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A Conflict

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:40 pm
by Aelexe
Apologies in advance for the travesty that may be what you are possibly about to read. I've promised myself many a time I would get round to atleast trying to write something and this is the subtle abomination that happened.

Enjoy, or laugh, I'm not sure.

A Conflict

Tapping my pencil against the desk fails to bring forth any ideas. My mind keeps replaying what Shizune said, "You should never leave homework till the last day Hiichan, you will run out of time!". I'm beginning to think she was right. Wait Shizune? I meant Misha. Our unique means of communication paired with the fact they are never separate often makes me forget they are two different people, and makes me wonder who actually said it in the first place. It had Misha's personality, but is something Shizune would be more likely to say. I imagine they both meant it.

Speaking of them two, I wonder how they are handling this assignment. The task set by Mutou was to write a short romantic story with a key conflict. Shizunes strong will and serious personality has always lead me to believe she wouldn't be interested in the triviality of teen romance. In contrast, Misha seems like the kind of girl who would take an interest, although she would likely wouldn't make it too serious either, which I believe is the theme we are going for. It makes me wonder if it's just coincidence that they cover opposite extremes of personality. Anyway, I'm sure what ever they have is better than what I've written, an A4 page with Hisao Nakai in the top left corner.

What I need is some inspiration... Mutou said it would be easier to base it on experiences, of which I've had none, so I will have to think about someone I like instead.
Shizune and Misha come to mind, I admire both their calming and energetic personalities that light up, or completely destroy my day. At the same time though, it would feel wrong to write a story using inspiration from just one of them, but using both of them would be akin to cheating on them in the world of story writing.

I'm distracted by the sound of my pencil being slowly overcome by the previously unnoticed rain causing a light pitter-patter against my window. Outside in the quad it is fairly empty, probably due to it being a weekend and also because of the weather makes it harder for alot of the students to get around. The only movement I can make out is Lilly and Hanako making their way to the canteen.
This sight makes me smile as they support one another. Lilly tries her best to hold the umbrella in a way that will cover both herself and Hanako, as Hanako does her best to guide Lilly around the puddles.
Only Lilly could pull off such a feat whilst maintaining a sense of grace. Even with the weather tugging against her she stands upright, the only thing calm in the wilds of the wind.
Hanako, safe in the company of Lilly, has let her hair fall from her face revealing another side of her. In a way her regular shyness is cute, almost charming. But at the same time it is nice to see her take charge and be strong just to keep Lilly from getting the slightest bit wet. Even from afar I can tell how comfortable Hanako is around Lilly and what a good friendship they share.
I can only hope she will be the same around me eventually.

As much as I like them I don't feel they would be very good inspiration for a romantic story. Lilly is much too elegant for me to even imagine her in a relationship and
Hanako keeps to herself.

That leaves Emi and Rin... I wonder what they are up to right now.

-knock knock knock-

I put my pencil down, my trusty distraction for all of 15 minutes finally replaced.

"Who is it?" I say as I begin to unlock the door.

"It's me man, Kenji." He slips in as soon as the gap allows for it and closes the door just as quick. "Unless you were expecting one of your enemy associates?" Yep, definitely Kenji. I make my way towards the kitchen area with the intention of making tea. Kenjis anti-feminist speeches range from five minutes to an hour so it's best to be prepared. That and I'm not gonna shrug off a totally legitimate distraction.

"What's this? A note in invisible ink?" Whilst I was turned Kenji had made his way to my desk and was now brandishing my rather impressive story. "You've got to keep me informed man, I don't have a revealer for this yet, I could have been missing out on crucial information had I not pointed this out!"

"Don't worry Kenji, it's just a home work assignment. We've got to write a short romantic story involving conflict or something." Kenji's eyes gleamed the way they do when given an opportunity to discover more conspiracies at play.

"Oh my god man, they're teaching this stuff at school now too? When will they learn that men need to be protected and that woman are evil!?" I smile and take a seat next to Kenji, handing him his tea.

"Well don't worry, they haven't gotten to me yet. I can't think of anything yet and I doubt I will either. I'm going to have to accept a fail on this assignment." Kenji smiles
almost creepily upon hearing this.

"That's good! Us guys have to stick together man. No stupid woman are bringing us down!" Kenji says this as he dramatically pats my leg, possibly in a consoling fashion. I look up to see his smile has turned into triumphant grin, as if he had just won a great battle. Surrounding it is the smallest amount of stubble, small enough to be clean shaven but noticeable enough to give off a sense of ruggedness. Above this are his eyes, happy with the knowledge that he has saved at least one of his kind, but deep with an untold passion for his cause.

Perhaps he is right... And perhaps I have found my inspiration.

Looking down to my legs I can see my body reacting to the placement of Kenji's hand. I can see I've also found a conflict.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:46 pm
by EternalLurker
oh god, my poor brain was not ready for that today of all days

this is win buried under a mountain of WRONG

this evokes the wrong kind of hnngh

you've killed my ability to punctuate

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 12:50 pm
by Aelexe
EternalLurker wrote:oh god, my poor brain was not ready for that today of all days

this is win buried under a mountain of WRONG

this evokes the wrong kind of hnngh

you've killed my ability to punctuate
Wait, so was it bad or good?

I need to know, lest my ego be unfairly destroyed or inflated.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 2:31 pm
by Elroy
It should be inflated like a Macy's Day float. For that was awesome.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:32 pm
by Mikage-sama
hahaha that was so cool man.
If you do continue with this I hope they end up getting married.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 5:41 pm
by vermithrx
Amusing. I enjoyed that. :)

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 6:06 pm
by EternalLurker
Aelexe wrote:Wait, so was it bad or good?

I need to know, lest my ego be unfairly destroyed or inflated.
Inflate it all you want. It's an impressive accomplishment. Not much kills my punctuation.

No, it's hilariously good; I just was not ready for that today. Any other day I'd've seen it coming and burst out laughing, rather than not guessing it, reading it, rereading it in shock, then bashing my head into a wall to kill all memory of the incident occurring.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Thu Dec 31, 2009 9:50 pm
by Aelexe
Good to see positive reviews! I was fearful XD.

I didn't see myself continuing this particular story but I guess since people liked it I can come up with something.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:46 am
by Aelexe
Part 2

The next hour was a blur of confusion. Not to say anything was out of the ordinary based because on this, it's Kenji I was with after all. But it was definetely more blurry than usual. Who could say how much time had passed as Kenji carefully laid out every detail of his plans, as I thoughtfully paid attention to everything he said. Normally it would be easy to ignore him and shrug off what he says, and for most people heeding his words at all is out of the question, but I now find it quite interesting, having understood the true meaning.

Anyone listening to Kenji's long winded conversations would believe him to be against the existence of Woman, and they'd be right. With me however it is different. Every mention of a new conspiracy or plot is a reason he can find to talk to me. Every warning that I should stay away from girls is another way of saying he wants me to stay. Every tale of what the girls could do to me given the chance, a heroic attempt to protect my already damaged heart. I only feel bad that it has taken me so long to realise all this, but perhaps I can make it up to him.

"Hey Kenji, wanna head back to your room?" I say this with as much as thought as possible, trying to stem my excitement whilst at the same time portraying my want to.

"What man? Had enough preparation for today?" He missed what I meant entirely, but that's okay. I can't expect him to notice my sudden change in heart.

"Oh, no. I just thought we could continue it over there, seen as you would likely keep the more sensitive material there."

"Oh, yeah man! Sure. Highly classified stuff of course, but since I trust you and all, and knowledge is power. Gotta arm ourselves against the female threat!" His reaction to this made my day, to finally see him as happy as I feel right now. So... Beautiful.

We quickly paced across the treck to his room. Out of my door, one metre to the right, and then into his. Once inside I took a seat on his bed as he continued to tell me of the dangers of woman, proving ever more with each passing second how much he cares. I sat there patiently, listening to every word he said, waiting for my opportunity watching his body language as he spoke. Watching his body. After a while he showed me next however, something that caused all else he had done to pail in comparison, something I never would have expected. Multitudes of photos of me with the harlots as he has so fondly taken to calling them, pinned up to a board inside his cupboard. I had never felt more cared for in my life. To know that whenever I had been at risk to being lost from Kenji forever, he was there, watching over me. I had to show how much I cared for him.

"Hey Kenji, come here for a second?" I said, beckoning for him to sit next to me on the bed. The time was now.

Kenji walked over and sat aside me on the bed without so much as a word. Odd for him but I won't complain, anything to have him close.

Suddenly without warning, Kenji took my face within both of his hands, forcing me to stare into his eyes. Not so much forcing... I could stare forever.

"Look man, I trust you, but to show you anything more I need to know I can really trust you." I could feel a gentle pulse through his fingers, my senses heightened by the speed at which things were going.

What could he want me to do to prove myself to him? I gulped, my mind racing, surely he couldn't want that... But I do...

"I need to know you're on my side, like if it came between me and Misha who would you pick?"


"Man! Like, if Misha and I were hanging off the side of a building or something! And you had to rescue one of us, you would help me right?"

"Yeah, Kenji.. Of course!" I blurt this out with barely a thought, hastening towards what ever was to come next.

"Good man, good." Kenji closes his eyes and leans forward. I lean ever so slightly forward too. I could only have dreamed of what was about to happen before today, to have it all so fast...

There's a loud sound as a hidden door in the wall opens and... Misha?

"Kenji was right Hiichan, it's a shame you didn't ignore him, then things wouldn't have to end this way!" Misha says this in her usual upbeat way, but with a sinister tone.

"Misha.. I don't understand!"

"We saw your friend Kenji becoming too much of a threat. You weren't taking him seriously, but it was only time. So we had him brain washed, as we are going to do to you too Hiichan!"

I cringe backwards across the bed, holding onto the shell of Kenji as Misha's hair drills activate, revealing what they really are. Mind control curls.

Edit - Fine, not the end =P.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 11:24 am
by SirMax
...pardon me, what?

Man this fanfic is just all over the place.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 1:11 pm
by Captain Niggawatts
The End
The hell you say, this is just the beginning. In the next chapter, Hisao better END that bitch.

Preferably with sex. Or a swordfight over a pit of boiling magma.

Or both.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 2:02 pm
by Quidoo
That was both brilliant to the point of genius and absolutely the stupidest damned thing I have ever read.


I can't think anymore.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 3:51 pm
by kosherbacon
Whatta tweest!

I like it so far.

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Sun Jan 03, 2010 10:52 pm
by Ragnarok1991388
Captain Niggawatts wrote:
The End
The hell you say, this is just the beginning. In the next chapter, Hisao better END that bitch.

Preferably with sex. Or a swordfight over a pit of boiling magma.

Or both.
Agreed, you had better get your ass back to writing this thing! The show's not over 'til the fat Misha dies! :twisted:

Re: A Conflict

Posted: Mon Jan 04, 2010 4:11 pm
by Mikage-sama
WOW that was flippin awesome I was just waiting for Kenji or Hisao to make the firdt move and then Misha hair drill mind control!!! Ha awesome.