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Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Sun Aug 16, 2009 10:23 am
by Guest
I was kind of surprised too. I think the main reason is that Hanako/Lilly and Shizune both require a series of correct choices to stay on their path, so you're likely to end up at Things You Can Do instead.
At that point, you've got a 1/4 chance of getting Emi. If you don't get Emi, and end up at Mind Your Step, then you just have to dodge the infamous "I'm Fine" line and you've got a 50-50 chance of Rin on the final choice.

In case you were wondering, the statistics for the game up to Lunch Time Evolution are:
Wait for Misha and Shizune: 18.4% (53/288)
Talk with Hanako: 18.4% (53/288)
Read Your Book: 63.2% (182/288)

So you're already at a good chance of Emi/Rin early in the game.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 2:34 pm
by ARksf
I got Kenji for my ending...Since this is my first VN, I didn't realize I got the "bad" ending and thought that that was just how the game was supposed to end. Took me a while to figure out that I can actually get one of the girls in the demo.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 3:34 pm
by Jaksio
I was lucky and got Shizune. Second was Hankako. But seriously it was hard to decide to witch ending get first.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 6:42 pm
by corona borealis
I went for Emi first to get her out of the way, then got Rin, Lilly, Hanako, Shizune, and Kenji. I just played it like I would have for any other VN. Worked how I expected it would.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 7:04 pm
by Tsundere Lightning
Somehow, I managed to get the Rin ending on the first playthrough.

This is fine and also dandy, however; Rin is a wonderful character.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Fri Sep 04, 2009 8:53 pm
by Notguest
I think Rin is my favorite ending also.

Although I got Kenji on three of my first four playthroughs. I guess I'm not as lucky as some people around here.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Sat Sep 05, 2009 12:02 pm
by Kuro
I tried to get Shizune, but ended up getting the Bad End instead. Every time after that, I've had Rin.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Wed Sep 09, 2009 7:04 am
by blackrising
At first, I basically tried to be myself. Then Hanako stepped into the picture and every last trace of rationality was thrown out of the window. ("")
Though I answered the questions pretty honestly and still got Hanako. :D (Apparently I'm one of the few who didn't feel the need to prove their manliness by running like an idiot and getting a heartattack.)
Second time through I aimed for Lily and got Kenji and his manly picnic. Honestly, I had no idea Hisao would simply blow up on Lily and Rin instead of calmly saying he was fine.
After that, I got Lilly. For the rest of the girls I used a walkthrough.
Shizune turned out to be really awesome after I played her route. Rin just confirmed her awesomness. And Emi was, predictably, just as annoying as I thought she would be. I really had the urge to bitch slap her when she started to control my fucking eating habits. I absolutely HATE it when people think they know what's good for me better than I do myself. (It's my own life, for fuck's sake, so STFU and GTFO. Yes, I have some issues about things like that...xD) Not to mention that I'm a total failure when it comes to running (and sports in general), so her constant nagging about doing sports and eating healthy (which I do, by the way) got me really riled up.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Fri Sep 25, 2009 9:40 am
by Ryuji_85
With this being the first VN i ever played i got Emi at the end. Afterwards i played again and got Lilliy (i like her the most so i wasnt really surprised), the i used a Walkthrough to get all the other girls.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 7:36 pm
by Quidoo
I got Emi on my first go. I was trying to be a damn marathon runner and know what happens next.
I happened to get Kenji on the next two rounds. I said "I'm fine" on the first one, like an arrogant, self centered, over-emotional jerk...
Uh, anyway...the next time I played I said that I was having "fun fun fun in the nurses office" for humour's sake. It was worth it. :)

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Sun Sep 27, 2009 10:16 pm
by UnknownFan
I got Emi my first go through.

Actually, I didn't get Kenji until I tried to.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Wed Nov 11, 2009 9:30 pm
by dilleuxlepaire
On my first try, I got Shizune. (At first annoyed, later on pleased)
Then, in order; Hanako (I was aiming at her first, but the Shizune/Misha duo just popped whenever I clicked something. Oh well.), followed by Lilly, then Emi (trying to get Rin.), then Kenji's, and finally got Rin.

Rin was the.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Thu Nov 12, 2009 11:54 am
by Kyah
At first I got Emi, then Hanako, Lilly, Shizune (her path was boring) and finally Rin and Kenji (I liked both very much! :D )

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:21 pm
by dragonloverx
Yeah I got Emi on my first time as well.

Re: Your First Playthrough

Posted: Sat Dec 12, 2009 3:41 pm
by Gash
Yeah first time I aimed for Hanako or Rin.

I accidentally got Emi who I'm fairly neutral about.

When I went on Shizune's path though....fucking hell Shizune. She instantly went to my number 1 replacing Rin and bumping Hanako down to third.