In a Bind - Misaki Kawana is trapped by thoughts of another student.
Foregone Conclusion - The mysterious Shin Kyokan introduces himself to Hisao.
The Gathering - An unlikely group is assembled by a mysterious third party.
Flicker - An evening smoke between two friends.
If It Ain't Broke - A tongue-in-cheek tale of a disbanded club.
Method and Madness (HanakoxRin) - Hanako and Rin. Nuff said.
The New Boy - Rika indulges her curiosity in Yamaku's latest arrival.
Morning Routine - Natsume Ooe has a typical morning.
Lost & Found - In an alternate universe, a familiar friendship is forged.
Hierarchy Of Needs - Shizune and Rin get trapped in the Student Council Room! (18+)
Secret Santa 2023: Tender & Wild - On the last night before winter break, those left behind play a game.
Hazemyth - A curious look at an amalgamated universe combining the worlds of Beyond The Haze and Monomyth.
A Matter of Memory - Hisao attends a New Years Eve Gala with Hanako and confronts a blast from his past.
Ventriloquy - Halloween One-Shot (18+) - A mind is a terrible thing to waste; a body moreso.
Optography - (Post-Bad Ending, Misaki One-Shot) - Misaki discovers the last photograph she will ever take.
Monomyth Tie-Ins:
See you in the Funny Pages (this post) - Akio accompanies Hanako to her first Newspaper Club meeting. (Hanakio pt1)
Half-Boiled - Hanako gets her first assignment for the NC. (Hanakio pt2)
Laughter in The Dark - Akio is invited to a birthday party. (Hanakio pt3)
Ambiguous - Akio plays nurse and Hanako makes her move (Hanakio pt4)
Winter’s Lover - Miki and Taro bond during their first winter at Yamaku
Goodbye, Helloooo~ - Hanako says goodbye to Lilly before going on her first date with Akio. (Hanakio pt5)
Ascalon - A day in the life of Molly Kapur
Winter’s Lover II - The story of Miki and Taro's past together is concluded.
Mischief in Shadow (Slightly Risqué) - Hanako's real birthday rolls around and old wounds are exposed.(Hanakio pt6)
Twilight Turnabout (Slightly Risqué) - Hanako and Akio spend the night together.(Hanakio pt7)
The Harmonic Heroine - Ritsu spends time with an old friend.
Reverie - A day in the life of Suzu Suzuki
Elementary - Molly enlists Hanako's help to find her mysterious mute boy.
Life's a Beach - Akio takes Hanako to meet his grandparents. (Hanakio pt8)
Stranger Than Fanfiction - Taro and Akio have an intimate encounter.
The Parent Trap - Hanakio and Sully meet the parents.
Child's Play - Miki is left in charge of a small child.
Cordially Invited: Act 1 - The last Monomyth story begins here.
Cordially Invited: Act 2 - In which Lilly is not as blind as Ritsu would hope.
Cordially Invited: Act 3 - In which the truth will set you free.
Cordially Invited: Act 4 - In which the boys go to a bar.
Cordially Invited: Act 5 - In which it don't mean a thing if you ain't got that swing.
Cordially Invited: Act 6 - In which it's only words and words are all we have.
Cordially Invited: Act 7 - In which the gang's all here.
Cordially Invited: Act 8 - In which things are darkest before the dawn.
Cordially Invited: Act 9 - In which we're going to the chapel...
Cordially Invited: Finale - In which we take the first steps toward the future.
Chapter EX: Looking Glass - Curiosity gets the better of a student.
Snowblind Part I - Kenji enlists Hisao for a dangerous mission. (Collaborative Work)
Snowblind Part II - Battle lines are drawn as Miki and Noriko meet. (Collaborative Work)
Snowblind Part III - The battle of wills continues. (Collaborative Work)
Snowblind Part IV - Kenji voices his concern and a winner is decided. (Collaborative Work)
Snowblind Part V - Sweet success, or so they say, is never quite like you imagined. (Collaborative Work)
Snowblind Finale - Taro, Kenji and Hisao learn valuable lessons. (Collaborative Work)
The Best Woman For The Job - Shizune stays winning.
A Spot of T... & A - Molly and Lilly hooked-up at Hanakio's wedding!? (18+)
Housewarming - Akio and Hanako celebrate the first night in their new apartment. (18+)
Anamnesis - Lilly returns home and becomes lost in thought.
This story takes place during the time-jump between Three of a Kind and En Garde and is from Hanako's perspective.
See you in the Funny Pages
Just ask him, dummy! He’s not going to be an asshole. Well, he is, but the funny kind not the mean kind, like he is with Taro and Ritsu. He’s Taro’s friend so he must be a good guy, right? Just ask…
“Ex-ex-excuse me? Akio?” At least I actually said the words.
“Eh? Oh, hey, Hana. What’s up?” He answers, with a nice little smile. See? That wasn’t so bad. Wait, he called me ‘Hana’. Is that my nickname now? Better than ‘Nako’, I suppose but it’s a bit too familiar isn’t it?
“Hanako?” He asks, tilting his head slightly.
“S-s-s-orry!” I clamour, “I-I-I was just wuh-wondering if-if you could h-help me?” Calm down, girl…
“Um, sure thing… How can I help?” He asks sincerely.
“I-I-I’ve been a-asked to j-join the Newspaper C-club and-and LilyisbusyandI’mtooshytogoonmyown--” Slow your roll, girl! You’re going to frighten him.
“Hana, slow your roll!” He commands and I obey, only an ‘Eep’ escaping my lips as I realise he just repeated my inner monologue. He’s looking at me… What do I do? I’m freaking out. Breath slow. IGOTTAGO--
“Sure. I’ll be happy to go with you, Hana. If you’re asking that, anyway.” He smiles again, no doubt to reassure me. It works, a little. See? Good guy.
“Th-thank you, Akio…”
Natsumi and Naomi said they’d meet me in the Newspaper Clubroom as soon as they could and darted off, chasing up a lead for their next story. I hope it’s another feel-good piece. Akio stuck to his word and is slowly walking along with his cane a few steps ahead of me. I shouldn’t stare but his steps are strange. Not because of his disability, oh no, his steps are methodical but following an odd rhythm that’s… doing exactly what I’m doing…
“A-Akio? Are-are you st-stepping only o-on the d-d-darker tiles?” I ask, nervously. Don’t freak out and don’t freak him out. He stops in his tracks and looks back.
“Uhhh… Yeah? That’s… kinda weird, isn’t it?” He nervously smiles and I shake my head adamantly. Not at all, Akio!
“N-no! I d-do it too.” I smile a little, tapping the current tile I’m on with my foot. He chuckles and taps his cane on the tile he’s on.
“So what’s your score?” He grins, confidently.
“M-my what?”
“Y’know, your score! How many dark tiles does it take to get to certain points in the school? Like your super-secret tearoom?” He explains cheerfu-- Wait.
“H-how-how d-d-do you know a-a-a-about the t-t-tearoom?” Calm down, girl. It’s okay.
“Sorry, you tend to notice when two cute girls have secret get-togethers in an abandoned classroom…” My eyes go wide. “No-no, wait, that came out wrong! I didn’t mean to imply--”
I raise my hand up to my mouth to stifle a giggle as he goes scarlet. Poor lamb.
“I-it’s okay, Akio… I-I know you’re j-joking. I th-think you’re pretty f-funny.” I smile a little to encourage him. Don’t let my awkwardness rob you of your sardonic humour.
“Then you would be one of the few, Hana. But thanks…” He grins again, rubbing his neck. “Tell you what, I’m currently on thirteen dark tiles from the classroom. Use that as your start and see if you can make it to the Newspaper Club in less than me. Deal?” He offers.
“S-sure.” I smile, “Th-though I won’t g-go easy on y-you.” Atta, girl!
“Forty-Five… Though I can already tell you beat me…” Akio sighs, defeated.
“O-only b-by eleven!” I giggle a little. Sorry, boy, I don’t mess around when it comes to tile-hopping!
“I call shenanigans, I can’t jump two tiles at a time!” He holds up his cane in mock outrage.
“A-and? I c-can’t get w-within three feet of a p-person wuh-without cramping up so I w-was unlikely to pass y-you...” I stutter slightly, but I manage to get the words out. Can’t believe I admitted that.
“Heh, you’re right. You beat me despite the handicap. Victory is yours, Hanako...” He bows as he opens the door to the Newspaper Clubroom. At least he’s a gracious loser… I timidly bow back and enter the empty room. It’s quite small but there are four workstations, two on each opposite walls, a printer and meeting table in the middle. Akio steps in behind me and closes the door.
“Guess I’ll wait for the roving reporters to show up before leaving.” He says while taking a seat at the meeting table, checking his watch.
“I-if you h-have some p-place you’d rather be…” I whisper, sitting opposite him.
“Some place I have to be but can wait a while. I’m sure Miss Tsunemori can cut me some slack for helping a classmate.” He grins. Miss Tsunemori?
“The c-c-counsellor?” I ask, knowing full well who she is. She’s nice.
“Yeah… Kinda have an appointment but I’ve been good for weeks, so I can be tardy at least once, right?” He shrugs, a slight smirk tugging at the corner of his mouth.
“Oh… o-okay.” Don’t ask him why he’s there. Don’t ask him why he’s there.
“Yeah… I got into some pretty self-destructive habits and it took drunkenly kissing my best friend to realise I needed to fix it.” He admits freely though a little defensively.
Don’t ask, don’t ask, don’t ask…
“…R-R-Ritsu?” Oh god damn it, Hanako… To my surprise he laughs a little.
“Noooo… Guess again.” Why is he smirking? Is he making fun of me? Who else co-- Ohhhhh. “There it is.” My face goes flush when I realise I must have made a weird face when I realised he must have kissed Taro.
“S-s-sorry…” I lower my head, trying to hide behind my hair.
“Don’t be, I made the mistake.” He smiles a little shaking his head.
Well, this a really awkward. Please don’t say anything stu--
“D-d-do y-you regret it?” I whisper. Why do I even bother?
“In terms of kissing a best friend who’s dating another best friend? Of course. I also regret falling face-first into the carpet after it happened. Not the most graceful of first kisses…” He admits, raising his eyebrows. For some reason, it makes me feel a little better about my failed attempts at kissing.
“Ah! I got you to smile~!” Oh, you jerk!
“N-no I d-didn’t!” I stutter, still smiling a little.
“Who’d have thought that you would be such a sadist, Hana! Smiling at my paaain!” He’s hamming it up, leaning across the table to taunt me. Stop it, Akio, or I’m going to…
“Naughty Hanako!” He teases me more. Please, I’m shaking…
“You’ve cut me to my core! I’ll never be able to look you in the eyes again! How could you…” He whispers his last words and I lose all self-control.
“HAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAHAAAA” I fling my head back, unable to contain the laugh any longer. Just as quickly, I whiplash into holding my ribs. “STOP… Trying to… make me… laugh! You asshole! Hahaha…!” My voice is raspy and weak but I get the words out. I… Oh, shit. My eyes dart to Akio who’s been stunned into silence. Okay, now I should probably run away. Before I get the chance to, Akio bursts into laughter himself, grinning like a mad man.
“YES! Fuck yeah! I did it!” He cries, pumping his fist in the air. “I got you to smile, laugh and even swear in the same day! This is the best feeling ever.”
“Why d-did you..?” I ask, genuinely confused.
“To loosen you up. If you’re going to join a club, you need to learn to interact with people, right? Well I’m making it my personal mission to take the wallflower Hanako and help her bloom into something more like what I just saw.” He grins. He just played me! He played me like a god damn fiddle!
“How d-did you know I-I-I wouldn’t run a-away?” Damn good question.
“Honestly, I didn’t. I just hoped that maybe the Hana inside would be willing to come out for a little while.” He offers an earnest smile and I meekly smile back from behind my hair, cheeks flushed.
“You s-sound like T-Taro…”
“Yeah, well, he tends to rub off on you…” He snorts with amusement.
“Y-you w-wish…” I wrly smile right at him. Payback, funny guy.
“Daaaamn, Hana! That was vicious! I’ve never been prouder.” He laughs, clutching an imaginary wound and I join in, though much quieter. Natsume and Naomi finally return and instead of instantly freezing at their sudden presence, I feel… a little relaxed. Huh. Now there’s a new sensation.
“I guess I’ll head over to the medical wing. You guys best be nice to her or I’m coming back here with a much taller guy and a much shorter girl to beat you up!” He points menacingly at Natsume and Naomi while I giggle uncontrollably. “You’ve been warned.” Why is he so damned funny?
“S-see ya, Akio!” I call to him as he leaves.
“See you in the funny pages, Hana.” He winks and closes the door.