[Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

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[Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by avonder »

Katawa Shoujo r7 – Katawa Shoujo for the modern age

Newest update: 1.4.1

Katawa Shoujo r7 is a comprehensive remaster of the 2012 release, bringing in a plethora of improvements, bug fixes and all-new features with no compromise on the original's creative vision.

Image Image Image Image Image Image

New Features

  • Ren'Py 8

    The unwieldy codebase meets the modern version of the visual novel engine, allowing for arbitrary resolution scaling, HD text rendering, much faster skipping, stability and accessibility features.

  • Wide Mode


    Ever wished for a new outlook at your favorite game? Broaden your horizons with a new mode, taking advantage of the widescreen technology that's been gaining popularity in recent years.

    The peculiar resolution is made to strike a balance between the wider feel and the coverage of all existing visual content, and can be used to iterate upon other originally 4:3 interactive media as well. Toggleable off in settings for the original experience.

  • Accessibility Features


    (OpenDyslexic font, high-contrast text, self-voicing)

    Robust and comprehensive. Provided by the engine itself, but capped off with a nice endpoint. The entirety of the ingame text and user interface is adjusted and confirmed to be usable via self-voicing alone.

  • Controller Support


    As a side-effect of this starting development as a PS Vita port (see below), full controller support is available. The controls ~ in the spirit of accessibility ~ are optimized for the possibility of one-handed play; every aspect of the game can be perused with the controller in either hand.

  • Ren'Py Sync


    This is a save transfer service provided by Ren'Py itself, enabling you to sync progress between every supported device, including Vita and iOS. Accessible from the Load screen.

  • Community Mod Framework


    As the foremost in what's to come for the Katawa Shoujo community, this release includes means to develop and deploy custom scenarios that plug and play directly into the main game. For them, every resource existing in the base game becomes available, as well as support for new resources at any resolution, both old-style imachine-based and new-style string and image translations, ruby text, and even voice acting. I sincerely hope this well help someone achieve their very own creative vision.

    The following expansions are officialy supported:

    Mods are distributed as singular .rpa files, and are loaded and unloaded by putting them into the `/game` directory.

    • On macOS, right-click > Show Package Contents, then browse to `Contents/Resources/autorun/game`.

    • On Android, the path is `Android/data/org.fourleaf.ks/files/game` (you may need to connect to a computer to access it).

    • On iOS, files need to be added to the ipa file before install; open it like an archive and go to `Payload/Katawa Shoujo.app/base/game`.

    Source files for the mods are included, and the files for Learning To Fly are annotated. Enjoy!

  • Additional Languages

    Because why not, really. The Italian translation has been unequivocally officially released over here, but never made it into the game because it happened after end of support.

    Unofficial translations may also be ported upon request. As of now, the Russian, German, Brazilian Portuguese, and Chinese languages have been added.

  • Original or Upscaled

    This release gives you the either option. To enable the HD pack, download `hd-2x.rpa` and place it in the `/game` directory.

  • Streaming-Safe

    All adult content has been relocated to the `*-r18.rpa` patch files; by removing them, you'll convert the game to a Steam-approved all-ages version.
    In addition to that, with the patch present and the original "Disable adult content" setting enabled, nude sprites are appropriately censored for streaming purposes.

  • Fast-Forwarding

    This is an alternative skipping mode that plays back all the animations as they happen. Great for playtesting your sound novels!
    Temporarily activate it by holding `/` or `Z` keys on keyboard or Right on controller, or toggle it by using `Shift` or L1 with those keys.

  • Additional features:

    • Added autosaving. The two topmost save slots (one for the base game and one for DLC) are reserved in a way that doesn't interfere with existing saves, but overwriting them will result in them being overwritten back.
      The game autosaves at each timeskip, and can be autosaved manually in mods.

    • Changing music in the jukebox now extends to the rest of the Extras menu, and persists after completing a replay.

    • Completing a replay, consequentially, now puts you where you left off on the library screen.

    • In the gallery, exiting out of an image sequence is now possible with `Mouse2 / Circle / Esc`. In Wide Mode, both fullscreen and original versions of the image are displayed, and skipping to the next image is possible with `Mouse3 / Triangle / Enter`.

    • The engine is modified from upstream for the various needs of the project; the changes are documented in `renpy/diff.txt`.

Bug Fixes

This list only includes the bugs present in the original release.

  • The choice-tracking system now works correctly, independent of language and without occasionally losing progress.

  • The crowd no longer flickers in certain situations (like Hideaki's appearance in Lilly route).

  • Removed the sprite shading error in R40, confirmed as such by the original team.

  • Looped the train ambiance properly.

  • Fixed the save name saying "False" if the save is made in an unnamed scene.

  • Applied the correction pack from here.

There are no remaining issues known to us at the moment, but if you find any, report them to me and I'll work on fixing them.

Shiny New Things

  • 3D Mode


    Want something new out of your next playthough? Bring in a pinch of depth to the stage with this mode, controlled by your cursor or touch movement.
    Comes preinstalled with the game, activated via DLC.

    Note: This is just for fun; if this is your first time playing, we advise reading it as it was intended first.

  • PlayStation Vita version


    Ah, the Weebstation. A console that revolutionized the visual novel market in Japan, and came out less than a month apart from KS itself. It is a match made in heaven, really.
    This version functions identically to the PC release, and all expansion content is available as well, except for the following limitations:

    • No FMV support. Only Tom could ever fix this.
      The videos are provided separately; extract them to a folder of choice and view them with a standalone video player. I recommend this one.

    • No self-voicing, as the Vita doesn't have a TTS engine.

    • In its current iteration, the Vita is not powerful enough to render transforms and transitions at the same time. A lot of work has been put into mitigating this, but there are a few spots in the game with inavoidable lag left.

    To boot, 180 megabytes of RAM is not really enough to run modern Ren'Py, so a few tricks needed to be implemented:

    • Only one language can be enabled at a time.

    • Likewise, any loaded DLCs will add to the RAM burden, and for the most demanding ones the amount left is not enough; this is why the `*-script.rpa` files are separated out. Moving them outside the `/game` directory will unload the main game's script from memory, and allow those expansions to be played with no issues. Don't forget to place them back after finishing.

    • Even still, the amount of memory errors seems to increase dramatically with the size of the persistent file, to the point that 100%ing the game on a single file would not have been possible. The vast majority of this file is information about what text you've seen, so you have two options:

      • Flush this data automatically at each save, and not record what text you've seen. (This option and, consequently, "Skip unread text" are on by default, as the prospect of someone not reading these instructions and having their game slowly become unplayable is a frightening one.)

      • Flush this data manually, if recording seen text is something you require for completion. You'll need to do it about once per route.

      The controls for these options are located on the "Accessibility options" screen.

    The game will still eventually run out of memory, but it'll happen at rare enough intervals as to not be a hindrance to a pleasant reading experience.

  • Android / iOS version


    It's not 2012 anymore, and your midrange phone can run anything in KS just fine. The mobile version maintains feature parity with its PC equivalent.

  • On iOS, use Sideloadly or a similar solution to install.

    This port has a custom control scheme for touch; please consult the following chart.


  • Katawa Crash

    is an Act 1–era fangame based on another fangame where the goal is to launch Hisao as far as possible.


    I am rather fond of Katawa Crash; however, the only way to describe Adobe Flash in the present is "obsolete". So, this is a complete remake of it in Godot. In 60 FPS, with HD rendering, internationalization, controller and keyboard support, and UX improvements in the UI, in every other aspect the Katawa Crash you remember.

* * *

Download / Play: Katawa Shoujo r7
[When updating from an older version, please update all DLCs as well]

Last edited by avonder on Sun Nov 24, 2024 3:17 am, edited 43 times in total.
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by Asoko_Desu »

Can't wait to try it out - thanks to everyone involved for their hard work!

"So much to do, so little time."

Asoko Desu's one-shots and short pieces - and assorted tie-ins.
Two Body Problem - "Adventures in the 'Emiverse'"; Emi’s path from Rin’s perspective ..
The Years That the Locusts Have Eaten - Post-Rin’s good ending - a journey through the 'Rinverse'

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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by avonder »

Support for alternative asset packs, and the 2x-upscaled HD asset pack have been added. To install, download `hd-2x.rpa` and place it in the `/game` directory. Please also redownload the game if you've already done so.

It is not a replacement for proper high-resolution assets, but a fair bit's been done to make the option worthwhile.

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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

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The Android version has been added.
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by avonder »

This project is actively looking for feedback. If you've found anything you think needs to be fixed or improved, don't hesitate to post a reply.
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by Erenussocrates »

I really want to get it for PC, but the mega.nz link keeps saying the quota is reached, is there an alternative mirror? :c
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by avonder »

Erenussocrates wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:38 am I really want to get it for PC, but the mega.nz link keeps saying the quota is reached, is there an alternative mirror? :c
The quota is on your end. Registering a free account with Mega bumps it to ~6GB/day, or you can reboot your router to reset it if your IP is dynamic.
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by avonder »

Erenussocrates wrote: Thu Jun 29, 2023 9:38 am
...that said, I understand your concern. A mirror is now available.
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by Erenussocrates »

Thank you so much. Also I've been wondering about a way to play KS on my mobile ever since I've wondered if there would be a time where I would be away from PC for an extended period, so this is a life saver in all aspects. Are HD assets included in the main download?
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by avonder »

Erenussocrates wrote: Fri Jun 30, 2023 8:22 am Are HD assets included in the main download?
HD assets are the 1.1GB .rpa file. Put it in `/game` to load it. Same rules as for loading save files made in another language apply for switching between regular and HD saves.
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by Erenussocrates »

Just asking for extra clarification, in order to load the mods correctly, we need only to put the .rpa files inside the /game folder right? We don't need to do anything with the extra provided source files?

Edit: Btw, I don't know if it's because of my phone's system not being good enough for it, but Katawa Shoujo seems to crash on Options menu, controls menu or Start game clicks on mobile, lol. I don't even know how to check up on mobile system specifications lol, it has android 12 on it, has 64 GB storage. General Mobile, model G510. Also spends a lot of time on start splash screen too lol

Edit 2: On PC, I don't know if it's an issue just for me, but the screen seem to turn all red and only show upper left quarter of the true game display when I go fullscreen. And widescreen mode seems to work properly when it's unchecked instead of being checked I think
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by avonder »

The source files are guidance for people endeavouring to create their own mods for the game.
Erenussocrates wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 7:54 am General Mobile, model G510.
A $200 phone for the internal Turkish market, eh? Here's the report of Ren'Py not working on the GPU it has, unfortunately.
I do not presently know what could be causing the PC issues you describe. Can you take screenshots of both? Also, grab the `log.txt` next to where you start the game and attach it here.
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by Erenussocrates »

Weirdly enough, the error doesn't repeat this time around when I opened it again. I vaguely remember this happening with some other versions of KS too?

Btw, have you heard of Katawa Shoujo Re engineered? If you haven't seen it, I highly recommend you getting it and taking a very quick look in New Game. There is this "camera pan" feature that makes you be able to see a little bit more of the current background scene according to your cursor movements, making it feel like you are moving your character's head around, and adding a little bit more immersion to the whole experience. I personally fell in love with it, I think it would be cool even if it was featured only as an option or a mod.

https://www.reddit.com/r/katawashoujo/c ... neered_an/
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by avonder »

Erenussocrates wrote: Tue Jul 04, 2023 1:09 pm"camera pan" feature
Here you go, enjoy.
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Re: [Release] Katawa Shoujo r7

Post by Erenussocrates »

dude you are the best, thank you so much. It works. Also is there a place where I can follow changelog?
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