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About Rin endings (neutral vs bad)

Posted: Thu Dec 19, 2024 6:56 pm
by ks_random_user

After giving it serious thought, I think Rin's "bad" ending should actually be the neutral one since Hisao decides to leave her alone and forget her after their last discussion, and based on Rin's interactions, she's very likely to supress/ forget that such conversation ever happened and simply continue with her usual way to deal with others and her reality, which I think onlyor temporarily "closes the door" to others, but doesnt put a lock into it as the seemingly "neutral" ending

going to the "neutral" ending, Hisao shares her poisoned vision of reality, namely: we are doomed to be alone and never be understood, so at most, we use others to temporarily alleviate our loneliness, which breaks Rin and makes her accept this fate if he says so, which is quickly followed by accepting the scholarship in Tokio, further distancing from the few people that had something to do with her (Hisao and Emi), so from my perspective, this is the actual bad ending since she will be more adamant to let others approach to her, and may ultimately result in her suicide since she'll wrongly reach the conclusion that painting or anything in life is worthless

Re: About Rin endings (neutral vs bad)

Posted: Fri Dec 27, 2024 9:58 pm
by nl4real

Interesting. I never got the neutral ending, so I never knew how it played out.