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Hisao's Big Win (Shizune GE continuation) Updated 7/19/2023

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 12:44 am
by ToothedYew006
I never thought to put an intro, but I’ve seen a lot of people doing them for theirs so I’m adding this in. Initially, I really wanted to do a Lilly continuation. However, I am new to this, so I thought I would attempt a story with a character I didn’t like as much. That way, if it sucks, I won’t feel too bad about it. However, as I’ve started to write it and think about Shizune more, I have found that I appreciate her character more as well. This story is meant to be more wholesome, although it won’t have a lack of conflict either. Please let me know what I should fix for the future, I want to do better and I respond best to blunt criticism. Anyways, please enjoy.

Chapter 1: New Beginnings

<I win again!> Shizune gives a soft smile as she signs.

<Yes you did,> I sigh as I sign. I haven’t won many games the past couple of days. I don’t know what the problem is. Just bad luck I guess.
<Risk just isn’t my game. Can’t seem to get the hang of it>

A look behind Shizune at the window shows the sky has gone black.

<Going to make some tea would you like some?> Shizune asks.

<Tea sounds good, thanks.>

She heads out the door and down the hall, leaving me alone in her room. I move to pick up the pieces of our game. Red and blue, the same colors every game. Of course Shizune always moves to pick red as it seems to match her fiery, competitive spirit. I on the other hand prefer a nice, cool, relaxing blue. It’s not that I dislike competing, but I just don’t have that same edge she does. That comes back to haunt me as we play since I haven’t been winning much recently.

As I pick up the final pieces I put the game to the side and lay back on her bed. Her room has become more and more mine lately. Getting used to living here has been an adjustment. I was surprised her dad even agreed to it! I don’t know what Shizune said to him, but she convinced him to let me stay here while we went to university. Which is great too, I don’t know if I could afford an apartment this close to the university.

It has been great spending all this time with Shizune. Eating with her, playing games, and even just being around her more has all been great. Well, almost all of it. Her father is still, well, Jigoro. Hopefully one day he will warm up to me. Shizune says that’s just who he is, but I feel like he has something against me. Maybe it's because I am dating his daughter? I don’t know. Whatever it is, I wish it would stop.

I start to hear two soft footsteps walking down the hall and the familiar sound of china scraping against each other. I see the platter in her hands first as she comes through the door, sashaying as she moves. While she puts it on the table, she looks up at me with a smirk.
<This is a boy's dream isn’t it? Having such a cute girl bringing you tea?> She smiles as she says this.

<Of course, I never dreamed it would be someone as wonderful as you.>

<It’s a shame your imagination never stretched that far, but I can’t blame you. I am one of a kind>

Isn’t that the truth?

<Thank you for the tea, Shizune. And thank you for being such a unique girl> Her smile matches my own as we take our teacups, our hands now full.

We stay “quiet” for a bit, simply sipping our tea and enjoying the company. Eager to soak it all in, I am trying not to think about tomorrow. University begins, and we will have less time to do nice things like this together. I am afraid of how busy we will get and the stress that will come. Although I am excited to be pursuing classes that reflect my personal interests for once, I am afraid of how busy we will get, and the stress that my courses will bring me.

Shizune must know what I am thinking about, as she signs <Are you worried about tomorrow? I think you will do great. You’re pretty intelligent, Hisao. I’m not worried about you struggling>

<Oh? Then what are you worried about?>

<Misha of course. She was never the brightest, and now she will be at a new school all on her own. I just hope she can make friends there>

Ah right. I forgot about that. Misha always had to take makeup classes last year, but maybe without student council (and Shizune) to distract her, she can focus on her studies. It’s hard to become a sign language teacher, but with how good she is at signing I know she’ll do well. Even as I talk to Shizune everyday, I doubt I will ever reach her level. Especially since she was so good at signing, even now I doubt I could reach her level.

<I know you don’t like it, but you can always text her to see how she’s doing. Also, we can go see her during summer break. I am sure she would appreciate the visit, and we will definitely need a vacation by then.>

Shizune smiles lightly. <I agree. It will be good for the three of us to get together again.>

I finish my tea and thank her. <Would you like to take a bath first or should I?>

<You can go ahead. I need to do a few small things first.>

<Okay thanks.> I get up to get ready for the bath.

“Ahhh” My body hits the warm water and immediately relaxes. It’s not like I’ve been doing much recently, but still, the time to destress is much needed. I could spend all day soaking. My ears perk up as I hear soft footsteps in the laundry room. I think of saying something to get their attention, but if it’s Shizune then there’s no point, and if it's not Shizune then well… I just hope it’s Shizune.

“Ah!” I jump up and try to cover myself as the door is thrown open. It’s not Shizune.

“What are you yelling for boy? It’s just me.” Jigoro growls at me as he walks into the shower area. He’s completely naked, which is not something I ever wanted to see.

“What are you doing here?”

“What does it look like I’m doing?” He begins to wash himself with the shower head, continuing his movements undisturbed by my presence. “I knew kids these days were dumb but I didn’t know they were that dumb”

Ugh. This was a nice bath. “That’s not the point. Why did you come in here when you knew I was taking a bath?”

“Doesn’t matter. My house, I can take a bath whenever I want. I don’t see what the problem is I’m sure you’ve gone to a bathhouse before”

“Yeah but-”

“But what? The bath is more than big enough for the two of us. Hell, we could fit Hideaki in here and still have room”

Their bath is big enough to be in a small bathhouse so his point stands. I just want some quiet, so I guess the path of least resistance to that end is to be silent.

Jigoro finishes up with the shower and gets into the bath with me. I resign myself to the situation, close my eyes, and try to relax as much as possible.
“Do you know why I decided to let you stay here?”

Uh oh. “No, I do not, sir.”

“When you last came and stayed for a few days with that loud pink haired girl, Shizune was the happiest I had seen her for a long time. You’ll be able to read about it in my autobiography of course, but it hasn’t been easy raising her. We… struggle at times to communicate.”

Who knew a man who speaks only by shouting would have a tough time communicating with a deaf girl?

“Listen here boy, I don’t want you to think I like you or anything. I don’t. What I like is the smile on my daughter’s face when you’re around. And I have gotten to see it more in the past few weeks than I have in years.”

“I appreciate that, sir. I try my best to see her smile too.”

“She gets it from her mother. Her mother’s smile was the only thing capable of silencing me. And now, I get to see it in her. I’m telling you this so you understand that you need to keep her smiling. The minute she stops, you are of no use to me. Got it?”

And here I was thinking we might be connecting. “Got it. I will do my best, sir”.
“Good. Now get out, you’ve been in here long enough” Jigoro dismisses me with a wave of his hand.

I sigh. There goes my bath.


<Hisao?> This is odd. Shizune looks almost nervous as she signs to me. <Would you care to join me tonight?>

<What do you mean?> I stare at her, dumbfounded.

<Do I have to spell it out for you? It’s embarrassing enough to have to ask.> The nervous look on her face disappears as she is back on the attack.

Oh. Oh! She means to sleep tonight. Now that I realize color starts to flood my face. But I can’t let my nervousness show.

<Oh? I still have no idea what you mean. Join you in what?>

She looks almost angry in response. <You know exactly what I mean.>

I find it cute how nervous she looks, despite everything we’ve done before.

<I’m sorry, I’m a bit groggy from my bath. I would appreciate it if you cleared things up for me>

A slight grin appears on her face. <You know what Hisao, I think I must have forgotten what I was referring to as well. Oh well, time to go to sleep>

<Wait!> Checkmate. She gambled on me not wanting to miss this opportunity. Ugh. I lose again, but maybe I can still get a small win out of this. <I will join you. Your bed is extremely comfortable>

I hesitantly head towards her room. I don’t know why, but this action has me more nervous than ever before. For the past few weeks I’ve slept in my own room at night, despite all we’ve done otherwise. The intimacy of sleeping together is new, something different.

As we get to her room, I do my best to settle my heart down. She gets into bed and I stand off to the side, still a little hesitant. It is hard to see her with the lights off, but I see her hand motion for me to join her.

I move the covers aside and get in next to her. I turn towards her and pull her towards me, feeling her heat radiate off her sleek body. Her face is now directly in front of mine, and I can see the subtle redness in her cheeks.

We’re too close for sign but we don’t need it; our eyes, hands and bodies are doing all the talking at this point . I move my hand over her back, my fingers touching her soft satin sleepwear. I tug on her and pull her even closer to me. Her eyes look up at me as if she is staring directly into my heart.

This is a different feeling from before. I want to pull her tight into me, so tight that it would be impossible to tell us apart. At this moment, I want to become one with her. She smiles, and moves her head into my chest. I take my other arm and wrap them both around her head and pull her into me. I close my eyes and slow my breathing.

At this point I realize how fast my heart is beating. There is a 100% chance that she is able to hear it. I think I’m fine with that. Her breathing begins to match mine, and I smile to myself. A year ago I never imagined that I would be able to enjoy something like this. Hell, just 6 months ago I thought I would never have a “normal” thing happen to me again. This is nice to have. With these thoughts and surrounded by her warmth, I sleep soundly for the first time in months.

End of Chapter 1.

Re: Hisao's Big Win (Shizune GE continuation) Updated 7/19/2023

Posted: Wed Jul 19, 2023 6:15 pm
by Asoko_Desu
And so the intrepid couple is off to a running start in their life together - no pressure!

Looking forward to seeing where university and paternal oversight takes them - I suspect an apartment of their own is in their future :)

One note - you may be using the same text processor as I do; some of your carriage returns look like they got dropped.
