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Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:05 am
by pandaphil
ArcCain wrote:Why dose 4LS not want to make any "expansion packs"? Pretty much every one wants a Saki, Rika, Misha and Miki path anyway.
Aww, I love that picture. Especially the puppy love expression on Mika's(?) face.

Dream wrote:Out of curiousity, why does everyone believes so firmly that Hisao holds the idiot ball constantly throughout the VN? Pretty much all of the actions of his that i remember from the game are, while not perfect, rather understandable for a deppressed teenager. For me, in order to classify someone as an idiot they have to act poorly in a situation where they should have known better, or that their life-experience/background make it able to expect functionality from them. Hisao doesn't qualify in either of those for pretty much all of the VN (not counting the bad endings here, although i think even then most are understandable)

I don't. Sure I would have liked to have seen him handle a few things differently, but overall he did well for a lonely guy chucked in the deep end without any real support system. How well would any of the rest of us done?

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:39 am
by ArcCain
Dream wrote:Out of curiousity, why does everyone believes so firmly that Hisao holds the idiot ball constantly throughout the VN? Pretty much all of the actions of his that i remember from the game are, while not perfect, rather understandable for a deppressed teenager. For me, in order to classify someone as an idiot they have to act poorly in a situation where they should have known better, or that their life-experience/background make it able to expect functionality from them. Hisao doesn't qualify in either of those for pretty much all of the VN (not counting the bad endings here, although i think even then most are understandable)
I don´t think Hisao is a idiot.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:04 am
by muliebrity
Dream wrote:snip
Look back a bit to my exchange with Xanatos, he did a pretty good job of convincing me. I still think that much of the time, he acted reasonably, or at least had the option to, but sometimes he does get hit with the idiot stick.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 9:42 am
by Oddball
muliebrity wrote:
Dream wrote:snip
Look back a bit to my exchange with Xanatos, he did a pretty good job of convincing me. I still think that much of the time, he acted reasonably, or at least had the option to, but sometimes he does get hit with the idiot stick.
Doesn't everyone?

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:15 am
by Jobriq
I think he holds the idiot ball when the plot requires him to do something stupid I think. It wouldn't make a great story if Hisao was Mr. Perfect. Although I prefer being given the choice to do something stupid like comfort Misha or going for the Kenji route.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:24 am
by Guest Poster
Doesn't everyone?
This. Each of the girls makes questionable decisions as well, it's just that since Hisao is under the player's control some of the time people cut him less slack.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 10:53 am
by ArcCain
We as players we should be given choices, this is where Shizune´s path failed and Rin´s path went over-bored. Emi is in the grey as it takes quite some time for her story to get rolling but it has some of the best choices in the game.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:10 am
by muliebrity
Oddball wrote:Doesn't everyone?
No arguments from me, I've been saying that from the start.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:31 am
by Oddball
I think most of the time the game does a good job walking the line between giving the player options and letting Hisao be his own person. It's not always perfect. There are times I think you should gt choices where you don't and other times some of the choices you do get aren't the ones I'd like to have, but it's mostly good.

The fact that Hisao himself doesn't always seem to follow your directions adds to that. I can understand how that would be frustrating to some people, but it gives him more of a sense of being his own person.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 11:51 am
by Carighan
To be honest I never saw Hisao as "me" during the story at all. He's another person I'm reading about, the novel merely happens to be written from his PoV. I.e.: if all of a sudden perspective switched to someone else mid-act I probably wouldn't have thought much of it. Edit: That last part would certainly briefly stump me, but I wouldn't feel like control of "my character" was taken away, that's what I meant to say. Novels frequently have changing perspectives.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 2:47 pm
by pandaphil
Carighan wrote:To be honest I never saw Hisao as "me" during the story at all. He's another person I'm reading about, the novel merely happens to be written from his PoV. I.e.: if all of a sudden perspective switched to someone else mid-act I probably wouldn't have thought much of it.
Yep. And thats why this is a "Visual Novel" instead of a "Dating Sim".

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 3:40 pm
by ArcCain
Ultimately it is Hisao´s story, we only give him advice.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 5:53 pm
by neio
Dream wrote:Out of curiousity, why does everyone believes so firmly that Hisao holds the idiot ball constantly throughout the VN? Pretty much all of the actions of his that i remember from the game are, while not perfect, rather understandable for a deppressed teenager. For me, in order to classify someone as an idiot they have to act poorly in a situation where they should have known better, or that their life-experience/background make it able to expect functionality from them. Hisao doesn't qualify in either of those for pretty much all of the VN (not counting the bad endings here, although i think even then most are understandable)
Well... just look at Emi's path.
The nurse says "it nearly killed her, and succeeded..."
Emi shouts "Dad!" in a dream
Meiko says "he's no longer with us"
Hisao never sees her dad

And yet it's not until they arrive at a graveyard that Hisao figures out Emi's dad is dead.

And that's in the good ending.

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:27 pm
by Steinherz
neio wrote: Well... just look at Emi's path.
And yet it's not until they arrive at a graveyard that Hisao figures out Emi's dad is dead.
And that's in the good ending.
In Emi's path though Hisao isn't surprised when they're going to the graveyard to meet Emi's dad. I think he figures it out after the whole scene in Emi's house.
People forget Hisao is actually pretty intelligent, just dense at times (like a lot of intelligent people are unfortunately :lol: )

Re: Thoughts on the H-scenes?

Posted: Wed Mar 20, 2013 6:32 pm
by YZQ
You'll think that with so much inner monologue, he could have talked himself into more sense at times.