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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:53 am
by Munchenhausen
Comrade wrote:Misha's lack of understanding of human communication is clearly a result of her being born on an alien planet, and during her childhood she was sent to Japan to aid the feminists

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 2:39 pm
by linkoid
octopodpie wrote:
Akira wrote:She reminds me a lot of this girl I know who has Asperger's Syndrome.
Usually talks quite loudly, but doesn't realise she's doing it. (That's Misha all over!). Sometimes stumbles a bit over long words. And has genuine trouble noticing when she's making others uncomfortable (like when Misha is leaning over Hisao after the confrontation between Shizune and Lilly and doesn't seem to understand why he's getting annoyed with her. Or when she always seems to be poking her nose into things). But she is very intelligent, and could probably learn sign language quite easily if she put her mind to it.

Not sure if that is what Misha has though. Just a suggestion.
I don't know, my husband has Aspberger's and was diagnosed at a young age, and he's nothing like Misha. He can be gregarious but usually he's very blunt, his prone to angry episodes (or was, more prominent as a child), has a huge vocabulary, but has very limited interests (in this case, Star Wars and the Military) and in general dislikes people and cannot relate to or understand them.

I didn't know what "Aspberger" was, Googled it. Now I'm having a OMG! moment. I supposedly have ADHD and when I read what AS was, I kept seeing things that were true about me, but dismised them because of it untill I read
Wikipedia wrote: Many children with AS are initially misdiagnosed with attention deficit hyperactivity disorder (ADHD).
I'm sure have AS and the more I compare me and Misha, she has AS. I can back it up with a number of facts too!

- One effect of AS is clumsyness. I feel like I must crawl everwhear. Stairs make Misha dizzy.
- Another is loudness without awareness. I'm hated for being loud. Misha is loud (duh)
-Loyalty, Attatchment, Clingly. Yep, had an emotional brakedown over it once! SPOILER SHIZUNE ROUTE Misha is goo goo for Shicchan

"Yamaku only accepts physical disabilities." It causes some, yes but that is not enough. Misha talking to herself said that she lied and said she wanted to be a sign language teacher to get in

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 6:38 pm
by Mirage_GSM
Oh god, another one who read a list of Asperger symptoms on the internet and self-diagnosed himself.
Please don't do that unless you have a few semesters of medicine under your belt! It is an insult to people who really suffer from that syndrome.

As for the rest of your post:
Misha getting dizzy on stairs is almost certainly only a pretext to make Hisao run errands for her. There is not one instance in the VN where she actually does get dizzy.
Not everyone who is clumsy has Aspergers.
Not everyone who talks loudly has Aspergers and most of all:
Not everyone who is in love with someone has Aspergers. Nope, not even if it is lesbian love.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 8:30 pm
by Potato
linkoid wrote:- One effect of AS is clumsyness. I feel like I must crawl everwhear. Stairs make Misha dizzy.
- Another is loudness without awareness. I'm hated for being loud. Misha is loud (duh)
-Loyalty, Attatchment, Clingly. Yep, had an emotional brakedown over it once! SPOILER SHIZUNE ROUTE Misha is goo goo for Shicchan

"Yamaku only accepts physical disabilities." It causes some, yes but that is not enough. In the BETA version Misha talking to herself said that she lied and said she wanted to be a sign language teacher to get in
One effect of being clumsy is clumsiness. Plenty of people are clumsy. Not a solid support for AS.

And yes, Misha is loud...And? It is clearly demonstrated that she is perfectly aware of this as it is an intentional element of the character she wants to portray to people.

Loyalty is a fairly typical human trait. Not a solid support for AS.

The beta is irrelevant in light of the finalized version.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon Mar 17, 2014 11:14 pm
by Liminaut
Throughout most of the VN, Misha is maintaining a falsely cheerful persona while hiding a lot of pain inside.

That kind of sophisticated social interaction completely contradicts Asperger's. So, I'm afraid that diagnosis is right out.

It seems like Misha's outwards persona had a lot of AS characteristics, but not Misha herself.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 5:31 am
by Mirage_GSM
linkoid wrote:In the BETA version Misha talking to herself said that she lied and said she wanted to be a sign language teacher to get in
Didn't notice this when I was commenting yesterday, but:
There were no major changes to Misha's dialogue since the beta.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:02 pm
by linkoid
Mirage_GSM wrote:Oh god, another one who read a list of Asperger symptoms on the internet and self-diagnosed himself.
Please don't do that unless you have a few semesters of medicine under your belt! It is an insult to people who really suffer from that syndrome.
So you saying I'm just saying that for attention? I do not belive I have AS at all with my own knowledge. I think I'm fine but that is not what I'm told. I would tell you more but... I don't want to argue about it this is Misha's disibility not mine, and I don't want everyone staring at me.
patato wrote:The beta is irrelevant in light of the finalized version.
In some aspects yes, but here no, this is what the writer was going to say, but he changed it. This is how he potrayed it, but the final leaves us without answers. This is how the writer imagined Misha, but he just didn't write it down.
patato wrote: one effect of being clumsy is clumsiness. Plenty of people are clumsy. Not a solid support for AS.
never really thought about this untill now but, did I mention I crawled up stairs until I was 11? Accosianly when I smaller I felt like I was randomly going to fall and had to run and grab my mothers hand. It was so bad I had reoccouring nightmares. And also somtimes, when I'm off my... pills... I feel like I must just roll all over the floor crawl all over the place (Got me in alot of trouble at school) and, I know this sounds wierd but, rip my arms off, AND I'M NOT EMO! This causes me to randomly fall. Misha randomly falls, no?

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:26 pm
by linkoid
I feel stupid

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:37 pm
by Comrade
I smell cooking...

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 1:41 pm
by linkoid
What is that suppose to mean? is it BACON! OR SAUSAGE? WHAT'S COOKING!!!!!!!!

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:09 pm
by Munchenhausen
Comrade wrote:I smell cooking...
The quiet chef cometh

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:14 pm
by linkoid
Are you in on it to or are you all improvising? IM CONFUSED!!!!!


Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 2:30 pm
by someguy1294
linkoid wrote:Are you in on it to or are you all improvising? IM CONFUSED!!!!!

The Mod's name is Silentcook. And you in danger of being Silentlycooked.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 9:44 pm
by Potato
linkoid wrote:this is what the writer was going to say, but he changed it.
Exactly. Ergo, it is irrelevant to the final version. What was going to be has no bearing upon what is.

And I don't recall Misha 'randomly falling' much at all. She's clumsy but hardly makes a routine of tripping over herself.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Mar 18, 2014 11:41 pm
by Liminaut
This Misha's disability thing is really annoying, y'know?

I've come around to Mirage's point of view that there is no support for any physical disability for Misha in the VN. I could make a case for clinical depression (as opposed to teenage angst because she's been jilted) but there are multiple instances in the VN of being told Yamaku doesn't take mental disabilities. That leaves the option that Misha doesn't have any disabilities, but that creates another absolutely unanswerable question of why she is at Yamaku, as opposed to another school. Misha says she is her to learn sign language, but who decides as fifteen that their dream is being a sign language interpreter? If that's the reason Misha is at Yamaku then there is another, huge question of why does she want to become a sign language interpreter?

The only other clue I can think of is that Misha's life before coming to Yamaku was bad enough that being left alone seemed like a big step up. I could make up a story about how Misha needed to get into a very supportive private school and the family could swing Yamaku if Misha learned sign, but there's no support for that in the VN. There's as much support for Misha actually being part of a Ninja clan that has been in service to Shizune's family for a hundred generations and Misha is at Yamaku as Shizune's bodyguard. Actually Hanako is part of that same clan, protecting Lilly. There was a trial by fire early in the training to see what a child's pain tolerance was, and Hanako set the all-time standard. Actually most of Yamaku is in a Ninja clan. Shizune is not deaf and Lilly is not blind, their families just have some really hard core training methods.


Like I said, this Misha disability thing is really annoying. The story function of the disabilities is to show that the students of Yamaku are very strong and resourceful. That's not part of Misha's story.

That's kind of the nature of KS. There are huge chunks of the story, such as how Lilly feels about her parents, that are just left out completely. Hemingway said that leaving stuff out of a story makes the story stronger, as long as the author knows what the resolution to these missing pieces are.