Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Complete]


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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 10/8/15]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

Rape is technically any sexually physical actions against one's will. She'd really kiss him and touch him up, he'll too shocked to react and stop her, and she's gonna think she's gonna wake up at any moment. You can see where that goes.

And like I said before: I like drama. :twisted:

With happy endings, of course. :D
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 10/8/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

HoneyBakedHam wrote:Rape is technically any sexually physical actions against one's will.
Sorry to be pedantic, but rape is specifically defined as unwanted penetration of any orifice in a sexual manner. Essentially, having sex with somebody against their will, be it anal, genital or oral.
What you're describing is sexual assault, which is any form of unwanted sexual contact, including, but not limited to, things like e-mails, dirty-talk and all the way up to inappropriate physical contact.

Bearing in mind that those are the definitions in the UK, but I'm pretty sure that they apply more-or-less world-wide.
This is the result of having several relatives who are lawyers. Bear with me.
HoneyBakedHam wrote:And like I said before: I like drama. :twisted:
You have strange tastes in drama... :|
HoneyBakedHam wrote:With happy endings, of course. :D
I guess that's a bit better...
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 10/8/15]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

Well, to be fair, the closest thing we had for teenage school drama when I was a teen that wasn't cream of the crop was Degrassi. That should tell you something.

And yeah, here in the US, if a girl (or guy) can argue their case well-enough, they can make that sexual assault into a rape story. Gotta love the Stars and Stripes, right? :|

And I wouldn't say strange taste of drama, just tired of seeing the same stuff over and over. So, when I see a story going for something new (like this one), I'd like to see the drama pushed to the next level (to a realistic level, of course). These are young adults in high school, where some scary shit and crazy drama happens.

Then again, Japan is a totally different place than the States. Maybe they don't have the same issues as us and I could be having trouble trying to distance American high school life and Japanese high school life, even with all the high school slice-of-life romance animes I've seen. That, or I seriously need to get out of the States before it screws my head up any more than it already is.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 10/8/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

I'll PM my response, since we sorta de-railed the thread a little.

Sorry, Silent :oops:
I am the harbinger of your destruction... By herbivorous, mountain dwelling quadrupeds... fear me
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 10/8/15]

Post by swampie2 »

Let's just hope rape doesn't become a theme in Monomyth, I'm sure sharp wouldn't go as far as to include something like that.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 10/8/15]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

swampie2 wrote:Let's just hope rape doesn't become a theme in Monomyth, I'm sure sharp wouldn't go as far as to include something like that.
Don't try to sound so confident. One thing I'm noticing about Sharp-O is that he likes to drop jaws.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 10/8/15]

Post by swampie2 »

HoneyBakedHam wrote:Don't try to sound so confident. One thing I'm noticing about Sharp-O is that he likes to drop jaws.
You're right. :shock:
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 10/8/15]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

Imagine 24 hours... ;)
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 10/8/15]

Post by Alpacalypse »

I shudder to think. :wink:

Seriously though, sorry :oops:
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Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 11/8/15]

Post by Sharp-O »

Chapter Thirty-Eight: Not-So-Idle Hands (18+)


My fingers glide along the material of my uniform blouse, releasing a husky sigh into the silent room as I close my eyes. I grasp for the ephemeral memories of my dream and hold onto them for dear life.

Damn that dream, damn Akio and damn my own weakness. I grip my breast through my blouse and whimper, my knees buckling ever so slightly as my thighs clamp tightly together. I brace myself against the door as best I can with my back and free hand. Why should I be doing this here when there’s a perfectly good beanbag over there…

I steady myself on my feet before waltzing across the room. I feel positively giddy. I fall back into the plush black bag and nestle myself until I’m comfortable. I can smell his deodorant… My hands run across the material of my seat and across my blouse again. My left hand returns to it’s duty on my right breast as I trace my lips with my right fingers.

I close my eyes, my mouth curling into a sultry smile and my right hand joining it’s twin on my chest. The beanbag rustles underneath my every squirm. It’s such a mundane noise that’s taking on a much lewder context for me now. I feel so naughty…

“This is most improper, Madam President.” His voice whispers like a phantom in the back of my mind, my body erupting with goosebumps. I undo my bow and cast it aside, slowly unbuttoning my blouse as I imagine the shocked expression of the Phantom Akio in my mind.

Definitely improper, Mr. Hayashi… And I intend to enjoy every second of it.” I respond internally. My right hand creeps into my uniform and begins massaging my tender mounds as the other slides behind my head, my fingers running through my own hair.

My heart pounds as I continue my risqué actions. The excitement of doing this here, combined with the lust of my daydream have me riled up like never before. It’s not long before my left hand glides down my supple frame and past my skirt, which is hitched up in the process. The warmth of my own thighs surprises me, a surprisingly intense reaction…

The Phantom Akio taunts with a wicked smile. I moan gutturally as my fingers trace a line down my panties… The cotton material is warm to the touch…

Phantom Akio continues to whisper in my mind's ear, goading me into action as my hand slips under the hem of my black undergarments. Brushing past my soft, fleecy hair, my fingers find their desired target. I’m very excited… Slick with anticipation of my vulgar desire coming to fruition.

God, I needed this.

With his spectral eyes watching me, I gently caress my hot, moist lips. My fingers begin their practiced motions along the outside and my body shivers. How can I be so close already? Well… Why deny what both my mind and my body wants desperately?

“Atta, girl…” He encourages and my fingers go wild, attacking my clitoris in a rapid side to side swiping motion. My body rocks with pleasure and my chest heaves under the simultaneous attack on my nipples.

So close… Akio… Please… Notice me

“Akinnnnnnmmmmmm~” I gasp his name before biting my lip, my body convulsing wildly as an intensely satisfying climax explodes out from my very core.



God bless that onyx-haired Brit and her delicious tea… I savour the ochre nectar in my mouth before swallowing. I cross my legs and look over the homework assignment again, making sure I have everything in order.



“Come in!” I call out and the door slides open, revealing Saki.

“What the hell is going on, Rits?” She curtly asks, closing the door behind her. I shift my sitting position a little, making sure I have a firm grip on my mug before shrugging.

“What’s all this I’m hearing about you splitting up with Taro because he cheated on you?” I wince at the words. “Am I going to have to go kick his ass?” She rushes across the room and plops onto the bed beside me, paying no mind to my textbooks. She throws her arms around my shoulders and clonks her head against mine.

“Hey, watch my tea!” I splutter, leaning to place the mug on my bedside table. “Now, what are you talking about?”

“We’d heard you’d broke up with Taro and that he was cheating on you!” Saki frowns, shaking my shoulders a little.

“Whoa, whoa! That’s half right. We d-did break up…” I admit, my heart sinking a little. “B-but he didn’t cheat on me! That’s ridiculous.” I give her an incredulous look, despite my own misguided ideas at the time.

“Well, that’s what Shura said!” Saki insists and I stare blankly at her. After about ten seconds, she realises what she’s just said, her frown becoming a full-on scowl. “Son of a bitch!”

“What have I told you about listening to his bullshit?” I punch her arm a little and she sulks.

“Sorry, Ritsu… I was too worried about you to even think of that.” She pouts before standing up, brandishing her cane like a club. “I’ll kill him.”

I get up, moving past Saki to slip on my braces and shoes. What the hell does my shitbag ex think he's doing?

“Not before I do!” I growl.


I storm across the grounds towards the boys’ dorms before I hear shouting coming from the gardens. The sun was only just setting so there’s still some people milling about but when I look, I find quite a crowd made up of a dozen or more Class 3-3 and 3-5 students and some younger students too, encircling two boys who I immediately recognise. God damn it!


I hop down the stairs and make my way over to the baying crowd and see Molly arguing with Florian just outside of the circle.

“What the fuck’s going on?” I ask and Molly turns, her face like thunder. I’ve never seen her angry before but she certainly looks pissed right now.

“This {lanky streak of piss} told Shura that he thought I was secretly dating Taro and that’s why I broke it off with him. Now that bastard’s spread it all over school!” She growls, glaring back at Florian who has the most hangdog expression I’ve ever seen.

“Oh for fuck’s sake… How long has this been going on for?” I ask and Molly flinches at the unintentional implication. “The fight, Molls.”

“O-oh, it just started, I think.” Her face becomes worried as she tries to peek past the crowd. I pat her shoulder and wade through the mob to reach the inner circle. Above the din, I hear Taro’s vicious verbal assault.

“You cocksucking motherfucker!” He roars as he throws a punch, barely clipping Shura’s shoulder as he dodges. Taro might be strong but Shura’s a wily bastard and he knees Taro in the stomach in response.

“Too slow, fattie!” Shura taunts as Taro holds his belly. Shura kicks Taro’s legs out from under him and he falls flat on his back.

“I don’t know what she ever saw in you. You’re just a useless lump from where I’m standing.” Shura sneers, laying a couple more kicks into his side, the crowd hissing in pain as if they felt it.

“Get up, Taro!” I hear from the right and see Miki, Akio and Hana cheering him on.

“Kick his scrawny ass, big man!” Miki pumps her fist in the air.

“You can d-do it, Taro!” Even Hana is cheering him on, though she is clearly more worried than the other two. Taro’s still down though… Oh what the hell, I came here looking for a fight anyway.

I bolt towards my two ex-boyfriends from the sidelines and vault over Taro, putting all my weight behind a mighty shove to Shura’s chest that sends him reeling. The crowd roars and gasps in equal measure and I hear Miki scream from the sidelines.

“YOOOOOOOO! New Challengerrrrr!” Her masculine announcer voice riles everybody up. This school yard brawl just became more like gladiatorial combat. I turn and offer my hand to Taro who bats it away as he rises with a groan.

“You… Shouldn’t… Be here.” He gasps in pain and I scowl at him.

You’re welcome.” I chide sarcastically as he straightens up. He’s looks a little worse for wear and his uniform is torn a little, not to mention covered in grass stains.

“I’m serious, this isn’t your fight!” He yells and I get in his face.

“Fuck you, it isn’t! This cocksucker has been spreading rumours about our break-up. That makes it my fight!” I point accusingly at Shura who stares at me in disbelief.

“Sit your ass back down, I’ll be with you in a second.” I snarl at him and he visibly wilts.

“I can’t fight him and worry about you at the same time!” He places his hand on my shoulder and I knock it off.

“Don’t white-knight me, Taro! I can handle myself!” I shove him a little and he rolls his eyes, pissing me off further.

“I don’t want to see you get hurt!”

“I’m already hurting, dumbass!” I punch him in the chest to punctuate my point and Taro steps back. Suddenly, Shura pushes me aside and swings at Taro, clocking him on the chin. He stumbles backwards, holding his jaw.

“We’re talking here, asshole!” I swing my leg up into Shura’s stomach and Taro backhands him for good measure, knocking Shura back to the floor.

“See? I’m too busy arguing with you to see him coming. All you're gonna do is get my ass kicked!” He declares.

“And you were doing sooooo well before I showed up!” Some of the crowd laughs a little and I smirk. Taro does too actually.

“Whatever. Just watching where you swing, I’m not the enemy here!” That’s debatable… He walks over Shura and pulls him up by his collar, receiving a face full of spit for his trouble. He lets go and Shura kicks Taro square in the junk. I wince, as do the men in the crowd as Taro drops to his knees. Okay, that was just dirty pool…

“What’s the matter, Taro? A little distracted, are we?” Shura mocks, raising his foot to stamp on Taro. Gotta do somethi-- Sorry for this, big guy…

I run full pelt at the pair, launching my self off Taro’s hunched back to kick Shura square in the chest. As we’re sent tumbling backwards in opposite directions, I don’t hit the ground as hard as I expect. I don’t hit the ground at all, in fact.

“Thanks for dropping in…” Taro wheezes into my ear, his arm around my torso. He caught me…

“Sorry if I hurt you…” I blush and he chuckles as best he can.

“You just Rider Kicked someone… I can overlook being used as a crash mat just this once.” He gives a pained but goofy grin. This big, dumb nerd… He lets me go cautiously and struggles to get up, I sling my shoulder under his to brace him as he gets up.

“Easy there, Taro.” I whisper and pat his chest gently as we get to our feet. Shura’s winded but still trying to get up.

“I think we’re done here, right?” He asks me and I nod.

“Fuck you, fat boy. I’m still… Nngh… Gonna beat your ass!” He growls at our backs and Taro stops. I shake my head at him and turn to face Shura.

“Gonna have to up your game then, little boy. He’s twice the man you are in every way that counts.” I sneer, pounding my chest where my heart is while the crowd loudly cries “Ooooooh!”, clearly getting my other meaning. “Besides, to get to him, you’re gonna have to go through me first.”

I look over my shoulder and see Taro’s warm smile directed at me.

“Who’s white-knighting who now?” Taro playfully snarks.

“You’re both fucking ridiculous.” Shura glares.

“You’re one to talk!” I laugh and he opens his mouth to say something when I hear Molly shout something from the back of the crowd.

“{Scarper}! It’s the teachers!”

Shura looks like he shit his pants as he scrambles to his feet to run with several of his class-mates. Taro grabs my hand from behind and I look at him, shocked.



I slide his door closed and lock it as Taro slumps on his bed. We’d made use of the chaos and managed to escape into the boys’ dorms with Akio and Hana.

“I don’t think I’ve ever run that fast before…” He groans into his mattress.

“Like it’ll kill you!” I chide, resting sitting on the edge of his bed as he rolls over. He curses under his breath as he does, letting out a contented sigh when he’s on his back.

We sit quietly for a minute or two before Taro’s belly starts shaking and the rest of his body follows as he roars with laughter. It proves infectious as I slide off his bed in a fit of giggles.

“That was fucking stupid! How’d you even know I was in trouble?” He asks, wiping a tear from his eye.

“I didn’t! I came over here to have a go at Shura myself!” I laugh, flailing my legs a little.

“Really?” Taro asks before laughing heartily again. “Ow…”

I jump up from the floor and lean over him, resting my hands on his good arm. He smiles in spite of himself, easing up with his back against the wall, plumping his pillows as he does.

“I’m okay… Just laughed a little too hard…” He admits with a wince.

“Jeez, you just can’t not get hurt today, huh?” I grin, rubbing his arm.

“Hey! I was fighting for your honour!” He furrows his brow at me and I laugh.

“Bullshit! You just wanted to kick Shura’s ass. You have since the day you met him.”

“That was just an added benefit…” He playfully nudges me. “Though I think he kicked mine much harder.” He chuckles softly.

“Clearly! I think I did all the work.” I smirk.

“I guess you’re right… Jeez, that punch you gave me was clearly meant for him.” He rubs his chest and I slap it away.

“No, that was for you. For being a stupid fuck and arguing with me!” I sit next to his hips and lean across his body to undo his dishevelled tie.

“Not going to strangle me, are you?” He gives me a look of genuine concern and I can’t help but smile coyly.

“Don’t tempt me… I’m just going to checking the damage.” I mutter, unbuttoning his ruined shirt and gingerly taking it off him. He leans back with a sigh and it looks worse than it is.

“It’s a good thing you’re more cushion than human…” I tilt my head to look at the marks on his chest. The slight reddened patch on his chest was from me but the bluer marks were from Shura’s kicks and other blows.

“Don’t make me laugh… It hurts to laugh.” He grins as my fingers trace the outlines of the muted marks running across his plump torso. "Don't forget that footprint on my back too…" He smirks and I narrow my eyes.

“Swelling isn’t too bad and your bruises should heal in a day or two. Nowhere near as bad as what Miki did to you with that stick…” I idly comment, pressing on one of the spots on his ribs and he hisses. “Oh, don’t be such a baby!”

“Your bedside manner sucks.” He glowers before his lips curl into a smile and he closes his eyes. I smile and run my fingers through his chest hair gently.

You should know better than that…” I whisper as I stroke his chest with my left hand and my right moves to his face.

He sits up with a grunt and grabs my right wrist as my left hand rests on his chest. We lock eyes and, for what feels like an eternity, we stare at each other. I can feel his heart race beneath my touch. Why does this feel so natural? How, after that torturous night, have we found ourselves here?

Ritsu…” He whispers and my heart flutters. God damn you, Taro.

I thrust my body forward, pressing myself against him and kissing him passionately on the lips. He lets go of my wrist and wraps his hand around my waist as my arms snake around his neck.

He growls in pain and I recoil in horror, covering my mouth with my hands.

“I-I’m s-sorry! You’re hurt, I shouldn’t have done tha--” He presses his finger against my lips and smiles.

“Worth it.” He wheezes as his hand moves to my cheek. I hold his hand and nuzzle into it, closing my eyes and savouring his warm touch once more.

God, I’ve missed you…” He whispers.

“You're probably going to be in a lot of trouble for what you just pulled…" I look at him and he nods with smirk.

“Probably. But that's tomorrow's problem… Right now…” He breathes a heavy sigh and strokes my cheek.

“It's funny how natural this feels… How easy.” I sigh a little myself but I can't help the smile creeping onto my lips and the burning in my cheeks.

“Right?" He raises his eyebrows in mild surprise. “That should probably tell us something…”

It does. It tells us all we need to know.
Last edited by Sharp-O on Mon Aug 17, 2015 7:50 am, edited 2 times in total.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 11/8/15]

Post by Hesmiyu »

Well! That's one way to get back together I think :-) good job
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 11/8/15]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

I'm surprised Taro never thought of trying grappling. As a heavier guy myself, grappling and throws are your best friend..especially when you can throw your weight and put your enemy between the ground and your body that's slamming into him.
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Re: Monomyth: Taro Arai's Story [Update: 11/8/15]

Post by HoneyBakedHam »

I'm both. Sometimes loving to fight, but still.
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