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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:00 am
by emmjay
Negativedarke wrote:-Lilly's healthy adolescent sex drive eventually becomes a healthy adult sex drive, then a healthy newlywed sex drive, then a healthy married sex drive, and should Hisao survive all that, a healthy middle aged sex drive.
Eventually, she moves into full-on Dirty Old Woman territory.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:25 am
by brythain
emmjay wrote:
Negativedarke wrote:-Lilly's healthy adolescent sex drive eventually becomes a healthy adult sex drive, then a healthy newlywed sex drive, then a healthy married sex drive, and should Hisao survive all that, a healthy middle aged sex drive.
Eventually, she moves into full-on Dirty Old Woman territory.
And even if Hisao doesn't survive, there are always more fish in the sea...
(Although that's not my headcanon at all.)

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sat Feb 21, 2015 8:49 am
by Munchenhausen
Negativedarke wrote:-Hanako's nickname for Hisao's penis is "Poo".

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 9:29 pm
by Charmant
brythain wrote:
Atario wrote:
Megumeru wrote:When my younger sister had one (a westerner), my parents warned her about disowning her if she go as far as doing you-know-what.
Isn't this racist and/or denying her agency as a person?
No, it's providing useful advice;
"We're going to disown you." isn't advice, useful or otherwise...

So, I visited family over the weekend. The parking lot over there is built on an incline because fuck that construction crew. It's also covered with ice at the moment. So we spent 10, 20 minutes (literally) fighting our way uphill to the door, every step forward sliding us two or three back. It was physically exhausting beyond words.

So my new headcanon is that Hisao will die come winter, struggling to get up a small slippery incline.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:39 pm
by Megumeru
Charmant wrote:
brythain wrote:
Atario wrote: Isn't this racist and/or denying her agency as a person?
No, it's providing useful advice;
"We're going to disown you." isn't advice, useful or otherwise
I'm sorry, but I think I've reached my limit of patience

And so I'll bring back the basic question:
Who doyou think you are to have the right to dictate how other cultures supposed to go? Or as a matter, how my family is run?

One that pleases the white man? Asian as a 'second breed' that is less 'superior'? Oh yes, push your 'culture and practice 'on us, saying 'this is the right way to do things', but when we shove you our perspective to yours, you judge us with the look of 'oh how backwards, good thing I'm in 'murica hahaha'.

Tell me what rank is Japan in terms of crime rate again? Want to compare that to yours?

Throughout history, wherever the 'white man' steps foot on, negative things tend to happen. Here's a recent one: look up Okinawa and find the gangrape of a middle school student by your servicemen. Do they see justice? NO.

And you wonder why sometimes I think we have too much respect over westerners.

Racist? I prefer the term stepping over your boundaries--you see, I don't care what skin color, religion, or ideology you wave around or what flag you carry on your back, but if you even think of taking advantage of my blood relative to fulfill your 'ideas', I'd gladly take my weapon of choice and shove it down your rectum for you to remember. The first (and I hope the last) offender of this has stayed clear far enough, and my younger sister understood enough from that experience what my father tried to convey.

And if you still think 'my way is better', then I sincerely wish you never plan on living here--or abroad. End rant.

Now I know this isn't a place for such, and for that I apologize. I may have been in a bad mood today, but it is somethig that I feel I want to address one way or another. If it offends you then I'm sorry for that, but it is what it is and what has been going, and I'd prefer if we drop this subject before more blood gets boiled.

Now to get back on topic again...

Lilly - albeit taking her forever, she finally returned to Scotland to answer her family--with an extra bagage in tow that would surprise her family
Shizune - went to the same university with Hisao in Kyoto. Hisao struggles a bit, but he manage to hold true to his word as promised.
Misha - Misha took a language course in Tokyo, then flew to Europe with a bit of assistance from Lilly. Got into a school in Britain, then proceeds to travel to learn as many languages as she can.
Hanako - Haven't thought much about her, but I think she decide to remain Sendai for a time before following Hisao to to a university in Tokyo. She works part-time in a maid cafe in Akihabara on weekdays--surprisingly, she's relatively popular.
Emi - went to a prep-school with Hisao before entering university. There, she became the 'track star with no legs'--Hisao just watch on the sidelines most of the time.
Rin - wanders around the entire country with Hisao, settling in an area for a few months before moving on, supporting themselves with part-time jobs after part-time jobs. Her art made a killing one day and thus they settled...somewhere.
Kenji - went to America. Met a fellow conspiracionist, took the name 'Otacon'


Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:57 pm
by FelOnyx
Megumeru wrote: off-topic stuff
As much as I would like to jump into this, some hides are going to end up Cooked if this continues. If anyone feels like continuing, consider PMs.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 10:58 pm
by Steinherz
FelOnyx wrote:
Megumeru wrote: off-topic stuff
As much as I would like to jump into this, some hides are going to end up Cooked if this continues. If anyone feels like continuing, consider PMs.
Agreed. This is the headcanon thread, not the "arguing over asinine cultural bullshit" thread :lol:

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:08 pm
by brythain
My headcanon for Rin is that her parents are Korean-Japanese artists or actors living on Tsushima. That's why Nomiya evades the topic of her parents and is so hell-bent on making her a productive member of Japanese artistic culture. It's also why we never have any contact with her family—too far away, also a bit Bohemian and quite happy to let Nomiya develop her unusual talent.

My headcanon for Kenji is that he's really Lilly's 'bastard' cousin. His mother is Lilly's father's other sister, the one that was not-visibly-pregnant when she married Kenji's father who is a general in the JSDF. They are shunned by the Satous and don't know much about the eldest uncle's half-gaijin family. This is why Kenji is always bugging Hisao to find out what Lilly's other half is, since he doesn't dare to do it himself. It's also why Lilly is so pissed off when Kenji trips her, because it is disrespectful and it had to be THAT guy. The Setou/Satou confusion that some people get when their names are transcribed into English is also a source of aggravation, since they are not the same at all in Japanese. Kenji resents that his half-gaijin relatives are sometimes seen as socially superior to him (or so he perceives). Maybe that's why he has a subconscious liking for Scotch. :D

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Sun Feb 22, 2015 11:14 pm
by Oscar Wildecat
brythain wrote:My headcanon for Rin is that her parents are Korean-Japanese artists or actors living on Tsushima. That's why Nomiya evades the topic of her parents and is so hell-bent on making her a productive member of Japanese artistic culture. It's also why we never have any contact with her family—too far away, also a bit Bohemian and quite happy to let Nomiya develop her unusual talent.
The Tsushima Rin theory is one your headcanons that I've adopted as my own (alongside Head Nurse Goro Kaneshiro).

Headcanon in D Minor...

Hisao and Lilly's first two daughters are named Hiroko and Yuki Nakai...

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 4:28 am
by Munchenhausen
When she was a little girl, Saki's dream had been to become a ballerina.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 7:23 am
by emmjay
So, I put some thought into how each of the characters would react if offered the opportunity to get rid of their disabilities:
Hisao: Would go for it. After all, he's trying to minimize the effect his heart condition anyway, especially in Emi's route.
Hanako: Would say yes before you even finished asking the question.
Lilly: Would say she's perfectly happy the way she is.
Emi: Would consider it, but ultimately decide she likes being the Fastest Thing On No Legs.
Rin: Would wonder why she needs hands when she already has her feet. (Or she'd say yes, but only so she'd have something to put in her sleeves.)
Shizune: Tough one to call, but I think ultimately she would. There are times when she seems frustrated at her inability to easily communicate with most people.
Miki: Given that she doesn't seem to have come to terms with the loss of her hand, I think she'd say yes.
Kenji: Probably. Or he might just say, "I'm not the one with a problem. It's everyone else who's blind!"

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:11 am
by Munchenhausen
emmjay wrote: Hanako: Would say yes before you even finished asking the question.
So, would you be de-baconing her, fixing her social anxieties or bringing her parents back to life? Brings into question what would be easily defined as her ddisability, actually...

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 11:45 am
by bhtooefr
Her disability is her social anxiety, but the social anxiety is caused by people's reactions to her scars. It'd still take a lot of therapy to get past that, but having people not recoil in horror just because she dares to exist will go a long way.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 2:31 pm
by Charmant
emmjay wrote:So, I put some thought into how each of the characters would react if offered the opportunity to get rid of their disabilities:
Hisao: Would go for it. After all, he's trying to minimize the effect his heart condition anyway, especially in Emi's route.
Hanako: Would say yes before you even finished asking the question.
Lilly: Would say she's perfectly happy the way she is.
Emi: Would consider it, but ultimately decide she likes being the Fastest Thing On No Legs.
Rin: Would wonder why she needs hands when she already has her feet. (Or she'd say yes, but only so she'd have something to put in her sleeves.)
Shizune: Tough one to call, but I think ultimately she would. There are times when she seems frustrated at her inability to easily communicate with most people.
Miki: Given that she doesn't seem to have come to terms with the loss of her hand, I think she'd say yes.
Kenji: Probably. Or he might just say, "I'm not the one with a problem. It's everyone else who's blind!"
Hisao: Would go for it.

Hanako: Would go for it then be puzzled as to why her face is still burnt because her real disability is the deep social trauma rather than the scars. She would later be introduced to the world of body modification, express a great deal of curiosity-induced interest in the matter, then ultimately parlay her newfound confidence into counseling other burn victims instead.

Lilly: Would stay blind because it's not a big deal to her. Akira would understand but this would lead to an explosive falling-out with her parents, leading Lilly and Akira to both skip out on Scotland and move into the Hokkaido house together.

Emi: Would consider it...Then remember that metal legs equals more running. Meiko would attempt to convince her to say yes because Meiko realizes her actual disability is the night terrors and trauma. Realizing this, and on the caveat that she'd remain The Fastest Thing On No Legs, she would accept.

Rin: Would have no idea why the opportunity was presented, wax *nonsensosophical about T-Rexes doing just fine with stumpy arms or something, then return to her painting.

Shizune: Would go for it and then use her newfound ability to revitalize the Student Council, with proper membership numbers, in truly glorious fashion. And she wouldn't tell Jigoro for six months, at which point she'd reveal it by very loudly knocking him down about eighty-three pegs in front of Hideaki, Lilly, Misha and Hisao. After witnessing this, Lilly would approach Shizune later and the two would reconcile, at which point Lilly would tip Shizune off about Misha's ongoing attachment (which Lilly was observant enough to pick up on) and they would resolve that as well.

Miki: Doesn't seem bothered, probably not.

Kenji: Hardly seems to consider it a problem, but he probably would just to be more efficient at thwarting feminist plots. Then comes the twist that his actual disability is being a total fucking loon (not any actual mental disorder, just generally craziness). This nonsense cleared from his head, he hooks up with Yuuko...At which point the fatigue-after-sex scenario repeats itself and he plunges headfirst back into paranoid madness. Because you can't cure crazy.

*Nonsensosophical is trademarked, copyrighted, and ordained upon me by the gods themselves. I'll sue you. :|

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Feb 23, 2015 5:58 pm
by Munchenhausen
Charmant wrote:Emi: Would consider it...Then remember that metal legs equals more running. Meiko would attempt to convince her to say yes because Meiko realizes her actual disability is the night terrors and trauma. Realizing this, and on the caveat that she'd remain The Fastest Thing On No Legs, she would accept.
I dunno man, I'd say having no legs is still pretty debilitating