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Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 3:56 am
by HipsterJoe
I wrote something else. You all write amazingly detailed beautifully crafted stories and it inspires me to write... this. I don't get it either. Anyway, this story is dumb and I feel dumb having written it.

With expectations hopefully lowered, enjoy. Or don't.


Looking up, Shizune noticed her pink-haired compatriot trying to get her attention.

[Why are you wearing your victory grin, Shicchan?] Misha signed with a small grin of her own.

[I have no idea what you mean,] Shizune replied forcing her face into a more neutral expression. [Perhaps because I win so often, you’ve mistaken my normal face.]

After Misha finished laughing, Shizune continued, [Okay, maybe I’m a little excited about one of my plans coming to fruition.]

With a mischievous glint in her eyes, Shizune slid a manila folder across the table to Misha. Catching it, Misha opened the folder to see that it was transfer paperwork for a new third year student entering Yamaku Academy. It seemed the young man had suffered a heart attack a few months ago and was just now being released from the hospital.

[What’s a-r-r-h-y-t-h-m-i-a?] Misha signed slowly.

[It means that his heart is weak and doesn’t beat properly. He has a much higher risk for heart attack than the average person, thus his transfer here,] Shizune signed back authoritatively.

[Oh no, that’s horrible!] Misha paused before staring intently at Shizune. [Shicchan, what did you mean about him being ‘a plan’?]

Shizune tried to match Misha’s stare before looking away and blushing. [I may have had a… friend… nudge him our way,] Shizune signed hesitantly. [BUT it was for his own good. The heart condition is congenital, it was only a matter of time. This way it was discovered in a controlled environment with proper medical care.]

[But it says here he had to be r-e-s-u-s-c-i-t-a-t-e-d and have multiple surgeries performed. It sounds like he almost died, Shicchan...] Misha’s signed sadly.

[I cannot help it if my friend is a bit of an airhead and didn’t follow my precise directions,] Shizune replied in a fluster. [I was very specific. I really didn’t want him hurt!]

[Shicchan, why would you go this far? This is too much even for you!] Misha signed, quickly becoming agitated.

[Misha, I promise you he’s much safer here at Yamamku, but… it wasn’t only for his benefit. He fits very specific criteria that I was looking for, there was really no one else. I had to get him close,] Shizune signed hoping to placate her friend.

[Why is it so important that he comes here to Yamaku? What criteria do you mean?] Misha’s expression remained cold.

Shizune paused to collect her thoughts before signing again. [For starters, he’s our age, he’s smart, he has a reason to be here at Yamaku, and he’s a US citizen.]

Misha looked genuinely perplexed as she signed, [WHAT? That doesn’t make sense. He definitely looks japanese in this photo, and there’s no note about him immigrating into the country. The high school he was transferring from is in Tokyo!]

[He’s probably not aware of it himself. His parent’s are very diligent workers, another mark in his favor. They weren’t able to go on a honeymoon until almost a year after their marriage. They almost cancelled their trip to Hawaii because his mother had been suffering horrible indigestion for weeks,] Shizune had to stop signing to cover her mouth as she silently laughed at the last part.

[I don’t get it… How does that make the new transfer student a US citizen? Actually, it’s fine, I don’t need to know. I believe you’ve done the research. I trust you enough to know you’ve thought this through,] Misha signed, her confusion displaced by her returning cheer. With a sly look, she continued, [Plus it doesn’t hurt that you think he’s cute, right?]

Caught off guard, Shizune’s reply was ruffled. [Me finding him cute was of only minimal importance. Him being considered classically handsome by an objective standard will make things easier in the future.]

After closing the folder and handing it back to Shizune, Misha cheerfully signed, [If it’s for your future, then we’ll have to work extra hard to make sure he joins the student council! So, Shicchan, what do you want to do tonight?]

Grinning once again, Shizune replied, [The same thing we do every night, Misha — order chinese delivery.]

28 Years Later

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:25 am
by Etokie
And now I got the theme song stuck in my head......

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:26 am
by HipsterJoe
Etokie wrote:And now I got the theme song stuck in my head......
Mission Accomplished!

"The same thing we ponder every night..."

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:40 am
by LordDarknus
Iwanako: "My Hisao is gone. I want him back."

Iwanako: "Mai, Takumi, Shin, have you seen my Hisao?"

Mai, Takumi Shin: "No, we haven't seen your Hisao."

Iwanako: "Ok. Thank you anyway."

Iwanako: "Hanako, have you seen my Hisao?"

Hanako: "N-N-No, I-I-I h-haven't s-seen any Hisaos around h-h-here."

Iwanako: "Ok. Thank you anyway."

Iwanako: "Shizune, Misha, have you seen my Hisao?"

Shizune, Misha: "No! Why would you ask us? Wahaha~ ha.. err… we haven't seen him. We have definitely not seen any Hisaos around here. Yup! We would never ever steal your Hisao! Please do not ask us any more questions~!"

Iwanako: "Ok. Thank you anyway."

Iwanako: "Emi, have you seen my Hisao?"

Emi: "What's a Hisao? Is it a lemon?"

Iwanako: "No."

Emi: "Aww…"

Iwanako: "…can I be your lemon?"

Emi: "OK!"

Iwanako: "Lilly, I just had an incredible experience with Emi. I will tell you all about it."

Lilly: "My-My!"

Iwanako: "Rin, have you seen my lube- I-I-I mean my Hisao?"

Rin: "Yes. I have seen your lube. I was using it. Would you like it back-"

Iwanako: "No. Keep it."

Rin: "…it smells really wonderful, and is the perfect shade of-"

Iwanako: "Goodbye."

Iwanako: "Leaty, have you seen my Hisao?"

Leaty: "W-What?"

Iwanako: "Nevermind."

Nobody has seen my Hisao. What if I never seen him again? What if nobody finds him?

My poor Hisao. I miss him so much.

Kenji: "What's the matter, Rock-Fish-Kid-Chick?"

Iwanako: "I have lost my Hisao. And you have approached me."

Kenji: "What does your Hisao look lik- What The Fuck?"

Iwanako: "Well, he's…"

Kenji: "He's what? A member of the student council? Good in bed? Cuter than me? Go fuck yourself! I'm outta here!"

Iwanako: "… I HAVE SEEN MY HISAO."

Iwanako: "YOU!"

Shizune, Misha: "oh shit~!"


Shizune, Misha: "Wa… ha ha?"

Lilly, Hanako, Emi, Rin: "Iwanako? What happened? Where is Shizune and Misha?"

Iwanako: "They have gone. Hisao is mine. Stay away from him."

Iwanako: "I love my Hisao."

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 6:46 am
by HoneyBakedHam
Uhh....what just happened? :shock:

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:13 am
by brythain
I think I've just seen my first pitch invasion on these forums.

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:42 am
by Blank Mage
We interrupt this fan fic to bring you an unrelated fan fic! DO NOT ADJUST YOUR BROWSER, WE HAVE HACKED YOUR MODEM.


Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 7:53 am
by azumeow
Help me I'm scared.

"Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?"

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:07 am
by brythain
Arrhythmia Boy: "What are you doing?! There's water all over our bathroom floor!"

Unarmed Girl: "Easy on, not easy off. But wet is good. Lots of wet. It's a pond. With frogs."

AB: "I don't see any frogs."

UG: "Maybe they're jellyfish. Whatever they are, they spawn."

AB: "But there aren't any."

UG: "You have to wait for them to respawn."

AB: "Meanwhile, my floor's all wet. You've made a pond! Again!"

UG: "I must be a ponder."

AB: "Then stop pondering around here!"

UG: "Oh, look, a jellyfish! It's my first responder. Are you pondering what I'm pondering?"

AB: "Hnnnggghh!"

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 8:52 am
by Blank Mage

What a nice day to save to save the universe! Yuuko said nervously.
Where's Hisao?, demanded Iwanako.
wait, wh4z h44dda9ingding h31b 1 g0m/

1000110111010 404 THREAD NOT FOUND



It's a nice story, although a bit dry, and I'm not sure why they need Hisao to be a citizen. (AAlthough I like that you didn't tell us, in a way. It's something of a Noodle Situation.) More on this later, reality is collapsing from that last post.

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 9:55 am
by brythain

What a nice day to save to save the universe! Yuuko said nervously.
Where's Hisao?, demanded Iwanako.
wait, wh4z h44dda9ingding h31b 1 g0m/

1000110111010 404 THREAD NOT FOUND


Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 11:24 am
by Gajzla
So, I liked this. Not quite as much as your first story, but it’s still good. The tenses throughout seemed a bit off, there was a lot of past tense where current would have been better. I can’t really speak for spelling and gammer, but i’m sure someone else will post about that soon.

To be honest the story is quite silly, but thats okay, my advice would be now that you have the concept run with it. Show us Shizune’s secret spy connections and gadgets, night vision goggles can’t be the only cool toy the daughter of a millionaire has. As long as it’s entertaining and not taking things to seriously the story will work.

Also, fuck you for getting that song stuck in my head all day at work.

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 12:30 pm
by Alpacalypse
I'm not sure what's going on on this thread. Can someone explain where Lord Darknus came from and why we had four stories by four different people on the same thread. Thank you.

Anyway, I quite liked the original story here. Even if it's completely far-fetched and impossible, the idea of Shizune manipulating Iwanako into sending Hisao to Yamaku just seems to fit perfectly.

Also, Pinky and The Brain - actually fits in perfectly with the student council.
Although whether Misha's the insane one is up for debate...

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 2:52 pm
by HipsterJoe
LordDarknus wrote:Iwanako Creepypasta with bonus Leaty cameo
Well this got weird really fast. I'm honored, but mostly very confused.
Blank Mage wrote:It's a nice story, although a bit dry, and I'm not sure why they need Hisao to be a citizen. (AAlthough I like that you didn't tell us, in a way. It's something of a Noodle Situation.)
Sorry to disappoint, but I have a follow up that will explain everything. In terms of it being dry, I agree. I imagined the story being more comical, but once I started writing, I found it impossible to make Misha joke about almost killing Hisao.
My mind went from imagining Yuuko as an inept space cadet, to a red shirt, to the poor secretary at the beginning of Elfen Lied. Humorous to tragic in seconds.
brythain wrote:>> THERE ARE NO STRINGS ON ME
I just realized that Hisao has the potential to be Tony Stark, and clearly Ultron would then be based on Shizune... Now I have another ridiculous fic to write. Or I may just be a little excited about Avengers 2 tomorrow.
Gajzla wrote:To be honest the story is quite silly, but thats okay, my advice would be now that you have the concept run with it. Show us Shizune’s secret spy connections and gadgets, night vision goggles can’t be the only cool toy the daughter of a millionaire has. As long as it’s entertaining and not taking things to seriously the story will work.
I actually have a couple of stories bouncing around my head now. Somehow though the version of Shizune in my head has turned into a monster : (
Also, fuck you for getting that song stuck in my head all day at work.
And another one gone, and another one gone, another one bites the dust.
Alpacalypse wrote:I'm not sure what's going on on this thread. Can someone explain where Lord Darknus came from and why we had four stories by four different people on the same thread. Thank you.
I'm as lost as you, buddy. I do have a few theories though: LordDarknus was inspired/driven insane by my piece and spontaneously started writing, he wanted to limit exposure of his work by using me to deflect attention, or I've secretly been sleep posting under another name.
Anyway, I quite liked the original story here. Even if it's completely far-fetched and impossible, the idea of Shizune manipulating Iwanako into sending Hisao to Yamaku just seems to fit perfectly.

Also, Pinky and The Brain - actually fits in perfectly with the student council.
It's like one of the visual illusions, once I saw it I couldn't unsee it.

Re: Are You Pondering What I'm Pondering?

Posted: Thu Apr 30, 2015 4:51 pm
by AntonSlavik020
I'm not sure whats going on, but its glorious. I'm not sure why, but I found the second one to be quite amazing, especially the Leaty(my personal favorite writer on the forums) cameo.