers."

hi "I'm getting back to what I came here for. This is enough for me."

"As I turn away, I hear Kenji put the magazine back down."

ke "I guess I'm done, anyway. I'll be heading back to the dorms. Should I wait for you?"

"I glance to the counter where the clerk stands. She looks towards the two of us and then quickly diverts her attention to a spot on the counter. I dare not try to imagine what is going through her brain."

hi "I'll meet you outside. It will only be a few minutes."

ke "It's terrible out there. I'll wait by the entrance."

"After grabbing the /food/ I came here for, I pay for them and walk to the front door."

ke "Done?"

hi "Yeah. Let's go."

"The trip back is hastened by Kenji's ranting and we return to our respective rooms."

"Note to self: If Kenji is not in his room, it is a bad day to go out."


This writing thing is hard work. I didn't write a lot, it appears.
I should have thought this out first. Or not have written it at all.

Re: Wrong Aisle

Posted: Mon Feb 04, 2008 12:40 am
by Losstarot
Meh, interesting, but Hisao and Kenji were a little OOC. The scene seemed too brief; also, Kenji does not have blond hair.