Flutter - Level Thirty Six: Invincibility [18/5/24]


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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty One: Footsies [25/3/17]

Post by Bottles »

It returns! \o/

Great to see you back Sharp
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty One: Footsies [25/3/17]

Post by PKMNthiefChris »

Well I binged this in the course of... 8 hours? Maybe? I love your takes on Rika and Hisao. I've read three non-nihilist Rika's at this point and can firmly say I like her better that way. At least for long term involvement in the story. I think this is the most unique take on the Iwanako reunion thing I've seen, with Mai hating her and Hisao's friends divided on how they stand with her. I think Hisao being angry at her until he actually saw her was a brilliant touch and her actually trying to make moves in the hospital? I've never seen that before. Outside of some Pseudo-Routes for her anyways.
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty One: Footsies [25/3/17]

Post by FinallyCaved »

Hope this makes a surprise resurgence some day. Love these long fics, but hate seeing them die without a proper ending.
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty One: Footsies [25/3/17]

Post by Oddball »

Finally got around to reading this whole thing I look forward to (hopefully) being able to read the entire story some day.

Rika is adorable in this story and is a very nice change from the depressing self destructive Rika's we normally see. Her various friends feel welcome without over crowding the story.

You do lean a bit into the cliches and meme of KS at time, and I groan every time you do, but those are only small misfires.

Hisao's mom does come off as a bit too much at times. Likewise, the way Iwanako is treated seems a bit too much. I do like how one of Hisao's old friends has stepped in to take her side though. That was a nice touch. In general his old buds feel well developed an make for nice additions to the cast.
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Two: Okizeme [18/8/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

The ultimately pleasant events of the previous evening play out in my mind as Hisao and I walk through the early morning in his sleepy suburban home. Gripping his hand instinctively draws his attention to me and he looks at me with an adorably hopeless expression. It’s a good thing you’re cute, Hisao, otherwise I never would have agreed to this…

“It’s going to be fine. Just a quick chat and then we go home to pack.” Hisao smiles, reassuringly. I don’t think it will.

Between Hisao’s begging and his friend Shin’s ultimatum, Mai still hasn’t contacted anyone and the rift between them only seems to have become more… Toxic. I urged Hisao to leave it alone, that the kind of hurt Mai is feeling could probably only be fixed with time but he doesn’t want to leave without giving it one last go, I guess.

“I’m more than glad to be your Assist, Hisao. I’ll always have your back.” I say with a nod, playing the ever-supportive girlfriend role that I’ve found myself in for the large part of this trip to Hisao’s old stomping grounds. I don’t agree with the play but I have to trust Hisao’s decisions when it comes to his own friends.

We arrive at the house Hisao told me was Mai’s. It doesn’t look any different to most houses on the block but the burst of colour coming from an assortment of gorgeous flower beds in the front yard make it a little more distinct.

Hisao lets go of my hand as he approaches the door and I idle just behind him, rocking on my heels whilst assessing the house front. A curtain twitches behind one of the open upstairs windows before the soft click of a latch makes me focus on the door and the rather gaunt-looking middle-aged woman who answered.

When Takumi had said Mai’s mom was sick, I didn’t press the issue but the beige head covering is unmistakable to me; this woman is clearly going through chemotherapy. I can’t believe we’re pestering this poor woman for the sake of teenage melodrama…

“Good Morning, Mrs Yoshida. I’m Hisao Nakai, I don’t know if you remember me but I’m a friend of Mai’s.”

“Of course I remember you, Hisao. It’s nice to see you looking so healthy again.” The woman says with a bright smile. Her eyes flicker to me for a second and I give a polite wave. “I assume you’re here to see Mai?”

“Yes, ma’am. I’m sorry to be calling so early in the morning but I just wanted to check-in with her since it’s my last day here and I couldn’t get hold of her phone.” Hisao’s attitude remains friendly but Mrs Yoshida’s smile fades a little.

“Ah, Mai’s been feeling under the weather. She’s been in bed since yesterday. Lady problems.” She says in a hushed tone, looking at me like I’ll sympathise.

“That would keep me away from this one’s annoying texts!” I sidle up to Hisao with a nudge of my elbow, earning a slight chuckle from the woman. “I’m Rika Katayama, ma’am, and I love all the flowers you have out here. The camellias have a nice pop to them.” I gesture towards the only flowers I know the name of, small and almost florescent pink. I quietly thank Fuuka in my head for that little bit botany trivia.

“Why thank you. They’re my pride and joy, but don’t tell my daughter that.” She laughs before wheezily coughing. Hisao and I reactively move forward but she waves us off. “I’m fine, don’t worry.”

“I’m sorry to have bothered you, Mrs Yoshida. If you wouldn’t mind telling her that I came to see her and that I’ll be leaving at 3:30pm, I would really appreciate it.” Hisao smiles but he’s looking a little more crestfallen.

“I will make sure she hears, Hisao.” She says a little loudly, her eyes cast upwards and I step back a little, looking at the open window. The same curtain twitches shut again. Gotcha, Mrs Y. I give her a nod of understanding as she continues. “It was very nice to see you again. And a pleasure to meet you too, Rika.”

“Thank you for your time, ma’am. Sorry to disturb your morning.” I bow respectfully as Hisao turns. I hear the door close as we exit the gate and turn back toward the Nakai residence.

“Mai was totally listening in.” Whether I buy the period excuse or not, she was obviously aware of us. “I noticed you gave up what time we were leaving. Still holding out hope, huh?”

“Am I that transparent?” He sighs, shoulders slumped in defeat. I hug his arm tightly and smile sweetly at my silly boyfriend.

“It was a decent directable, but you’re trying to play footsies with a girl whose still in hit stun.” I explain but realise I’ve slipped into fighting game jargon and I know Hisao only gets about half of what I said. “Sorry, you’ve got a decent set-up but whether she takes the bait when she gets out of her funk is another thing entirely.”

He kisses my forehead. “Have I ever told you how much I love it when you talk nerdy to me?”

Yes, but a girl likes to hear it.


We’re almost done packing when Hisao’s parents unexpectedly come down stairs a little after midday, already dressed for the day too. I guess they took a quick nap before seeing us off.

“All done?” Mr Nakai asks me and I give him a thumbs-up.

“Yessir. Don’t you want to get some more sleep though? We don’t leave for a couple more hours.” I say and he simply smiles warmly.

“We wanted to treat you both to lunch before then.” Mrs Nakai offers in her husband’s stead whilst hugging her son. Benefit of the doubt, that’s really nice of her. We’ve not had the best relationship compared to how much Hisao’s dad rocks but in the spirit of the final day, I’m gonna put on one last charm offensive.

“That sounds great.” I beam.


This is the wooooorst. Like, the actual worst. I’ve been seeing off new challenger after new challenger, battling Hisao’s past demons right alongside him, and none of that has given me more anxiety than sitting in a booth with Mrs Nakai while Hisao and his dad went to find the bathroom.

“Soooo… How’s work?” I ask meagrely with the most faux smile I can muster. For what it’s worth, I don’t think Mrs Nakai is any more comfortable than I am, offering a “It’s going fine, thank you.”

“How is school going for you? Since you’re a second year, I imagine it’s got to be stressful heading into your final year.” She counters.

“Ah, you know how it is. I doubt high school has changed much from when you were younger.” I shrug before realising I’ve unintentionally called her old.

“I really don’t know how it is. Your school is very different to the kind I attended.” She states in such a matter-of-fact tone that I’m getting that itch up my spine I got when I overheard her talking with Hisao’s dad. I don’t know why, but she’s clearly got a problem with Yamaku. And by association; me. I try my best to play it cool but I have to admit, I’ve felt defensive around her since day one.

“You’d be surprised,” I smirk. “It’s all the same cliques and clubs and obligations. The student body is just your average collection of hormones and exam stress. The only thing I really find weird is the dorm-living.”

“Maybe it’s because you’re in it with Hisao but…” She pauses, obviously to consider her words because I just know she’d say something out-of-pocket otherwise. “As a mother, on the outside looking in, I find myself unable to do anything but worry about Hisao.”

‘As a mother’, talk about cliché… I know older generations don’t adapt as quickly to change as younger ones but if a bunch of angsty teenagers can know what Hisao’s whole deal is and still treat him as just another kid, why can’t a supposedly reasonable adult?

“Mrs Nakai, can we be candid for a moment?” I lean my elbows against the table, interlocking my fingers.

“O-of course, Rika.” Her voice quivers and I ask what’s been bothering me this entire time.

“You don’t seem to like me very much.”

Her eyes go wide with shock and I’m quick to follow-up.

“I’m guessing it’s not something I personally have done to you…” We met a couple days ago, and I’ve been a model house guest. Mostly. “But I’ve had this feeling ever since I got here that you’ve not appreciated my presence in your son’s life.”

Her cheeks flash crimson and her eyes look away. Oh no, you don’t!

“I get that you’re scared, Mrs Nakai…”

“I don’t think you do, Rika. And if we’re being candid, I am petrified for my boy.” Her voice shakes, almost with as much anger as fear. “I’m sorry if I’ve not made you feel as welcome as I should have but every time I see the two of you, I’m just reminded that my son isn’t…”

“Normal?” I ask, an accusatory eyebrow raised. I remember what you said.

“I-I- I didn’t mean…”

“No, you meant normal. Like the ‘nice normal girl’ you hoped your son would marry.” I quote her own words back at her.

I didn’t mean for you to hear that…” The backdown is real as she becomes more and more flustered but she’s got my hackles up now.

“Yeah, I figured that! Now, I’m used to being ‘othered’ by adults who either don’t understand what it’s like to live like I have. Or don’t care to.” I feel my heart pump harder, a pulsing behind the eyes, but when Mrs Nakai finally meets my eyeline again… I have to switch up my offence. In the past few days, I’ve seen how pointless anger alienates those around you and I don’t want to feel that. However… misguided Mrs Nakai is.

I soften my expression and my voice with a regretful sigh as I reach across the table, across the proverbial battle lines that have been drawn, and take her hand.

“But your son is kind and smart and brave. Hisao was dealt a real shitty hand by life but he’s not only bounced back, but he is thriving. He has friends both here and at Yamaku and you have to know, that however scared you might be, just know your son is loved.” I wistfully smile downwards as I squeeze her hand.

“I… I think I can see that now, Rika.” Mrs Nakai croaks and I look up at her. “I can see he’s loved.”

Oh. I… kinda just put that out there, huh? I can only let out a snort of amusement as I realise what I’ve just admitted to a woman I was angry with not a minute before. I guess I do.

“And I am genuinely sorry if I made you feel unwelcome, Rika. Hisao is very lucky to have met you.”

“Thank you, Seiko.” I smile.

“Don’t push your luck, Rika.” Mrs Nakai says sternly, before smirking. Hisao and his dad return to the table none the wiser and my last lunch with the Nakai family continues.


Later, at the station, Mr Nakai helps me unload our cases from the car while Mrs Nakai fusses over Hisao one last time. Like, I get it, but it’s a bit much. I chuckle a little to myself, before looking at Mr Nakai.

“It’s been an absolute pleasure having you, Rika.” Mr Nakai grins, oddly offering a hug to me. Aw heck yeah, I’ll get in on that! I give him a quick squeeze and then bow politely.

“Thank you for having me, sir.” I beam and he nods appreciatively.

“Make sure Hisao takes good care of you, okay?”

“Yup-yup! And I’ll try to keep him out of trouble.” I say honestly.

“Don’t try too hard.” He smirks back. “A little trouble is good for you.” Hisao’s dad rocks so hard, I kinda wish he was my dad. But then Hisao would be my brother and that’s such an icky trope.

Hisao comes over to pick up his case and say goodbye to his dad and I turn to face Mrs Nakai. She smiles and offers out her hand which I embrace gladly.

“Good to meet you, Rika.” Likewise, even if it took a little bit to warm up to each other. Hope she has a better opinion on the non-normality of Yamaku now.

“I’ll be sure to let you know when we get back to Yamaku.” Hisao says. It kind sucks that we won’t be able to continue our little domestic fantasy once we return to school, even if classes don’t start for a while yet…

I’d gotten used to just the two of us having the run of a house. Sure, we have a fair amount of independence in the dorms but there’s just enough restrictions to make it less homely than the environment we’re leaving behind. It’d be cool to live with my boyfriend… Wow. There’s something I never thought I’d have to think about…

We say our goodbyes and head up to the platform for the train back to Sendai. It’s not long before the train arrives and we get comfy in our seats. The announcer chimes-in as the train begins to vibrate into life.

“Ha!” Hisao sits up in his seat to peer out of the window and it’s only as the train moves that I see what caught his eye. He waves frantically as I catch sight of a red-haired girl.

Mai waves with a pensive smile as we pass. Glad she decided to take the stick out of her butt long enough to say goodbye at least. Hisao smiles as he sits back, closing his eyes in a way that tells me he’s both satisfied and relieved that he hasn’t lost her as a friend. I nestle into my boyfriend’s shoulder, satisfied that he got the win he wanted in the end.


Previous Level <---> Next Level

Author's notes: Guess whose back on his bullshit! I've had a real nostalgic trip the past week or so as I reread some of the threads here and I feel I finally have the drive to finish this story. The next chapter is already written and I know how this story will end but, for now, I hope you enjoy the latest instalment.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:40 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Two: Okizeme [18/8/23]

Post by AlexFDSR »

It's incredible, the sentient typewriter has returned to us at last!
If Iwanako had a route, would the tagline be "Can you find it in your heart?"
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Three: No Johns [22/8/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

Mountain air fills my lungs as I take a long, deep breath, stretching out my arms and back. Home-sweet-home, how I’ve missed you Sendai. The trip back to Yamaku was uneventful and mostly spent helping Hisao on his Diamond play through; by which I mean grinding levels for my boyfriend who indulged in ‘light reading’ with that huge textbook he brought with him. I love that dork but seriously…

“I can’t wait to finally collapse into my own bed.” I sigh happily, swinging my conjoined hand with Hisao back and forth. The relief of being home makes me feel like the walk up to the campus should be a breeze “The beds at your house were nice and all but they don’t have the groove I’m used to!”

“I kinda get it,” Hisao laughs. “But do you want to get some food before you crawl back into your nest?” It’s not a nest! Okay, it’s kind of a nest but still!

“Missed the Shanghai that much, eh?” I smirk at my boyfriend.

“I meeeeean… Do you not want cake?” He raises an eyebrow at me.

“Is that a rhetorical question?” I cock an eyebrow right back at him.

“I don’t know, is it?” He leans closer.

“You tell me!” I take his challenge and counter. With just a peck my lips, a tender kiss, Hisao smirks and I’ve lost the face-off. “Fine! Just stop being so cute!”

“I think you’ll find I’m more handsome than cute.” Hisao smugly announces as he lightly pulls my hand, leading me in the direction of our favourite teahouse.


I thought I was pretty hungry when Yuuko started listing specials but half-way through my blueberry cheesecake, I’m flagging.

“Hisaooooo, finish this for me.” I pout, pushing away the delicious treat. He snorts behind his coffee mug.

“You should have taken this to-go, I saw you struggling with that big sandwich.” He says, spinning the plate and taking up my fork. I ordered a big sandwich, I was going to eat a big sandwich… But when he’s right, he’s right. I lean back and let my gut rest for a little bit before sipping my tea.

“I refuse to be defeated by a mere confectionary.”

“And yet; here we are!” Hisao laughs with a mouthful. Choke on it. Don’t choke on it.

“Was everything alright?” Yuuko says, drifting back to our table, pad in hand as if I need more food, blargh.

I nod agreeably but Hisao is intent on being a butt today, it seems.

“Her eyes were too big for her belly. How’s things been with you, Yuuko?” Hisao wipes his lips with his thumb and nods politely as he hands his plate to Yuuko.

“Pretty quiet, which gives me more time to study, but I do miss seeing the regular faces.”

“Have you seen Fuuka around?” I ask, I should really text her to let her know I’m back.

“Oh yes, but usually on her own.” Yuuko ponders. Wasn’t Fuuka supposed to be hanging out with Molly and Taro? I should definitely text her.

“Thanks for the meal, Yuuko. It was great seeing you.” Hisao beams, rising from his chair and sliding it back under the table.

“Yeah, nice seeing ya.” I mutter, my nose in my phone as I rapidly tap a message out to Fuuka. Hisao dutifully puts on my backpack and follows me out of the Shanghai.

“Is everything okay, Rika?” He peeks over my shoulder and I give him an unsure shrug.

“I didn’t really talk with her while we were in Meguro but I thought she was spending most of her time with your classmates.” I frown.

“I don’t think I even have their numbers so I haven’t been in touch.” Hisao shrugs. “I’m sure it’s fine though.”

Not the most reassuring thing you could have said. “I’m gonna go check on her once we get back.”


I don’t even go into my room, just throw my bag in there before heading towards Fuuka’s room. She didn’t answer the entire time Hisao and I were walking back to school. Even for summer, it’s as quiet as a grave in the girl’s dorms. There’s so few people around, the halls are eerily quiet.

I finally hear the faint sound of music when I reach Fuuka’s room. It’s definitely coming from inside so she’s clearly here. I give the door my usual knock and wait. I can’t hear anything beside the music, not even the creak of rolling wheels over floorboards.

I knock again. “Fuuuukaaaa~! It’s Riiiikaaaaa~! You in?” I think I can hear moving but it’s hard to tell…

“Fuuka, you didn’t answer my text so I just wanted to let you know I’m back and check-in. You okay?” I call out and wait a few seconds, only for my phone to vibrate.

[Kinda in the middle of something right now, glad your back. TTYL <3]

I look incredulously at the text and then hear giggling from inside. Oh. Thaaaat’s… definitely two people. Okay, backing up, I don’t need to hear anything else… I send a cheeky thumbs-up emoji and power walk the heck away.


“It’s not funny, Hisao! It’s really embarrassing!” I chide my cackling boyfriend over the phone. I’d returned to my nest and cocooned myself in my duvet. It’s silly to admit, but it was to block out the sound. I don’t know why, it made sense when I bundled up.

“C’mon, you have to admit… It kinda is! Fuuka would find it funny if she found we were fooling around in your room.” He gasps for air and the laugh subsides.

“She could at least hang a sock on the door or something!”

“Pretty sure that only happens in movies, Rika…”

“Obviously! But still, how am I meant to look her in the face knowing that she was… Y’know.”

“Didn’t you flat out tell me once that Saki Enomoto sucks dick?” I can practically hear the incredulity. Throw that in my face, why not?

“In my defence; that was a clever lie and I don’t like her.” I admit and Hisao laughs again.

“I really should have questioned how you’d even know about that. That’s pretty mean of you, Rika.”

“Are you saying I’m a bad girl, Mr Nakai? I take exception to your insinuation!” My lips curl into a mischievous smirk, hoping he takes the bait.

“Don’t try that with cute-sexy voice with me, Miss Katayama. Especially not after you called me worried about how much sex your best friend may, or may not, be having.” Boo! Boo this boy and his magnificent logical mind.

“I’m going to ban you from hanging around with that Akio. You’re developing quite a filthy mouth!” I’m all for bad influences as long as they’re me. As embarrassed as I feel about interrupting Fuuka, I’m happy that she probably won’t be pestering me and Hisao about our… Intimacy. She’d probably make fun of me for only getting a toe onto third base after dating for months. She must never know.

“Akio is a lot of things but a bad influence? Nah, he’s a sweetheart compared to some in my class.” His voice trails off. I can imagine, the school council president always struck me as the type to be into tying people up and stuff. But then I seem to enjoy being licked so who am I to judge?

“Hey… I know it’s a bit weird to ask at this point but…” My cheeks flush. “Do you have any… things that you enjoy?”

“Huh? What’re you talking about?” Oh c’mon, Hisao! I thought you were smart.

“Like when you licked me…. Do you have things like that? Stuff that you’d… want to do? To me? Or me to do to you? Gah, I’m sorry, this is sooo weird, I shouldn’t have b-brought it up!” My curiosity gives way to even more embarrassment. My skin pinkens so much I’m glad Hisao isn’t here to see it.

“Oh! Um, I, uh…” He stammers and I’m thankful I’m not alone in my embarrassment. “I don’t think so… But I’m kinda excited to find out with you.”

Oh, that’s smooth. So smooth I’m gonna slide right off my bed.

“So you propose experimentation. For science.” I joke, appealing to his curious mind.

“If you want to put it like that, sure.” He laughs. “Do you… want me to come over?” I’d be lying if I said no. I’d also be lying if I didn’t want at least one night in my own bed. I’m about to answer when I hear a knock at my door and I have a good idea who it’s going to be.

“Hang on!” I call out to the door. “Looks like I have a visitor so maybe another time?” I get out of my bundle of covers and open the door to a Fuuka wearing a coy sense of satisfaction. I shake my head with a smile and gesture for her to roll in.

“Sure, give Fuuka some shit from me.” Hisao teases with a chuckle.

“I will. Byyyyye~!”

Fuuka and I exchange wordless looks, mostly an assortment of tilted heads and raised eyebrows before bursting out laughing.

“God, I’ve missed you!” Fuuka cries, waving her arms for a hug. I gladly oblige and give her an extra hard squeeze. She smells like she’s not long out of the shower. Why am I smelling her? What the hell is wrong with me?

“Missed you too, Fuuka.” I grin, taking a seat on my bed. “You have no idea how stressful the past week has been.”

“I warned you it would be but when do you ever listen to me?”

“No, no, his ex wasn’t even the problem!” I explain, going into the details of my adventure to Meguro. More than once she puffs out her cheeks and blows air out of her mouth in astonishment, eyes wide. I tell her everything - well, almost everything - and she takes it all in.

“Wow! That’s… Like, a lot!” Fuuka finally speaks. “That’s… Hell, I don’t have the words. I don’t think I’d have handled it nearly as well as you did. Sounds like a lot of drama for one boy.”

“He’s worth it…” I quietly admit, my friend picking up on what I don’t say as much as what I have.

“You’ve really fallen for Hisao, huh? Never thought I’d see the day.” She smiles sympathetically. “I’m sorry I assumed the worst about him.”

“You ought to be. But thank you for saying it.” I nod with my eyes closed. I care a lot about Hisao, more than I ever really thought I could. I look at my friend, who looks genuinely happy for me, and I just have to prod her. She’d do the same.

“So who’d you dig your claws into?” A raised eyebrow and a smirk punctuates the question and Fuuka just leans back smugly. I’d expect nothing less.

“A lady doesn’t kiss and tell, my dear Rika.”

Wait for it

“…Okay, it was Dai Shundo from 2-4, he’s in the Literature Club. We met when I was digging up info on your boy so, really, this is your fault.” She explains. I really don’t see how but hey, if they get married, I’ll gladly take credit.

“You kept that quiet.” Very unlike Fuuka.

“Nah, nothing’s really happened until this week. We caught up at the Shanghai and one thing lead to another and…” She makes a lewd gesture with her right index finger and an okay sign with her left. Ugh, gross!

“Stop that, you’re terrible!” I laugh, smacking her hands away from each other. She shrugs with a smug expression, the epitome of the phrase ‘the cat that got the cream’.

“What about you and Hisao? Have you guys…” She threatens the smutty mime again, my hands thrusting forward and grabbing her wrists. She struggles against me, howling with laughter.

“Knock it off! You’re not funny!” I laugh, my cheeks flushed. As much of a pain in my butt as she is, I really have missed her.


Later in the evening, once Fuuka had left and I’d spoken to Mom during one of her much-needed breaks, I can finally enjoy some solitude. The still mountain air, the lack of ambient noise from other students, only me and the cicadas I missed while in Meguro.

I feel like the only person in the world. At another time, I think I would have enjoyed this a lot more than I am at this moment. It makes me think of all the times I’d go for a float in the pool. Just an isolated island, floating endlessly. Pointlessly. No real direction. Just peace and quiet.

I sit up and look around my dimly lit room. This has been my entire world for the better part of my two years here at Yamaku and I’m starting to get this… nagging itch. Some weird sense of restlessness that all of this… It doesn’t feel enough any more. I stare at my feet as I rub them into the soft carpet.

I think about Hisao. I think about everything we experienced together in the past week, heck, the entire time we’ve known each other. It’s the most engaged I’ve been in the world for a long time. So long that I don’t even remember most of junior high school. I’ve just kinda drifted for so long… That I’ve never really thought about my future.

Heck, I didn’t think I really had a future until I met Hisao. I feel my eyes begin to water a little and wipe them away with my palms. I have no idea what I’m doing with my life and I’m halfway through high school with mediocre grades and my Fontan procedure is right around the corner and I’m only now realising how much time I’ve lost. How much I still have to lose.

And I hate to lose.

I wipe my face and jump off my bed. I slip on my shoes and make a bee-line for the boys’ dorms. The curfew is a lot more lax in the summer so the patrolling guard simply gives me a tip of his hat as I cross from one building to the other. I barge past some boy in a beret on my way through the door. I think he says something but I don’t hear him. It’s only when I hear my name, specifically, called out from the common area I’m passing that my focus is earned.

I look around the room, finally setting sights on my target. Hisao stands on the opposite side of a foosball table, partially hidden behind the slender frame of his friend Akio. I storm over, Hisao stepping away from the table, looking worried.

“Hey Rika, what’s the ma-” He doesn’t even get to finish his sentence before my hands grab his face and pull him into the most passionate kiss I can muster. There’s an assortment of gasps and oohs from the others in the room before I release my boyfriend and bare my soul for all to see.

“I love you, Hisao Nakai.”

“Rika, I-” Hisao begins but pauses. He stares deep into my eyes, his face doing that thing it does when he’s trying to make a decision. He finally smiles, eyes shining.

“I love you too, Rika Katayama.” He proudly says before pulling me back into a kiss. The gathered crowd cheers but I don’t hear them.

All I can hear, all I can feel, are our broken hearts beating as one.


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Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:45 pm, edited 3 times in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Three: No Johns [22/8/23]

Post by NoticeMeOppai »

Two chapters within a week of each other? Sharp-O it's not even my birthday!

Very cute and glad to see your Rika is still as cute as ever - had a re-read of the whole thing whilst I was here and got to say i'm really enjoying this and glad you've come back to it!
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Three: No Johns [22/8/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

NoticeMeOppai wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:52 pm Two chapters within a week of each other? Sharp-O it's not even my birthday!
I'm certainly not going to be going daily anytime soon but I'm a couple chapters ahead so there should be regular updates!
NoticeMeOppai wrote: Tue Aug 22, 2023 4:52 pmVery cute and glad to see your Rika is still as cute as ever - had a re-read of the whole thing whilst I was here and got to say i'm really enjoying this and glad you've come back to it!
Thanks so much! :oops:
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Three: No Johns [22/8/23]

Post by Feurox »

Finally all caught up, again. :lol:

It’s really great that you’re back, and Rika is just such a pleasure! So much sugar, and the drama is done very well, even if at times it feels a bit mellow dramatic. Teenagers are little cringey goblins though, so who’s to complain! A brilliant ensemble too!

Also, a great final scene there. Really vivid and easy to imagine all the ‘OHHHHH’s from the “lads”. Loved it!
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Three: No Johns [22/8/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

Feurox wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:31 pm So much sugar, and the drama is done very well, even if at times it feels a bit mellow dramatic. Teenagers are little cringey goblins though, so who’s to complain!
I think I've firmly established that my brand is "sugar, melodrama, and cringe" :lol:
Feurox wrote: Fri Aug 25, 2023 6:31 pm Really vivid and easy to imagine all the ‘OHHHHH’s from the “lads”. Loved it!
We love a sitcom moment.
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Four: Labbing [27/8/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

A chorus of boys cheering and wolf-whistles fill the air as Hisao and I leave the common area, hand-in-hand. I would usually feel more self-conscious with all the attention but declaring your love for someone kinda makes you feel invincible. Especially when they reciprocate

Luckily Akio and his boyfriend are on hand to do some crowd control and calm them down. I hear something along the lines of ‘putting on a real show’ with Suzumiya to some boos and murmurs before we hit the elevator. I’ll have to thank them next time I see them.

“So, what made you come all the way over here to do that?” Hisao asks, a bewildered yet giddy smile on his face as he sways our connected hands gently. Because I had a major introspective episode and a mild breakdown? No, that’ll scare him off…

“Because…” I begin, compiling my thoughts with a sigh. “Because you’re the best thing that’s ever happened to me and I thought you should be the first person to know.” I grin upwards at him. I mean, technically second but who’s counting?

His eyes glisten as he smiles down at me. He leans in and kisses my forehead. “You’re amazing, you know that?”

“At least you’re willing to admit it.” I nod sagely. He laughs as the doors open and we walk towards his room. I cast my eyes in the direction of his neighbours door warily. Hisao told me a little more about that guy and I guess being seen as a ghost is a little better than whatever he may think of me based purely on my gender.

“So… D-did you want to come in?” Hisao asks, nervously. Oh, he’s cute when he’s flustered.

“I would love to.” I smile demurely and he blushes harder than he was. Not that I’m one to talk, I’m pretty in pink right now. We enter the darkened room, the click of the lights accompany the locking for the door. I should probably say something…

“Hey, Hisa-” I’m cut off by an intense and passionate kiss. I would interrupt but I’m suddenly feeling very tongue-tied. But I should really say something…

His hands grip my butt and I moan into his mouth, his lips moving to my neck. Now or never, Rika!

Hisao!” I shout, pushing him back by the shoulders. He looks at me with a mixture of confusion and hurt. Crapbaskets. “I-I need t-to tell you… I’m not ready to…”

Hisao studies my expression before nodding, closing his eyes. He backs off a little as my hands find his once more.

“I-I-I’m sorry if I came on too strong just then, I’m just…” Oh, c’mon! Not the hang-dog expression! That’s one of my many weaknesses!

“No-no, I get it! Believe me, I get it.” I give him a glance up and down. He chuckles and I breathe a little easier. I needed to stop him for both our sakes. He has to be as high on adrenaline and dopamine as I am but still…

“I’ve thought about it a lot, and I mean, like, a lot. I’m just not ready to go that far.” Yet. “Understand?”

I obviously should consult the Doc on this. God, that’s not a conversation I’m looking forward to. And I’m definitely going to have to swear him to secrecy, the last thing I need is my Mom finding out… Or worse, Fuuka.

“I understand, Rika.” He smiles a little with a cute tilt of his head, his eyes never leaving mine. That kind of move is enough to melt any girl’s heart. “Did you just want to cuddle?” Oh, you sweet, dense boy.

Spinning him around, positioning him just right to push him down onto his bed, I grin mischievously. I hop onto the bed, mounting him. One hand reaches for his face, rubbing his cheek with my thumb. The other slides up his t-shirt to his chest, the skin is hot to the touch already, his heart beating as fast as mine.

“Now, I never said that…” I huskily whisper into his ear and the reaction is precisely what I expected. Let’s see how many invincibility frames that confession bought me.


There’s most definitely a skip in my step as I make my way back to the girl’s dorm in the darkness. I twirl on my heels and look back at the boy’s dorm. Sadly, I can’t see Hisao’s window from this side. One last glance at my loving boyfriend would be nice but I think I’ve more than enough of him tonight. My cheeks burn with affection and pride.

Turning back toward my destination, I gently sway with each step. I tip an invisible hat to the same guard I passed earlier. I know I have a lot to do tomorrow but for now, I’m more than content to just bask in this… Glow.


“I don’t have to tell you the risks, the likely outcomes, or the what recovery time you’re looking at is, do I?” The Doctor asks, dressed a little more casually than usual. I’m thankful he took the time to come back to school, to the Nurse’s office, to see me.

I nod confidently; it’s a rough operation at the best of times but even more tricky with my associated conditions. Living with this my entire life, plus having a doctor for a mother, I’ve been prepared for this for a long time. With a new complication in the shape of a handsome upperclassman, however, I need a doctor’s insight.

“The truth is, Doc, I want to be in the best shape I can be to… Survive. I know I’ve always shirked off your exercise regimes but I think I need to start one if I’m going to go forward. Would you be able to help me with putting something together?”

The Doctor tilts his head curiously at me before a small smirk tugs at the corner of his mouth. “Good. I’m glad you’ve decided to take me up on my offer. I have a feeling that your worry is a little more to do with Nakai than the procedure itself, though.”

“I meeeeean,” I blush hard and he laughs a little. “I’ve been thinking about some stuff and I think I need to improve before the Fontan procedure… or anything else.” I quietly admit the last part. As comfortable as I am with Doc, I still don’t want to outright say what I want to do to Hisao.

“I see,” He closes his eyes and nods sagely before opening one eye to look directly at me. “Are you currently sexually active?”

What the hell, Doc!? You’re just gonna come right out and say it!?

“I-I’m not s-sure what technically c-counts?” I stammer. Yup, this is as awkward as I thought it would be. Why is talking about it more embarrassing than doing it?

“You’re not the only one.” He snorts with amusement. Don’t laugh at me, Doc, you‘re supposed to be the adult here… “It’s a broader spectrum of activities than just intercourse so any sort of heavy petting, mutual masturbation, or oral sex can still be considered sexually active.

I hide my face behind my fringe as much as I can, simply nodding. Guilty as charged. Verrrrry guilty.

“And has this activity resulted in any flutters or any other problems for you or you partner?” The Doc raises a quizzical eyebrow.

“No flutters… Just syncope, only once though.” I say, honestly. Funny in retrospect but worrying for Hisao at the time. At least we learned something to look out for.

“That’s not unexpected given your condition but it’s something you should obviously be aware of between your heart and your haemophilia. Other than that, the usual warnings in regards to stress and exercise apply but improving your overall physical health can’t hurt either.”

“So what sort of exercise will get my overall strength and stamina up?”

“I think the best kind of cardiovascular exercise for you would be swimming. I know you like being in the water already so I think twenty minutes of swimming, three or four times a week should suffice. If it’s too strenuous, knock it down to two or three days and then build up.”

“Okay. Okay, that’s doable. Honestly, I was half-expecting you to have me running laps with Ibarazaki.” I admit, genuine shock at how reasonable his recommendation is.

“Yes, well, I would like to see you graduate so I think we’ll work to a level you’re comfortable with.” He laughs. Why’d you send my boyfriend to run around with that tiny temptress then?

“Gotcha. And, ummm… about the other thing…” I rub my arm nervously.


“About Hisao and I…”


“C-can.. You… Provide us with…”

His face becomes sterner. Much sterner than I can really remember seeing. Almost disapproving. Maybe it was a mistake to talk to him about this. Before I can fall into a shame spiral, the Doc’s expression lightens and he smirks.

“Of course, I can, Rika. Don’t look so worried. I’m here to provide for all your health needs.” He spins on his stool and opens a desk drawer, producing a small, non-descript white box. He goes to hand it to me and just as I’m about to take the box from his hand, he withdraws it from reach.

“It should go without saying, Miss Katayama, that you should only be using these if you feel confidant that you’re ready to move to that step in your relationship and that you don’t feel pressured to by your peers.”

My face turns a deep crimson and I nod shakily. “Yessir. I’m j-just m-making sure that I h-have them for when I do…”

“Good.” He smiles, placing the box in my quivering hand. “Is there anything else I can help you with?”

“N-no, thank you.” I’d just like to leave and never look you in the eyes ever again, pleaseandthankyou.


“I think I’m getting the hang out it!” Hisao laughs, immediately splashing around as he thinks too hard about not thinking and loses his composure.

“You’re doing great, senpai. Keep at it!” I encourage, leaning further into the stretch that Hisao taught me. One good thing to come out of his short time with Ibarazaki is that he knows some good warm-up techniques.

I twist my torso, arm underhooking arm, looking at boyfriend attempt to float once more. I’m glad he decided to join me, I don’t think I’d be bothered without some encouragement.

Finished with my warm-up, I contemplate just diving right in. I don’t think I’m that brave just yet. I trot down the ladder and push off it into glide past my boyfriend. He reaches out and our fingers brush against each other. I turn and begin doing a slow breast stroke to the opposite edge of the pool. I kick off the pool wall and make the return trip. This isn’t so hard!

It’s not until I’m doing my third or fourth lap that I begin to feel the strain in my arms and legs. It’s getting harder to pull and push my body through the water. I pass Hisao and give him a wilting smile.

“You can do it, Rika! Only ten more minutes!” Whaaaat? I thought I was nearly friggin’ done! Urrrgh, I redouble my efforts, pushing past the aches and the mental fog. I look at Hisao as I kick off the wall for my sixth lap, he’s the reason why I’m doing this. I have to get stronger. Hisao begins to follow me on my next lap, not really keeping up but keeping in parallel enough to encouraging me.

“One more minute, Rika! You got this!” He beams, a vain attempt to swim with giving me just enough of a push to reach the other side and slap the concrete in victory.

“Done!” I shout triumphantly and fall backwards, letting my aching body float listlessly backward toward Hisao. He takes up space to my side, his hands trace my spine then gently press against it, keeping me afloat a little.

“You did great! How do you feel?”

“Like I’m not gonna be moving for a while.” I breathe a small laugh into the echo-y room.

“I’ve got you.” Hisao reassures quietly, sliding his hands under my legs and shoulders, holding me while I try to relax. My boyfriend attempting to friggin’ princess carry me isn’t stopping my heart racing any quicker but boy am I not going to complain. I don’t think I have the strength to fight it, honestly.

Hisao sinks into the water and takes me into his arms. My arms snake around his neck and I give him a tender kiss on the lips.

“Thanks, senpai.” I close my eyes and nestle into his shoulder.

“Don’t go falling asleep, I don’t think I could lift you out of the pool.”

“M’not that heavy.” I protest quietly, his body shakes.


I hear the dull thud of the changing rooms door hitting the wall and the tell-tale tac-tac-tac-ing of cane on tile. Why am I not surprised? Would it be too much to ask to not have to deal with Enomoto’s brand of ridiculousness, universe? Have I wronged you in some heinous way that you continue to send her to test me? I breathe a sigh into the air, announcing my presence as well as my annoyance.

“Hello? Who’s in here?” A somewhat strained voice calls out. Fully dressed, I reach for the cubicle door. Game face, Rika. You don’t have to put up with her attitude.

“Just me.” I say, opening the door and stepping out into the main area. Saki Enomoto’s eyes narrow, as if she doesn’t immediately recognise me. Who else looks like me? A look of surprised realisation quickly shifts into the condescending smugness that she exudes most of the time.

Tch.” She clicks her tongue at me and sways her hips cockily. “And there I was hoping it would be someone interesting.”

“Same here but we learn to live with the little disappointments, don’t we?” I say coldly, stepping forward to accentuate my point to the shorter girl.

“Looks like someone grew a spine!” Her lips curl into a sadistic smile. “Looks like getting laid did you some good, Riiiikaaa~!”

That stings and I can’t hide my annoyance or the reddening of my cheeks. I want to say so much but I know it’d be wrong to do so. I want to cut her down but throwing that in her face is too low a blow. I’m not going to sink to her level. I move to walk past her, turning my head away.

“Oh, come on, Riiiikaaa~! We’re just having a little fun!” Her laughter makes my blood boil but I ignore her. That last thing I hear before the door shudders closed is a sing-song “Ciao~!”

Hisao waits patiently outside the building and immediately sees my scowl. He offers a sympathetic hug which I gladly accept. I wouldn’t admit it to Hisao, but I’m having second thoughts about this whole endeavour.


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Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:45 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Four: Labbing [27/8/23]

Post by Feurox »

A great slice of life update! Not much in terms of plot development, just the sort of actualisation of Rika's desire to take her health more seriously! Still a great read, and very cute too. I like that you've written some hesitancy into the more adult related content, especially because its good characterisation for both Hisao and Rika. I also like that you leave those scenes to the imagination sometimes too.

Nurse continues to amuse ha! Maybe he's a touch cavalier with the idea of them being sexually active, but also wish all doctors had been like that when I was younger ahah.
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Four: Labbing [27/8/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

Feurox wrote: Sun Aug 27, 2023 2:07 pm Nurse continues to amuse ha! Maybe he's a touch cavalier with the idea of them being sexually active,
It's a school full of emotionally vulnerable, hormonally-charged disasters. It's probably easier to be cavalier with the contraceptives than tell them not to fuck each other :lol:
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Re: Flutter - Level Twenty Five: Devil Trigger [31/8/23]

Post by Sharp-O »

Summer is supposed to be a time of new experiences, not of sitting in my room and studying. While knuckling-down is a new experience for me but it’s definitely not one I’m enjoying so far. I’m so thankful that I know some smart people, otherwise this whole mission of self-improvement would be very short-lived.

Hisao sits on the opposite side of the short table to me, his intent eyes pouring over his notes. Watching his mind work is amazing and tiring all at the same time, and I should really be focusing on my own assignments.

Fuuka, meanwhile, has been looking over my shoulder while the rest of her body is in it's usual spot; laid across my bed. She’s helped a lot with the spelling but I’m tripping up a lot with the synonyms and fixes.

“No, no, it means ‘different’. And because it’s an antonym and has the prefix ‘un’, that means it’s opposite would be…?” Fuuka asks the leading question, raising her eyebrows. She’s leaned in so close, I can just about feel her breath on my neck. Her knowledge of English is way better than either mine or Hisao’s. Before now, I didn’t even know the meaning of the word…


“That’s right. And a synonym for orthodox is?” She tilts her head toward me expectantly, unaware of the trouble I’ve had with the word over the summer.

“Normal.” Hmph.

“It makes a sort of sense once you take a good look at it.” Hisao chimes in, looking up from his own homework splayed out in front of him. Mathematical equations and scientific formulas aplenty, the kind of stuff that I take one look at and just blank it out.

“Is there such a thing as number dyslexia?” I ponder aloud, not really looking away from Hisao’s incomprehensible textbook. Probably isn’t helping that I’m looking at it upside down.

“I think that’s just regular ol’ dyslexia.” Fuuka snorts.

“Hisao, do you think you can help me with some math once I’m done?” I ask a little wearily. Help me, Hisao Nakai. You’re my only hope. He glances down at his notes once more with a pensive look and then returning to me with a smile.

“Yeah. I think I can.”


“A science teacher? Really?” Fuuka stifles her smirk as Hisao leans behind my shoulder to look at her.

“Or an engineer. Something with a practical application.” He switched sides to sit next to me as he guided me through my math homework. He might actually be a pretty good teacher. I’m listening and engaging with the material. Then again, I might just be hot for teacher…

“I think you’d be really good at it.” I encourage with a quick smooch of his cheek.

“I wasn’t laughing because I didn’t think he’d be good at it! It’s something I thought I might like to do as well, honestly.” Fuuka shrugs.

“Yeah? Any particular subject?” Hisao asks, turning and leaning against my bed a little more to talk with Fuuka. Umm, student in need of teaching right here, y’know!

“I guess something artsy. Can’t imagine I could solely be a drama teacher so maybe multiple related disciplines…” She says, wistfully.

“English would be good as well; you seem to really know your stuff.” Hisao strokes his chin thoughtfully and I nod in agreement. That’s right, she always got good marks in that subject.

“Maybe… I definitely couldn’t be a science teacher, the only subject I’d be good at is biology and the… practical applications.” I look back at her incredulously while Hisao laughs.

“I’m sure.” I’m sure as well, the little filth-monger that she is. Hisao checks his watch then kisses my forehead. “Speaking of - Sorry, gotta run. Akio and Taro wanted to go over a biology assignment as well.”

“But Mr Nakai~!” I whine and bat my lashes at my boyfriend gathering his books. “I need your help moooore~!”

“A biology assignment, eh?” I hear Fuuka’s Cheshire Cat-like grin before I even see it. “Wouldn’t that be waaaay more fun with two eager-to-learn female students?”

“You stop that.” Hisao scoffs, echoing my own feelings. That was lame even by Fuuka’s standards and she knows it.

“Fine, abandon us for your boyfriends!” Fuuka dramatically rolls onto her back, arm draped over her face.

“I’m sure you two can entertain yourselves while I’m gone.” His lip curls at the corner when his eyes meet mine. Don’t encourage her, Hisao! I feel Fuuka’s arms wrap around my neck and my cheeks burn in anticipation of what comes next.

“I’m sure we can~.” She purrs and Hisao’s face pinkens too. I give him a look that begs him not to leave me alone with Fuuka but he only offers an apologetic shrug in reply. I wave goodbye as he closes the door, stealing one last glance with each other.

The air stays silent for a second before I realise Fuuka hasn’t let go of me.

“Fuuka, the bit’s over, you can let go now.” I gently tap her arm and she sighs, withdrawing herself back onto her prone position on my bed.

“I know, you’re just really comfy.” She mutters guiltily. I throw her a quizzical eyebrow and she looks back at me like I being weird.

“You okay?” She flops onto her back once again with a low groan.

“Just a little jealous, honestly. You and Hisao are so cute and it seems so effortless.” She huffs. Isn’t she dating now? I thought she’d be way more over the moon. I get up and sit on the bed at the side of my friend.

“What’s going on with you and Shundo?” I ask, tilting my head. Fuuka looks up, a glint of sadness or uncertainty behind her eyes, before looking away. I’ve never seen her like this.

“I guess… I thought I wanted one thing and really wanted another?” She laments, closing her eyes. “I thought I was okay with just being fuck buddies but I think I’m really after what you have.”

What the heck are… Nevermind, I think I get it.

“So you’re not happy with a… purely physical relationship?” I ask and she sits up on her elbows to look at me.

“Don’t get me wrong; I’m totally down for physical. Very fun.” She smirks at my shaking head before continuing. “But I kinda hoped there’d be something else eventually too. Like, it’d develop naturally.”

Her voice isn’t it’s usual bubbly self, it’s sad in a way that so… UnFuuka.

“I’m sorry, that sounds rough.” I don’t have a lot of experience with this, myself. I’ve been winging it since day one and, if I’m honest with myself, I don’t think I’d have had the confidence to pursue Hisao without her. She chose my outfit and basically pushed me out the door to go see him.

“Yeah… Sorry if I made you feel weird. I promise I’m not in love with you.” She chuckles a little, a really pathetic expression painted across her face.

I offer out my arms, doing a little ‘come here’ motion with my hands. She smiles a little more like herself and manages to inch herself up into a sitting position. She deserves better than Dai Shundo but all I can offer a hug any time she needs one.

“I wouldn’t blame you; I’m pretty awesome.” I joke which earns me a quiet, shaking laugh from my friend.

“You’re pretty and you’re awesome.”

“I learned from the best.” I say quietly and squeeze her tighter.


It’s around 6pm when Fuuka and I go down to the pool, Fuuka insisting that I keep up the routine. She actually booed me when I came out of the changing rooms in the school’s navy blue swimsuit and a swimcap.

“You could have asked and I’d have lent mine to you!” She remarked and I folded my arms in defiance.

“I’m here for exercise, not to show off my body!” I answer indignantly.

“There’s no reason you can’t do both! I’m sure Hisao would appreciate it!” She grins and I decide to blow her mind a little.

“Hisao has seen my body plenty, Fuuka.” I throw her a look over my shoulder as I descend the ladder, shaking my butt a little as she stares at me in disbelief.

Well! I. Am. Scandalised!” She places her hand on her chest with a look of fake shock.

I laugh as I push off of the concrete wall and start my laps from one side of the pool to the other. It feels a little easier to begin with but I start to feel the heaviness of my limbs again when I’m roughly halfway through my time.

“Ten more minutes, Rika!” Fuuka calls out from poolside, her bare legs dangling into the water. I don’t know why she insisted on it since she can’t feel the water but I wasn’t going to argue with her since she was nice enough to come with me for my early evening exercise.

At least if I get tired now, I can just chill out for the rest of the evening. Maybe even snuggle up with a Hisao. The burning in my lungs can go to hell, I will have my snuggles!

“Eight minutes to go and Katayama is going for yet another lap!” Only eight? I slow and look at the clock and then back to Fuuka.

“Are you really adding time!?” I shout and my red-haired coach cackles.

“Gotta keep you motivated, Rika! Now get to it before I add any more!” She points to edge I’m swimming towards with a look of impatience. Maybe bringing her wasn’t a good idea.

Stopping was a mistake, I feel waaaay worse than my first time out and I’m barely halfway through my final lap when I hear Fuuka call time. I sluggishly hit the concrete, mutter a weak “Done!” and then fall back into my cooldown float.

“Good job, Rika!” I hear as I close my eyes, allowing the cool water to ease the soreness in my muscles. An almost sarcastic slow clap echoes around the pool and I open one eye to see it’s not Fuuka. It doesn’t take more than a couple seconds to see it’s coming from the slender blonde leaning against the far wall in her swimsuit, cane propped up beside her.

In the heat of the moment, I must not have heard her come in but there stands Enomoto, the condescending look on her face telling me I’m not getting out of here without some barbs sent my way.


“Good job, Riiiikaaa~! I don’t know what’s worse; your lack of stamina or your ugly-ass swimsuit.” Her voice is thick with sarcasm and callousness. “That poor Nakai boy…”

Oi! Back off!” Fuuka growls in my defence. I sigh and plant my feet on the floor of the pool, resigning myself to not be able to enjoy my cool down. I give Fuuka a shake of my head, indicating that it’s not worth it.

“Got a little girlfriend to fight your battles for you now, Riiiikaaa~? What happened to all that fire from yesterday?” She laughs as I climb up the ladder, in the corner of my eye I can see Fuuka clambering back into her wheelchair.

“You’re not worth my fire, Enomoto.” I mutter as I grip my towel tightly and make my way past her toward Fuuka. Block the bitch out, go to your friend, dry her legs.

“Oh, Riiiikaaa~… You can be such a killjoy!” I’m clearly seething when I’m intercepted by Fuuka. I go about wrapping the towel around her legs and tucking it securely under them for the time being.

“It’s honestly amazing that Nakai hasn’t gotten bored of your basic ass and gone for someone in his own year.” …Ignore her.

“Knock it off, Saki! Leave her alone!” Fuuka, what did I teach you? Don’t draw aggro.

“Orrrr what? You’ll kick my ass?” Enomoto cackles, folding her arms and leaning forward to cast her disapproving gaze over my friend. “With what?”

My blood runs cold. I can take her jabs at me, her opinion of me doesn’t matter. Even her trash-talk about Hisao is little more than sloppy jabs whiffing past me. She couldn’t break us up on her best day, despite what she thinks. She’s nothing more than an annoying mean girl stereotype with, ironically, too much time on her hands.

But sometimes… When I hear her badmouth my best friend…

Gah, I just wish… Sometimes I wish she’d…

“Just FUCK OFF and DIE, already!” I wheel around, shrieking so loud that Enomoto flinches, the echo of my words reverberating around the cold room.

For a split second, I don’t even think that was my voice. But the sudden awareness that it was my own intrusive thought that escaped my mouth hits me when Enomoto blinks disbelievingly at me. Like she never expected me - hell, maybe anyone - to hit back at her.

I turned the other cheek with Mrs Nakai because she didn’t know better. She was ignorant to the real struggle people like us face. That’s not an excuse for Enomoto. She should know - exactly like Hisao and I - how hard it is to be like us. And she chooses to make it harder.

“W-what the hell did you just say to me?” She asks quietly but the scowl on her face is growing. Mine is quickly catching up, like my whole body is being flooded with this new-found righteous anger and the adrenaline radiating from my chest. You know what? I’m not settling for chip damage, I want to hurt her.

“You heard me,” I shout, stepping closer to her, fists balled. “why don’t you just fuck off and die, Saki?”

“F-fuck you, bitch!” She steps back. Heh. Footsies, it is.

“You know what really pisses me off about you, Saki? That this is how you want to spend what little time you have on this Earth.” A flicker of realisation in her eyes. She knows that I know.

“You d-don’t know a damn thing about me!”

“I know that instead of making friends and memories and just… fucking enjoying life, you want to be a complete piece of shit.” I gesture to her dismissively. She’s angry but she’s still retreating. I’m angrier and I’m rushing her down.

“You’re on borrowed time and here you are; wasting it!” I step closer still, I’m shaking so much. My voice is strained… Never thought I could get this angry. She’s queen bee and she’s still not happy unless she’s giving other people shit? Fuck her!

I glare deep into her quickly glistening eyes. My voice quivers but I make sure that Saki can hear me clearly and that Fuuka doesn’t. She wouldn’t approve. Neither would Hisao.

“You’ll be dead and gone loooong before I waste my time on you.”

I turn away, my breath raggedly leaving my chest as I gesture for Fuuka to follow me to the changing rooms. She looks up at me, silently questioning me with her eyes, asking ‘What the hell was that?’

I wish I could say I didn’t enjoy that but as I look back at my friends concerned expression; all I can do is smile.


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Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Sep 25, 2023 5:47 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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