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Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:22 am
by Guest
This is pretty much my first post on any forum, so I hope I get this right. Do you think Katawa Shoujo would lose anything from not having the hentai scenes? This may have been discussed before but, do you think any VN in general would lose anything if you decided to cut the hentai? I just feel like somehow your losing out on some sort of tension, and it would have a completely different feel to it had you played it with the hentai. What do you think?

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 3:52 am
by vaen
you might see this differently but I think this game is first and foremost an ero game. the relationship with the girl you "choose" is the primary focus of the game and as such the sex scenes are bound to be key points of the story. sure there will be long walks in the park but the most emotional tension will definitely be there.

I don't think it'd be like a james bond movie at all, where you can just skip through the hot steaming passionate sex without it really changing much of how you view the rest of the story.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:06 am
by konufis
I Think that some game need hentai scene, but in katyawa shoujo it's not NEEDED, but it add a touching point in the game.
Hentai game where you just flirt, fuck, good ending are lame. But in case of KS, those scene will be more sentimental than "hot".

But true be told, some VN doesn't have any H-scene and are good, live Clannad.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 4:54 am
by Bara
SInce the only people that know that for sure right now are busy working on it, it comes down to wait and see. Damm fine stories with or with out hentai scenes are what I expect from my experience with Act 1.
While I'm waiting for the completed KS I've been looking at a few other non-comercial VN's. So far I have to admit that I have a much deeper empathy for the characters of KS. Subtle differences in the way they act and react to situations the writers create for them feels more realistic to me than the other VN's I'm working through. Sharing the same language and cultural underpinning as the authors does add a depth to the scenes and adds to my ability to appreciate them more completely; or more intuitively and with less effort, anyway. :wink:

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 6:05 am
by G3n0c1de
It depends on how the H-Scenes are done. KS has a damn fine story and know this: if it were done without any hentai at all I think it would still be a great game, if the demo is any indicator of how good the finished game will be. If the H-Scenes were done in such a way that it can actually add and not detract from the overall awesomeness of the game, that's great, all the more power to them for putting it in. But if the scenes were done cheaply and stupidly then they don't deserve to be in the game. That being said, it would seem that almost everything we see in the game is going to be fairly well written, including the H-scenes, so I don't think it is something to worry about. As for the game feeling different without them, I'm pretty sure that it won't. This game may have been conceptualized as an eroge, but I think that it's story is a bit deeper than that, the sex isn't as important as in some other VN's out there. Sure, it happens (and mark my words, hentai scenes or not the characters will have sex) but the game isn't revolving around that point, though it remains an important plot development. Even so, Hisao isn't some sex-crazed hound dog in the game. I think that the way the game is being written, it would feel the same with or without the H-Scenes. You can even see for your self how the game feels with and without the H-Scenes by toggling them off when the full version comes out.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 9:41 am
by toast
Well, seen as it would be an important point in a relationship with the girl you like, It will most likely be pretty important; however if you skip them i don't think it would have that much of an overall impact on the story.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 7:56 pm
by Mercutio
vaen wrote:you might see this differently but I think this game is first and foremost an ero game.
I used to think that, then I played act 1. I haven't played any ero games, but I've read a lot about them on Something Awful and stuff like that, and I think that 'cause we went through all of act 1 and chose a girl (or not) by the end but there weren't any sex scenes, no nudity, and not even much of anything that'd be called suggestive or sexual, KS isn't an ero game.

okay, that was way too long for one sentence.

anyway, the way I see it is like this: KS is like a really good movie or book or whatever that has some sex scenes in it. when you get to the sex parts, it's not like *fapfapfap* but more like something that matters 'cause it's important to the characters. I've played through all of Act 1 'cause I love the characters, and I'm gonna spend who knows how many hours playing through the whole game when it comes out. it's not that I don't care about the sex scenes - hell, I made a whole thread asking what sex would be like with each of the girls. but that was 'cause they're really cool characters, and I really got into getting to know them, not 'cause I want to know what fetish each one has or will do or whatever.

tl;dr: yeah, the sex scenes are gonna be important, but they're important 'cause of the characters and the story, not just 'cause I want to see people fuck. and I'd totally play this if the devs had said from the beginning that there'd be no sex at all.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:14 pm
by HeMeido

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the only person who even remembers what the internet is for.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:27 pm
by bitpeg
HeMeido wrote:Yes.

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the only person who even remembers what the internet is for.
Mass communication.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 8:39 pm
by The Commissar
bitpeg wrote:
HeMeido wrote:Yes.

Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the only person who even remembers what the internet is for.
Mass communication.
Oh u. That is just a conspiracy.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:37 pm
by Duo2Cuo
Well, this is the way I see it. Sex in this game is obviously something to aspire to but it's far from the goal of the game (even if it was originally conceptualized that way), it's more of a way to get a deeper connection with the characters through something that's a pretty normal function in life. From my impressions of Act 1, I seriously doubt that the sex scenes will turn out like some cheaply done 70's porno but more like two highschoolers that are most likely virgins exploring each other physically and emotionally for the first time. Just keep in mind that the sex in this game is meant to compliment the experience not detract from it because the collectiveness of the internet wants to see cripple porn.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Sun Jun 28, 2009 10:50 pm
by Validus Razgriz
The Commissar wrote:
bitpeg wrote:
HeMeido wrote:Yes.
Sometimes, I wonder if I'm the only person who even remembers what the internet is for.
Mass communication.
Oh u. That is just a conspiracy.
The precursor to the Internet today was invented because the United States Department of Defence wanted a communications and control network that could survive a nuclear attack from the Soviet Union.
inb4 Al Gore.

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:25 am
by Aura
The discussion around the H scenes warrants the question: What makes a good H scene in a visual novel? Are there examples of well done H scenes?

Talking about the differences between "porn" scenes and something more "sentimental" or "touching" is all well and good, but where does that difference come into play?

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:43 am
by Duo2Cuo
Aura wrote:Talking about the differences between "porn" scenes and something more "sentimental" or "touching" is all well and good, but where does that difference come into play?
I think you bring up a great point. My understanding that the difference between "Porn" and something that could actually be beneficial to the advancement of the story is not What is in the scene, but why it was included. An H-scene that was included with the mindset of "Yeah, naked women!" will probably end up seeming out of place or unnecessary while one that was created with the fact that sex is a natural part of a relationship in mind, would have less of a chance of ending up somewhere in left field. (That was a long fucking sentence.)

Re: Are the hentai scenes important

Posted: Mon Jun 29, 2009 1:46 am
by Hypothermia
Uguuuuuuuuu~ Schlorpschlorpschlrop != A good H-scene