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Re: All ages version?

Posted: Mon May 04, 2009 1:14 am
by qgpr
Peorth wrote:
'Microsoft would think twice about allowing this'
What the hell do they even have to do with this?
If you read the thread the hell you would know, I'm sorry I didn't specify 360 though. I state "for those talking about selling", so I refer to PC, or console market. Someone pointed the 360 arcade, which I guess is monitored closely by Microsoft and hence my sentence. I discard the PC market since I doubt it would be worth the effort alone, while a hit on 360 would probably be worth it, I recall they have the most if not only option for indie devs, oh, steam comes to mind too. Of course I'm not talking full price tag, but something in the $5-15 range which is better than 0. All in all it doesn't affect me, since otherwise this is free and I do not own a 360 anyway :P

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 12:53 am
by PCJedi
Just so you know, I'm totally going to play KS to completion once the full version get released, whether it's H-oriented or not.

But personally, I don't feel the H-aspect of the game is really necessary to the game from what I've learned about it by playing the demo. It honestly feels more like a game like Clannad than a typical Hentai game, in that it's really a story about growing up and learning to cope with problems, not necessarily just about romancing a girl with the end goal of receiving an H-scene in mind. Well on the one hand, I do feel H-scenes are appropriate to the genre in general, I don't feel they're always necessary. Games like Clannad and Higurashi/Umineko no Naku Koro ni get by just fine without needing to rely on hentai material to sell themselves, and there are even cases where I feel sticking H-scenes in might ruin the atmosphere of an otherwise innocent game. I'm not saying that H-scenes would ruin KS necessarily, but they're not really something I feel is mandatory in a VN.

Also, I do feel there is a distinct possibility of reaching people on a deeper level if it were to remain an all-ages game, such as disabled people and other gamers who might not be used to the conventions of eroge as a genre. If it were just an H-game, I have a feeling it would just end up reaching the usual otaku crowd who typically play games such as these. And while those people are definitely part of the audience the developers are reaching out to here, I still feel you could reach more people by making it all-ages.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:12 am
by BcDed
I feel that the original intention should be left intact. I don't feel that the creators of this game should have to compromise thier goals for the story for the sake of reaching a wider audience or whatever else the goal is. I don't disagree that this game could easily stand without h-scenes I however want the game to realize the artists(I'm reffering to the developers not just those that draw) vision. I have full confidence in the writers abilities to make the entire work meaningful, I do not feel that getting rid of the H-scenes to appease some prude who would avoid a work just because it has scenes that could be considered pornographic is a good idea.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Tue May 05, 2009 1:30 am
by Peorth
BcDed wrote:I feel that the original intention should be left intact. I don't feel that the creators of this game should have to compromise thier goals for the story for the sake of reaching a wider audience or whatever else the goal is. I don't disagree that this game could easily stand without h-scenes I however want the game to realize the artists(I'm reffering to the developers not just those that draw) vision. I have full confidence in the writers abilities to make the entire work meaningful, I do not feel that getting rid of the H-scenes to appease some prude who would avoid a work just because it has scenes that could be considered pornographic is a good idea.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Wed May 06, 2009 9:24 pm
by IndyElsdragon
Just wanted to post my opinion :wink:

I am ALL for an "All Ages Version", it would be great as this story hits me (and I beleive many others) at a depper level.

However I would also highly suggest that an "H-Game" choice also be made; even if it seems slightly half-done. This would be second to the "All Ages Version" ofcorse.

Thanks for your time and efforts

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 1:34 am
by Jo-ou
Sex scenes written for maximum emotional impact and not simply jacking off would add to the experience, not detract from it.

Jacking off is a nice bonus.

Given what little I've played of the demo, I have confidence this is the route 4LS went with. Unless it turns into tentacle rape somwhere along the way, in which case it's still pretty awesome.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 2:36 am
by Kilvoctu
BcDed wrote:I feel that the original intention should be left intact... ...
Oh dear, was that the original intention and the whole intention behind this? I mean, it's not like I have anything against it. Just makes me a bit uneasy. This reason I'm into Visual Novels and related things is that I like to immerse myself long, drawn out dramas full of emotions/feelings. I think I'm okay with slight ecchi-ness but full hentai...Ah.. Maybe I'm naive. Can't believe there're people who play these games solely for that purpose. Am I...the only non-perverted Otaku out there?
Incidentally, I agree with IndyElsdragon's opinion, though Jo-ou's point is indeed valid. Maybe my uneasiness is simply the effects of the "maximum emotional impact". I guess as long as it's tasteful, and does certainly seem to be moving in that direction, I can tolerate it if no alternative is available.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 3:20 am
by Nosson
For every one who hasnt heard, there will be a togglable option in the configuration menu for the final version of the game to skip the H-scenes. Its recommended that you don’t, however, as you will probally miss out on important plot/character developments.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:25 pm
by PCJedi
Nosson wrote:For every one who hasnt heard, there will be a togglable option in the configuration menu for the final version of the game to skip the H-scenes. Its recommended that you don’t, however, as you will probally miss out on important plot/character developments.
I know, in retrospect, it's not like I don't want there to be any H-scenes at all, I guess I just hope they're done tastefully, and not just mindless fetish pandering. I really believe sex can be a part of true love and all, but sometimes I feel the H-scenes in some VNs can be a bit distasteful and/or mindless, and that's not where I want to see KS go. From playing the demo though, I can see the dev team put great thought into the game over the years, and I have a decent amount of faith the H-scenes won't end up being disappointing like that, now that I've seen their skills.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:36 pm
by IndyElsdragon
Nosson wrote:For every one who hasnt heard, there will be a togglable option in the configuration menu for the final version of the game to skip the H-scenes. Its recommended that you don’t, however, as you will probally miss out on important plot/character developments.
I am aware of this, which is why I wish that the non-H version should be held most important and contain the most complete story. That way people who play the game for reasons beyond the story can view it as a "bonus". (Just my opinion)

Thank you for your time

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Thu May 07, 2009 11:46 pm
by Fidelas
I honestly hope they reach a point with the storytelling where it doesn't seem right to me to be fapping to the characters. I think for some series in which I became really attached to the characters (CLANNAD, for example), the very thought of fapping to them seemed like a betrayal of my fondness for them.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 12:09 am
by PCJedi
Fidelas wrote:I honestly hope they reach a point with the storytelling where it doesn't seem right to me to be fapping to the characters. I think for some series in which I became really attached to the characters (CLANNAD, for example), the very thought of fapping to them seemed like a betrayal of my fondness for them.
I feel exactly the same way. Rin may be an awesome character, but I'd totally feel guilty if I fapped to her. It's the same way I am with any story/characters I get particularly attached to, like Higurashi (Some may think of Furude Rika as a hot loli, but I could -NEVER- fap to her). So I guess that's why I feel pretty conflicted about this issue. KS is a VN, and I know H-scenes are normal for the genre, but I just can't see myself fapping to these girls.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 2:32 am
by zachlol
I didn't really picture this game as a hardcore H game :oops:

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 4:14 am
by Bara
Hmmm, All Ages or H version? Just keep on creating a VN with the care and crafting of Act 1 and it won't matter. Good story creation is what will get people to look at this VN.

Of course no matter what the creators of KS decide; the whine and moan brigades will criticize everything you do after the fact for including or excluding whatever their particular picadillo, quirk, or fantasy may be. So I say line the critcs up and turn the firehoses on them. Make KS what you want it to be and make it say the things you as the creators want it to say. Let KS be your mark and dare any who follow you to surpass you. You have made a fine start so far.

Re: All ages version?

Posted: Fri May 08, 2009 4:42 am
by cpl_crud
IndyElsdragon wrote:
Nosson wrote:For every one who hasnt heard, there will be a togglable option in the configuration menu for the final version of the game to skip the H-scenes. Its recommended that you don’t, however, as you will probally miss out on important plot/character developments.
I am aware of this, which is why I wish that the non-H version should be held most important and contain the most complete story. That way people who play the game for reasons beyond the story can view it as a "bonus". (Just my opinion)

Thank you for your time
We made the decision long ago to not have the H-scenes as a "bonus". It was proposed by an ex-dev, but most of us shouted him down.
If we were to do things that way, then porn would be a reward for making the right choices. The problem with this is twofold:

1) We wouldn't be able to write the H-scenes into the story, meaning that they would be tacked on, and probaby consists of nothign but "Hanako Urnghs and I jam it in...." and "Haaaa haaa uunnn aaaahhh". I have no desire to write that kidn of thing, nor do any of the other writers as far as I know.

2) The people that were playing it for the porn (and yes, there will be people like that) will be forced to jump through hoops.

So basically, by making the H-scenes a reward, we're pissing off *both* groups of people.