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Fullscreen on external monitor

Posted: Tue May 19, 2009 3:06 pm
by DuaneMoody
I'm playing this on a MacBook Pro with a Dell UltraSharp monitor, digital cable. If I slide the game window to the external (secondary) monitor and hit F for fullscreen, both screens turn black and the game goes fullscreen on the laptop instead of the monitor the game window was on. Also, when you hit F again the game window reappears on the laptop screen instead of the one it was on before going fullscreen.

No idea if this is something only the RenPy developers can fix or not, but it's irritating given the other apps which seem to be able to detect their monitor (e.g., Parallels) when going fullscreen.

Re: Fullscreen on external monitor

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 12:18 am
I don't work much with macs, but have you tried temporarily switching your primary monitor with your secondary monitor? When I play computer games I use a program called Ultramon to manage what applications I want to open on my secondary monitor (my TV) and what I don't. I'm not sure if there's a mac port for the program, but I suppose I could look into that for you.

Re: Fullscreen on external monitor

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 6:15 pm
by Teclo
I'm using XP and have my TV linked to my PC via a TV-out cable. I'm also using UltraMon and I have the same problem as the OP. I've even made a shortcut with UltraMon to put KS on the 2nd monitor and it will, but only in windowed. If I have UltraMon try to open it in full-screen mode on the 2nd monitor, nothing appears although I hear the music and the taskbar gets a KS tab.

Re: Fullscreen on external monitor

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 8:00 pm
Teclo wrote:I'm using XP and have my TV linked to my PC via a TV-out cable. I'm also using UltraMon and I have the same problem as the OP. I've even made a shortcut with UltraMon to put KS on the 2nd monitor and it will, but only in windowed. If I have UltraMon try to open it in full-screen mode on the 2nd monitor, nothing appears although I hear the music and the taskbar gets a KS tab.
Strange, it works for me. Did you try setting your secondary monitor as your primary monitor with Ultramon? If that doesn't work temporarily disable your secondary monitor and re-enable it again (setting it as your primary after).

Though, I personally hate playing VNs on my TV because it's too big. I prefer using my normal monitor for VN reading, using my TV for when I play Touhou or watch anime.

Re: Fullscreen on external monitor

Posted: Wed May 20, 2009 9:07 pm
by Teclo
Thanks, I'll try that. I want to play it on my TV because my speakers are based around my TV rather than my PC and I can also sit on the settee and play rather than on this director's chair that I use for going on the PC.

Re: Fullscreen on external monitor

Posted: Fri May 22, 2009 10:55 pm
Teclo wrote:Thanks, I'll try that. I want to play it on my TV because my speakers are based around my TV rather than my PC and I can also sit on the settee and play rather than on this director's chair that I use for going on the PC.
Tell me if it works or not, I'm fine with trying to figure out ways to solve the problem. I sometimes have a problem like you with applications (they won't open on the monitor I designate for them to open on) and even when switching them to my secondary monitor won't fullscreen right. For those its best for me to just switch what monitory is my primary and re-open the application. Works with pretty much everything, I just tried it myself with KS and it worked. It's a little extra work to do when starting up the game, but depending how fast your computer can switch between monitors it shouldn't be too long of a wait at all.

Re: Fullscreen on external monitor

Posted: Mon May 25, 2009 6:15 pm
by Teclo
Setting the TV to primary does indeed work. It's just too bad that there's no way of making it always open over there.