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This made me LOL:

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 7:14 pm
by TcDohl
Why? And what if we can make it an easter egg (for scenes you've already played)?

Re: This made me LOL:

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 8:31 pm
by Sessha
Explanation of the Above: The /a/ssholes want a patch or mode that turns on "'Translation' Notes" that get more and more redundant as the game goes on. Eventually they want it to be explaning pronouns and basic sentence structure as well as how to J-J-JAM IT IN during the H-scenes.

Oh. I assumed you were the guys starting and monitoring the KS threads in /a/. Viral marketing is pretty fucking viral. It got me interested in the project, and I even started a KS thread. One in about twenty in QUICK SUCCESSION in five or six days, which against all 4chan logic, were never trolled.

But I digress. What I mean is, I thought you guys knew about the above and EVERY SINGLE RETARDEDLY BRILLIANT idea that Anonymous has had. Particularly this one.

The other ideas were not so great, but equally asked for. Two words: Lilly bestiality. More words: RAPE/SLAVE BONDAGE GAEM PLZ LUV ANONYMOUS

Needless to say, whomever idea it was to post KS on /a/ got what they were looking for and more.

Re: This made me LOL:

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:03 pm
by Syureria
so, can I draw the zoophilia pr0n nao?

Re: This made me LOL:

Posted: Wed Nov 07, 2007 9:06 pm
by Sessha
The Anonymous population would be absolutely ecstatic. They'd chant your name in the proverbial streets of /a/ and /hbest/ in Anonib.

Re: This made me LOL:

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 1:34 am
by Penguinmayhem
As I said on /a/ at the time:

Lily in a green dress sitting on the floor Japanese style, leaning forward so that Niji can stand over her, with her head tilted back slightly, the dog's knot swollen up to fill her mouth right behind her teeth so she can't pull off and the tip buried somewhere down her neck pumping out semen, enough that there'd be little dribbles of it leaking out of her mouth and running down her chin.


Re: This made me LOL:

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:23 am
by Aura
I'm already planning this easter egg, got it from one of the /a/ threads someone linked on #z-s. Someone has to do the technical backend on it and the game has to be completed first, but it'll happen.

Re: This made me LOL:

Posted: Thu Nov 08, 2007 2:31 am
by Penguinmayhem
There was an idea that we could have two sets of notes, one that just explains certain interesting facts such as the practical side of Emi's prosthetics, Rin's condition, stuff like that, which you would unlock by finishing any path of the game on any end route. And the second would be just blatant piss-taking explaining trees, grass, words, etc, unlocked by finishing the game on any good (or bad?) end.