Katawa Shoujo : REMAKE


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Katawa Shoujo : REMAKE

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »

Hello everyone, through this thread, i want to try something funny, make a remake of whole Katawa Shoujo story, means i am at liberation to change some story or personality for this remake purpose only. I know some will says this is kind of waste of time but i really want to try write, because i am motivate myself to write again.

Let me try to make my own version of prologue of Katawa Shoujo :

Prologue - 1

It's always a weird thing, for me, to wait at the middle of freezing weather on a park like this. I am suppose to return home before dark but, this kind of situation is really weird.

Someone put a love letter on my shoes locker

I am telling to myself that whoever try to confess to me is kind of waste of time, because i, am for one, not really pursue any relationship on this point. But, i am curious, who is the one that put the letter with such writing, because i am honestly don't recognize the handwriting.

"Geez, this weather is getting colder..."

I am already wait for 20 mins, but when i am ready to back home, someone come.
A girl.
And the one i don't really recognize.

"Hisao ? Hisao Nakai ? Thank you for coming here. I take it you are already read my letter ?"

This girl is straight to the point, isn't she ? What a simple girl

"Ah, forgive me, my name is Iwanako, i am from 3-2. I am sorry to call you to this place"

"Eh, it is nothing, really. I am really curious, It's my first time, you know, i got such a letter from a girl" I simply shrugged off her apologize.
"So, what do you want to talk about, Iwanako ?"

Iwanako, she looks like shy and flustered, but i think she is ready her mind. Confession maybe ?

But sadly, i think i should reject when i am hear the whole confession. I am truly sorry.

"Hisao Nakai, you see, i always watch you from my classroom's windows, and i am.....uh........i......"

Something beating fast on my chest. What happened ? Why i am feel this weird somehow ?

"I........really want to ask you something......will you...."

Somehow the hearbeat's pace is different than usual and i feel pain. SUCH A INTENSE PAIN !!

"Will you....become my....boy...."


I suddenly fell and felt a great pain in my chest. My breathing became very different. What is this??


Iwanako panicking and tried to reach her cellphone, ask help.

"Where is the emergency line ??? Hisao hang in there !!!!"

Somehow i can't hear her again. My vision is blurring somehow, i only can her screaming and panic state.
Geez......i think life is weird. Maybe life is punishing me because i am about to reject her ?
No idea i am gonna die young.......at least let me die not on this coldy winter like the films i was watched back then.....

And everything is black........
Darkness has overtake me perhaps.......

Prologue - 2

Somehow, i can listen anything people talk. So loud. So how long i was passed out ? How long i was gone ? Am i already at heaven ? or Hell ? I tried to open my eyes. Still weak but managed and blinded a bit by a lamp

"Where.....where am i ?"

And i saw a Doctor, my crying mom and worried father, and also.....Iwanako and my classmates......

"Guys, what happened ? You guys just look like a ghost"

Then the doctor instruct everyone but my parents to stay at room.

"For the best, i hope everyone but Mr. Nakai's parents are stay on this room."

And i saw Iwanako face, combination of shock and relief, still crying while accompanied by my classmates.

Then, the doctor, start to speak, which i am really have bad feeling.....

"Greetings, Mr. Nakai. I am at relief that you are finally wake up. You see, you got a heart attack on the park and your friend, Iwanako is able to call emergency just in time. We are able to save your live but we are still want to do a regular check-up to you. I am afraid, from your situation and how Ms. Iwanako describe to the medical team, you have contracted Heart Disorder called Arrhythmia"

Arrhythmia...........such alien language........that's new but somehow dangerous enough

"And also, this condition is rare and needs full time examination so you may skip your education for a while......"


The doctor, aware that i might have a expected reaction, further saying "But there's a solution. I am already talk about this to your parents, and they are agree since they can't afford Homeschool for you, and i already recommend you to transfer into Yamaku High School"

"Yamaku high school have 24-hour medical staff and also provide facility for your condition. Until the transfer process done, you may had a interview with the Yamaku Board to finish the process. I am sorry but this had to be done...And also, one more thing i want to tell to you"

Geez, i think this is the bad thing

"During your emergency treatment, we need to operate your heart and you might see the scar on your chest, so please don't be alarmed about that"


"I know everything will be new for you but consider this a step, necessary one for your life and future. Please understand your parent's wishes too to make you alive and healthy, Hisao."

The doctor is about to leave and instruct Iwanako and others to enter the room. "The interview will be held next two days and please do your best, Mr. Nakai"

I simply see the doctor leave, then turn my attention to my parents and Iwanako, also classmates who worried about me.

"Hisao !!! they said they gonna transfer you to another school !! IS THAT TRUE ????"

To be honest i am too weak but i simply answer "yes"
"Yes, i am about to transferred and i am kind of tired and confused right now. I have no idea what will happen to me but it is the best that i follow the Doctor's orders" And when i saw the stack of medicines, i feel weird, nausea and headache.

Must i have to suffer because of this ? Like i have nothing to worry about ? But i have no idea, honestly

And i want to reassure everyone,

"Please don't worry everyone. This is just me who had to adjust with my new life. I am not sure what will happened but i will try do my best" then i simply turn to Iwanako and said "Iwanako, i think i am sorry i can't fullfill your request, i wish nothing but your happiness. Same goes with you guys, please be happy and make sure you guys keep studying and have fun while i am at other school. Just go home everyone. Please."

After hear me said that, my parents start to accompany others to outside "Thank you for coming, our son need to rest well. Please keep pray for him"

It is hard to acknowledge that i am simply do this to make a closure for myself. But i am sure i can do adjust soon. Yeah, very soon.

"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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Re: Katawa Shoujo : REMAKE

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »


It's been two days since my admission to the hospital.
For the record, it's my first time i got to spend my days at hospital in my whole life. I hope i did not make this kind of habit, really.
I am not really into the smell of hospital. Smelss of a mix of antiseptic, cleaning chemicals, a slightly bitter scent, and sometimes a hint of medical supplies.
But to be honest, i am really glad i can borrow some books from hospital. They have a lots of fiction books (mostly donated by publishers as a kind of literature giveaway).
So many interesting titles i already read (no sarcasm, because i am really love these titles) such as The Count of Monte Cristo, Moby-Dick, Miss Peregrine's Home for Peculiar Children and probably my most liking, The Lord of the Rings (including the Hobbit because the nurse who is a big fan of Tolkien said to me, to understand you have to read order, which i am almost confused but after explained, i do understand).

And because my new habit, there's a books near my hospital bed. I think it's a big change from me, who is too lazy to read, become a sort of avid reader.

Not only that, when i do take walk around on my own, i also befriend with some patients, mostly elder and mid 30's. Mostly talk about their life and wishes to stay alive. But for real, with my new condition, i still no idea how to live my new life now.

Transferred to the new school with proper services and then what ? i am gonna graduate, go to college, work, and maybe, just maybe, die young in the middle of study or work ? Such thoughts always haunts me since the day i had to transferred.

Oh, right. Today is the day of interview.

My parents are anxious wait for the Yamaku school board come and honestly, this is final. My dad cannot afford homeschooling because our monetary situation are not support such idea and also, with my circumstances, obviously i need a caretaker, which is need more money.

I don't blame them to give what's the best for me. It's just sudden, you know ?

Oh, and also, i was talk to Iwanako a little bit through phone, she still feel guilty and i assured her it is not her fault. It's just kind of a surprise change of way of life (i know it's weird figure of speech but i still don't know how to explain to her). She said if i am transferred, i should let everyone know through email. She is kind enough to gave me her email as contact.

Other classmates too. Ryuzaki, Shion, Mamoru, and Toshi send me messages too, wish me well and their email to keep communication (to be honest, i am not expecting this but maybe i will keep them informed when i am done with whole Yamaku business and get discharged from hospital).

And then, you reminded again. You are alone. Again. I am understand this kind of situation is really hard to understand by us, still don't know how to react and how to do. This is not as easy as what we see in anime, this is reality.

Oh, they have come. The Yamaku school board representatives and the doctor who become my supervisor.

"Hello Mr. Nakai. Glad you are do well today. I want to let you know that you are able to discharged from hospital in the next two days and i am also prepare medication lists to you parents. And also, this is Mr. Miura and Mrs. Alice, the representatives of Yamaku.

I bow to them, and they do the same.

"Mr. Nakai. My name is Kenzaki Miura and this lady is my wife, Alice Anderson. We are both Yamaku representatives, here to interview you a bit before we finish the whole administration. Just take it easy, allright ?"


"So Mr. Nakai..." while Mrs. Alice prepare her binder to write down everything i answer, i hope this is not a weird interview. "What do you know about Yamaku High School ? there's no right or wrong answer"

I do simply answer, "From what i heard, Yamaku High School is a school that dedicate themselves to help disabled students and give them opportunity to get a proper education. I also understand, they have many good alumnis who contribute on our society"

Looks like they are surprised, but i also explain, "while i spend two days, i curiously browse them on my phone. really"

Mr. Miura and Mrs. Alice are really impressed and smiling. I dunno, i really know they are smile genuinely. Makes me smiling too, somehow.

"Allright, so i am glad you find out about Yamaku, and because your circumstances, Arrhythmia, Yamaku is the best option you and your parents had because we are improving our services to students who have heart condition like you"

Now that's makes me curious more. "Yamaku have students like my condition ?"

"That's right, that's why when our good doctor here tell us about your circumstances, we immediately make a call and preparation. Because this kind of circumstances is not something taken lightly, Mr. Nakai. You will started on next week and assign you to the one of the class. If that's fine with you"

"Yes, it's fine. Really. I have no idea you guys really act immediately for this..."

Damn, i feel emotional a bit, my parents also kind of emotional too. I think this emotional thing are runs in family, maybe.
But, that's makes me feel relieve because they act fast and help my parents with a good option.

"Such kind words, Mr. Nakai. And while you are wonder about this, have no worry about the school fee and livings, we also got a very kind benefactor who sponsor you after we share this information to our sponsors. When you are there, you will meet your sponsor and please don't forget to thank, ok ?"

Whoa, what ?? That's kind of weird but comforting statement. A benefactor ? sponsoring me ?

"But really, i have no idea why i got sponsor all sudden, Mr. Miura ? Surely the sponsor are have their own preferences ?"

I think Mr. Miura know i am gonna ask this and it's Mrs. Alice who answer, with a surprisingly good japanese (she is foreigner, of course).

"Our sponsors are mostly alumnis of Yamaku and they are dedicated themselves to aid any kind of special needs students, just like their sponsors helped them too. That's how Yamaku works, Mr. Nakai."

Man..., i am really touched. Then Mr. Miura speak..

"And we are already got your information from your parents, so we can conclude this interview more earlier. The details already given to your parents. You are also get dormitory facility, sorry i forgot to bring this up. Before i close this interview, is there something you want to ask ?"

Immediately, i remember something.

"Can i bring......my hamster ? Mr. Pinkman... He is always with me, you know, so...."

Mr. Miura and Mrs. Alice kinda surprised but i think they are understand.

"Of course, as long you can be responsible of that, Mr. Nakai"

My father also support me "The hamster is the one he had this year and he is always take full responsibility. Have faith in him"

Satisfied, Mr. Miura and Mrs. Alice decide to conclude the interview and thanking us for our time, and they are accompanied by the doctor, who nodded to me, with grateful face.

"Say, Hicchan.......If something happened during your studies..." My mom start to speak

"Nah mom, i will be fine. I......am really impressed with Yamaku. I think i want to do this. For my sake of life"

I have nothing but a kind of good feeling ahead. Next week huh ? This might be a good experience to me. No use to keep sulking, all i have to do is keep living as best as i can and make it fullest. Like some fine quotes from the novel i read recently (Lord of the Rings, actually) :

"Oft hope is born when all is forlorn" and "There is always hope"

Allright, let's do this then.

Last edited by LiteracyIsNoLimited on Sun Mar 09, 2025 10:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.

"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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Re: Katawa Shoujo : REMAKE

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »

New Beginning, New Life

It's been days after i got discharged and take care of my transfer papers from my old school to the new one, Yamaku High School.
To be honest i am gonna miss everything from my old school, but life must go on. I already say my goodbye to Iwanako, everyone on my class and my former hometeacher, Mr. Katsumoto (he is a good and big man but he can't stop cried on the last day i attend my old school).

I remember their faces on the last day we met. Faces of sadness. But they can do move on without me. Maybe i should sent them a message about my update, if i can make it.

Now, i am sitting on the backseat of our car. Beside me, there's my hamster, Mr. Pinkman, still sleep on his cage. Lazy kid, but i like him. My mom and dad talk each others, complementing the scenery en route to Yamaku High School. The location is kind of outside the metropolitan city, but not that far away. I am relief that i still can visit a city whenever i have free time on Yamaku.

And, i think i want to listen a song from my phone, Let's see.....

Low Roar - Friends make garbage, real friends take it out

Honestly, i am not much fan of music, but Shion recommend this artist to me.
"You gonna love this one, man"
Well, since Shion is a very maniac about music, i can't blame her. She said that she will send me a list of recommended playlist.
So i listen the song, while i am look at scenery from the backseat window.

This is my new life. Maybe i can get hang onto it.

Then, i am feel sleepy, and asleep.....

So i ended up listen whole track of Low Roar, and i can't say i am very impressed with the artist. Perhaps i can ask Shion later about recommendation. But now, here we are.


The gate is massive, i am impressed somehow. Not only me, My father and mother too.

"The school is massive, dad. I am surprised"
"Agree son, never knew this is the famous Yamaku High School" my father still express his shock and admiration.
So, we decide to enter the school and we saw two person who wait for us at the entrance garden.
It's Mr. Miura and there's one who i did not recognize.
Wait, is that......my benefactor ?

"Greeting, everyone. Welcome to our humble Yamaku High School. I take it all of you take a long trip to reach this school. Apologies for such a lengthy trip. May i introduce you, Mr. Hisao Nakai's kind benefactor...... Mr. Kazuki Takeshi"

Mr. Kazuki bow to us solemnly. Somehow, i respect this old man. He seems.......full of wisdom.
Then, Mr. Kazuki start to speak..

"Greetings, everyone. My name is Kazuki Takeshi, but just call me Kazuki because i am more comfortable by that way. I take it this such fine young man is Hisao Nakai ?"

"Yes sir, my name is Hisao Nakai and i am truly deeply grateful for your kindness, sir" I am bowing while extend my hand to a handshake.

Mr. Kazuki proceed to handshake me and smiling.

"The honor is mine, young man. You see, when i heard about your circumstances, i feel i must help you because i understand your situation. That's happened to me a long time ago. So, do not hesitate to ask any question to every staff and teacher here. We are here to help and provide you with education and future, allright ?"

Mr. Kazuki show his best smile, I can't helped but smiling too.

Then, Mr. Miura step in.

"Allright, So, Hisao, you can start your first day school now, there's a home teacher assigned to you. For Mr and Mrs. Nakai, please follow me and Mr. Kazuki so we can complete the transfer process today."

After that, my mom and dad hug me and wish me luck. Of course i remind them about Mr. Pinkman too.
And, here i go, enter the hall of Yamaku High School.

The hall is massive. The design is old but somehow have modern style. I feel like i am enter a different country's school.
And there's someone. I think he is my new home teacher.
He is kind of around 30-40's and he wear a brown long coat. Feels like a detective.

"Nakai.....Hisao Nakai ?"

Then i respond,

"Yes sir, i am Hisao Nakai. Nice to meet you"

"Ah yes, you must be the new transfer student. My name is Mutou, your new home teacher."

We do handshake.

"Follow me, Hisao Nakai. Your class would be 3-4, supervised by me"

Then i follow him, to the stairs. I must say, i really did not expect the layout of the school is so not-japanese style. I heard the one who behind the building of Yamaku is very famous architect so i take it this is the result.

"Hisao, may i ask you a question ?"
"Yes, teacher. What is it ?"
"Do you have any problem with your studies prior your accident ? like do you feel difficulty on catch up with some lessons ? especially that you are third year"
"Hmm, to put that way, i am tried to catch up with ask my friend's notes, although it is a very short moment, because right after i got discharged, they processed my transfer order quickly, so i think i would request a supplementary material to catch up, if you are allowed, sir"

Mutou, try to absorb my information, then smiling.

"I am glad you still have focus to catch up, Hisao. I will do my best to prepare you some supplementary material, and because most of students are have their own pace and difficulty, we mostly do assigments in group, so i hope you can be patient and understand your classmate, Hisao"
"Yes sir, i will try"

Then we are enter the class of 3-4.

I see around 20 students on this class. Some of them have their own disabilities. I think they saw me as normal person, but actuall, i have my own disability. Although, i can feel someone look at me. A girl, but with her long hair close her left side of face. And also, there's a two girl, one with glasses and one with pink hair. And also, there's a smiling boy, waving at me.

They are my classmates now. I will do my best to respect their space.

Mr. Mutou indicate me to introduce myself.

"Hello class, starting today, you have a new classmate. Please introduce yourself"
"Hello, my name is Hisao Nakai, i am new transfer student here. Pleased to meet all of you"

Honestly, i can't think anymore. I dont want to make a weird introduction such "Hi, i am Hisao Nakai, and i have heart problem".
It is not a great way to introduce.

After claps from my classmates, i start to sit down on my chair. My chair and table is near window.

"Allright, since Hisao is about to catch up with our lesson, today i will review every materials that we are already discussed last week"

Well, i hope i can get used with this new life. I hope so.

"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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Re: Katawa Shoujo : REMAKE

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »

The New Transfer Student Life Begins

"Now after we do review everything, i want everyone of you form the group of 4 students and make the simple conclusion of what we have reviewed today".

I am about to stand and Mr. Mutou speak again...

"Hisao, i will assign you with Shizune Hakamichi and Shiina Mikado, if that's okay with you. Don't be shy to ask help from them" while he point out which table.
"Yes, sir"

So, i join the two students, one with glasses and dark blue hair and one with pink hair.

"Greetings, glad to work with you all. So, which one of you is Shizune ?"
I hope i am not offensive to them.
Then the pink haired student reply me,
"Hi, guess which one ?" She said with playful tone.

Huh ?
Man, i just start my first day and i got a weird question.
If that's how they want to play, i will play along then.

"Hmmm, i suggest that you are Shizune and the glasses one is Mikado"

God, please, don't make fun of me because of this

She looks want to say something, but....


I really did not expect such a reaction. And of course, i am wrong.

"Gee, cut me a slack, I am new here so how i am suppose to know"

Later, the pink haired girl said, "It's okay, i just want to tease you. Your guess are wrong, I AM MIKADO, and this one is Shizune"

The glasses one nod to me. I feel blushing because her face is kind of cute. Actually, two of them.
I think got teased is not bad but, with such a very loud laughter.....it's kinda embarrassing.

"Ah i see, hello Shizune, Hello Mikado. I hope we can get along from now on"
"Like wise Hisao, and don't call me Mikado. Just call me Misha"
And the glasses one start to use a kind of sign language.

Ah... she is deaf, i think

"And Shizune also says nice to meet you too. Also, she say that we should do our assigment"

Ah right, assignment. Gotta do it.


It's been a hour, and while we do our assignment, i saw the dark purple girl leave the class while Mutou give a nod.
Come to think, while we do on group, she did not do anything in group, rather be alone on her table.
Poor girl. Maybe there's something happened to her ?

So i ask Misha and Shizune,
"Hey, i don't mean to pry, but that dark purple girl.....is she allowed to leave class early ?"

Misha later relay my question to Shizune, and Shizune simply respond with language sign.
Judging from their face, i take it that's not a good answer i expect

"Before i answer, do you understand everyone have their own space and pace, Hisao ?"
"Yes, i know."
"That's how Yamaku students deal with themselves, everyday. You can't expect them to stay and do like a normal person. And also, i understand that you are seemingly curious about her, but both me and Shizune would suggest to not push her about her situation. Would you understand this, Hisao ?"

Such unexpected answers.......Really

"I see. I just, you know, curious. But if you two say so, then i won't pursue this matter again"
Misha, satisfied, answer my respond,
"Don't worry, you may have time to get along with her. Trust me"

In the meantime, i see. But now, gotta finish the assignment.


The bell has rung, indicating that school hours are over.
I just remembered that I attended the last lesson, so I was quite surprised that I only attended one class today.
Maybe it was also because of the long journey to Yamaku, I was also starting to feel tired. It seemed like it was also an effect of my heart condition.

"Thank you for the session, and remember to keep study and remember things we have reviewed today" Mr. Mutou says to all student.

Then he turn his attention to me,

"Hisao, i already got the message from Mr. Kazuki to remind you to check up to the Nurse Room. It's on Physiotherapy faculty. Just turn left from this building"

"Thank you teacher, i will get there"

I simply nod to Mr. Mutou and head to the Physiotherapy building.


The famous Physiotherapy building. I know this from my research on internet.
24 hour staffs and swimming pool. Also there's a running track outside the building.
And also, i saw some students with a weird prosthetics, leg prosthetics.

So this is, what Yamaku want to give, huh.
They want to give a chance to students to shine on sports also.
Such noble purpose. Must be a very serious benefactors if Yamaku can afford this.

And, gotta find out where's the nurse room.

Luckily, i met a girl with brown girl twintail with leg prosthetics.
Damn, i hope i don't do say any wrong words.

"Excuse me, i am supposed to visit the nurse room. Mr. Kazuki ask me to go there, to have a check up with nurse. Can you point out, where is it ?"
The girl, look at me, and somehow she got the idea,
"Ah ! you must be the new transfer student ! What a coincidence !! I am about to go to the same destination. Let me show you"
"Many thanks, i am sorry.... what's your name ?"
"Emi, Emi Ibarazaki ! Nice to see you too !"

She offer her hands to me, to shake hands.
Funny, she smells great, Kind of Strawberry one.

Gah, i should not be this Inappropriate !!

"Shall we go ?"
"Please, lead the way"

So we take a walk inside the building and when some staffs saw us, i simply bow to them, and they responded the bow.
"So how's your first day here, Hisao ? Anything interesting ?"
"Well, so far, so good. Still get used by the new environment."
Emi, look at me so hard, makes me confused,
"So, uhh, why do you look me like that"
Emi simply respond,
"I did not see anything weird from your physic, so it must be internal problem ? is that heart ?"

She is so sharp, really.

"Yeah, arrhythmia. I got treated last week and here i am, got transferred because of that. That's why maybe i am look like so tired."
"Ah i see, i am sorry i don't mean to impolite."
"No offense taken, Emi. Really."

So we keep walking together, and finally arrive at our destination.

"Here we are !! Shall we go in ?"

So we enter the nurse room and i see the office is like standard doctor room on any hospital.
And there's a man with white coat. And he turn around to us.

"Hello Emi !! Nice to see you drop off to my office !! And you must be......"
"Nakai, Hisao Nakai"

Then he snap his finger, like hit a jackpot.

"Yes, that name. Let me see your files"

While he look for my files, Emi took her place to sit on the bed.

"It's okay Hisao, just sit down, He won't do anything weird to you"

Ah, yeah, i forgot to sit down, while the nurse give me his brightest smile

"There, i find your file"

And then Nurse instruct me to take off my top and prepare to check my chest with stethoscope.
I am feel weird because Emi look at my surgery scar. I am feel naked.

Then Nurse, say something that makes me blushing hard

"Hey Hisao, Nice body. You may able to steal Emi's heart with this fine body"


"Jackass. Just don't tease the poor boy. You are make him flustered and blushing so hard"

Then nurse look at me

"First time got compliment like this, Hisao ?"

"To be honest, not from man, really. That's awkward"

"Is that so ? hahahaha" Nurse with such grin while Emi facepalm her face.

"So, let's get to the business. I already see your files and i think everything is arranged. You already got medications on your dorm room and i would advise you to do morning exercise like light jogging or swim. You need to keep yourself healthy, Hisao, so please don't slack off about morning routine"

"Allright sir, i will try"

"And speaking of exercise, you can contact Emi for help. I already ask her help on your health, so listen anything to her."

then the nurse whisper something to me,

"Just because she is cute, she can be so sadistic so be careful haha"

Emi, seems to know that Nurse make fun of her,

"Jackass. Don't listen to him, Hisao. And just let me know when you can start to exercise. Will give you a hand on that and also dietary recommendation"

"Sure thing, Emi. Can i get your contact so i can communicate with you ?"

So we exchange contacts, both me, Emi and Nurse.

"Done, is there anything else i need to do sir ? i want to get to dorm as soon as possible"

"Yes Hisao, go ahead, and don't forget to check up whenever you can, ok ?"

"Yes Sir. And Emi, thank you for the company too. Really grateful"

Emi, somehow blushing.

"W..w...ww...well, it's my pleasure. See you Hisao"
"See you"

And i left the building and reach dormitory immediately.


So i already got the key for my room. It's room 207.
Second floor, seventh room.

There you go.
I see the small text on the door.

"Hisao Nakai, 3-4"

Very detail. So i start to open the door and i am surprised with my room.
A room with very standard bed, cupboard, table, and also my belongings already assigned.
And i see my Mr. Pinkman, i think mom already put his food in the cage. Bless you mom.

And then i saw an envelope of monthly allowance from my dad, my laptop set, and also bottles of meds and a notes.

"Three times a day to stay survive. After breakfast / lunch / dinner. If your run out the meds, simply ask the nurse".

Survive, huh ?

So after i check my uniforms, jacket and clothings, i decide to eat the bread that left by my parents on the table and after eat and drink a water, i am go straight with meds and want to sleep. I am too tired to get a bath so i will do that on the morning.

This kind of feeling, when you are transfer to a weird, different place, and you see everyone have their own problems and disability, I can't help but curious. Can i make friends with them, or at least, understand them. Because i know, i should not take pity to them.

I am so tired, so i want to get sleep. Make sure the door is locked. I am fell to the sleep.

Yeah, tomorrow who knows what will happen to me.

"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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Re: Katawa Shoujo : REMAKE

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »

Enter Kenji


The annoying alarm sound.

But I have to wake up early, because last night I went straight to bed after checking all my equipment in the room.

Well, starting today, this room is my room. I can't complain about the room's design but I don't think this room is that bad.

And I saw my hamster, Mr. Pinkman already running around in his toy cage.

"Exercise huh? Maybe I'll try next week. I want to adjust to the environment here first"

Speaking of adjustment, I wonder if there is a library here.

Okay, today, I'll try to go to the library.

But first, I have to take a shower.


Ahh, taking a shower in the morning is also very refreshing.

After finishing my shower and brushing my teeth, I immediately put on the uniform that I prepared in the shower room (just to remind you that this shower room is for people, so there is already a special room to prepare a change of clothes in this facility room).

"Yosh! time to live this life!"

When I got out of the shower room and was about to go into my room to get my bag and equipment, suddenly the door across from my room opened, and there was a man wearing big glasses and... wait, he's wearing a Gryffindor scarf??

And without further ado, he started greeting me while pressing his face very close to mine.

"Hey. Who are you? As far as I know, no one is occupying the room across from mine"


"Hello, my name is Hisao Nakai. I'm a new student at this school. I just moved into this room yesterday. Nice to meet you."

He kept pressing his face against mine.

But he immediately backed away, whew

"Oh hello, my name is Kenji. Kenji Setou. You should have told me earlier"

How could I say that when you pressed your face against mine.

"Ah yeah, nice to meet you too. I'm busy preparing a bunker for something"

Bunker? HUH?
Out of curiosity, I asked and....

"Bunker? For what??"

"Of course to avoid them"


"Feminists are evil. You know? They're trying to control all of us!! You have to be careful!!"

Oh no, I didn't expect this to happen to me.

Feminists? Bunker? Too much information!!!

Without wasting any time I immediately responded,

"Umm, ok. I'm going to my room first, I want to get my bag and stuff. I have class this morning"

Kenji kept looking at me, and I felt like I was being interrogated by a fandom maniac who was wearing accessories from his fandom.

"Okay, I'll go back to my room"


"Don't bother me"


"You're a good person, Hisao. Later"

Geez, what really happened??

Without thinking I immediately went into my room and took what I needed.

I hope I don't experience what happened just now again.

"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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Re: Katawa Shoujo : REMAKE

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »

Hello, Nice to meet you

I'm still digesting what happened this morning.
That guy, Kenji... what's the problem?
I don't know what happened, but it seems like something's not right.
Emm, I should focus on today's lesson.
Today is Tuesday, huh....
Let me check today's schedule...
When I checked today's schedule, I saw the purple-haired girl enter the classroom.
No one greeted her at all.
Does she really not want to be seen at all?
Also, her right hand is covering the right side of her face.
And I also feel that her bangs are also long on one side.
Also... I saw that her right hand has a burn scar. It seems like the scar is very serious.
I... want to greet her but I still remember Shizune and Misha's message.
I have to understand the conditions of all the students here better
Especially... Kenji

Okay, I'll try to greet her.

And she was surprised. Even though I only greeted her. But I tried to be slow.
“Hello, my name is Hisao. Hisao Nakai. How are you?”
The girl was still looking at me while covering her right face, but she responded,
“Oh….h-h-hi. I…know who you are….yesterday you already i-i-i-introduced y-yourself”
Ok, I felt awkward, but at least she remembered my name.
“M-m-m-m-my name is Hanako. Hanako Ikezawa. G-g-g-g-good to know you too, Hisao...
“Okay, I’ll go back to my seat, let's do our best today, Hanako”
Hanako replied while trying to smile.
But I have to admit, her smile is……..very sweet.

And after I sat down, I saw Misha and Shizune enter the classroom too, and also almost all the students entered with the teacher for today’s activities.


Finally, it was lunch time, after a few tiring hours (I still don't like English, so I also felt tired having to memorize the essence of grammar and tenses).
I wanted to have lunch, and I felt a hand touch my shoulder.
Oh, it was Misha.

"Hisao!!! Do you want to eat together? Let's go to the cafeteria !!"
"Ah, that's great. Can you show me where the cafeteria is?"
"Come on, come with us"

Me, Shizune and Misha left the classroom, but I saw Hanako still sitting in her place, and she seemed to be sending a message on her cellphone.
I hope she has a friend to have lunch with.


And, we arrived at the cafeteria.
My impression was that the cafeteria was quite big. I think it could accommodate more than 100 people.
I also saw that there were teaching staff eating in the cafeteria. Maybe the ones I know the most are Mr. Mutou and the male nurse.
By the way, I don't know his name at all, I only know he's "Nurse" (even in my cellphone contacts I wrote Nurse Yamaku).
I guess I'll have to ask him later.
Then Misha in a loud voice, called me,

"Okay, okay"

So, I only ordered a bento set, and Misha and Shizune also ordered other bento sets.
When we were eating lunch, Misha started asking

"Hisao, how was your second day here? Is there anything wrong?"
“Ah, so far so good”

Of course that didn’t apply to Kenji’s incident today

“But I’ve tried to get to know that purple-haired girl. Her name is Hanako. I think she’s….very shy, huh?”
Misha began to translate my information in sign language to Shizune, and Shizune responded in sign language as well.

“Shicchan (yeah Misha calls Shizune with this nickname) said, Like we said yesterday, there will be a time for us to be friends, but if Hanako can talk to you, that’s good. That girl is… a bit hard to approach. That’s all.”

Well, I felt the same way. But I was determined to take it slow.

“Yeah, thank you guys. By the way, do you guys know where the library is? I forgot to ask you guys yesterday”
To this, Misha answered,
“The library is on the 3rd floor with a big brown door. It won’t be hard to find because it says “LIBRARY”, HAHAHHAHAHAHAHA”

Ah, Misha, I hope you can control your volume…

“Okay, thank you.”

Then I saw Shizune using sign language again and started telling what Shizune wanted to say,

“Shicchan said, don’t hesitate to ask about Yamaku’s facilities. That’s our job as the School Committee”
Ahh, no wonder they were quite understanding.
“Okay, convey my thanks to Shizune”

Misha translated again and Shizune smiled in satisfaction.
We went back to lunch again because the next class would start in 20 minutes.


And finally the school bell rang.
I felt like I was still having a bit of trouble with the last lesson, but I guess I can study it again in my room later (the material was complete but I was still confused about what the teacher said today).
And I saw Hanako immediately leave the classroom.
I hope she's okay.
Okay, I'm going to the library first.


As I was leaving the classroom, I saw something fast coming towards me.
Owwww, what was that that hit me.
Ah, I know that person.
Emi Ibarazaki. The girl who helped me to the nurse's office.

“HEHH HISAO?? Are you okay??”
“It's okay….I'm fine-…”

I feel my chest hurt.
My heart, please don't be weird yet.
I tried to catch my breath while massaging my chest.
Finally I felt my heartbeat normal.

And Emi looked very worried, trying to help me stand up.
And... this was the first time I saw her prosthetic leg like that.
It looks like a prosthetic leg for athletes. I've heard about this.
And Emi's voice called me,

"Hisao? Are you okay? Do you want to go to the nurse's room?"
"I'm okay. Don't worry. It was my fault for not looking left and right when I was about to leave the classroom"

Emi, looking guilty,

"Hisaoooooo, are you sure you're okay ???? Hueee, I feel bad for youuuu"

I put my hand on her shoulder. Trying to convince her that I was okay.

"It's safe, Emi. Don't worry. I’m going to the library now. If anything happens, I’ll go to the nurse’s office”
“Are you sure?”
“Yes, I’m sure. I’ve taken some medicine too.”

Emi still looked confused, but it seemed like she had calmed down.

“Hisao, as an apology, I’ll make you lunch tomorrow, okay?”

I tried to refuse, but Emi begged like a pitiful kitten.
Gaaaah, I’m weak with things like this.

“Okay, I’ll wait for you in this classroom tomorrow afternoon, okay?”
“YAY. I promise!! I’ll go first, there’s a teacher who asked for my help. If I’m late, I’m afraid I’ll be punishedddddd”

And then, Emi quickly left again.

It seems like I have to be more careful. My heart condition isn’t like it used to be.
Okay, let’s go to the library now before it closes.


3rd Floor. Library
Yeah, just like Misha said, there was a big sign saying “LIBRARY”

“Excuse me…” I asked while opening the door.

When I entered, the library was quite big, there were many tables and chairs and beanbags in this area. But it seemed empty.
Are there no students here who are interested in reading books or what?
Okay, maybe I can try calling the librarian. There should be a librarian here.

“Hellooooo, is anyone here??”



And I saw a woman, standing up from under the table.


I was also confused, what happened.

“Um, it’s okay. I just wanted to ask where the fiction book section is”
“Ohh” The librarian seemed to be no longer panicking
“For fiction books, just go straight from this table and turn right. There will be instructions on the shelves.”
“Thank you very much, ma’am….?”
“Yuuko Shirakawa. Just call me Yuuko”

Ok, this is a bit weird. I mean it’s a bit weird to call staff by name.

“Alright, Yuuko, I’ll stop by the fiction section”

Yuuko bowed and instructed that the Library would be closing soon,
“If you don’t mind, could you inform Hanako and Lily that the library will be closing soon?”

Hanako? Here?
And Lily….seems like Hanako’s friend.

“Alright, I’ll remind them for you”

I rushed to the fiction section.
As Yuuko informed, there were two people reading in the reading room near the Fiction shelf.
One was Hanako, and the other was…..
I didn’t expect this but, it seems like this long blonde haired girl named Lily.
And…..she’s really pretty and she’s not Japanese either.
Also, I saw the book Lily was reading. There were a series of unique codes.
Ah, it seems like this is Braille. But I feel like Lily knows I’m here and Hanako also sees me.

“Um, is the Library going to close? I know you’re looking at us” Lily asked.

I, who felt bad because I felt rude just looking at them, responded,

“Sorry, I didn’t mean to bother you guys, but Yuuko left a message that the Library will be closed”
“Oh? It seems like we’re having fun reading books, Hanako. Do you want to go home soon?”

Hanako, still a bit shocked,

“Okay, L-L-L-Lily. I w-want to go home too. I h-h-h-have some work to do too.”
Lily started to get up and she used her cane.

Ah, she is blind…..

“And who is this guy who reminded us, Hanako? He’s so kind to come to us”
Lily’s smile was so beautiful, I felt awkward.

Hanako started to introduce us,
“M-m-m-meeting, he’s Hisao Nakai. H-m-m-he’s my classmate who just transferred yesterday. T-t-the one I told you about.”

Then Lily started to give me her hand,

“My name is Lily. Lily Satou. Nice to meet you. I hope we can be friends”

I was still awkward and shy,
“Ehhh, you’re welcome Lily. Hopefully we can get to know each other”

“Okay, we’ll excuse ourselves, Hisao. See you tomorrow”

And they both immediately left me.
Oh yeah….
I’m going to take 1 book first before going home.
“In Search of Lost Time by Marcel Proust”
This seems interesting.
After I took the book, Yuuko was still waiting worriedly.
And I immediately started the book borrowing process.


As I walked towards the dorm, I started to think,
Do I still have to try to ignore all the conditions of the students here to be able to make friends?
I know I'm still adjusting, but I still have to try to be able to understand.
It's not easy, but I want to try.
I don't want to feel sorry for them just because of their condition. I do want to be friends.
Hopefully tomorrow can be a good day again.


"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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Re: Katawa Shoujo : REMAKE

Post by piroska »

Hoo boy.

LiteracyIsNoLimited wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:50 am

I am suppose to


LiteracyIsNoLimited wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:50 am

Someone put a love letter on my shoes locker

and put a period at the end of that sentence

LiteracyIsNoLimited wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:50 am

I am telling to myself that whoever try to confess to me is kind of waste of time, because i, am for one, not really pursue any relationship on this point. But, i am curious, who is the one that put the letter with such writing, because i am honestly don't recognize the handwriting.

telling myself*
kind of a* waste of time
all your “i”s need to be capitalized
pursuing* any relationship at* this point
no comma needed after “curious”
what is “who is the one that put the letter with such writing” even trying to say? I can’t make its meaning out
no “am” needed in “because i am honestly”

As you can see, I count twelve different spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes in the first three lines of your post. I don’t think I need to go further to tell you that you should, at the very least, run your stuff through a spellchecker before posting.

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Re: Katawa Shoujo : REMAKE

Post by LiteracyIsNoLimited »

piroska wrote: Mon Mar 10, 2025 10:37 am

Hoo boy.

LiteracyIsNoLimited wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:50 am

I am suppose to


LiteracyIsNoLimited wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:50 am

Someone put a love letter on my shoes locker

and put a period at the end of that sentence

LiteracyIsNoLimited wrote: Sat Mar 08, 2025 7:50 am

I am telling to myself that whoever try to confess to me is kind of waste of time, because i, am for one, not really pursue any relationship on this point. But, i am curious, who is the one that put the letter with such writing, because i am honestly don't recognize the handwriting.

telling myself*
kind of a* waste of time
all your “i”s need to be capitalized
pursuing* any relationship at* this point
no comma needed after “curious”
what is “who is the one that put the letter with such writing” even trying to say? I can’t make its meaning out
no “am” needed in “because i am honestly”

As you can see, I count twelve different spelling, grammar, and punctuation mistakes in the first three lines of your post. I don’t think I need to go further to tell you that you should, at the very least, run your stuff through a spellchecker before posting.

Thank you for your input. I still make a mistakes about grammar haha, it's been a while i don't improve my writing. Allright, I will try do better next time. Bless you, friend.

"I Believe Somewhere, Sometime, Someday, we can achieve our own happiness."

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