Look What I Found

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Look What I Found

Post by ArcCain »

So I recently started a new play-through after a long time and decided to go for Lilly to start with. Reading through KS again I am picking up some of the more subtle bits I missed last time around. As well as some possible hints to character stuff which were either cut or left vague. In any case, I reached the chessboard scene in Lilly's path and wondered, 'Huh, is this a real thing? What do they look like?'

One quick search later and I came across a chessboard which looked awfully reminiscent.
Chess 1.png
Chess 1.png (436.67 KiB) Viewed 12414 times
Chess 2.jpg
Chess 2.jpg (44.26 KiB) Viewed 12414 times
Now I feel like a treasure hunter finding lost secrets.
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Re: Look What I Found

Post by ArcCain »

A good writer knows his limits. A great writer finds ways around them.
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