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Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Thu Dec 17, 2009 7:52 pm
by coldacid
This is just a re-imagining of the KS characters in a sci-fi war series. It'd be awesome if someone would actually write some fic based on this, but I'm just really interested in sharing the concept right now. Any comments on how to make this concept better are appreciated, even if I don't adopt your suggestions.

In a distant future where humanity has moved to the stars, a grave threat threatens to destroy the human race. Reacting to the threat, the Space Confederacy drafts everyone teenaged or older to fight the aliens and hold off annihilation for another day. But not everyone can fight directly.

Space Fort Yamaku, an installation for research and development of new technologies, techniques, and strategies, has been launched, so that even those who can't fight the aliens can still aid in the war for humanity's survival. This is the story of the 3rd Strategic Department.

  • Captain Shizune Hakamichi, the deaf head of Dept 3. A skilled tactician, who has helped the admiralty plan many battles that have lead to successes for Earth.
  • MCPO Shiina Mikado, assistant to Cpt Hakamichi. An outgoing aide, whose good attitude keeps the department united. [Designer note: Misha's an NCO since that will mean Hisao can't date her. I'm mean. ;) ]
  • LtCdr Hanako Ikezawa. A mecha test pilot, who nearly lost her life in an alien attack. Now withdrawn and lonely, but her formidable piloting skills have ensured that even the department's rare failures can make it through engagements with the enemy with barely a scratch.
  • Lt Emi Ibarazaki. Weapons specialist, she has helped perfect a number of prototypes to use against the aliens, and has overseen the mass production of others. An energetic girl who sometimes breaks the rules, to ensure that her designs are the best.
  • Lt Rin Tezuka. Quantum physicist. She often seems to be in the clouds, but given a tough problem, she'll crack it in five minutes.
  • Cdr Lilly Satou, head of the 4th Psychic Department. Peaceful in nature, her department, a rival to the 3rd, works on ways to open communication with the aliens when all other methods have failed.
  • Ens Kenji Setou, researcher in the 4th Psychic Department. His strong psionic abilities have allowed him to keep secret that not only has he been able to make contact with the aliens, but that he's on their side. Nobody suspects that he's a traitor... yet.
  • RAdm Akio Mutou, commanding officer of Space Fort Yamaku. An odd, withdrawn man, but with a talent for keeping his crew on their feet and ready to face the challenges of war.
And last but not least,
  • Ens Hisao Nakai. Recently transferred to Yamaku after the stresses of life on a front-line battleship gave him a heart attack, he looks to continue his duties somewhere where he can be more relaxed.
Now all we need are some cool mecha designs and some catchy JPop to serve as theme and combat music. Right? ;)

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 2:47 am
by EternalLurker
Military ranks, huh? Sounds kinda familiar. Different plot, though.

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Fri Dec 18, 2009 4:27 am
by coldacid
But that's a land-based army! Not mil-sf navy in outer space. Still, that was pretty enjoyable to read. Shame cpl_crud left it at that.

I might get some writing in over the next couple weeks. If any of it fits in with my idea or his story, I'll make sure to post it.

EDIT: Oh yeah, something else about mine vs crud's: I got newtypes. :D Well, kinda. Psychics.

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Mon Dec 21, 2009 11:56 pm
by ThreeStep
coldacid wrote:Now all we need are some cool mecha designs and some catchy JPop to serve as theme and combat music. Right? ;)
I actually got bored in class a few weeks back and started designing KS mechs/ships. This is giving inspiration to actually start sketching them out.

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 12:20 am
by coldacid
Cool, you totally should.

EDIT: We need to work the other side characters into this too. Just, what roles and ranks would they have?

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 3:51 am
by callmeemo
coldacid wrote: We need to work the other side characters into this too. Just, what roles and ranks would they have?
Redshirts. Lots and lots of redshirts. For every hero, there is a pile of dispensable allies.

Also, this reminds me a lot of Chrome Shelled Regios, but in space. Not to say that's a bad thing; I thoroughly enjoyed that anime. I approve of this concept wholeheartedly.

Nurse is head of the medical branch, of course. I suppose the art teacher could be head of the psychiatric ward, or something. Being in space and war can get to people, ya' know. Yuuko does cooking, Akira is head of a private mercenary company neither hostile or friendly.

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Tue Dec 22, 2009 5:49 am
by coldacid
I see you've put some thought into it. Yeah, Nurse would be head doctor, I suppose, although I'd like the art teacher to perhaps be commander of another base, or captain of the ship Hisao used to serve on.

And with the mention of Akira as a mercenary, I now have an image of her as a space pirate. Do want. :D

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Wed Dec 23, 2009 10:34 pm
by scopedknife
coldacid wrote:I see you've put some thought into it. Yeah, Nurse would be head doctor, I suppose, although I'd like the art teacher to perhaps be commander of another base, or captain of the ship Hisao used to serve on.

And with the mention of Akira as a mercenary, I now have an image of her as a space pirate. Do want. :D
Whether mercenary or pirate, the want is definitely there.
I really like this concept, since I'm something of a sci-fi nerd. I'll give it some thought and if I come up with any worthwhile conceptual details I'll come back to you ^_^


Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:10 am
by ThreeStep
callmeemo wrote:
coldacid wrote: I suppose the art teacher could be head of the psychiatric ward, or something. Being in space and war can get to people, ya' know. Yuuko does cooking, Akira is head of a private mercenary company neither hostile or friendly.
Or going along with Rin being scientist, just convert artists to scientists and he's head of the research labs or something. Yuuko for some reason pops up in my head as the private/officer/whatever who keeps bouncing around between departments and up and down in rank. I agree wholeheartedly with a merc Akira though; I can see her as very swashbuckling .

I'd like to say I have kickass mech and ship sketches to show off, but all I keep scribbling is angry Hanako with weird ponytail and Emi in a fighter with giant engines strapped Ork-style to the side.

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Thu Dec 24, 2009 2:17 am
by coldacid
Hehehe, Emi requires more dakka before she can be popular.

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 5:24 am
by callmeemo
I've been thinking about the nurse's position, and it seems kinda...dull. Sure, it's expected and makes total sense, but it needs something. I started thinking something along the lines of him being a double agent, keeping an eye on the ship's progress under orders from another base of operations, perhaps for the art teacher. Depending on the context of the art teacher's goals, the nurse's mission could be one of simple surveillance, working as a hostile agent, or even turning against his orders to help this ship. One in charge of the entire crew's medical needs has many opportunities to make a small change few would notice.

Yuuko, I just can't properly place. Yeah, I suppose her rank and position shifting throughout would be the best method, it would help to throw in a few cheap laughs even.

And unless Emi gets some legs with guns or lasers or something, I fail to see her as being a weapons tech. She seems more like a troop-leader, inspiring morale and keeping the troops in shape. But then, I could be swayed if/when more details get fleshed out on character positions and jobs.

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 6:58 am
by coldacid
How about Emi be the test pilot then, and Hanako the weapons developer? Gives us a bonus because now we have a better explanation for why she lost her legs. Although, we'd need a new explanation for Hanako's scars... Weapons blowing up in the lab, perhaps? Although that seems more a trait for Yuuko than Hanako.

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 10:51 am
by ThreeStep
Nah, with Yuuko's luck she'd be testing a new particle cannon array and had misrouted the power feeds, causing an overload in Decks 7-12 while the weapon itself just makes whining noises.

Emi would be kinda awesome in a more frontline role. Jumping over tanks, breaking through walls, dakka everywhere... She always could have been frontline bruiser until she jumped too low over a laser and now she's stuck with a "desk job."

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 3:47 pm
by callmeemo
ThreeStep wrote:Emi would be kinda awesome in a more frontline role. Jumping over tanks, breaking through walls, dakka everywhere... She always could have been frontline bruiser until she jumped too low over a laser and now she's stuck with a "desk job."
Now see that, that is the kind of thing that convinces me of her new position. Someone who knows what those on the front-lines need, and has experienced the horrors of war already. At this point, either way sounds good.

You could keep Hanako as the current pilot, and have Emi come back later in a pinch. GIve her difficulties piloting the new models, but still have the efficiency of an accomplished pilot. Some nice double-team work...

Re: Space Fort Yamaku

Posted: Sun Dec 27, 2009 4:17 pm
by Bara
Emi can be sumed up in 3 words; "Follow Me! Charge!!!" Ground Mecha yes. Fighter Mecha no. You put her at the controls of a fighter and she'd probably break it by ramming it into the enemy. Crew Chiefs HATE that!! :lol: