Flutter - Level Thirty Six: Invincibility [18/5/24]


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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Two: Touch of Death

Post by Mirage_GSM »

It was the first thing in my mind when you mentioned she didn't know her dad:
She seemed to get along so well with Hisao's dad, that it would make it quite ironic, and the two DO have similar congenital conditions...

Not that I advocate for a plot turn like that, mind you. It would still be a very bad trope...

Emi > Misha > Hanako > Lilly > Rin > Shizune

My collected KS-Fan Fictions: Mirage's Myths
griffon8 wrote:Kosher, just because sex is your answer to everything doesn't mean that sex is the answer to everything.
Sore wa himitsu desu.
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Flutter - Level Thirty Three: 1-Up [7/1/24]

Post by Sharp-O »



Mom? Fuuka?

“…Guess the way to your heart is through your stomach, then!” My Mom laughs and Fuuka chuckles in that way she does when she’s hiding something…

My eyes adjust and I try to call out. “MmmUp.”

“Huh? Did that…”

“I think…”

“I’m up…” I manage though my throat is dry as bone. Hurts like hell.

A shriek and other loud noises bombard me as my eyes finally adjust to the room and I see Mom and Fuuka on either side of my bed.


“About time, Rika! You’ve had us worried!” Sounds about right.

“Hi… Guys…”

But where’s… “Hisao?”


Ah. There he is. I nudge the sleeping Hisao weakly as my groggy body begins to wake up. The vibration of my bed shifting finally wakes him up.

“Huh, whuh… Rika!?” He exclaims. A panicked, yet thankful smile on his face.

“There’s. My. Boy.” I smile back as much as I can; slowly blinking so I can see his face more clearly.

“I’ll let the nurses know. Welcome back, Rika.” Mom says, eyes glistening as she kisses my forehead and rubs my arm. As she exit’s the room, Hisao makes space for Fuuka to roll closer.

“Here, drink.” She insists, forcing a cup of water up toward me. I try to lift my arm but barely manage to get it off my torso. Hisao reaches across my body and brings the cup up to my face.

“You’ve been out for a little while.” He comments, holding the cup so I can take gentle sips. I’ll say… The beginnings of stubble on Hisao’s face raise a mental red flag. I’ve been out longer than intended…

An hour of tests and explanations later, Dr Miyagawa offers a warm smile.

“Apart from the obvious, it looks like you’re going to recover nicely, Rika.”

“Well I should still be under warranty so you’ll be the first to know if anything goes wrong.” I adjust myself in my bed with a small laugh that tickles my throat. I rub it as my smile fades, something Dr Miyagawa picks up on.

“Is there something on your mind? Did you understand everything I said?” He asks and I can’t help but give him an incredulous look as I sip more water. Of course I understood the medical side effects of my procedure. I also understand the new medications I’ll be taking for my new status quo. Hell, I think it’s kinda funny in it’s own way.

Hisao won’t… But I’ll cross that bridge when it comes to it. No, it’s the great big elephant in the room that he’s been dancing around. I need to know how long I was dead for exactly.

“It was less than four minutes, right?” I ask, needing to be sure before I can really start testing myself. The good doctor sighs but doesn’t turn from my gaze. He nods in confirmation before explaining further.

“Not that long at all… The IOCA was corrected very quickly and, thanks to the fMRI scans and the tests we’ve just conducted, I’m confident there’s no impairment to your cognitive function. Do you feel like you?”

“Name, date of birth, current date, home town, school, my first kiss - it’s all in there.” I knock the side of my head for good measure, earning a sly smile. “I just wanted to make sure. With the new stuff and all; didn’t want any other nasty surprises.”

“Given all you’ve been through; I doubt anything could curb that spirit of yours.” Dr Miyagawa chuckles. “But you know your body, and your mind, better than I do so if you feel anything untoward…”

“I’ll shout; don’t worry.” I reassure him, lying back a little with a content smile as I close my eyes. “Can you let my family back in, please? I’d like to see them before these painkillers knock me out again.”

“Can do. I’ll be back to see you again soon, Rika.”

I nod as I hear him shift around the room and open the door. I hear murmuring from the hall and an assortment of shuffling noises coming back into the room.

“How’re you feeling, sweetheart?” Mom asks and I open my eyes.

“Tired, mostly, but I think that’s because I’m swimming in painkillers. You should try this, Hisao. It’s like floating in the pool but without getting wet.”

“I remember; it’s probably the best time I had when I was in the hospital.” Hisao chuckles, despite his history. Should have thought about that more.

“So what did I miss at school, Fuuka? What’s the hot goss’?” I ask my best friend and she bites her lower lip before looking at Hisao.

“You, uh, you missed a lot. More than I should lay on you right now but I’ll be back to catch you up tomorrow.”

I look at the clock and wince. Geez, that hour really ate into what little time I could spend with them but I guess that’s what I get.

“Thanks for coming, guys. I’m so glad to see you, you have no idea.”

“I think they do, Rika. They’ve been here damn near every day.” Mom offers, smiling at Hisao and Fuuka. “And working very hard while you’ve been in here.”

“I was in a coma; cut me some slack!” I laugh but immediately realise no one else is. I look at them all and they each wear concerned or sad faces. My genuine laughter turns into an embarrassed half-chuckle. “Too soon?”

“Maybe a little, Rika…” Mom sighs.

“It was… hard. I didn’t know if we were getting through to you or not.” Fuuka admits and I feel a pit in my stomach. My attention immediately focuses on Hisao who looks off to the side when he notices me looking at him. And that makes me feel even worse.

“Sorry, I’ll… I’ll knock off the gallows humour.” I say solemnly before turning on as much charm as I can muster. “But I’m so glad you were all here. Really.”

“Wouldn’t miss it for the world.” Fuuka smiles back. Mom nods and Hisao smirks to himself.

My smile is interrupted by a massive yawn and a smacking of my lips. I blink a couple times to try to keep my eyes open but I’m failing. Mom claps her hands and that snaps me awake a little.

“Okay, I think Rika needs a little more rest and you two need to get back before curfew.” Mom leans over me and embraces me in a gentle yet firm hug. She kisses my forehead and whispers an ‘I love you’ to me.

“Craaaap, we’ll never ma-” Fuuka whines before Mom cuts her off.

“Don’t worry! I’ll drive you back. Say your goodbyes and I’ll help get you loaded into my car, Fuuka.” Mom gestures for Fuuka to take her place and steps over to Hisao. I sit up a little more but Fuuka waves her hands.

“Don’t get up, I’ll just save up all my hugs for when you can get out of bed.” Fuuka beams as she squeezes both my hands. “I’ll see you soon, yeah?”

“Definitely, miss you already.” I grin, squeezing her hands back.

“See you tomorrow!” Fuuka and Mom say in unison as Mom ushers her out of the room, leaving me alone with Hisao. He sheepishly sits on my bed close to me and takes my hand in his.

“Couldn’t wait to get me alone, huh?” I smirk.

“You know me.” He says, quietly. “I missed you so much.”

“Me too, senpai. Sorry I took so long to wake up.”

“Can’t be helped.”

“No, but still…”

We go silent for a couple moments before we both say what I feel we’ve been desperate to say since I woke up.

“I love you.”
“I love you.”

We laugh and press our foreheads together. I wish I could just hold him forever but this isn’t the best time.

“Hisao, would you do me a favour?” I ask, feeling my newly fixed heart beat a little faster.


“Kiss me?” I ask softly and the warmest smile stretches across Hisao’s face. Wordlessly he leans in and kisses me on my chapped lips. It’s not perfect but it’s passionate and exactly what I need.


Well… My heart didn’t explode… I’d call that a successful beta test.

“Thank you.” I breathe into his face with a crooked grin.

“You’re welcome. I’ll see you tomorrow.” He smiles back and pecks my lips again as he gets up off my bed. He steps towards the door and I call out, wanting even just a second longer with him.


“Yeah?” He stops at the doorway, looking back at me.

“One more favour?”

“How many kisses do you want?” He tilts his head with pursed lips.

“More than you think but no…” I laugh. “Shave the scruff? It’s all scratchy.”

He rubs his chin ponderously before snorting with amusement.

“Sure.” He moves to leave but claps his hand against the doorframe. “Oh! Check your phone! You’ve got a new contact and I’m sure she’ll be happy to hear you loved the Mismagius plushie.”

With a playful wink, Hisao leaves my line of sight and leaves me utterly confused. I reach for my phone and turn it on. I go through my contacts and raise my eyebrows in surprise. I’ll be damned. Saki Enomoto, right there in digital text. Huh.

I reach over to the bedside table and pick up the stuffed toy left for me. I had wondered who left it here but there wasn’t really a good time to ask…

I take a tongue-out selfie with the adorable little ghost Pokémon and then send it to my new friend with one sentence that I think she’ll find funny.

[I lived, bitch!]

The days pass painfully slowly. Even with my DS and the small TV in my room, I find myself counting the hours in between routine check-ups and visiting hours. Mom, Hisao, and Fuuka kept their promise and came to see me the next day. All the latest gossip made my head spin. For saying I was only out for a week, I really did miss a lot.

Confessions, subterfuge, schemes, fights… I missed all the fun!

By the third day, I was moved out of the ICU and into a side room on a general ward. Mom had to call instead of visit but it was still nice to hear her. No rest for the saintly, I guess. I’m glad she has someone at home to look out for her and I guess I’ll have to meet this new guy eventually. Maybe have some payback for all the teasing she gave me and Hisao…

On the fourth day, only Hisao came. He said Fuuka was “busy with club activities” but the air quotes and his sarcastic tone told me otherwise.

“Wow… Everyone’s getting laid these days, huh?” I cast an unimpressed look at Hisao as he tells me about Fuuka’s latest paramour.

“Don’t get me started. I’ve had enough drama to last the rest of the year…” Hisao groans, slumping into comfy chair next to my bed.

“Aww, don’t be such a spoilsport, senpai! Our school years are exactly the time for drama. It’s all harmless shenanigans in the end, no real consequences.”

“I don’t know about that…”

“Yeah, yeah, Saki is causing trouble but she’s pushing back against her boundaries! I say good on her.” I say with a small amount of pride.

“I guess it’s not really going to matter for her in the long term…” He mutters quietly. “But the rest of us have to live in the real world eventually.”

“Geez, you’re in a real grump today. Haven’t you been getting more sleep?” I frown at my boyfriend, more out of concern than annoyance. He pinches the bridge of his nose and sighs before painting on a smile.

“I have, my sleep schedule has gotten much better but it’s just stuff at school annoying me. It’s like… now everyone knows you’re okay, they’ve stopped asking. I know it annoyed me when they were constantly asking if you were okay or I was okay but now I’m annoyed that they’ve seemed to move on.”

“Wow… Conceited, much?” I laugh in utter disbelief causing Hisao to look at me with his own look of disbelief. “Oh, don’t give me that look! People have lives, y’know? The world doesn’t revolve around us.”

“I know! It’s just… I don’t know…”

Hisao looks at the floor, his eyebrows furled in confusion at a feeling he can’t put words to. Honestly, we both need a distraction. I throw the covers off me and swing my legs around to dangle off the bed.

“Come on, senpai. I’ve got cabin fever and want to go for a walkabout.” I announce, sliding on my slippers and taking a few tentative steps, keeping my hand on the bed. Hisao jumps out of his chair and rushes to my side, offering out the crook of his elbow.

I link my arms around his and we take a steady stroll out of my room and onto the ward. Because I’m nearly eighteen now I can’t be put on the children’s ward like I was for my last procedure. It is nearby though and, with a little cajoling, Hisao helps me head in that direction.

“Going for a walk, Miss Katayama?” The nurse at the station, one of the ones I’ve seen over the past couple days, asks curiously.

“Yeah, needed to stretch my legs.” I smile back and the older lady, maybe a little older than my Mom, smiles brightly as she casts a quick glance at Hisao, who is taking a lot of my weight for me.

“Well it’s good that this young gentleman is here to help. Don’t wander too far though.”

“We won’t, ma’am.” Hisao says earnestly and I can’t help be smile a little. Eventually, we make it to the children’s ward and see two rows of four beds, only six of which are occupied.

“So this is where you wanted to go? Aren’t you a little old to play doctor?” Hisao asks, a curious eyebrow creeping up his face. I pout at him and sway him by our linked arms.

“We can’t do it on the adult wards, senpai! They have a much lower tolerance for shenanigans.”

“I don’t think we can really do it here, either. We’re clearly older than these kids.”

“You’re determined to take all the fun out of this, aren’t you?” I tease, pulling him onto the ward and toward the nearest bed. The kids immediately take notice of us, especially the one whose bed we now stand at the foot of. Can’t blame them, I’d be curious why an albino in stripey pyjamas and a school boy were wandering through the ward.

I smile sweetly at the smaller boy with shaggy dark hair, as I pick up his chart. “Hi there! I’m Rika, this is Hisao.” I gesture to my boyfriend as I skim the boy’s chart.

“H-Hi, I’m Midoriya… Are you in the h-hospital too?” He asks cautiously and Hisao answers for me.

“Yeah, Rika just had surgery but insisted on coming to check-in on you guys. It’s sort of a thing she does whenever she’s in hospital.” Hisao explains clearly as he looks around, probably addressing the others as much as Midoriya here… Eleven years old, broke both legs falling out of a tree.

“You’re in hospital a lot?” A girlish voice asks from behind me. I look over my shoulder and smile at the androgynous-looking kid with long hair in the bed facing Midoriya’s.

“More than I like. I have a heart condition. So does he!” I gesture to Hisao who rolls his eyes.

“Not the first time you’ve broken something, huh?” I ask Midoriya and he becomes sheepish.

“Nuh-uh, Miss Rika.”

“Well if your history is anything to go by, you’ll bounce back better than ever! Hang in, there.” I cheer him on with a little fist pump and replace his chart. Hisao, meanwhile, has moved over to the opposite bed and taken up their chart.

“Nagisa…” He mutters and I peek over his shoulder to see that this child is a boy, despite how effeminate he appears. Multiple broken ribs to go with the black eye, nasty stuff. “You get into a fight?”

“You could say that…”

“Did you win?” I ask and the boy hides in his long, flowing hair that’s about as long as mine. “Aww don’t feel too bad, you’ll get ‘em next time.”

“Damn right, I will.” Nagisa says and I get this real intense vibe from him. Hisao casts a worried glance my way as he replaces the chart.

“H-hope you feel better soon, Nagisa.” Hisao nods with a smile as I move onto the next bed. Another young boy, roughly fourteen if I had to guess, with jet black hair.

“And how’re you feeling today… Kano…?” I hesitate when I look at the name and then back at the boy. No… Can’t be… I look at his face with a worried expression that he reflects back at me. It literally can’t be Shoji. I know it can’t be but he looks…

“Is everything alright? It’s not bad, is it? I was only in for-” Hisao plucks the chart out of my hand and gives it a quick scan.

“Food poisoning, yeah? Ah, you’ll be fine, Shinji.” Hisao says purposefully as I step backwards, his eyes following me as I make for the door. “Just keep on the IV and you’ll be fine but looks like that’s all the time wehavefeelbettersoon!”

Hisao’s rushed goodbye only matches my quick pace out of the room but I stop a few feet out of sight from the kids and brace against the wall and steady my breathing.

“Rika? It wasn’t Shoji. You’re okay.” Hisao tries to reassure me, his hand grasping my shoulder and rubbing it. The dopamine released at his touch is a nice relief from the anxiety running roughshod through my brain.

“I know! It just… I saw the name and realised what I was doing and, and… Fuck!” I slam my head back against the wall and immediately regret it. “Ow…”

“Let’s get you some fresh air. The café down here has a balcony.” Hisao links his arm in mine and begins to guide me there.

“We shouldn’t leave the hospital.” I mutter and Hisao chuckles.

“We shouldn’t be looking at patient charts either. Plus the café is in the hospital.”

The early evening rush sees plenty of people milling around the simple café but we find a nice spot on a bench on the balcony. Hisao leaves to fetch us some warm drinks as I take deep lungful of the dwindling summer air. Soon enough, Hisao appears with two hot drinks in to-go cups.

“Decaf tea for you, decaf coffee for me.” He smiles, passing my drink to me. “Helluva view. Better than your view of the car park.” He says with small amount of surprise and I giggle.

“I dunno, the car park has it’s charms… But yeah, this is nice. Can’t wait to get back to Yamaku though. It’s so noisy here and I miss my bed.”

“I know what you mean.” Hisao sighs with smile as he sips at his drink.

“I’ve missed this too. Missed you. Just… Sharing your space. Being in your orbit.” I admit quietly, leaning slightly against Hisao, who wraps an arm around my shoulder.

“I’ve missed you being near me too. God knows I could have used your insight.”

We’re quiet for a little while, just enjoying each other’s company and the mediocre hospital café drinks. I fiddle with the cup in my hand as I think about how to phrase my next words.

“Hisao. There’s something you should know about me going forward. A side-effect of the procedure.” I say, turning slightly to face him head-on.

“Okay… Is this something we need to worry about?” Hisao mirrors my position but I shake my head.

“No, it’s something that I’ll be able to handle but it’s still something I should tell you…” I respond, smiling in a reassuring way, reaching over to plant a hand on his knee. “My heart is ‘fixed’ in terms of the valves and everything but as a side effect… I now have arrhythmia.”

I watch Hisao carefully, the colour draining from his face a little. No doubt every mortifying thought he’s ever had about his own arrhythmia now being applied to me but there’s a big difference between the two of us. I’ve stared death in the face all my life, I am forewarned and forearmed, and I am not afraid.

“So… we’re the same… is what you’re saying?” He stumbles for the words and I’m immediately thrust back to his first day at school and how I found out about Hisao Nakai and his condition. Funny how things work out.

“You know what that means better than anyone but you also know me better than anyone.” I say as Hisao chews his lips, mulling over my words. He closes his eyes and sighs deeply, almost bitterly before flashing me a brilliant smile.

“I do. I know you’ve got this.” That’s my boy. He shifts to wrap his arm around me once more and I’m more than happy to reciprocate.


“I love you.”

“I love you too.”

To catch up on what happened while Rika was in a coma, check out the Bonus Levels in Act 3.5: Co-Op!

Accept Side Quest? Bonus Level: Directional Influence

Previous Level <---> Next Level

Last edited by Sharp-O on Thu Feb 22, 2024 11:22 am, edited 4 times in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Three: 1-Up [7/1/24]

Post by hdkv »


Rika Katayama as I live and breathe!

This was a good start of January (and end of my holidays), thank you! Looking forward for next chapters!

Giving her arrhythmia is too much irony lol.

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Three: 1-Up [7/1/24]

Post by Peorth »

Eee! An update! Well done.
I noticed a couple typos, but I can't find them again while skimming over it. :x

Even if the author is silenced, the performance is stopped, the story will not end.

Whether it's a comedy or a tragedy, if there is cheering, the story will continue on.
Just like the many lives.
For the us who are still in it and still in the journey, send warm blessings.

---We will continue to walk down this path until eternity.
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Four: Still Alive [22/2/24]

Post by Sharp-O »

“Here’s your new prescription, sweetheart. Make sure Ryo gets it.” Mom says, offering out the slip with all my new medication on it. I bet if Hisao and I compared meds now, we’d match way more…

“Thanks, Mom! The Doc will be my first stop once I drop off my stuff.” I take the slip after slinging my backpack over my shoulder. There’s an upside to being in a coma as it turns out; my hospital recovery time was effectively cut in half. Luckily I happen to go to a school that dual-types as a medical facility so Dr Miyagawa was happy to discharge me into their care with a few caveats.

Daily check-ins with the Doc to see how my haemophilia affects my heart, post-op. Strict adherence to my new medication, which is obvious… And no strenuous physical activity for two more weeks. Dr Miyagawa was talking about my swimming routine but that wasn’t what I thought of first. Boo.

Mom hugs me as tightly as she’d dare and I reciprocate, resting the side of my head against hers. She’s been amazing these past few days. Everyone has. Fuuka has made sure I have everything I need to catch-up on what I’ve missed, though I probably won’t even look at my schoolwork until tomorrow. I’m going to make the most of my Thursday afternoon before easing back into my routine with a day and a half of school.

“And make sure you take it easy, sweetheart. I know you know but you still need to take things easy for a while.” She says with a soft, motherly tone.

“You know I know. Love you, Mom.” I respond as she finally lets go and we smile at each other.

“I love you, too, Rika.” She grins, stepping back towards the car.

“Text me when you get back safe! And give Koji my best!” I cheekily call after her and I can see the pink of her cheeks contrasted against her creamy white hair. She gives me a playful scowl before blowing me a kiss and driving away.

I spin on my heels and take in a big lung full of mountain air. I gaze out across the quiet campus and feel at ease. I start to make my way toward the girls’ dorms to drop off my backpack at a slow pace, content to take in my surroundings. It’s so weird that I feel myself more at peace here than I did back in Shogen…

Though I guess this is my home; for another year at least. Home sweet home away from home… The dorms are naturally quiet. I don’t think I’ve ever walked around school when everyone was in class before… Almost feels like I’m the only one here. Like the soundtrack to Biohazard should be playing.

I dump out my clothes and arrange my new medicine bottles amongst the ones I will still have to take. I grab the ones I don’t need anymore, along with the prescription, and head off towards the medical building.

The Doc smirks over his shoulder at me as I enter while knocking. He spins on his stool and throws his arms wide with his usual grin.

“Well, if it isn’t my favourite patient!”

“It isn’t; your favourite patients are the ones who don’t cause you trouble.” I narrow my eyes as I hold out my old meds and my new prescription.

“Which is exactly why I don’t have any favourites.” He winks as he takes both items from my hands, placing the surplus bottles on the desk as he reads. “Hm. Mm-hm. Interesting…”

He casts a curious gaze toward me before looking at the slip once more and nodding. “Got it. I’ll be sure to have these arranged, have you got enough to last you a day or so?”

“Yup, got my prescription filled before I left so I’m good until Monday so there’s no rush.”

“All the same, these specific drugs should be ordered as soon as possible. Especially since we appear to be needing twice as much now…” He says with the kind of tone that suggests a question is being thought of.

“Hisao already knows, Doc. You don’t have to keep my secret.”

“Thank goodness; I’m terrible at keeping them!” He laughs and I join him, even if I’m shaking my head. He offers up a chair near the desk as he prepares the blood pressure monitor.

“But I hope you’ll still be careful, especially considering our discussion not too long ago.” He gives me a knowing look as he straps the pressure cuff to my arm and my face turns crimson.

“I w-will. W-we will.”

After I go back to the dorms and change into the cutest outfit I can gather together from the clean clothes I left behind, I wait patiently for the end of day bell to chime. I quickly get bored of waiting in my room and decide to be a nice surprise for my weary boyfriend at the end of a long day of classes. It still feels strange to skulk around the empty halls, even as I hear the sound of classes in session.

So how do I do this? Lean against the wall, all cool-like? Maybe a cutesier pose? Hm. I eventually settle on leaning against the wall, arms folded behind my back as a cushion. The end of day chimes and I see the bustling of bodies behind the frosted glass of Class 3-3.

The door slides open and a half-dozen students pile out before I see someone I recognise; Akio, followed quickly by Molly.

Wheyyyyy! Look who it is!” Molly greets me with a cheer and a hug around my shoulders.

“Good to see you, Spooky.” Akio smirks, sidling up beside Molly.

“Spooky?” I ask and he shrugs.

“I’m trying out nicknames.” Is mine ‘Spooky’ because I’m white as a sheet or because I died? Not sure how I feel about that if its the latter... I half-heartedly chuckle but my unimpressed look gives Molly a chance to change the subject.

“And they’re all rubbish! Now get out the way, I wanna see Hisao’s reaction!” Molly chides with a big smile, pushing Akio gently off to the side. Taro double-takes as he rushes out the door but gives me a small wave before heading down the hall. Miki follows out with a cyan-haired girl, following Taro with her eyes before clocking me. She smirks and gives an approving nod before wandering off.

It feels like it takes forever but I finally see Hisao exit alongside a raven-haired girl with burns hidden behind her hair. He looks so engrossed in explaining something that he almost doesn’t see me. Almost.

The din of the halls falls away as I push myself away from the wall. Everything other than Hisao blurs out of sight. His surprised expression, the widening smile on his lips, his arms reaching out toward me as mine reach for him. I’ve been waiting for this moment for over a week.

We embrace each other and I try to kiss him deeply, even if we’re both grinning like idiots.

“I didn’t know you’d be back today!” He beams, holding my face.

“I thought I’d surprise you!” I giggle, holding his face right back. Oh, I’m gonna struggle with the last condition of my hospital discharge but for now, I’m just happy to feel him again. In the hospital, I was on so many drugs that nothing felt real, not even when he kissed me, but this is real. The realest. “Surprised, senpai?”

“Very! Are you alright? I thought you still ha-” Hisao’s laugh fades as his eyes dart around and he suddenly becomes very embarrassed. I look around and see a small crowd watching on; including Molly excitedly swaying an amused Akio.

“I think we should go somewhere a little less…”

“Public?” Hisao chuckles as he sighs, a little bewildered by all of the attention. I can’t blame him, I didn’t even realise there was a crowd. I was locked-on to him.

“Definitely, but I have one more stop to make if you can wait to get me alone…” I tease, playfully sliding my hand down his arm and into his waiting grasp. I tug at my blushing boyfriend as I move toward the stairs. “C’mon! Fuuka’s gonna freak!”

“Oh my god, why didn’t you tell me you were coming back today!?” Fuuka shrieks as she pulls up beside me and wraps her arms around my waist.

“I wanted to surprise you both! I think I’ve given you both enough anxiety to last a life time.” I laugh as I look over at Hisao. I hug Fuuka’s head before she releases me and I turned my attention to the tall boy standing off to the side looking awkward. Oh, this’ll be too easy… “And you must be the baker whose trying put a bun in my best friend’s oven!”

The shocked gasp of Hisao behind me, coupled with Jiro’s ghost-white face is nothing compared to the laughter erupting out of Fuuka’s mouth as her face turns red.

“Oh my god, Rika!” Fuuka covers her mouth, disbelieving eyes but an all-too amused grin stretching across her face. “I can’t believe you said that!”

“Like you have the monopoly on dirty jokes. And it’s right there! I had to!”

“I would have been disappointed if you didn’t, true…”

I turn my attention back to the mortified Jiro and extend an olive branch in the form of an outstretched hand. “I’m sorry, Jiro, I had to give you some shit for dating Fuuka. She did it to Hisao too.”

Right… I can see why you two are friends. You have a similar sense of humour.” Jiro says through an embarrassed, crooked smile as he takes my hand. “But it’s nice to finally meet you, Rika, and I’m glad you’re feeling better.”

“Thanks! I’ve got to take it easy but definitely happier to be back.” I smile at Fuuka and but especially at Hisao, who returns the affectionate smile.

“We were heading to the cafeteria if you wanna join us?” Fuuka asks and I shake my head.

“I’ve got some other plans now that I’m back but maybe tomorrow? I’ll be back in class then.” I blush as I avoid outright saying I want to spend time with Hisao but my best friend knows me and slyly looks between my boyfriend and me.

“Ahhh, gotcha.” Fuuka winks. I won’t deny I’m thinking it but I bop her on the arm regardless.

“Get out of here before I flip you onto your back.” I playfully sneer as Fuuka rolls backwards, turning on the spot when she reaches Jiro.

“You gotta buy me dinner before you do that!” She laughs before waving and leaving. I turn to Hisao who simply shakes his head at me.

“Did you really have to make fun of Jiro? Weren’t you worried you’d scare him off?”

“Nothing I could say could scare that boy off, trust me. He’s already spent two weeks with Fuuka; he can obviously take a dirty joke or two!” I dismiss Hisao’s concern with a wave.

“Fine, fine. But I don’t know about you but I’ve had as much excitement as I can stand for today.” He sighs but looks at me affectionately. I mean… I could go for a little more… “Do you wanna hang out and play video games for a while?”

I guess Hisao’s right, it’s been an emotional afternoon and I am feeling pretty tired… I link arms with Hisao and accompany him back to the dorms. He changes pretty quickly while I wait in the hall, eyeing his neighbour’s door just in case I scare the poor sap again. Maybe ‘Spooky’ is a good nickname.

Hisao reappears in a nice casual outfit with a green hooded jacket and we make our way over to the girls’ dorms. As soon as I slide my door open, I realise my mistake.

Wow…” Hisao idly muses as we both survey the chaos of clothing that I dumped onto my bed and then the open drawers I plundered for my outfit.

“I forgot I was gonna bring you over…” I lament, my arms dangling limply as I shuffle into the room and begin the arduous task of tidying my own damn mess. I spot Hisao in the corner of my vision with my laundry basket, shaking out my hospital clothes before throwing them into the basket.

“Don’t get any funny ideas about my underwear, senpai!” I chide, tucking a bunch of shirts back into a drawer before closing it.

“Why would I want your dirty underwear?”

“I don’t know! It seems like a thing guys do.”

“I mean… I guess there’s some perverts who would…” He quietly mutters and I watch him delicately pluck a bra out of the pile and quickly throw it into the basket when he catches me watching him. “N-not me!”

“Nooo! You’re a whole other kind of pervert! You like licking girls.” I smirk.

“You like me licking you so who’s the real pervert?!” Hisao protests, throwing a t-shirt at my head.

“Alright, alright!” I shriek with laughter, pulling the shirt from my head and tossing it into the basket, which I take from Hisao’s hands while I plant a kiss on his cheek. “Thank you kindly, senpai.”

“No problem. So what did you wanna play?” He asks as he flops down onto my bed.

“Something two-player, silly!” I smirk, slinking my way across the room and into his lap. His arm reaches around my back to support my weight as I nestle against him.

“You’re meant to be resting, y’know…” He says with a coy smirk to match my own.

“Hisao, I love your concern but I’ve been touch-starved for two weeks and I need some boyfriend-girlfriend touchy-feely cuddle action right now!” I stare at him as I slip my hand into his but he flinches at the contact.

“Gah, your hand’s so cold!” He frowns, quickly taking both my hands in his. His concern is sweet but it’s not a big deal.

“Fall’s coming and I am on some weird new medications; my body’s just adjusting to my new idle state.” I reassure him, even if I don’t get why my hands would be cold…

“Well, if you ever feel cold, I hear wearing your boyfriend’s jacket is all the rage at the minute.” He interlocks his fingers with mine and I give him a cheeky look.


“Or I could just steal your body heat.”

Previous Level <---> Next Level

Last edited by Sharp-O on Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:24 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Four: Still Alive [22/2/24]

Post by Peorth »

Aww yee. Inject that shit right into my veins, fam.

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Four: Still Alive [22/2/24]

Post by hdkv »

Ayeeee, new chapter!

...oi, I haven't realized how quickly it ended. Looks like a cut in the middle with the next chapter being refusing the doctor's orders to not exercise much

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Four: Still Alive [22/2/24]

Post by StealthyWolf »

Nice to get a moment of calm after all the drama and tension that's been hanging over the bunch recently. The in-school reunion was cute across the board, though I feel bad for Hanako. Hopefully whatever Hisao was talking to her about wasn't important :lol:.

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Five: Chip Damage [1/3/24]

Post by Sharp-O »

“Is this one of those times when I should see the other girl?” I ask with a wince as Saki makes her way towards me. I knew she was in a fight but that looks sore as hell. Her silent, glum expression lightens as she enters my personal space and throws her arms around my neck. Oh. I guess we’re hugging friends now?

“I’ll live… Bitch.” She chuckles quietly into my neck. I hug her back with a smile but it goes on for so long that I start to feel awkward. Two girls hugging in their pyjamas in the girls’ dorms isn’t too weird an occurrence but it feels weird to me…

“You really needed a hug, huh?” I ask gently, patting her back. She nods but releases me from her grasp anyway, probably hearing the awkwardness in my voice. The forced smile falters for a second as she looks down but returns when she looks me in the eye.

“It’s been a week and seeing you up and around is the best damn thing about it.” She answers, almost bitterly but trying really hard to hide it.

“Well that just makes me feel all the more special!” I reply sarcastically, trying to lighten the mood somewhat. “But seriously; are you okay?”

“Ha! I should really be asking you that.” Saki folds her arms as she leans against my doorframe. “But I could really use a girl-friend to talk to if you’re not too drained?”

I look at the digital clock in my room and see it’s only nine-thirty, an hour after Hisao finally got sick of me cuddling and kicking his butt at Tekken and went back to his room.

“Sure thing, Saki.” I smile at her and gesture for her to enter my room. She shuffles past me and I give the hall one last look around before following and closing the door behind me. “Take a seat anywhere.”

Saki plops down in front on the TV, on the cushion I usually sit on so I take a spot on the cushion Hisao usually takes. It feels wrong but she’s clearly going through it.

“Do you wanna play some games while we talk? I find it helps to have something to do with my hands.” I offer, reaching in front of her to pick up my controller and offer out the cheaper, player two controller.

“Considering I can’t smoke in the dorms…” She looks pensive as she takes the controller in her hands. “I’m not really a gamer though.”

“It’s okay; we can try something a little less competitive and a little more chill.” I say, leaning forward and flicking through the basket of games and pulling out Katamari Damacy. It’s not one of my favourites but it’s a fun chill game and I feel this might just be the soothing balm she needs.

“So what do I need to do?” Saki asks as I set up an eternal level then thrust my controller into her hand. “And what’s with this music?”

“Wild, right? So you just have to roll that ball around and get things to stick to it. Start small and you’ll be able to pick up bigger things as you go.” I direct her and Saki looks between the controller and the screen a couple times before it finally clicks in her head. “So who’d you get in a fight with?”

Wasn’t really a fight…” Saki mutters. Heh, I know that feeling. “I got my shit rocked by Ritsu, the girl with the headband in Hisao’s class?”

I rack my brain and an image appears in my head from the art room and the music room; that orange headband girl I kept seeing… The one who gave me the stink-eye once.

“Okay. Did you get a few jabs in at least?”

“Only the verbal kind… Why is this little alien being a dung beetle anyway?”

“The stuff he rolls into a ball gets turned into a star for the king of space…” I explain and receive an incredulous look. “I know, I know, but the gameplay is fun. We should get you on Super Monkey Ball next.”

“Are all the games you play ball-related?” Saki chuckles and scowls a little.

“Only the ones I break out when I don’t want to kick someone’s ass at Tekken and you’ve had enough of an ass-kicking from the looks of you.”

Ouch! So this is a baby game with pretty colours to help me relax?”

“Is it helping?” I ask and she smiles, nodding a little, almost in time with the music. “And now you’re in on-campus suspension?”

“I felt like I should be in there too since I started it. I slept with her boyfriend, y’know.” Saki says matter-of-factly, her eyes glancing sideways. Probably gauging my reaction.

“Hence the punch in the face.” I don’t want to sound too judge-y, but that’s pretty shitty. “So what happens now? You stay in OCS for a few weeks and then back to regular classes?”

“I wish. Turns out my Mom cares more than I thought; she wants to see me on Saturday.”

“It’s been like a week though, right? If I got into a fight and got super-detention; my Mom would be down here the same night to chew me out.” I raise a quizzical eyebrow at Saki’s home life. Again, trying not to judge but from what Saki told me about her family, it sounds about on par with their disinterest in anything other than her talents.

“Yuuuup…” Saki sighs deeply. “But I imagine I’m going to be told I’m letting the family name down and will get the third degree about quitting my clubs… Argh, fuck you, mouse!”

I look to the screen and see that Saki’s character is indeed being bullied by a mouse.

“So you don’t want to do music or art any more; have you thought about any other clubs you might want to do?”

“Honestly, no… I’ve got so much going on in my head that I’m having a hard time thinking of anything.”

“Sounds like a typical struggling artist to me.” I shrug. “Maybe a new outlet will help you keep your Mom off your back, at least in the interim.”

“That sounds like giving-in to her though. Like it’s just another thing her and Dad will take credit for or roll out as a party trick.” I can practically hear the flesh of her hands tighten around the plastic controller, like she’s throttling it.

“So choose something that doesn’t put a focus on you. What about the literature club? I know you like reading.” I offer and she shakes her head.

“The club president doesn’t like me because I argued the music club needed more resources than hers did. She got so angry she passed out and banged her leg pretty bad.” Saki frowns a little, maybe feeling guilty about that. “Besides, I like reading trash on my own. It’s just for me.”

I blow air out of my pursed lips as I scratch the back of my head, trying to think of something else…

“Sorry, I’m doing all the talking. Here. Your turn.” Saki holds out the controller and I take it, quitting the level and switching to time attack. “So what’s being in a coma like? Can you really hear people?”

I laugh as I start the level and plan my route whilst also thinking how best to answer. “You know when you sleep and you don’t dream? Kinda like that. And you can sorta hear but it’s not like you can respond to it.”

“Huh. I guess it’s the closest thing to being dead in a weird way…” Saki comments with a pensive look I clock in my periphery.

“Well I was only dead for a couple minutes compared to being in a coma for a week so-” I offer idly but Saki’s hand grabbing my wrist completely derails my progress.

“What do you mean you were dead?!”

“Y-yeah… My heart stopped and I lost blood flow to my brain during surgery. Didn’t Hisao tell you why I was in a coma?” I pull my arm away from the shocked Saki who sits back on her legs, her mouth agape as her eyes dart around, staring the middle distance.

“N-n-no! I just thought you were put into a coma to help heal.” I thought Hisao would have said something about it… Maybe he didn’t want to worry her? I pick up the controller and restart the level again before continuing the topic.

“I mean… Yeah, that’s kinda what it was for but it wasn’t really planned to happen. Between having open heart surgery, complications, and my haemophilia, it was to give my body and mind time to heal and to see what the damage was. If the procedure worked and if I had brain damage.”

“Fuck me… I’m sorry.”

“Rumours of my demise are greatly exaggerated.” I smirk, casting a glance sideways. “But yeah, I can’t really compare the two experiences because they both felt like nothing to me.”

“So you didn’t…” Saki begins before looking worried and averting her eyes. “Ignore me, I’m being stupid.”

I pause the game and turn to face her, tilting my head a little to catch her attention. I offer a reassuring smile but I don’t know how much reassurance Saki could take from what I’m about to say.

“I can guess what you want to as-”

“Ignore me! I was just being silly!”

“It’s not silly at all, Saki! It’s an important question; one people like us wrestle with a lot. Even if we don’t admit it.” I can imagine that’s true for the two of us, anyway.

Saki and I share a moment of quiet understanding before she straightens up, a fresh look of resolve on her face. “What did you see? Was there a… Heaven?”

I take a deep breath and think back. As much as I can think back anyway. It’s a hard question to answer… Like forgetting a dream.

“I don’t know how to answer that in a way that’ll be comforting, Saki.” I admit, sighing a little in defeat.

“Can you at least lie to me?” Saki chuckles half-heartedly with a crooked smirk and a pleading look in her eyes.

“Would you want me to? Even if you knew I was lying?” I ask but Saki looks at the floor, her shoulders tensing up.

“No. Even if I wanted to believe you.”

I shuffle towards her on my knees and give her a hug which she returns.

“Sorry, Saki.”

“No, I’m sorry, Rika. I shouldn’t ask something like that, it’s insensitive.”

“Death isn’t a sensitive topic for me, it’s a daily reality. If you ever feel like you need to talk to someone about it; come find me.”

“You’re really fucking cool, you know that?” Saki smiles demurely and rests back on her butt.

“I really fucking am.” I smirk, picking up the controller again. “Now ask me something sillier while I try to beat this high score. Try to throw me off, gimme a challenge.”

“Okay, okay, lemme think for a second…” Saki ponders as I unpause the game. “Alright; what’s the deal with you and Hisao? I can’t imagine you both having heart conditions is good for… Y’know.”

I grip the controller tight as my skin turns pink. Saki notices and laughs but I simply blow a calming jet of air out of my lips and refocus.

“It’s been slow-going. We’ve managed to do some stuff though.”

“Oooh, you little slut! Stuff! Next you‘ll tell me you’ve done things!” Saki puts on her mocking tone and my blood runs cold. I involuntarily shiver at the thought of how that voice used to torment me. It’ll take some getting used to if she uses it jokingly.

“That’s cheating!” I laugh, trying to focus and failing. Now I’m just thinking about all the stuff and things me and Hisao have done since we started dating.

“So what; Second base? Third?” Saki asks and I blush harder.

Th-third…” I say quietly.

“So the fun stuff before the really fun stuff. Good for you.” Saki says with a weird air of authority. As far as I know, she’s only slept with one guy…

“What about you and Taro? How’s that going?” I ask and Saki groans, flopping onto her back.

“I like him, he said he finds me attractive and he’s been great through all my bullshit though so I think that means he likes me back but we’ve only really kissed once…”

“So it’s not as physical as you’d like?”

“I like that we can hang out and talk about things but I just want him to pick me up in his big arm and kiss me deeply and aaaargh!” Saki pulls the cushion out from under her to scream into it, leaving it on her face when she’s done. “You should see him without his shirt on, Rika. Don’t let the belly fool you; he’s built!”

“I guess I can see that.” I shrug, trying not to think of another guy shirtless. “So what do you think is stopping you?”

“I was fucking my best friend’s boyfriend. Taro has had that done to him in the past. I think he’s seeing if I can be trusted before he commits.” Saki mumbles into the cushion before she sits up. I give up on the game and rest my back against me bed to look at Saki directly. “And I guess I’m waiting to see if I can be trusted.”

“Woooow… That’s… that’s a real shitty situation, not gonna lie. I don’t know how I’d handle it but I think taking it slow is probably a good idea.”

Saki nods, pulling her knees up to her chest and rest her chin on them. “Yeah… And I think it should be more special with him. Like it’s real.”

“Real what?” I ask curiously and it’s Saki’s turn to blush.

“N-nothing. Have you thought about how you’d do the deed?” She asks and I’ve thought about the deed a lot… But not the lead-up to it.

“I have no idea. All our dates have been super casual so maybe something a little more serious? More… adult?”

“Dinner and dancing? That’s very romantic.” Saki’s lips curl into a big smile from behind her knees.

“Yeah… Romantic… A restaurant, fancy clothes… Don’t know about dancing but a walk along the river…” I sigh, smiling.

“Really putting the girl in gamer girl there.”

We laugh as we continue to talk about dates and boys as we play video games into the small hours.

I yawn loudly as I meet an impatient-looking Fuuka outside of the dorms. She rolls back and forth rapidly while staring at me.

“Sorry, I went to bed late and I overslept.” I yawn again but this time Fuuka looks at me with a devilish smirk. Here we go…

“Hisao keep you up all night, did he?” She thinks she’s caught me out but I’ll show her!

“Saki, actually. She needed some one-on-one girl-time.” I smirk back at her, choosing my words deliberately as Fuuka’s face becomes flustered and confused. “She needed someone to talk to.”

“O-oh! Well… Glad you could help her, I guess.” Fuuka shrugs and turns to roll away.

“Hey! Is the drama club still looking for stage hands and other backstage people?” I ask as I walk parallel to Fuuka.

“I think so but I’d have to ask Satoshi about it later. Why?”

“I was thinking Saki could join the drama club.” Given the look Fuuka throws me, this is going to be a tough sell for her.

“So she’s not happy enough taking centre stage in two other clubs, she wants to do it in mine too?”

“She quit her other clubs, Fuuka. She needs a creative outlet but doesn’t want the spotlight. I think it’d be good for her to help others and a backstage role would do that, right?”

“I mean, I guess… But why the drama club? Can’t she gopher for a sports team?”

“She could…” I ponder, she seems like the type to be a club manager. “Look, I know you two aren’t the best of friends…”

“Or friends at all.” Fuuka interjects.

“Sure, but I think you’d get along if you gave each other a chance and this is a good way to do it!” I smile at the disinterested Fuuka who sighs as she rolls to a stop.

“I know you and her have become ‘friends’ since your little blow-up and all but I don’t have to be friends with your friends. In fact, I don’t want to. Even if she apologised for her crack about my legs, I wouldn’t accept it.” Fuuka states adamantly and I honestly don’t have a counterargument.

I’d like it if they were friends but not everyone is going to be. Like Hisao’s friends. It’s kinda like Mai and Iwanako in a way.

“You’re right. I’m sorry, you shouldn’t have to be friends with her just because I am.”

“Good, because I’m not going to be.” Fuuka replies firmly but her expression soon softens. “But if she needs an outlet that bad, I can ask. No promises though.”

“You don’t have t-”

“You’re my friend and you’re trying to help someone so I will try. To help you, not her.”

“That’s fair. Thank you, Fuuka.”

“You’re lucky I’m in such a good mood.” Fuuka says with a secretive little smile that tells me everything. She got lucky last night.

“Why don’t you tell me all about your evening and what happened to put you in such a good mood?”

“Do you really wanna hear about my sexploits?”

“No, but I know you’re dying to tell me anyways.” I laugh and Fuuka’s smile widens.

My classmates and teachers were all very welcoming to me throughout the day. Many of the teachers went easy on me for my lacklustre answers if they even called on me at all. The toughest question by far was from last period math class, I was already burned out and math is not my strongest subject…

“If angle C is 28 degrees, Rika, and angles A and D are 88 degrees, what is the angle of B and E?” Mrs Usami asked, head tilted upwards slightly but with eyes focused on my as I frantically scanned my notes… I don’t think we covered this… Shitfuckshitfu

“Um, is it…” C’mon, brain! You can frame perfect block a Snake Edge, you can do quick math! “Is it sixtyyyyy-foooour degrees?” There’s a beat of silence as the teacher narrows her eyes before nodding with a small smile.

“Correct. Now can you-” The end of day bell thankfully chimes and she snaps her workbook closed. “I won’t ask you to explain your working this time, Rika but if you find yourself struggling now that you’re back; please come to see me.”

“I will, Mrs Usami, thank you!” I smile as I begin to gather my things. Fuuka leans over and taps my thigh.

“Thank god you were asked; I was still counting my fingers when you gave the answer!”

“I’m pretty sure that was mostly guess work, I can barely think right now…” I groan, letting my head flop limply. “What was Mr Togane’s assignment about again? The Yoshitsune guy?”

“The Heian Period.”

“Guess I’m going to the library… If it wasn’t in a Dynasty Warriors game, history might as well be a different country.” I sigh, slipping the straps of my backpack over my shoulders.

“And yet your literature homework is already paying off!” Fuuka laughs and I look at her puzzled.

“The past is a foreign country? You just paraphrased L.P. Hartley.” Fuuka replies and I’m even more confused.

“I haven’t even touched that yet.”

“Then I guess you’re just an idiot savant.” Fuuka shrugs with a bewildered but amused face as she rolls past me.

“Hey! I actually know what that means!” I scowl playfully at her as she laughs and rolls away from me faster. I chase her out of the classroom and down the hall as she cackles. Oh, I’ll get you, you little… Little

My vision returns from white and I find myself braced against a wall. I’m… Good? A high-pitched whine in my ears fades and is replaced with concerned murmurs and the frantic fretting of Fuuka.

“-s gonna be okay, Rika! The nurse is on his way.”
“She alright?”
“What’s happened?”
“Katayama looks paler than usual.”

I scrunch my eyes closed and try to shake the dull thump out of my head. I breathe a slow jet of air out of my pursed lips as I push myself off the wall. I plant my feet, my right further back from my left to maintain balance. I’m good. Opening my eyes again, I see the wall a foot away from me.

I’m still standing.

I’m good.

Except I’m not entirely sure that’s true. I can’t believe the thought as it forms in my mind. I had a flutter, or I think I did anyway, I didn’t fall. I should have fell.

“Holy crap, you okay?!” A worried Fuuka grasps my arm and I look down at her, unable to help a huff of amusement leaving my mouth.

“Yeah… I think I’m okay.” That feels weird to say… I look at my hands as I flex them. They feel a little pins-and-needles-y but I’m pretty sure I’m okay. More shocked that I’m still upright than anything. “Just a dizzy spell.”

“Clear the way! Medical emergency!” A call rings out and the crowd of students almost moves in lock-step as a female nurse and the Doc come to a stop to find me waiting for him. I shrug as we share equally surprised looks with each other.

“I think we should do a quick examination in the classroom, Rika.” He face turns serious and my blood runs cold.
I’m ushered into the nearest empty classroom with Fuuka. The nurse closes the classroom doors as Doc makes me take a seat and pulls up a chair himself.

“Well? What happened?” The Doc asks as he takes my wrist and begins checking my pulse.

“It’s my fault!” Fuuka starts but I quickly interject.

“No it’s not, I got caught up in the excitement and chased Fuuka down the hall. My vision went white but I caught myself on the wall. I’m fine.”

“People who have white-outs after heart surgery tend not to be ‘fine’, Rika.” He frowns at me. Oh boy, judgement, my favourite… I sigh and let him continue his little tests. Pulse, blood pressure, even a visual acuity test. It’s at that point that I ignore the test altogether and look at the Doc expectantly. Nothing hurts, I’m not even out of breath.

“I’m fine, Doc.” I say confidently and the good doctor looks back at me perplexed.

“No chest pain, no heavy breathing?” I shake my head to his questions and his eyebrows rise up his face. Yeah, I’m amazed too.

“I’m inclined to agree, Rika. You seem fine. Pulse and BP are slightly elevated but that can be explained with a sudden rush of adrenaline from the shock of what happened.”

“Are you disappointed that I made you run all this way for nothing?” I smirk a little but his face becomes stoic again.

“Medical emergencies are no joke.”

“No, they’re not, but am I currently in danger of a medical emergency?” I ask glibly and he frowns at me.

“I still want you to come to the office for some more tests.” Doc says, pushing against his knees to rise. I can hear the slight popping of his joints as he does. I stand easily, rolling down my blouse sleeve to just below my elbow and rolling up the other to match.

“Sure thing, Doc. I’ll just go get changed and I’ll be right there.”

“Now, Miss Katayama.” He says sternly and I raise an eyebrow.

“Seriously?” I ask and he nods. “Fiiiine. Fuuka, would you mind telling Hisao… Just tell him I’m doing my check-up before I get changed.” No need to worry him.

Fuuka looks to the doctor and then to me. “Suuure. I’ll see you soon, yeah?”

“Of course!” I smile as I follow the doctor out of the classroom, the nurse following behind me. I allow my shoulders to droop in disappointment as the three of us head towards the Nurse’s Office. What a bummer way to end my first day back…

Once we reach the medical wing, the Doc does the same tests again but with the proper equipment. Same results but he seems happier with the results this time.

“You may have been discharged from hospital but you should be avoiding physical exertion for a while, Rika. I hope this little event will be a learning experience.” He says but it’s not as scolding as I expected. If anything, he sounds more relieved.

“I know, Doc. It’s been a long day and I guess I kinda just forgot in the moment. I’ll be more careful, I promise.”

“I’ll hold you to that.” He smiles warmly as I pick up my things and head towards the door. I stop for a second and look back.

“Hey, Doc? Can you… Not tell my Mom? She’ll probably ask you how I’m doing but I don’t want to worry her.”

“She’ll worry regardless; she’s your mom after all. But I’ll abide by your wishes.” He says, nodding sagely.

I give him a nod of appreciation and head out of the medical building. A flutter without chest pain… Couldn’t be. This has to be a side effect of the surgery. I flex my hands and then hold them together, thinking back to what Hisao said. Circulatory problem, maybe? Might also explain the white-out.

My phone vibrates wildly in my bag as I’m reminded that Hisao and Fuuka are waiting for me. I stop and wonder for a second about whether I should cancel and just rest. It’d be a good idea.

“We have to stop meeting this way!” A voice laughs and I look up to see Saki hobbling towards me on her cane. Nice to see her looking a bit perkier.

“Hey Saki, how’s your day been?”

“Ah, y’know… Shouldn’t be in OCS much longer so that’s something. Just on my way to see the nurse about some… personal stuff.”

“Lady Problems?” I ask sympathetically.

“In a sense. What about you?”

“Had a weird thing happen coming out of class. Not sure what yet. I’m okay though!” I explain but get cheerier when I see Saki’s face turn sour.

“Well you look good so hopefully it was just a one-off. Thank you for last night, bee-tee-dubs. It really helped.” She smiles at me and it fills me with the same kind of pride as when Hisao thanks me.

“Happy to do it. We should hang out again but I’ve got people waiting on me, sorry.” I give her a crooked smile as my phone vibrates and chimes in my hand.

“Go, go! We’ll catch up soon.” Saki shoos me away, laughing. I give her a nod and walk in the opposite direction, thumbing my response to Fuuka. I stop as the motion makes me feel a bit dizzy but I shake it off and finish the message before continuing on my way.

[Keep your panties on!]

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Last edited by Sharp-O on Fri May 31, 2024 5:50 pm, edited 6 times in total.
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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Five: Chip Damage [1/3/24]

Post by Peorth »

Sharp-O wrote: Fri Mar 01, 2024 6:22 pm

I can believe think right now…”


I stop as the motion makes me feel a bit dizzy but I shake it off and finish the message before continuing on my way.

Rika pls.

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Five: Chip Damage [1/3/24]

Post by hdkv »

There is no better way to start the day than reading new Flutter chapter!

Looks like both Saki and Rika have a bunch of troubles to take, huh.

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Five: Chip Damage [1/3/24]

Post by Mirage_GSM »

Was a bit funny to see Rika have problems with a sixth grade math problem ;-)

Thanks for the new chapter!

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Re: Flutter - Level Thirty Five: Chip Damage [1/3/24]

Post by Yukarin »

Recently went on a nostalgia trip and reread a lot of the fics here I was reading a long time ago and was pleasantly surprised this story's still going!

I keep forgetting how diabetes-inducing Rika is on this story, remembered why this was one of the stories I really liked to read here.

Looking forward for more chapters in the future!

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