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Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:20 am
by Minister of Gloom
Be glad you have something easy. I have two projects due next week, a multi-media project on Sigmund Freud, and a poetry book. BE HAPPY DAMNIT, I HATE MY SCHOOL.
I have two days left to make a multimedia project about homosexuality in cinema through the ages.
Think I just beat your Freud. :(

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:44 am
by Csihar
Attempting to get back on topic here... :roll:

I think it's interesting that the Emi/Rin pair has so fewer votes than Lilly/Hanako. It would seem like fans of the latter would get kind of a "two for the price of one" deal for both of their paths, assuming they'll feature in each others' stories as prominently as we think they will.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:42 pm
by G3n0c1de
Csihar wrote:I think it's interesting that the Emi/Rin pair has so fewer votes than Lilly/Hanako. It would seem like fans of the latter would get kind of a "two for the price of one" deal for both of their paths, assuming they'll feature in each others' stories as prominently as we think they will.
Rin is more popular than Emi. While they'll be prominent in each other's paths, perhaps people see Emi more as a supporting character rather than a love interest. Leaving the door wide open for the other heavy hitters, Lilly and Hanako.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:45 pm
by Pumpkineat3r
Shizune and Lilly. Life in the Eat3r house will be a bit tumultuous.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 4:47 pm
by SpectralTime
I don't know. I actually voted Lilly/Emi, though I recognize it isn't too popular now.

However, once I read the post about Lilly being a Mary Sue, I began to question the source of my likes and dislikes, and now I'm a muddled mess.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:30 pm
by Shades of Grey
Follow your heart. If you enjoyed the character and the story path, then thats fine. I will admit that i found lilly to be a bit over perfect at first, but I still liked her story because it gave me a relaxed feeling. Something that was very different from the fast tango of shizune's rout, the feeling of avoiding breaking a pane of glass in hanako's route.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 7:51 pm
Shades of Grey wrote:Follow your heart.
listen to this man. never be one of the herd of millions because that's where all the people are, go with what you desire.

the same reason why I chose lilly and hanako. I liked lilly's relaxed nature, since i'm more relaxed myself, and hanako because, well, she's mai waifu.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:21 pm
by Caesius
DESU wrote:mai waifu.


Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:37 pm
Caesius wrote:
DESU wrote:mai waifu.

yeah. hanako's mai waifu. you got a problem with that?

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 8:55 pm
by das bruce
DESU wrote:yeah. hanako's mai waifu. you got a problem with that?
Judging by the way he just ripped his own eyes out...

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:14 pm
das bruce wrote:
DESU wrote:yeah. hanako's mai waifu. you got a problem with that?
Judging by the way he just ripped his own eyes out...
well if that gets to him as much as it does, them maybe he doesn't want to know how i feel so incredible lonely at night and keep saying to myself how much i love her while holding onto my pillow pretending that it's her, or how i have come near tears from the loneliness once.

or how my final project is in a place that specializes in disabilities and how i suggested to our team leader that everybody be there as I hope to find an IRL hanako there (if your curious, we're working on reimaging the computers, so we will be working with the staff mostly, but i'm hoping I run into her)

and that's just half of it.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 9:51 pm
by Silentcook
Kindly keep the dramatics, in both picture and textual form, away from here.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 10:56 pm
by das bruce
DESU wrote:well if that gets to him as much as it does, them maybe he doesn't want to know how i feel so incredible lonely at night and keep saying to myself how much i love her while holding onto my pillow pretending that it's her, or how i have come near tears from the loneliness once.

or how my final project is in a place that specializes in disabilities and how i suggested to our team leader that everybody be there as I hope to find an IRL hanako there (if your curious, we're working on reimaging the computers, so we will be working with the staff mostly, but i'm hoping I run into her)

and that's just half of it.
That's commitment to the bit.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Fri Apr 23, 2010 11:17 pm
by ContinualNaba
Silentcook wrote:Kindly keep the dramatics, in both picture and textual form, away from here.
das bruce wrote:
DESU wrote:well if that gets to him as much as it does, them maybe he doesn't want to know how i feel so incredible lonely at night and keep saying to myself how much i love her while holding onto my pillow pretending that it's her, or how i have come near tears from the loneliness once.

or how my final project is in a place that specializes in disabilities and how i suggested to our team leader that everybody be there as I hope to find an IRL hanako there (if your curious, we're working on reimaging the computers, so we will be working with the staff mostly, but i'm hoping I run into her)

and that's just half of it.
That's commitment to the bit.
And very, very strange to read.

Re: Two Favorite Girls

Posted: Sat Apr 24, 2010 2:53 am
by PharaohSauron
Hanako & Rin. Although I like all five of the girls equally, these two are my favorites, both potential-wise and literally, because, while each girl has qualities I possess, Hanako & Rin embody the sort of persona I use most often. (And no, not the video game type of persona.)

Hanako: putting her walking moe-ness aside, she is basically the one I act the most like: Shy, quiet, etc. The potential for her, to me, is watching her come out of her shell, make little sly remarks with Hisao, general acceptance of her image, and all that jazz. Hanako's turning point, of course, would be with her father; her dealing with him and the fact he's gone, learning to separate the memory of his death with her burns, turning those burns into some heartfelt meaning for his sacrifice, etc. That, and tears will be involved. When done right, it hits me right in the HNNNGGGGG-maker.

Rin: her out-there personality is the sort of thing I indulge in every so often. I tend to think odd things, reach deep philosophical conclusions (promptly forgetting them when I don't write them down), and have engaging conversations with myself, which are usually more interesting than talking with some people I know. The potential for Rin, to me, is seeing how Hisao deals with such conversations, how she may begin to rely on him when Emi goes off in some plot-related event, and how she may become a bit more grounded, thanks to Hisao. The turning-point for Rin, in my mind, is a bit harder to think of: it can either be the scenario in which she has to rely on Hisao more-so than she did with Emi, and she begins to get annoyed/break from it, or she runs into someone so abstract that she "just doesn't know" anymore; but Hisao pulls her out of the depression in either situation. (Honestly, I'd prefer the former. It's easier to write about.)