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Underwear Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 11:31 am
by Celiest
Ok, so I thought I'd just quickly post this on the public forums, so anyone who'd like to have a look can do so!

This thread for the girls' underwear designs. I feel like they shouldn't just have the usual pastel coloured, same style underwear seen throughout H-Games. SO BORING. Here I looked at detailed lingerie styles that I feel suit the girls.

Lilly has a frilly style matching bra and briefs. I felt like the green is a sort of 'fresh' but calm colour, and the frills sort of suit her sense of style.

Hanako has sexy underwear - a lacy bra and g-string with bows. The purple and black match her personal colour theme. I feel that the sexy style kind of represents her want to be sexy and beautiful, but can only do so with underwear since it's hidden underneath her clothes...


Ok, here's another one as I promised. This time it's Emi and Rin!

Emi of course has cute, brightly coloured, but practical underwear. It's not too fancy, but they have a cute star design and little bows to make them seem feminine and pretty. Oh, and I absoloutely dispise blonde haired/green eyed Emi. I think she looks much better and 'girl next doorsy' with light brown hair and brown eyes. Besides which, green is a RARE eye colour, and Rin already has it. We already have Lilly as a blonde too, and you know... Japanese people don't really have blonde hair. Anyway, I decided to just throw that out there with my opinions, mwaha.

Rin is a girl who wouldn't give a damn if her underwear was matching. She'd just want to wear what she liked best. Striped panties suit her best for some reason, and I thought the rather simple pink and blue bra looked good on her.


Another new image which I'm rather hesitant to post due to the all-time high of mean criticism and rudeness going around here. I finally finished the last two girls in my underwear series; Shizune and Misha. Not coloured like the others cause I didn't feel like it, but I can add colour if people would like me to (just say so here).

I don't like the way Shizune and Misha are being portrayed as (and I quote) "evil bitches". It just makes them completely unlikable characters. Misha is a cheeky, bossy kind of girl, though to me she seems the sort that you just can't help but like due to her cheerfulness... Shizune is serious about he job as class rep and council work, and a little cold, but she's still a nice girl underneath it, and can be playful if you get to know her.

In my mind, I like to think of Shizune as being a real sex kitten once you hook up with her. Maybe a little bit of light bondage, a little light dominatrix type stuff, but overall sexiness. Please remember that I'm just doing these sketches for fun, and they are pretty much my own thoughts on the girls.


Please feel free to give me comments and suggestions. <3

Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 12:35 pm
by Aura
Characters is a public forum as well for registered users, so this thread is not really necessary 'cause everyone can see the other one as well. Otherwise, nice picture.

Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 4:54 pm
by Syureria
dont be too surprised if I just stick to these undies designs when the time comes to draw the girls on underwear. these are some nice designs.

Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:15 pm
by Aura
Yes, striped underwear is a must for Rin. Would bear (or other really silly) prints be too over-the-top for Emi? Flowers, or stars like the ones in the drawing above are fine, i feel.

Another interesting topic in this vein would be the casual clothes for everyone, including the boys.

Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 5:50 pm
by frumplstlskn
Another new image which I'm rather hesitant to post due to the all-time high of mean criticism and rudeness going around here.
Huh? You must be reading some threads that I'm not, which is any of the writing ones.

Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 8:47 pm
by Envy
Aura wrote:Would bear (or other really silly) prints be too over-the-top for Emi?
Lion panties, with a large lion face on the rear, possibly saying `GAO GAO` too.


Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 9:38 pm
by Celiest
Sorry!! I didn't realise Character forum was public. It's just that I don't see it if I'm not signed in... Anyway, really sorry bout that! If any mod wants to merge the threads or whatever, if they'd like things neater that'd be cool.

Syureria: Wow! That'd be awesome! I'm glad you like them, and I'd be quite honoured if you ended up using any of the designs. <3

Not sure about goofy prints for Emi's underwear. While it would be quite cute and funny, maybe it'd be too childish? And ooooh, casual clothes is a whole new can of worms! I don't know if my heart could be in it if I can't draw gothic lolita Hanako. *tear*

Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 10, 2007 10:35 pm
by cpl_crud
Celiest wrote:
Not sure about goody prints for Emi's underwear. While it would be quite cute and funny, maybe it'd be too childish? And ooooh, casual clothes is a whole new can of worms! I don't know if my heart could be in it if I can't draw gothic lolita Hanako. *tear*

Then you've come at a good time. For some reason Gothic Loli gets me all hot unde the collar at the moment.
I'm not even sure why, but Yin (DtB), Sugintou (Rozen) and my Gothic Loli Yuki are all doing things to me.

A goth loli Hanako would probably make me explode or smth.

Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 12:19 am
by Lulz
Kuma-pantsu has already been done by Asuna from Negima, while a few others like lions and that have been used on some other anime/manga, so we'll have to use a new kind of animal.

I vote for rhino.

Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 3:07 am
by frumplstlskn
Your art has definitely improved, but you've got Shizune's thumbs on the wrong sides, lol. As far as I can remember, that wasn't her disability. ^_^;

Re: Underwear Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 13, 2007 4:07 am
by Celiest
lol! Whoops! Stupid mistake, hahaha. I was being a bit quick and lazy with the hands and feet so I'll use that as my excuse. (though really, it's just cause my brain probably switches off sometimes) Thanks for pointing that out to me actually, I absolutely did not notice, even though I thought her hnds were off! ^^;;