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Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Tue Jun 02, 2009 11:54 pm
by Black Saloon
Thanks to everyone who posted advice in my question thread, it has all been most valuable. I have decided to go ahead with my Hentai VN, and have even started working on the setting and characters with another person from this site.

Because so many here helped out with my queries, I would like to invite any interested parties to help us make this happen in one way or another, or at least just sit in on a planning session. Currently we are working on the characters and their profiles (as well as the setting and reasoning, although they've been done to a basic level already), and soon the scriptwriting will begin. We plan to run this thing through Ren'Py as suggested, so anyone who knows about the engine is welcome to join, although if we don't get anyone here then we can always either pick someone up later or learn ourselves. And of course anyone good with art or music is welcome to join us as well.

Here's a brief synopsis of the story:


The main character is a backpacker travelling around the Pacific Islands, and runs out of money on a small sovereign island not far from the Hawaiian islands. Having nowhere to go, he applies for a job at the hostel he is staying in. The manager agrees to pay him a wage and give him a room and one free meal a day in return for driving the hostel van out to meet inbound tourists, performing general maintenance and doing other miscellaneous jobs.
Having no real plans, he decides to stay in the area until he has some capital to continue travelling. After all, it is a bit of a tropical paradise and one of the Pacific's most picturesque sunset spots and surf breaks. And the girls are pretty...


As far as the girls go, we will have each be of a different nationality and staying there for a different reason. So far we have the cute Aussie surfer girl, the Japanese sightseer who fell in love with the place and refuses to leave, the heavy-tanned local girl who serves drinks in one of the downtown bars and possibly a travelling Canadian guitarist who is staying in a cheap room and awaiting inspiration, but we are still in planning here so there may be slight changes.


Drop me a PM or just post in here if you're interested, but in either case thanks to everyone who posted here, we appreciate the help. Have a good one guys.

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 1:29 am
by DuaneMoody
Black Saloon wrote:the cute Aussie surfer girl
Named Bruce

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:32 am
by Envy
These forums aren't here for your recruiting purposes nor is KS a springboard for your ideas.

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 2:41 am
by helmet boy
We got a 'randum' thread about a town called dildo, this is more inline than that.

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:14 am
by vaen
I suddenly remember playing a western visual novel when I was 10 or so where the goal was to whoo some girls (there never were any sex scenes though, it was all about making the right choices.) and it was pretty much live action apart from that. it was called "man enough", came on a cd and pretty much ran only on DOS/windows 95.
at that age I couldn't even read english yet but I was just continuesly guessing answers and finished the game to piss my dad off since he couldn't beat it.

this is relevant because it points out there are other styles of visual novel than the standard japanese style. why not make a "hentai" visual novel where the women aren't nearly that easily impressed? kinda make the player feel a sense of accomplishment when you finally even get their number and stuff. though I guess that's more dating sim than visual novel but that's just semantics

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 3:56 pm
by Blue123
Envy wrote:These forums aren't here for your recruiting purposes nor is KS a springboard for your ideas.
I'm sure we can handle our own forums, thanks.

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 4:37 pm
by Envy
Blue123 wrote:
Envy wrote:These forums aren't here for your recruiting purposes nor is KS a springboard for your ideas.
I'm sure we can handle our own forums, thanks.
Sometimes I get the feeling that I'm more protective of this project than the devs are.

Well, if that's the official line and it's okay to use these forums to prepose, develope and recruit for your own VN projects then I'll just leave it at that.

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:00 pm
by Jaen-ni-rin
And most importantly: learn to draw sex scenes.
It's hard to draw people without them looking funny (hands! and in close second feet!) and sex scenes are like over 9000 harder than that. And is quite hard to get an original compositon on them, thought doujinshi copypasta might help here.

On a lighter nore:
Quite an interesting idea. I've just seen some awesome Air wallpapers and think that if executed right, It can be quite a nice VN. Looks like Katawa Shoujo catalyzes some intereting things.

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:22 pm
by ai-honey
I'll be happy to voice things if you like!

Also I find character development interesting. I'm happy to give input into those kind of areas along with writing.

I know a few exceptional artists lurk on clone.manga but whether you can coerce them to join I don't know. :)

Oh also I can make you a website if you want. I have a lot of hosting and not doin' much with it. ^^

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 9:57 pm
by DestinyEagle
I draw, write stories, and create music and I would lovw to be involved. My email is
Let me know,

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Tue Oct 19, 2010 10:28 pm
by neumanproductions
Interesting to hear someone getting into their own project. I was initially planning on convincing Kosherbacon into making a VN based on his spin-off series, "Kyouki Shoujo", but this sounds intriguing as well. I haven't worked with the engine since March so i'm a little touchy with that, I have no drawing ability at all, so the best I can offer is support in plot/story development and maybe some writing depending on your needs.

I really wonder if you are actually still viewing this on here considering the thread has been revived from last year.

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 2:38 am
by Shintai
I like the story, but for a VN, I cant get into it if the art doesn't align with my taste, so while I want to say that I'll support this, I need to see what it looks like before I commit to anything, but so far, it does sound promising.

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 3:09 am
by Mirage_GSM
Jaen-ni-rin wrote:On a lighter nore:
Quite an interesting idea. I've just seen some awesome Air wallpapers and think that if executed right, It can be quite a nice VN.
Funny, because Air already IS a visual novel...

Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Wed Oct 20, 2010 8:57 am
by Goldilurks
Thread necromancy on an off-topic discussion that the devs wouldn't have liked when it was ON topic, and is only getting MORE off topic now?


Re: Creating Our Own Hentai VN

Posted: Thu Oct 21, 2010 6:58 pm
by Behind The Mask
While I'm not really supportive of the whole advertisement aspect of the OP, I will at least say (for me that is) Katawa Shoujo has atleast inspired me to explore a new type of story telling through VN.

Perhaps this thread would have been better if it were geared towards discussing that aspect, rather then advertising...

Might actually be good to start a topic along those lines.