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One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 10:35 pm
by DuaneMoody
Taking a break from trolling here. I notice in the earliest sketches Shizune was originally named Rosa. Do the devs have any stories to tell about how the characters got their names (since RAITA didn't name them).

For example, I have no idea whether "Tezuka" is any more common a surname than "Disney."

Also, it's been observed that at least two of the names appear to have been completely made up -- were the weaboos responsible too bored to open a phonebook, or are there clever meanings behind names like "Iwanako" (perhaps implying cold fish once Hisao was in the hospital)?

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:03 pm
by Suriko
Lilly's first proposed name was Sonomi Mamina (from me). That was fairly quickly changed to Lily Sato (a suggestion from Dark Mercury which was accepted by pretty much everyone at the time), which eventually evolved to Lilly Satou.

Relatedly, Akira was the name of a proposed younger brother in her first pitched scenario.

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 11:10 pm
by DuaneMoody
Back when I was studying Japanese in college we were still romanizing with doubled vowels rather than literal "ou". I wonder how many non-weeaboos still think "shoujo" is pronounced "shoe-jo." (not that "shoojo" doesn't have its own misreadings)

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:19 am
by Aura
There are multiple names that are very improbable, and yes I suspect they indeed are the product of weeaboos not being savvy enough to know what is a name and what is not. Then again, anime/eroge are known for weird names and writings so we are not too fussed.

I recall the names being very serious business, and one of the first things to voted on back when the project was a horde of anonymous trying get something done.

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 2:55 am
by DuaneMoody
Yes, but how did the whole Rosa/Shizune thing go? Was there initially a sentiment that they should all have Western first names?

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:09 am
by JamiroquaiAlien
DuaneMoody wrote:I wonder how many non-weeaboos still think "shoujo" is pronounced "shoe-jo." (not that "shoojo" doesn't have its own misreadings)

I mean, uh... I knew all along.

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:13 am
by Caesius
What would possibly make someone pronounce "shou" as "shoe"?

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 3:25 am
by Aura
Shizune was renamed thus because it was weird to have two girls with western flower names.
Caesius wrote:What would possibly make someone pronounce "shou" as "shoe"?
I assume the same thing that makes them pronounce anime "any-may"

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Thu Jun 04, 2009 5:47 am
by Lon
"Any-may" isn't that terrible. I've heard it rhymed with "a lime". :D

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:04 am
by Nintendo Maniac 64
Anime pronouced "uh-neyem"?! O_o Really, someone needs to lurk more...

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 4:25 am
by Validus Razgriz
Caesius wrote:What would possibly make someone pronounce "shou" as "shoe"?
I've been pronouncing it that way. My apologies for taking one year of German instead of Moonspeak in high school.

What is the correct pronunciation for Katawa Shoujo?

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:27 am
by Caesius
Validus Razgriz wrote:What is the correct pronunciation for Katawa Shoujo?
kah-'tah-wah 'shoh-joh

The "oh" in "shou" is about 1.5x longer than the "oh" in "joh" (Finnish has a similar system for syllable length). Otherwise all syllables are the same length, unless they missed some macrons in "katawa". Not sure about stress, I didn't take moonspeak either - I took 4 years of Latin and 1 year of French in high school and last fall semester I took German I. And I tend to spend a lot of time on Wikipedia articles relating to language, soooo yeah.

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:34 am
by Aura
with my crappy IPA, something like [kataw̜a ʃo:dʒo] should be more or less correct.

Pronounciation help with English words/mora is the most retarded idea ever and I want to strangle the person who invented it.

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 5:39 am
by Validus Razgriz
At least I was saying Katawa right, lol.

I would love to learn Japanese, then I would be able to play so many videogames that I've been missing out on.

Re: One for the devs: character names through project history

Posted: Fri Jun 05, 2009 6:00 am
by Caesius
To be clear, all the "u" does is lengthen the "o" sound; normally lengthened vowels would be represented with a macron i.e. Katawa Shōjo. The other vowels don't have a similar way of lengthening them by adding a letter, so it's kind of dumb to single out "o" for lengthening, but at least it's relatively unambiguous (or so it should be). You can't just double vowels like you would in Finnish either, because doubled vowels in Japanese have a glottal stop between them, changing the meaning - e.g. the difference between "shi" and "shii" is that the former sounds like English "she" while the latter sounds like English "she-e" (the letter "e"), but faster and with a much more subdued glottal stop.

At least I think that's how it is; I'm no expert in Japanese, like I said I just browse Wikipedia.