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Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 4:51 pm
by Extremist_Line
kosherbacon wrote: Actually, my character just assumed that they've been porking each other since they've been together for a while(my fic starts at some unspecified point after this one does, could be weeks or a couple months.), so it could still be open for interpretation. However, if they're still not knocking boots at the very end of my story, something's wrong. :lol:
Nah, I think it's safe to assume that by the time your fic rolls around, they've had sex at least once. Why else would Luke have broken into a sweat and gotten all nervous when asked about it?

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:17 pm
by Snicket

Have you posted you're OC ff or are you waiting for EL to finish his?


Kudos on your attempt on inserting an OC character into the KS universe.

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 5:36 pm
by kosherbacon
Snicket wrote:@KB,

Have you posted you're OC ff or are you waiting for EL to finish his?
I was sort of waiting for this to be finished but really I'm not done either. I'm punching out the last two chapters riiiight now.

The OC that my ff is centered around is right here.

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:17 pm
by Snicket
hm would it help if i typed up one of those before doing any OC 'shorts'?

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:23 pm
by Extremist_Line
Snicket wrote:hm would it help if i typed up one of those before doing any OC 'shorts'?
I felt like it really helped me. It'd give us some insight into your character before you begin.

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Sun Apr 18, 2010 6:54 pm
by Snicket
I suppose your right, though i guess 'typed' would be the wrong word. Since the description has already been typed up. Along with a crap picture i drew using my mouse, since the wakom i ordered was damaged when i got it and was returned (yes i got my money back.) Though as i mentioned before, i'm still kinda debating on actually doing an OC 'short' or just sticking to what i've been doing.

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 4:45 am
by kosherbacon
Another part that impressed me was the creation and fleshing out of Hanako's mom into a viable character.

An un-roasted Hanamilf in a nurse's uniform? Yes, please.

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 6:51 pm
by Extremist_Line
Here's the first of hopefully several one-shots to continue the story of Luke and Hanako. I hope you guys like it, it wasn't quite as I intended it to be, but my previewers seemed to like it.

One-shot: Pink and White

February 14th, 2008
As my alarm woke me from my sleep, I mashed the buttons on it in frustration.

Ugh, I don't feel like going to school today. Maybe I should but class today or something.

I started getting dressed in my normal clothes. Yeah, I'll cut class today.

However, I heard a knock at my door.

“Luke, are you up?” It was Hanako.

“Yeah, hold on.” I got up and unlocked the door for her.

As I got a look at her standing in the hall, I noticed that not only was she wearing casual clothes, she also had a box with her.

“Hey Luke, do you know what today is?”

Huh, February 14th…uh…

“…No, not really…”

“It’s Valentine’s Day! Come on, how could you forget?”

Well, there’s a real good reason I forgot: I’ve never given a crap about Valentine’s Day. I’ve been single my whole like until this year. I can’t even think of a time where I did remember Valentine’s Day.

You know, in the past, Valentine’s Day always depressed me. Being single, seeing everyone else with their dates, never getting so much as a flower, or candy, or even a little Valentine’s Card. Always made me feel like crap.

Well, I got lucky this year, I wouldn’t have to experience that again.

“Oh! Uh, sorry…I never really paid attention to Valentine’s Day until now.”

“Aw, it’s ok. Here, I made these for you.” She said as she handed me the box. It was small and pink-colored, made of plastic. I opened it up and discovered a handful of chocolates.

“Woah, you made all these yourself?”

“Yeah, here in Japan, it’s a tradition for girls to give home-made chocolates to the people they like the most.” She smiled and fidgeted a little, trying to look her cutest.

“Oh, I see.” I took one out of the box and popped it in my mouth. It was really good. I suspected Hanako to be good with cooking. “Wow, they’re really good, thanks Hanako.”

“Just make sure to get me something next month!”

“Next month?”

“Yeah, here in Japan, one month after Valentine’s Day on March 14th, the guys are supposed to give the girls something double or triple the value of what the girls gave them. It’s called White Day.”

“Huh, yeah, we don’t really do that in America…”

“Well, you’ve got a month. Come on, let’s go do something!” She said as she grabbed me by the hand and yanked me out of my room.

Later that evening….

After taking Hanako out to various places for the day, we decided to head back to her room for the night.

“Thanks so much Luke. You know, we mostly celebrate all the dating and romantic interaction on Christmas Eve, Valentine’s and White Day are mostly just for gifts…”

“Well, back in America, we do all that on Valentine’s, I’m sure you don’t mind if I carry it over?” I said as I sat down on her bed.

“Of course not, I’m glad you think that way, because I’ve got some things for us…” She said as she went over to her closet. She emerged with a sake bottle and two wine glasses.

“Woah, how’d you manage to get that?”

“Your friend across the hall from you was kind enough to help me get these.” Kenji, I owe you for this bud…

“Ah, I see…”

“Hey, can you hit the play button on my CD player over there?” I did so, and an unfamiliar J-Pop song started playing.

“What song is that?”

“’Valentine Kiss’ by Sayuri Kokushō, one of the best regarded Valentine’s songs out there.” She said as she finished pouring our glasses. She handed me one of them.

“Uh, to my first Valentine’s where I haven’t been sulking depressed in a corner!” I said jokingly

“Hehe, mine too!” She said as we clinked our glasses together and took our sips. It wasn’t as strong as the whiskey me and Kenji had drank months before, but it was still fairly strong, and pretty good too. “This is pretty good Hanako, it’s actually been a while since I’ve drank…”

“This is actually the first thing I’ve ever drank.”

“Woah, really?”

“Yeah. Hey Luke, thanks for this. I know what it’s like to experience Valentine’s Day with someone you love now…” She said as she pulled me close.

“As do I Hanako.”

“And since it’s our first Valentine’s Day together, let’s make it one we’ll never forget.” She said as she gave me long and loving kiss. After we broke apart, she said “Happy Valentine’s Day Luke.”

“Happy Valentine’s Day Hanako.”

One month later…
March 14th 2008
White Day

I remembered it this time. Marked it on everything I could think to. “MARCH 14th: WHITE DAY. DON’T FORGET!!!!”

And I didn’t.

I knocked on the door of Hanako’s room, and I heard a “Come in!” from the other side. She had unlocked her door because I’m sure she actually remembered, unlike me…

I opened the door and walked in, holding the box of home-made white chocolates Lilly had helped me out with. Thank God for that girl.

“Oh! Thanks Luke!” She said as she took the box from me and opened it. “Wow, they’re even white chocolate!”

“I hope you like them. I had to get a little help with them, hope you don’t mind.”

“Of course not, it’s the thought that counts, right?”

“Hang on, I’m not done yet.” I reached into my pocket and pulled out a small box and handed it to her.

She slowly opened up the box, and I saw her gasp when she saw what was in it. “Oh Luke! It’s beautiful! Thank you so much!” She said as she wrapped me in a hug and gave me a loving kiss. It was a gold ring with an emerald in it, which was her birthstone.

“I’m glad you like it. I’m pretty sure that’s at least triple what you gave me last month?”

“I’m pretty sure it’s much more than that. Hey, do you want to just stay here in my room today? I’ve still got ‘Valentine Kiss’ in my CD player…”

“Hm, will the same thing happens as the last time we heard that song?”

She wrapped her arms around my neck and pulled me close.

“Maybe, want to find out?”
We're not quite done yet. There's an alternate ending I was originally planning that I might post later.

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Mon Apr 19, 2010 7:42 pm
by Extremist_Line
Hey guys, just giving you a heads-up, if you really liked my story and want to see more of Luke, I highly recommend you go read 'Broken Dolls':

It serves as a sort of sequel to my fic, but even taking aside that, it's a great story.

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:16 pm
by Extremist_Line
Shame, looks like my thread has pretty much died.

I've been working on my next fic, it's getting fairly close to being finished, and after it is finished, I will post it.

Until then, here's another one-shot with dear old Hanako. LIVE DAMN YOU!

(Note: A mite was a form of currency worth about a single American penny)

One Shot: A Very Special Christmas for Mr. Fisher

December 24, 2007, 21:47

"Chapter ten..." I said aloud as I flipped the page.

Today is Christmas Eve, and I'm alone...

Hanako said she had to go do something. It sucks, I really wanted to spend Christmas Eve with my beautiful girlfriend. This is the first Christmas where I actually had a girlfriend to spend time with, and she's gone.

Well, at least rather than spending Christmas Eve doing nothing but playing video games. I was curled up in a blanket on my bed, reading a book I had just recently got. I had some hot chocolate in a thermos with me. I think that's a fairly nice setup for a Christmas Eve.

...I still miss Hanako though...

Sigh. I had a nice present for her too.

Just then, I heard a knock at my room door. Maybe it's Kenji or Hisao wanting to go hang out or something.

As I opened the door, I was greeted by a pair of amethyst eyes looking back at me. I immediately wrapped her in a tight hug.

"Hanako! I thought you had to go do something?"

"Well, I did. But I'm done, and I didn't want to spend Christmas Eve alone, and I don't think you would want to either..."

"Aw, thanks Hanako. You want to come in? I've got some hot chocolate if you want some."

"Oh sure, I'd love some, thanks." She said as I opened the door and let her in. I went over to my thermos and poured her a cup. She sat a duffel bag she had brought with her onto the floor and sat down on my bed.

I handed Hanako her cup and she started taking sips from it. I sat down next to her and wrapped my arm around her back. I took my blanket and draped it over our legs. She leaned her head on my shoulder.

Now THIS is the Christmas I wanted! Just cuddling with my girlfriend under the warmth of a blanket, sipping hot chocolate.

I wouldn't have it any other way.

After a while, I nudged Hanako to get her attention. She picked her head up.

"You know, it's not Christmas unless you give gifts..."

"Oh, you're right Luke!"

"Hang on, I got something for you..." I got up and went over to my nightstand, pulled the drawer open, and took out a small black box. I went back over to my bed and handed it to Hanako.

She happily opened it up. She gasped and pulled out the chain. After she had pulled it out of the box, she took a look at what as on the end of the chain: a small coin embedded in a cross-shaped charm.

"Oh Luke! Thank you!" She gave me a kiss on the cheek. "...What is it?"

"It's a widow's mite. There's a parable in the Bible about a woman who gave two coins to an offering box in a temple. That was all she owned, those two coins, or mites as they were called, whereas everyone else gave only a small part of what they owned. That's an actual mite from the time the King James Bible was written. My dad gave one to my mom last year, and I thought it fit the occasion."

"Aw, thanks. I got you something too. It's not quite as deep in meaning, but I think you'll still like it."

She zipped open her duffel bag and pulled out a large wrapped box, as well as a few wrapped DVD cases. I noticed that there was something red under where the box was in her bag.

I started tearing apart the wrapping on the large box. As soon as I tore a small section of the paper off, I could immediately tell what it was...

"Hanako! An Xbox 360!? Thanks so much!" I grabbed her and pulled her into a tight hug.

"I thought you might like it. I know how much you love games..."

"Indeed. This...must have been a lot, the console and games together. Thanks so much."

"Wait, I have one more present for you Luke. But you have to go outside and wait."

"Oh? Ok..."

Not really sure what she was planning on giving me, I stepped outside and eagerly waited. Eventually I heard her say "Ready!" from inside.

As I stepped back inside, my jaw nearly dropped to the floor at what I saw.

Hanako was wearing one of those little Santa dresses. You know, the kind you always see girls in anime and the like wearing when they want to be cute or sexy. She even had a little Santa hat.

"Oh my..."

She fidgeted and tried her best to look her cutest. Not that hard to do so, she was already cute before...but this is a moe overload...

"Hehe, like it? I had to look really hard to find one. Unfortunately, it took me until tonight to find it..."

I wrapped my arms around her waist and pulled her close.

"It was totally worth it."

I plunged into a long as passionate kiss with her. Including tongue. While we were wrapped up in the moment, Hanako gave a little push, causing us to fall on to my bed.

We eventually broke the kiss after quite a while.

"Thanks Hanako, this is the best Christmas I've ever had."

"Me too Luke,'s not over yet." She gently took my glasses off of my face and set them on my nightstand. "You still have one last present to open..." She said right before diving into another kiss.

She broke the kiss and looked me in the eyes after a bit.

"Merry Christmas Luke."

"Merry Christmas Hanako."

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 7:50 pm
by Smoku
awww. cute.

lucky Luke :P

(lol, see what I did there?)

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 8:12 pm
by neumanproductions
Excellent job Extremist! Your character has really developed into quite the likeable person. And the relationship is not bad either.
I like the Biblical reference and the Xbox 360; a microsoft system in japan. What about that wii and nintendo? :lol:
I could see Hanako in a one of those santa outfits. She definitely would be a cutie.
Finally, why does Luke get all the good gifts and not me? :cry:

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 9:42 pm
by Wren
Very cute. Short and sweet, I enjoy reading your writings Extremist. Can't wait for more from you. :)

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 10:50 pm
by Extremist_Line
neumanproductions wrote:I like the Biblical reference and the Xbox 360; a microsoft system in japan. What about that wii and nintendo? :lol:
Not a big fan of the Wii. Sorry.
neumanproductions wrote:I could see Hanako in a one of those santa outfits. She definitely would be a cutie.
That's where I got the idea.
neumanproductions wrote:Finally, why does Luke get all the good gifts and not me? :cry:
Because he's a XXL Southerner. Ladies love country boys and ladies love big guys.
(Thank you Trace Adkins and Keith Anderson)

Besides, he's got a wobbie-inspiring past and love-deficiency issues.

Re: Thank God for Hangovers

Posted: Wed Apr 28, 2010 11:50 pm
by neumanproductions
Extremist_Line wrote:
neumanproductions wrote:I like the Biblical reference and the Xbox 360; a microsoft system in japan. What about that wii and nintendo? :lol:
Not a big fan of the Wii. Sorry.
How about Sony's PS3 then, or PSP Go? Which he places in his back pocket only to be broken the minute Hanako thrusts him onto the bed. :mrgreen:
Extremist_Line wrote:
neumanproductions wrote:I could see Hanako in a one of those santa outfits. She definitely would be a cutie.
That's where I got the idea.
All Praise the Magic Conch loolooloolooloolooloolooloolooloo! Oh, and Snicket...and KS...and the Devs...and ect.
Extremist_Line wrote:
neumanproductions wrote:Finally, why does Luke get all the good gifts and not me? :cry:
Because he's a XXL Southerner. Ladies love country boys and ladies love big guys.
(Thank you Trace Adkins and Keith Anderson)
Besides, he's got a wobbie-inspiring past and love-deficiency issues.
You implying something about us northerners? :|