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Hisao's Scar

Posted: Sat Jul 25, 2009 11:25 pm
by A_Gray_Phantom
Hisao's Scar

Hisao has had open heart surgery. This leaves a very noticeable scar. Hisao is also self-conscious about his condition. He'd never remove his shirt in public, as this would reveal what he likes to keep to himself. In many ways, he is like Hanako...

I've been wondering how the girls will react when they see the scars from Hisao's heart surgery. Depending on the girl, and whether or not he's told them about his condition, we can expecting varying, yet similar reactions:

Lilly - Nothing really. She can't see it. She is insightful and very perceptive, despite being blind. I'm certain she'd show her concern about whether or not Hisao is healthy enough for a sexual encounter.

Shizune - After long make-out session, the two virgins(?) begin to disrobe. Shizune sees Hisao's chest and runs a finger down it, looking at Hisao questioningly. Hisao has no choice but confess his condition, and Shizune puts her clothes back on. I'd imagine she'd be put-off by it, and just want to cuddle. She isn't put off because it is disfiguring, but because she is concerned that Hisao might die if they go further. She might also be annoyed if she ever finds out that he told Rin or anyone else about his arrhythmia before her.

Rin - Since she is informed ahead of time, I'd imagine she'd stare at it curiously, and maybe even want to kiss it gently.

Emi - That scar is a reminder to Emi that she's nearly killed Hisao, twice. I've heard it said before that athletic girls like to make sex a playful activity. If Emi can get past any fear of hurting Hisao, I'd imagine she'd prefer to take things slow.

Hanako - I've saved her for last because my expectation of her reaction is actually what sparked this line of thought. Hanako and Hisao both have complex's over the reason they are in Yamaku. I can see it all now...

Hisao: "Hanako... I love you!"
Hanako's eyes mist over in reaction to those three little words.
"But," she sobs, "I'm so..."
Hisao steels himself, and begins to remove his tie and unbuttons his shirt.
"What are you doing?" Hanako quits sobbing and immediately blushes, bringing her hands to her face.
"All scars tell a painful history," says Hisao, opening his shirt and revealing the wide, long, ugly scar from his many heart surgeries. "If you are willing to share your pain with me, then I'm willing to share mine with you, Hanako. Because I love you. Because I want to feel what you feel. Because I think you are beautiful, and I want to share myself with you."
Hot tears are now rolling down Hanako's cheeks, and she isn't alone. Hisao sheds a single tear as the two embrace, his shirt still open...

I'd then imagine a lot of cuddling, talking, and more cuddling. No sex immediately. This is a very endearing moment that is more about sharing thoughts and emotions. They'd stay up all night just talking, eventually falling asleep together.

How can we expect the girls to react to Hisao's chest?

Also, I doubt he'd ever hang out at the pool.

Re: Hisao's Scar

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:42 am
by PsychoPJ
As far as scars go, the one from open heart surgery is generally just a straight line down the middle of the chest. So it's not like Hanako's since his usually won't invite anything more than a curious look. It might be something they can bond over though. I think the only one that who will have a serious concern is Emi's it might even put a damper on her cheerfulness.

Re: Hisao's Scar

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 12:46 am
by Suriko
Re; Hisao's physical appearance, here is a tangically related thread about Hisao's scarring.
Suriko wrote: is the reference image we're using. Of course, the precise look will only be visible in any CGs where it's shown.

It's a fairly typical scar for bypass surgery, along the lines of what Hisao's referred to as having had. Over time the red goes away and the area ends up a slightly recessed white line.

Re: Hisao's Scar

Posted: Sun Jul 26, 2009 2:15 pm
by A_Gray_Phantom
Thank you for the link. I'm surprised that the scar isn't more pronounced. I would like to think that it could be something that Hisao and Hanako could bond over.

Does anyone else have any thoughts about how the different girls would react to seeing Hisao's chest? I'd certainly like to hear them.

Also, Psycho PJ, I loved your post about Rin's bathtime. I thought it was very sweet.

Re: Hisao's Scar

Posted: Sun Aug 02, 2009 8:09 pm
by Kota
Pressure garments should be used only under supervision by a medical professional. They are most often used for burn scars that cover a large area, this treatment is only effective on recent scars.

Pressure garments are usually custom-made from elastic materials, and fit tightly around the scarring. They work best when they are worn 24 hours a day for six to twelve months.
Hanako must have been a mummy for a year.