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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 12:02 am
by ProfAllister
Hmm... Guess I should have made more of a point arguing against the other major theories.

No Disability

In order to determine what's going on that Hisao doesn't know, we need to take what we have, and see if we can get something internally consistent. That means answering the following two questions:

Why did Misha choose to come to Yamaku? She initially didn't want to come, and choosing to come meant turning her rudimentary sign language knowledge into a career in order to pay tuition. This is not a "path of least resistance" situation.
Why does Misha not miss anyone from her previous school? Misha seems to generally like people and be friendly toward others. Not missing anyone is indicative of a problem.

Being bullied for unspecified reasons answers the second question, but there's no reason why she'd want to transfer to Yamaku rather than "some other school" - Yamaku is a special school, and expensive.
Being bullied for being a lesbian only leads to the question "Is there some stereotype about cripples that they don't mind homosexuality?"
Being bullied for being "fat" almost answers both questions, but we still have the question of "Why Yamaku?" Misha didn't know the specifics of the cultural festival, and she did care about the specifics before Shizune spoke up. Therefore, Misha wasn't local. Fat Misha could conceivable, but it's a bit of a stretch. Also, looking at the height and weight, that gives her a BMI of 22.8 - squarely in the "normal" category, which many nutritionists actually consider slightly underweight. Her measurements also put her as nearly hourglass, if not quite the "magic" proportions of 3/2/3.

I guess you can argue that her needing the sign language scholarship to afford tuition was a lie, but that seems extremely irrational...

Inner Ear

We get her "dizzy on stairs" line when Misha and Shizune are trying to fast-talk Hisao into doing some work. Shizune's excuse is that Nomiya skeeves her out. Misha's is even weaker. This is a school for people with disabilities. As Emi's arc points out, this includes people in wheelchairs. Yamaku is equipped with elevators. On top of that, we see many indications of Misha using stairs, even while encumbered.
As a counterpoint, she confirms dizziness on stairs without the slightest hesitation when Hisao asks her about it several months later.
On top of that, she has her vocal idiosyncracies.

Dizziness (on stairs) is a common symptom. To tie it to inner ear issues is like deciding that a cough means you have Tuberculosis - it may be accurate, but it's a pretty huge leap on its own. Even taking into account her loudness and tonal speech, it still feels like a bit of a stretch, especially as she indicates no difficulty hearing others. Later revelations also seem to imply that she does have volume control, that she simply chooses not to use. Finally, we tie back to the "No Disability" arguments. Inner ear issues are unlikely to alienate peers, and the issues stemming from inner ear problems seem unlikely to justify the proactive steps needed for the Sign Language scholarship.

Besides, Takashi Maeda already has tinnitus. I think there's something in the Yamaku charter against having two people with similar disabilities in the same classroom. :P

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 1:30 am
by AlligatorGuitar
ProfAllister wrote: I think there's something in the Yamaku charter against having two people with similar disabilities in the same classroom. :P
With the exception of the blind-specific classroom that Lilly is in.

Other than that, your logic stands fully to reason.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 7:07 am
by Mirage_GSM
Why did Misha choose to come to Yamaku? She initially didn't want to come, and choosing to come meant turning her rudimentary sign language knowledge into a career in order to pay tuition. This is not a "path of least resistance" situation.
Well, except if she wanted to become a sign-language teacher in the first place. Then choosing Yamaku would be a logical step, since it offers the courses and has lots of opportunities to practice.
In fact, the dialogue is pretty unambiguous on that fact:
hi "I didn't know you wanted to be a sign language teacher."
mi "Hahaha~! It's the reason why I wanted to go to this school, Hicchan!"
mi "It's also really expensive to attend here, you know. Because I want to be a sign language teacher, I have reduced tuition fees. If it wasn't for that, I don't know if I'd be able to keep going here."
Of, course you could argue that she's lying to hide a disability, but since she openly tells Hisao about her sexuality before the end, I can't believe she would lie about something like this.
Also: Occam's Razor.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Jul 24, 2012 5:04 pm
by ProfAllister
Mirage_GSM wrote:
Why did Misha choose to come to Yamaku? She initially didn't want to come, and choosing to come meant turning her rudimentary sign language knowledge into a career in order to pay tuition. This is not a "path of least resistance" situation.
Well, except if she wanted to become a sign-language teacher in the first place. Then choosing Yamaku would be a logical step, since it offers the courses and has lots of opportunities to practice.
In fact, the dialogue is pretty unambiguous on that fact:
hi "I didn't know you wanted to be a sign language teacher."
mi "Hahaha~! It's the reason why I wanted to go to this school, Hicchan!"
mi "It's also really expensive to attend here, you know. Because I want to be a sign language teacher, I have reduced tuition fees. If it wasn't for that, I don't know if I'd be able to keep going here."
Of, course you could argue that she's lying to hide a disability, but since she openly tells Hisao about her sexuality before the end, I can't believe she would lie about something like this.
Also: Occam's Razor.
"I didn't really want to come to this school, Hicchan~. But it sounded interesting, and even if everyone hated me, at least it felt like they would leave me alone. I was learning sign language, but wasn't very good at it~."
"She knew I was taking sign language classes. I was exposed quickly, I didn't know any~..."
So color me skeptical. Occam was sometimes depicted with a beard. :P

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Sep 11, 2012 1:29 pm
by Melkboy

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 2:00 pm
by JukoVon
Could it be in Japan they find being a lesbian to be a disability?

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 4:15 pm
by OtakuNinja
With the amount of yuri they produce each year..? Not likely. :lol:

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 8:02 pm
by ravenlord
JukoVon wrote:Could it be in Japan they find being a lesbian to be a disability?
I think in Japan (and in a lot of other places in the world) it is considered a super-power ;)

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon Sep 17, 2012 11:03 pm
by Xanatos
Misha's disability is having no route. 8)

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:19 am
by Enemy |
Xanatos wrote:Misha's disability is having no route. 8)
The worse one.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Tue Sep 18, 2012 7:42 am
by Pyramid Head
ravenlord wrote:
JukoVon wrote:Could it be in Japan they find being a lesbian to be a disability?
I think in Japan (and in a lot of other places in the world) it is considered a super-power ;)
Actually if memory serves me correctly Japan has kind of an issue with dismissing alternate sexualities as a phase, or at least that's how many react to lesbianism in Japan. I don't know how up to date the study i read on the topic was mind, i could be entirely wrong.

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Fri May 17, 2013 5:25 pm
by Jobriq
Her disability is an eating disorder! or something like that.
Screen Shot 2013-05-17 at 5.20.01 PM.png (575.56 KiB) Viewed 4569 times
Stomach ache
Stomach ache
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Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 1:17 pm
by aidz
an eating disorder seems pretty plausible

I always assumed it was the already discussed ADHD/ OCD but heck this is what a discussion thread's for

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 4:44 pm
by rockin robin
i always thought bipolar disorder and she hides from the social stigma surrounding it in yamaku. bipolar can result in self harm so they use the nursing staff to watch her

loudness; manic episode
depression (eating yourself sick is a symptom of depression. also a symptom of a hympomanic episode)
point where she avoids the two of them is also consistent

Re: Misha's disabillity?

Posted: Mon May 20, 2013 6:23 pm
by Xanatos
Misha has no disability.

But if she did, it'd be her hair.