Hello everyone, through this thread, i want to try something funny, make a remake of whole Katawa Shoujo story, means i am at liberation to change some story or personality for this remake purpose only. I know some will says this is kind of waste of time but i really want to try write, because i am motivate myself to write again.
Let me try to make my own version of prologue of Katawa Shoujo :
Prologue - 1
It's always a weird thing, for me, to wait at the middle of freezing weather on a park like this. I am suppose to return home before dark but, this kind of situation is really weird.
Someone put a love letter on my shoes locker
I am telling to myself that whoever try to confess to me is kind of waste of time, because i, am for one, not really pursue any relationship on this point. But, i am curious, who is the one that put the letter with such writing, because i am honestly don't recognize the handwriting.
"Geez, this weather is getting colder..."
I am already wait for 20 mins, but when i am ready to back home, someone come.
A girl.
And the one i don't really recognize.
"Hisao ? Hisao Nakai ? Thank you for coming here. I take it you are already read my letter ?"
This girl is straight to the point, isn't she ? What a simple girl
"Ah, forgive me, my name is Iwanako, i am from 3-2. I am sorry to call you to this place"
"Eh, it is nothing, really. I am really curious, It's my first time, you know, i got such a letter from a girl" I simply shrugged off her apologize.
"So, what do you want to talk about, Iwanako ?"
Iwanako, she looks like shy and flustered, but i think she is ready her mind. Confession maybe ?
But sadly, i think i should reject when i am hear the whole confession. I am truly sorry.
"Hisao Nakai, you see, i always watch you from my classroom's windows, and i am.....uh........i......"
Something beating fast on my chest. What happened ? Why i am feel this weird somehow ?
"I........really want to ask you something......will you...."
Somehow the hearbeat's pace is different than usual and i feel pain. SUCH A INTENSE PAIN !!
"Will you....become my....boy...."
I suddenly fell and felt a great pain in my chest. My breathing became very different. What is this??
Iwanako panicking and tried to reach her cellphone, ask help.
"Where is the emergency line ??? Hisao hang in there !!!!"
Somehow i can't hear her again. My vision is blurring somehow, i only can her screaming and panic state.
Geez......i think life is weird. Maybe life is punishing me because i am about to reject her ?
No idea i am gonna die young.......at least let me die not on this coldy winter like the films i was watched back then.....
And everything is black........
Darkness has overtake me perhaps.......
Prologue - 2
Somehow, i can listen anything people talk. So loud. So how long i was passed out ? How long i was gone ? Am i already at heaven ? or Hell ? I tried to open my eyes. Still weak but managed and blinded a bit by a lamp
"Where.....where am i ?"
And i saw a Doctor, my crying mom and worried father, and also.....Iwanako and my classmates......
"Guys, what happened ? You guys just look like a ghost"
Then the doctor instruct everyone but my parents to stay at room.
"For the best, i hope everyone but Mr. Nakai's parents are stay on this room."
And i saw Iwanako face, combination of shock and relief, still crying while accompanied by my classmates.
Then, the doctor, start to speak, which i am really have bad feeling.....
"Greetings, Mr. Nakai. I am at relief that you are finally wake up. You see, you got a heart attack on the park and your friend, Iwanako is able to call emergency just in time. We are able to save your live but we are still want to do a regular check-up to you. I am afraid, from your situation and how Ms. Iwanako describe to the medical team, you have contracted Heart Disorder called Arrhythmia"
Arrhythmia...........such alien language........that's new but somehow dangerous enough
"And also, this condition is rare and needs full time examination so you may skip your education for a while......"
The doctor, aware that i might have a expected reaction, further saying "But there's a solution. I am already talk about this to your parents, and they are agree since they can't afford Homeschool for you, and i already recommend you to transfer into Yamaku High School"
"Yamaku high school have 24-hour medical staff and also provide facility for your condition. Until the transfer process done, you may had a interview with the Yamaku Board to finish the process. I am sorry but this had to be done...And also, one more thing i want to tell to you"
Geez, i think this is the bad thing
"During your emergency treatment, we need to operate your heart and you might see the scar on your chest, so please don't be alarmed about that"
"I know everything will be new for you but consider this a step, necessary one for your life and future. Please understand your parent's wishes too to make you alive and healthy, Hisao."
The doctor is about to leave and instruct Iwanako and others to enter the room. "The interview will be held next two days and please do your best, Mr. Nakai"
I simply see the doctor leave, then turn my attention to my parents and Iwanako, also classmates who worried about me.
"Hisao !!! they said they gonna transfer you to another school !! IS THAT TRUE ????"
To be honest i am too weak but i simply answer "yes"
"Yes, i am about to transferred and i am kind of tired and confused right now. I have no idea what will happen to me but it is the best that i follow the Doctor's orders" And when i saw the stack of medicines, i feel weird, nausea and headache.
Must i have to suffer because of this ? Like i have nothing to worry about ? But i have no idea, honestly
And i want to reassure everyone,
"Please don't worry everyone. This is just me who had to adjust with my new life. I am not sure what will happened but i will try do my best" then i simply turn to Iwanako and said "Iwanako, i think i am sorry i can't fullfill your request, i wish nothing but your happiness. Same goes with you guys, please be happy and make sure you guys keep studying and have fun while i am at other school. Just go home everyone. Please."
After hear me said that, my parents start to accompany others to outside "Thank you for coming, our son need to rest well. Please keep pray for him"
It is hard to acknowledge that i am simply do this to make a closure for myself. But i am sure i can do adjust soon. Yeah, very soon.