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Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 1:27 am
by Black Saloon
Last night I finally got round to finishing the game with Emi. There is one part at the track where Hisao is feeling a bit down about being so unfit, and she says to him something like, "Well, you've taken the first step. If you keep running a little farther every day it will get easier."
This spoke to me quite a bit. Being an asthmatic from birth, I've never really been into sports and all that, and while I'm not fat I'm nowhere near being fit, and listening to Emi last night made me realise that I want to do something about it. Today I decided that I would start running. I put on my old soccer jersey (a gift from my brother) and runners and went for it.

I was able to run for a good kilometer before becoming shagged out and almost keeling over from an asthma attack, but I'm good now. Plan to do it again tomorrow.

So... I guess thanks to Emi (and her writer by association).

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:04 am
by Synoptic
Great job but as the game goes with the choices:

Go for it
Take it easy

Careful at those 2 while running. :D

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 2:07 am
by helmet boy
You should go for i can take it on the off chance that a legless loli comes to help you.

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 5:35 am
by Envy
Black Saloon wrote:I was able to run for a good kilometer before becoming shagged out and almost keeling over from an asthma attack, but I'm good now. Plan to do it again tomorrow.
Err, just some advice for you. You don't need to run everyday to get fit, in fact, if you're only starting to exercise then doing it everyday is a great way to give yourself an injury. Run every second day and break up your routine, say for the first day do a steady jog at an even pace for 20 minutes (or for however long you can manage), third day walk for a minute, jog for a minute, run for a minute, repeat for 30 minutes and on the fifth day do a 40 minute brisk walk, powering on as fast as you can without jogging. You might want to throw in some push ups and sits ups in there too, don't aim for a number, just do it until you physically can't lift yourself from the ground.

That's a pretty basic routine there, I'm sure I could throw a fuck load of articles at you about fitness and fitness plans but whatever. You can look up all that on your own, the important thing at the start is diligence (and pushing yourself to exercise becomes a whole lot easier if you pair up with someone) and not injuring yourself. So get a decent pair of shoes to run in, something with at least an inch of sole to absorb the impact of you hitting the ground (that is your body weight x 2, impacting on your lower back, knees and ankles), always, always warm up before hand, stretch at the start and stretch off at the end. Stretching off is very important so don't shirk it just because you're sweating through your balls. And if something does start to really hurt, as long as it's not a stitch, then rest for however many days it needs and recover.

I'm not going to go into diet plans and other shit, what you've got there is good enough for now. You should see a good improvement in your fitness after the first few weeks/months and then it'll raise slower, this is usually the point where most people give up because they don't see a dramatic difference anymore. What you can do is keep a log you can look back on, 'May 31st 1km run [time completed in]' to remind yourself of how far you've come.

Fuck me, I'm done.

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 6:07 am
by helmet boy
I need to get into shape (navyan gaems) so i might do that too. Thanks for that.

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Sun May 31, 2009 9:41 pm
by Layzuhl
Swiming is good too. It's easier on the body and improves your cardio better than running.

If you have somewhere safe to do it, drowning because some shark shot you with it's dealge would suck.

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 5:56 am
by Envy
Layzuhl wrote:Swiming is good too. It's easier on the body and improves your cardio better than running.
Swimming is good exercise and mainly will improve your breathing but I don't believe it beats good old running. I find it's very easy to give up and just float for a while in a pool rather than push on and keep that heart rate up. Swimming is something I'd recommend you put into your exercise routine maybe on the seventh day but no more than that.

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 8:33 pm
by Layzuhl
Envy wrote:
Layzuhl wrote:Swiming is good too. It's easier on the body and improves your cardio better than running.
Swimming is good exercise and mainly will improve your breathing but I don't believe it beats good old running. I find it's very easy to give up and just float for a while in a pool rather than push on and keep that heart rate up. Swimming is something I'd recommend you put into your exercise routine maybe on the seventh day but no more than that.
I think choosing when to give it a breather is more of a personal thing. For me I would more often slow to a walk when running than stop and float if I was swimming.

It's not like anybody'd have to choose one over the other, doing both would be even better than just running or just swimming.

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 9:40 pm
by Vertical

I got the p90x exercise program recently. KS wasn't the reason though. My "new year" mentality always starts in April. *COUGHBIRTHDAYCOUGH*

Although, going through a story made wholly by individuals out of a desire to make something special without asking anything in return but that you enjoy gives me sparks of inspiration here and there. I picked up drawing materials again recently. Part of me wants to become a great illustrator. There aren't many things that ignite my desire this strongly. So if anything I owe my inspiration for picking up art again to KS.

I just hope that this time it isn't some white-knuckled fad that I lose interest in.

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Mon Jun 01, 2009 11:46 pm
by fanatic
Vertical wrote:Inspired?

I got the p90x exercise program recently. KS wasn't the reason though. My "new year" mentality always starts in April. *COUGHBIRTHDAYCOUGH*

Although, going through a story made wholly by individuals out of a desire to make something special without asking anything in return but that you enjoy gives me sparks of inspiration here and there. I picked up drawing materials again recently. Part of me wants to become a great illustrator. There aren't many things that ignite my desire this strongly. So if anything I owe my inspiration for picking up art again to KS.

I just hope that this time it isn't some white-knuckled fad that I lose interest in.
oh god p90x my friend got me to try that, i can run 2 miles and then spend a hour and a half in the gym lifting weights (going to canadian military basic in two more months). I did like ten minutes of p90x and I felt like i was going to puke, i salute you for sticking with that program

Re: Inspired To Become Better by KS

Posted: Wed Jun 03, 2009 7:11 pm
by EmP|ty
Hahaha, I'm glad I'm not the only one that ended up doing something similar.

I used to do kickboxing quite regularly and train at least twice a week, but after a while the club I used to go to got invaded by little kiddies and the training became too easy so I quit (seriously, the warmup changed from about 100 sit ups, press ups, squats and a small jog to like...a small jog and a stretch...WTF?!)

But after reading this and finishing all the routes, I thought "well hang on, I haven't like...actively excercised properly in like a year or so...I really should... damn you Emi..."

Now I'm back to my old routine...and I owe it to KS.

KS is awesome in every way.