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Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] Act 2 Update! 31/05

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 3:36 pm
by RidiculousLuke
Somehow I missed Tuesday's update, so here is the commentary for both:
Hello Mirage :D Long time no see! What you got for me today?
I don't think running blades are something every amputee gets in addition to a regular prosthetic.
Hmm... Maybe. Although I don't think we can rule that out completely, what if the set is custom built?
I'm not really fond of the current matchmaking subplot - or Chiyoko in general for that matter.
I-I'm sorry... o_o
That conversation at the end of the chapter was a bit strange as well. He was oddly forthcoming about the whole thing and didn't need any prodding at all.
I love writing these little conversations! :D Anyway, yes, maybe it was little too easy to get that whole ordeal outta him.. Should I use more pauses maybe? ( "...") Or should I just leave it up to the Reader to imagine gaps in speech? In a way, I like to think the Reader assumes that during these gaps of silence, Takashi was prodding Kichirou incessantly for answers! :D

But really... Maybe I should write it out... I kinda view these little segments like films... Am I weird?
Also I think I lost track of who was saying what somewhere around here:

"HEY! Taka, it wasn't her. I di-"

"I don't wanna hear it you asshole! What the hell?!"

Whoops! Gonna fix that...

Once again, thanks for your feedback :)

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] Act 2 Update! 31/05

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 4:10 pm
by Mirage_GSM
I-I'm sorry... o_o
Don't be. Nobody will ever like everything you write, and in this case it's just my personal preference which is not your fault at all.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] Act 2 Update! 31/05

Posted: Sun May 31, 2015 10:46 pm
by HoneyBakedHam
I, for one, love Chiyoko and thinks Kisu needs to nut up and accept his desire for her.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] Act 2 Update! 31/05

Posted: Fri Jun 19, 2015 6:08 pm
by RidiculousLuke
Act 2 Chapter Five - Observation in Close Quarters


The weekend has long since passed... Or at least it feels like that, I've honestly lost track of time. My gaze flicks from the front of the class to the weather outside, try as I might I can't seem to settle.

... Which is understandable. On Monday, I decided to try out my prosthetic without any supervision. In hindsight, perhaps not my best plan...

So what came of it? Well, heh, let's just say that I've never fallen that hard on my ass before. I've had worse falls mind you but the image of a fake leg shooting out from under me is quite a take away, I'm sure I'm gonna keep that memory for years to come, just so I can embarrass myself...

... Will I really be able to stand when Nishimura gets his hands on me though? I'm trying to think positively about all this, since Uncle gave me the go ahead by literally sending me a damn leg in the post. It's sort've hard to not think about it after that...


I stop my thought process in it's tracks for my own good. I-I promised them, not just uncle but...


"I'll have you know that come this week, I'll be walking."

"Alright I'm in, Kichirou Susumu's the name. I'm a second year."

"Don't panic, We'll just focus on getting you up and about okay?"

"It's cool Susumu, baby steps right?"


It's strange, but a side of me is oddly optimistic about all this... Am I changing?

A smack across my head shakes me out of my cranium and back into the tedium of school life. I wrap my hand over my forehead and shoot a loaded gaze to my left, Takashi looks at me with a grin,

"Hello again Kisu, welcome back."

I stop rubbing my head and stare blankly at him, what does he mean? Taka just laughs and turns his gaze elsewhere, I follow it and freeze.

... Why is everyone looking at me? W- Oh, the teacher must've asked a question and I was unfortunately the target made to answer.

"Well Susumu?"

I instantly regret wandering through my head earlier as I flip through my textbooks for the answer to a question I didn't even hear. The entire class laughs at this display, including my friends.


Well shit, that was what today was... I wonder if Kobayashi and Hiromi have selective memories? Hope so, this is embarrassing... Although even if they did, Takashi would probably bring it up later...

... W-When's it lunchtime again?!


The front gates swing open, a group of lively students walk out into the sun. Hopes of a fun filled afternoon and perhaps a break from studying shines brightly from them.

As for me, I'm just hanging back. It's a little difficult for me to open those gates anyway... I step on to the side walk once the crowd has cleared and look to the sky, nice weather yet again.


Unlike my peers, this current excursion is a result of what happened earlier...

I keep my head low as I hop my way down the hill at a steady pace, several small birds clamour around the trees. The songs they sing are very fitting for this trip, I stop for a moment and watch them.

Must be nice... Birds have it ea-


"Good morning Kichirou, how are we today?"


"I see... Nurse?"

"Yes Doctor?"

"Keep an eye on him for today please."

"... S-Sir, I-"



"... I'll be back later."


"I can't believe this... Once again I have to look after you."

"Why are you always looking outside anyway? Hello?"




"Wha-" I rub the sweat from my eyes, the birds I was watching have long since left. Just how long was I standing here...?

Well, whatever. The town awaits.

The rest of the trip has no songs behind it, not that one would be able to hear one anyway. This little town is bumping. Well, It's bumping in a small town kinda way. The street underneath me groans as my crutch scratches against it repeatedly, I almost get sucked into my usual rhythm but the sight of a pair of oddly spotted thigh highs disrupt the machine.

What is currently before me is a shop, one just like any other you would get down here. But what makes this occasion unique is the person currently chatting enthusiastically to the old couple running the store...

Hanamoto stands before the town folk and fellow students with an alien air, I can't quite describe it but she kinda glows out here. The lady running the counter laughs at a comment thrown her way from the student council president, the remark earns a rub of the head from Hanamoto and a light smack to the very girl's shoulder from the lady.


With nothing else planned for this trip, I decide against, probably my best interests, to approach the shop. The interior is small and bright, for the place with such limited space it kinda makes up for it in warmth. I give a slight bow to the man in the back, he just nods and returns to his work.

I approach the counter and hesitate slightly, I'm about to call out but the old lady notices me.

"Hello there young man..."

With my presence noticed, it doesn't take long for Hanamoto to notice as well. Her eyes go wide and her face sinks into deep thought...

"Sa- Kichirou Susumu! What a strange coincidence!"

I feel there have been stranger things in this world...

"How are you this fine day?" Hanamoto asks while wrapping her arm around my shoulder, the slight perfume and her touch causes me to blush.

"Oh my goodness... You two look adorable together! Honey," The old lady turns to the back of the shop, "Aren't they just precious?"

The man looks us over before letting out a judgemental grunt, the older lady just shakes her head and turns back to us.

"So, how long have you been together you two?"

... W-What?

Hanamoto makes things worse by gripping my arm tightly and leaning into me lovingly, I cough out as she starts speaking while locking eyes with me.

"We've known each other since middle school!" She exaggerates, "It's been a long road for us, but we made it work. Right babe?"



Hanamoto interjects with a peck on the cheek, "Isn't he just adorable?!"

The lady nods along with the president as I rub my cheek absent mindedly. Hanamoto removes herself from me and approaches the counter again, although she makes sure to shoot me a lusty gaze on the way.

"I'll be back tomorrow then?" She asks.

"Oh yes dear, any time should be fine. We'll make sure it arrives, right honey?" The old lady turns to the back of the shop again. Another grunt is what she gets from the old man.


While I stand here in my flustered state, I can't help but see a little of myself in that old guy...

The future is a scary place. Hanamoto bows rather gracefully before waving goodbye to the shop owners and dragging me out with her, I struggle to regain my balance as I glare at the fluffy haired girl.

"What the hell was that back there?" I grumble, "Seriously..."

"If I'm not mistaken," Hanamoto looks to my pants, "You enjoyed it...?"

I suddenly become very self concious, luckily nothing's standing to attention but the mere mention of it makes Hanamoto laugh.

"But anyway, I had to do something." She hums as she walks.

I hop after her, "You didn't have to do anything!" I protest, "You could've just said I was a friend or something..."

"Or pervert? I wonder how that would've went..." Hanamoto giggles as I sigh.



"But tell me Kichirou, why are you down here today? From the Intel I have at my disposal, you don't frequent this place very often..."

What Intel? Am I being sta- Oh, yeah. It was probably her...

"I was... Bored? I guess, wanted to get away from school."

"Get away?" Hanamoto gasps, "That is not what diligent students do!" She gets right up in my face as she says this, I try to shrink away.

Nothing but a laugh comes afterwards as she takes to the road again. For some strange reason, I can't help but follow after her. There have been several occasions where I could've booked it but... I dunno, maybe I just want to slack off a bit today.

And who better to slack with than with the one person that could probably drag your school report card to hell and back...

I'm also starting to get what Chiyoko meant by "Mixing it up", I glance around but the sight of that headband or her blonde hair are nowhere to be found.

Comfortable in the fact that we're probably alone, I follow after Hanamoto as she meanders around the town square. If she wasn't in such a somewhat prestigious position at Yamaku, you would probably just think she was just some kid taking in the sights.

Unlike Nakajima, this girl is a little more difficult to pin down. She can easily mask her emotions and even flip them over completely if needed, she's really good at filling multiple perceptions for people.

I guess a president's job is to be loved by everyone... So it makes sense that you would want to make the people you meet feel comfortable. A sharp right turn almost knocks me off my feet, I turn and hobble after the polka dotted girl as she looks from shop window to shop window.

What's more interesting is what is in her hand currently...

It's a journal... I think, looks like it's seen better days though. It's also obviously used for several things, the binding of the book can hardly contain the seemly endless paper sheets that shoot out in every direction.

She keeps notes... I'm not as surprised as I thought I would be. Hanamoto flicks through the pages with ease while mumbling to herself, I almost think she's not aware of me following her but she speaks up,

"Say... What do you think is a good colour for a curtain?"

I scratch my head at this question, "Uh... What?"

Hanamoto sighs in disappointment, "I'm doing some shopping that will help spruce up the council room. So I now need to get curtains but..." The fluffy haired girl looks at me in thought,

"What colour would indicate power, or maybe something like... Unwavering leadership?"

This is way over my head... I sigh and look to the windows around us,

"I wouldn't know. The only colours I've been in contact with since I started here have been of the crappy beige variety."

Hanamoto chuckles, "Yes, the colour scheme of our little school can get a little dull after some time..."

"Argh, this isn't good!" She moans.


Wouldn't the other members be tasked to do stuff like this? Little strange that the leader would be shouldering all of the responsibility... Then again, perhaps she wanted to do this herself.

This might just be personal. Hanamoto spots a fabric shop and abruptly crashes into the store space, I hop after her as she begins talking up the person working the front.

... It's a little scary how effective she is with people, Chiyoko wasn't lying. The man nods before the student council president while fumbling around with several sheets of fabric samples, Hanamoto almost gives off an air of royalty as she feels her way through each piece.

I notice a chair near the back and sigh, Might as well have a seat... I limp over and plop myself down, if she needs me, I'll be here.

A part of me keeps insisting that I leave her be, but I can't. My underlying interest with what this girl gets up to, and the image of Nakajima leaving the library yesterday keep me around.

And anyway, she probably would've told me to ship it if she felt like it. I'm starting to think she actually doesn't mind my company... A mighty scoff from the front desk drags me out of my head, Hanamoto turns her face up to the ceiling and makes sure to sigh really hard.

... Ouch, way to hurt a man Hanamoto. The polka dotted girl spins on heel and promptly exits the store, I reach for my crutch while eyeing the shop staff.

Even though I'm pretty sure our president would never directly hurt someone, despite what I've been told in the past... It's still sad to see a workforce that was so proud of their work get shut down like that.

I limp out onto the concrete and peer around for Hanamoto, if they're lucky, perhaps they'll use this failure as a way to boost their... uh, power? What was the word again? Oh! Prof-

"You coming Hopper?" Hanamoto shouts from down the road.

I turn towards her and trudge along. Hopper? I think I've about had it with nicknames honestly... Surprisingly, Hanamoto waits for me before walking off. As we pass by several small shops together, I decide to speak up.

"Weren't you a little mean back there?" This comment makes Hanamoto roll her eyes.

"Maybe. But really, no matter your job, in the end if you don't give it your all..." Hanamoto looks to the sun, "You might as well just sink."

"Maybe huh?" I sigh and turn my head back to the road.

The girl giggles while running her hand awkwardly through her hair, "You know Kichirou, don't you have a happy button?"

"Happy bu-" A firm finger press to the chest stops me in my tracks and once again, I rhym-

"Yeah, a happy button! This is the... Um," Hanamoto pauses, "This is the fourth time we've encountered each other and you hardly ever smile! Even when you're around a bombshell like Chiyoko!"



"Let me guess, scars right?" Hanamoto hums.

... That's awfully straightforward. She gives me a slightly downturn expression and nods to herself,

"Thought so, it's cool. Even though I'm in a position where I actually should know my fellow students on a more fundamental level..." She giggles, "I'm not about to poke about where I don't belong."

"Uh... T-Thanks I guess." I croak.

Hanamoto starts, seemly more interested in something else, "Anyway, take away from this little conversation the idea of smiling will you? Because here we are, our next stop!" Hanamoto abandons the footpath and beelines into a nearby shop.


I let my gaze fall to the floor as I stand under the afternoon heat. My only hand rests against my face, my fingertips feeling out my lips as they turn upwards slightly.

Smile more... Maybe I should.

Almost as if no time has passed, Hanamoto bursts out of the store with two hefty looking shopping bags. I cower at the idea of me carrying one of those things...

"Good haul!" Hanamoto exclaims, "N-N-Next!"

She trots off down the road while I try my best to keep up with her. A task proven difficult since she seems to have all of a sudden gained some kind of energy boost from her purchases, I think I'm starting to sweat...

"Keep up second year! We've got a lot more to do!"

... Why am I here again? I glance around out of fear to make sure a certain blonde hasn't shown up, guess she's busy.

Now that I think about all this, perhaps if I follow Hanamoto around some more, she might be able to give me some information that would be harder to get through other methods. After all, I still don't know how she feels about Nakajima.


Even though she's already proven to some of us in a drunken state that she at least has some kind of attraction to Nakajima, it's not gonna mean anything if I don't converse with the source while it's in a sober state...

The sun glares over us as I move along side a very specific poker dotted filter while we wander through several shops in search of items that fit this girl's odd tastes.

... A-Although I don't really mind thigh highs.


I press the soda can to my neck, the fridge induced chill makes me shiver. I really should've waited... But man, is it hot. Judging by the people around us, perhaps it's just me who's near boiling point.

My body actively clings to the shade I sit under, I let out a sigh and crane my neck back. She's really taking her time, even when it comes to her food of all things...

After amassing quite the new interior wardrobe, Hanamoto declared that it was time for lunch. Having burned through most of her cash, she insisted that I pay for something.

Even though she claims she'll pay me back, a part of me doesn't want to deal with her when it comes to money. I wonder how that all went the other day... With her and the track team...

The sliding doors of the Aura mart swing open and Hanamoto steps out with a bottle of water and what looks like two pies. I feel my stomach ache as the fluffy haired girl sits next to me,

"Here you go solider, I can hear that damn stomach for miles!"

I take the pie and sigh, "S-Sorry..."

Hanamoto giggles, "No problem Kichirou, really, after you managed to keep up with me... You deserve at least this much."

I raise my finger but I quickly get intercepted,

"Yes, you paid for it though! Not me..." Hanamoto rubs her head before pulling the lid off her bottled water.


Silence hangs from the empty street lamps as we chow down, I'm quite happy just sitting here... Hanamoto however, seems a little agitated by the idea.

"So tell me, why did you follow me around today? Do you love me?" She looks genuinely interested, which is not very helpful.

"N-No! I... Uh..." I stutter while hiding behind the paper bag that was once, my lunch.

I need to be careful here... Unlike Nakajima, Hanamoto's fairly sharp so this is gonna have to sound as bland and normal as possible...

"I-I wanted to get away from school for a bit, like I said before. While I was walking I noticed you in that store and thought that maybe... I could... Y-You know..."

Hanamoto nods, "Get to know me? That's sweet. Although I think it's a little early to start working on my autobiography... That aside, I understand completely."

"You do...?"

"I do! Happens most of the time for me. People love digging through the minds of others, we're sometimes too curious for our own good..."

I look to the floor, so far so good I think, just need to keep this conversation around the whole "What, Where and When" thing...

Hanamoto looks to me while occasionally taking bites from her lunch, "Go on then Kichirou Susumu, ask away."

"Uh... I-I, well..." She hands me a direct invitation and I curl up at the chance. I grasp my shoulder tightly and try to look at her as casually as possible, "Where a-are you from originally?"

"Oh, so you figured it out huh? Well, I was born here in Japan but I lived in England for most of my childhood..." Hanamoto leans back with a sigh, "And you?"

"Um... I was born in Osaka. Lived there my whole life until... All t-this." I wave my stub over my empty leg, "Anyway, England huh? That means you speak English as well right?"

A good question on my part, if she's at least fluent perhaps she can keep me from failing...

Hanamoto blushes, "Funny thing... I'm actually not that good, I don't see my father often enough to get comfortable with the language so..."

Well... There goes my chance, "What do your parents do?"

"My father works in foreign affairs and my mother is a lawyer."

Hmm, pretty standard family set up she has. In a way it's also a suitable nest for a genius...

"What about yours?" Hanamoto asks.


I run a hand through my hair and look away, the sweat that had just dried out starts to run again.

"M-My folks uh... They work for a big company." I chuckle nervously, "I don't really know what they do there..."

This much is true actually, I never found out what they did. Whatever it was... It sure made them a large amount of money.

"No wonder you don't smile then! Boring no nonsense family!" Hanamoto jokes but she isn't wrong, they sure did love what they did...

Perhaps even more than they loved me...


Better move this along, "Why are you at Yamaku?"

Hanamoto laughs, "Change of scenery! No, I transferred here when you were probably still a first year... I was held back quite a lot in my old high school, hence my age."

How old is she really? Clearly it's around drinking age...

"Yamaku was just a nice choice for my family, they're close by and since I have a disability, even though it's hardly that serious, Ideomotor Apraxia is it's name. In the end it was a win win for them" Hanamoto smiles.

"It sounds serious..." I sigh.

"Not really! I just have trouble with... a few things, think of it as my brain forgetting how to do certain actions. Like now for instance..." She gestures to the hand currently rubbing her scalp awkwardly, "Thinking on it now, I think I was about to straighten my hair but as you can see..."

In a way it's similar to Takashi's problem. Well, the forgetting part of it anyway.

I look away from her head, "Why were you held back?" I'm worried this might hit a nerve but Hanamoto shrugs it off and looks to the pavement ahead.

"I... I didn't have a lot of purpose a few years ago, I didn't have anything pulling at me to move... Until now of course."

Hanamoto sighs, "To this day, I'm glad I was chosen for this position. Since then, my life's been grand!"

I can't help but smile along with her, must be nice...

"What about you Kichirou? What drives you?" Hanamoto gleefully exclaims while moving closer to me.


What drives me? I-I... Well, what drives me... What driv-

"I-I..." I try to choke out a response but my throat clings shut, I must look a mess right now...

Hanamoto raises an eyebrow and just giggles, "I'll take that as you haven't found anything yet?"

I nod meekly and stand, I hop over to a nearby bin and throw away my garbage. Hanamoto jumps up, finishes off her water and saunters over to me.

"Simple, but it hit the spot right?" She giggles after throwing away what was left of her lunch. Hanamoto turns her gaze to me briefly before looking to the watch on her wrist,

"Well, the daylight's wasting! I better get going, you don't have to join me for this part Kichirou. I can manage alone!" With that she gives me a wave and trots off.

I'm about to wave as well but I remember the one thing that I was meant to ask her this entire time, "Oh! H-Hanamoto!" I call after her.

"What?" She comes to a stop and turns to me.


"Do you like Nakajima?" As that sentence leaves my lips, I blush deeply and wonder why that came out so easy compared to everything else we've talked about...

There's a long pause, I can just make out the sounds of cars beginning their journey up the hill and the sound of the people conversing as they walk. Hanamoto keeps a smile on while looking to the sky, I almost think she isn't going to answer but she turns to me with confused expression.

"..." She grips her chin and seems to ponder the question more, her face shifting gears several times as the minutes tick by.

"I'm not sure!" Is all I get as she quickly runs off, the shopping bags swaying in the sudden breeze she produces.


What to make of that... Is that a yes? Didn't look like it. Maybe Nakajima's right, she was just drunk. But then again Chiyoko thinks otherwise, and perhaps leaving romance to the female side of this operation is a better idea.

She seemed a little flustered by that question though, so perhaps there is something going on. I turn and look to the large sign of the Aura mart for some time before hopping down the street back to Yamaku.

I wanted to explore the city a little today but after all that's happened... I'm dead tired, I can already feel my leg shouting at me to stop. I give the small town one last look before beginning the climb back up, the trip takes some time as I have to stop every so often to rest.


During the climb, my mind wanders occasionally to the question Hanamoto asked me... Despite my clear intentions of just wanting to get back to my dorm and let this day roll away, I can't shake the thought away.

The pavement straightens and I head for the wrought iron gates with a reckless abandon, the metal feels razor sharp as I try to lean against it. I rub my head and look to the sky, what drives me...?

A solid question, the kind that you could ask just about anybody. Often times when someone is asked they usually give you a sort've "I kinda know what I'm doing, why are you worried about it though?" While others would say something like "What? I don't know." Or "It doesn't matter anyway."

... Sadly, I probably fall into the former. It's a position that I've honestly come to reject lately, for some reason or another I feel different now. Perhaps it's all the excitement from the weekend.

Or maybe it's the appropriate time.


Well, whatever. Leaning against this gate like a hoodlum isn't going to bring an answer out, better get going...

The school grounds are strangely quiet as I head for my room, must be the exams. If it wasn't just around the corner, I would probably come to the conclusion that the crippled youth have made a run for it.

Some didn't make it very far while others managed to travel to foreign lands and tell their tales...

Jeez Kichirou... I think a tiny nap is in order. And perhaps some studying? I seemly glide through the halls and almost slither into my dorm room, the sunshine from my window has already started casting a relatively dark light against the interior.

I drop my wallet and keys down with a yawn and approach my bed, I sink into the mattress and ponder what to do. I glance to my desk in the hopes that maybe today will be the day, although I realise fairly quickly that today is indeed not the day and instead look to my prosthetic leaning against the wall nearest to my bed.

My eyes eventually avoid the allure of the metal and instead begin to droop, the vote is unanimous! Nap time...



Third times the charm... And anyway, this time I have a chair. With my body firmly and briefly stationed in my seat, I take my time with the sock like sleeve as I slide my leg into it. The synthetic fabric feels like a vice but I manage to relax as I quickly iron out the creases with my hand.

Now on to the main event... For the third time. I pick up my prosthetic and place it under my leg, I take a few breathes and slowly lower my stub into the cup like attachment. I still think this thing is weird, the thing built to hold your leg. One can only wonder who came up with it.


There. That should do, time to fasten it... Left, right, up, lef- no... It's the other way around. I give my leg one last check before slowly rising, keeping my hand on the chair at all times. The metal of my prosthetic groans under the weight and audibly adjusts itself, if I hadn't done this several times already I would've thought it was breaking.

Slowly, ever so slowly, I lurch forward and gaze into the mirror. I fixate on my posture while slowly letting go of the chair, so years of hunching over a metal stick really does damage you...

Although I doubt I can't fix it, just gotta stand up straight. Easier said than done though of course, I can already feel my body swaying side to side. I reach down in a panic and make sure I'm not going to have another shooting leg incident. I let out a sigh before cautiously place my foot forward, the metal one wobbles as I lift it. The sensation leaves me feeling rather uncomfortable.

Not sure how many people would enjoy their feet shaking every time they took a step... Soft carpet meets my organic foot, I reach for something nearby to hold as I slide the prosthetic forward. Much to my relief and easily settling my worries, my new foot lands successfully a few centimetres away from where it was originally.

I let out a chuckle as I repeat the motion slowly, the joy gets to me as I slowly approach the door. I d-did it! How come this is so easy now? C'mon Kichirou! One more step and we'll be a-

"Kichirou?" A loud banging rocks my door, it's not the force of that impact that causes me to buckle and fall to the floor with a snap, it's more of the fact that I thought I would be alone for a while...


Gritting my teeth and groaning in pain, I glance over at my prosthetic. It's currently on the other side of the floor, I hope I didn't break the straps...

"Kichirou!? Are you okay?"

... She isn't helping. Then again, I locked the door and I'm positive that she doesn't know how to pick locks. I lift myself up on my elbow and crawl towards the door, my back hits the wall as I slide my hand upwards to the handle.

I unlock the door after some struggling, the girl on the otherside wastes no time swinging the damn thing open at mach speed. I shrink into the corner as she steps in with a start,

"Kichirou? Where are you? I hear-" Chiyoko's eyes look to the fake leg on the floor, her expression is the perfect sample of a confused girl.

She slowly looks through my room until her gaze finally reaches me, she gasps and huddles up to me. I blush as she runs her hand through my hair,

"Kichirou! What happened? What's that thing on the floor?Actually! How did you get on the floor?!" These questions are delivered with geniune concern but after a few repeats, I start to get annoyed.

"I'm fine Chiyoko... I was just..." I raise my body up while using the wall for support, "T-Trying to walk and I fell."

The blonde notices the sock wrapped around my stump and gasps, "Y-You can walk?!"

I scratch my head, "Not well but I'm trying..." Still wish no one would see me do this until later...

Chiyoko suddenly wraps me in a hug, I blush and cough as she tightens the embrace, "That's great Kichirou! You'll be back to normal soon huh?"


I'm sure she meant it as a joke but the response still leaves me cold. I pry Chiyoko off and hop towards my bed to get my crutch, the girl leans against the wall with a frown before looking around.

"T-This is the first time I've seen your room..." I sit down and grab my crutch, my gaze fixed on Chiyoko as she takes in everything she sees. Now this could just be me, but I think she's actually sniffing the air as well...

Chiyoko lets out a sigh and wanders towards my desk, "Kichirou's room... Awww." She leans against the chair dramatically while grinning widely.

I raise an eyebrow as I limp over to pick up my prosthetic, I tried but I guess I should just wait for Nishimura... Why have I been so impatient?

"So uh..." I prop the leg against the wall near my bed and sigh, "What are you here for?"

Chiyoko seems to fall out of her fantasy, "Oh, well I wanted to let you know that it's time!"


"Yes! Time to help out the council with it's issues."

I chuckle, "I think your council has more problems than just this thing..."

"Maybe," The blonde chimes in, "But those things are not nearly as exciting as this! Starting tomorrow, the plan is a go... Maybe!"

"Okay... But what's the plan?"

"Before I tell you..." Chiyoko wags her finger, "Did you find out anything new?"


The look she gives me makes me contemplate something, I eventually look straight into her emerald eyes, "Wait a minute... Mixing it up... You knew I would run into Hanamoto at some point and waited to hear what I would find out?"

Chiyoko raises an eyebrow and shrugs, "All I meant was that I was going to have a more hands on experience with Nakajima... But that idea sounds better! Did that happen?"

I place my face in my palm and sigh, "Great..."

"So you spoke to Ayame? What did she say?!" The blonde grips my shirt collar tightly, I blush at her gaze.

"Y-Yeah... I did, I asked her about Nakajima..."

"And?! What did she say?"


"She said I'm not sure."

"WHA-" Chiyoko pulls her grip up, suspending me in the air briefly. I choke out and she eventually lets go, I rub my neck as she slams a small curled fist against my desk.

"That Ayame... I swear..." The blonde points her dagger like gaze outside. If there was anybody out there right now, I doubt they would survive something like that.

"Yeah... that answer isn't great huh? Although I'm pretty sure she likes him." I state while adjusting my collar.

Chiyoko turns to me with a nod, "Right? It's kinda obvious in a way... K-Kinda..."


"So anyway, what's your plan?"

A wry grin lights up Chiyoko's face, I can tell she's about to let me in on something big but the small ringing coming from her pocket interrupts her future speech.

"Oh!" Flipping the phone open she closely inspects it, "I almost forgot! I'm having dinner with the other council members tonight!"

"That so? Well then, no use in worrying. You can just tell me tomorrow..." I motion towards the door but Chiyoko doesn't budge.

"Silly Kichirou!" She prods my nose, "You're coming with!"

"Wha- When did I say I would?" Chiyoko looks at me with a pout and turns her face away sadly.

"I-Is that r-right...?" She grips her chest and begins huffing like she's about to cry, "I-I thought y-you..."


Shit, I better just go. I don't think I can take this...

"Okay okay! I'll go!" I shout as I reach for my wallet, "How much?"

"How much? Kichirou, you don't have to pay anything!" What a total reversal... "Let's get going huh?"

I let out a long sigh as I stand, jeez this woman... If only I could resist but hey... Free dinner. Sure beats hanging with Takashi in a way, he picks good food but I'm usually the one paying.

Then again, paying isn't an issue for me but the more I can avoid dipping into those savings the better...

Phone attached to her ear and her gait pulling her out of my room, Chiyoko ventures out as I quickly sling a jacket over myself and hobble after her. Before I locked my door, my eyes couldn't help but land on my textbooks.

... I really should be studying.

The temperature outside shows that I made the right decision with my state of dress, not too cold but enough to warrant an extra layer. Chiyoko waves me over and I limp off with a sigh, here's to hoping I'll have enough time to study when I get back.

Report card for Kichirou Susumu: Failure across the board. Reason: Extracurricular activities with female students in undisclosed locations.


Well, they wouldn't be undisclosed... I would tell them...


"... And four servings of our special, anything else?"


"Let's see, you're good right? Yuji, is that all you really want? You're not gonna get any fatter!"

"Cut Yuji some slack, he's at least trying right?"




As I stare out onto the darkness of the pavement, I begin to feel that perhaps starving myself tonight would've been a better idea.

Not that I mind all this attention but often times, I prefer having a moment to myself. And with everything that has happened these last few days, I might need to call in sick for perhaps... Several weeks.

Although I feel a plan like calling in sick at Yamaku may result in a hospital stay.

Watching from where I am is quite the treat though, it's not often you get to see a part of your school interacting on this natural a level. Sure I saw most of these guys at that party the other day, but this specific group, I saw during the festival. They were the guys who overpowered Chiyoko, so they're heroes in my eyes...

They stand amongst the limited light of the Ramen joint, conversing with each other loudly about several different things. I soon lose interest at their ramblings however as the night sky manages to attract me, I take a moment to count out the number of stars present under my breath.


Long ago, I couldn't see the night sky often. The only time I could was when they allowed us outside for a while, I didn't complain... I made those minutes count. The thought dampers my spirits a little but the smell of food lifts me up slightly.

A hefty kid, who I assume is the guy they called Yuji, hands me what I asked for. He enthusiastically gives it to me and I can't help but chuckle, I don't see how they can bag on this guy, he seems cool.

Before another member of the council has even reached the pavement, Chiyoko sits down right next to me. Yuji shakes his head with a sigh and proceeds to turn his attention to something worth more to him. I want to join him that but a conversation sadly requires my input.

"What a lovely night!" Chiyoko chimes, "Oh yeah! I wanted to know, what are your plans for the summer break guys?"

The girl with long hair and a small set of glasses wraps her fingers together before whispering, "I-I've got a trip planned with my relatives."

A boy with unruly hair and thousand watt grin speaks up in between bites, "I gotta a date!" Several others cheer but are soon silenced by a grimace on the boy's face, "But then I gotta meet her parents..."

The council grumbles at this as I open up my meal, what's wrong with that? If you date someone, a step like that only seems natural...

... Luckily I'll be able to skip it. If I ever reach that point with someone.

"What about you Yuji?" Chiyoko asks.

Yuji lowers his meal for the first time since he sat down and gazes into the distance dramatically, "Helping the less fortunate..."

The girls of the group gasp while the guys laugh knowingly, "Yeah right! You're probably going to spend your time indoors you Otaku!" The messy haired boy shouts.

"Yes." Yuji states flatly, any damage to his pride not forthcoming.

I prod my chopsticks down and take a bite, honestly I can now see why they like this. It's quite good, so good that I almost think it'll shield me from talking...

"What about you Kichirou?" Chiyoko beams.

I feel a few pair of eyes on me as I blush, "I... Uh... I'll probably spend the holiday here or with my Uncle."

Clearly not the most exciting as some people nod and return to their meals, I thank them internally but Chiyoko speaks up again.

"You have an Uncle?"

"I do."

"What's he like?" This statement draws a few more eyes my way.

No dinner for me then... Maybe I can eat and talk? I'll just need to keep the gesticulation to a minimum,

"Well, he's quite old... A little rough, you know like one of those american action heroes? But he's an overall nice guy, don't think he would even hurt a fly unless it provoked him."

I give them a general synopsis of the man known as my Uncle, for some reason though, I keep it short. Why am I talking like I need to keep his identity hidden? He isn't even in that life any more...

Was he ever though? I thought that was a scare story his mates told me... Well, I guess I'll never know. And hopefully it'll stay that way... Wouldn't want the school to find out my only guardian is a gang member.


The night rolls on, I manage to keep out of a large amount of the talking after that as I eat my meal. I eventually place the box aside with a satisfied sigh, I notice that the conversation has taken a far more interesting turn.

"So guys, what do you think about the... Situation?" The question sparks some muttering amongst the members, I perk up and listen closely.

"Oh are we still talking about this Chiyoko?" A girl with short hair sighs as she finishes off her meal.

"Is that still a thing?" The girl with glasses mumbles while running a hand through her hair.

Yuji and the messy haired boy look to each other with a shrug, "Is that still happening?" They say in unison.

... I now see what she meant, council members really don't care about this.

"Of course it's still a thing! More so now because I actually have evidence!" Chiyoko declares.

I shake my head slightly and try to let her know that I want to avoid getting mentioned. Chiyoko gets the message but doesn't stop talking, "It's also about time that we do something about it!"

A girl with wearing a beanie sighs, "You know that won't happen anyway," She gestures with her prosthetic hand, "Fumio might be smitten but we all know that Ayame's a lost case..."

The other members nod along with the girl, who stands up and pulls out a pack of cigarettes. Huh, guess even the work place has it's own set of rebels... Hope she doesn't get caught.

"I think we should move that over to old news now right?" The messy haired boy suggests before pulling out his phone, "Oh shoot! It's getting late... Kaori, shall we walk back together?"

The girl with glasses blushes and nods before standing, doesn't that guy already... Is he two timing?

"Are you leaving? Let me join you!" The shorter haired girl speaks up as she grabs her purse.

I glance around as one by one, the council go their own ways. Chiyoko turns her gaze to Yuji, who just shrugs and apologizes before wandering off. The street corner suddenly feels oddly cold since it's now only Chiyoko and me who remain.


Images flash through my head, some from the past but mostly what could possibly happen if I stay here alone with this girl. I stand up with a start but manage to keep my cool, "Shall we go then? No use in sitting here..."

Chiyoko sighs and looks out to the street with a pout. She runs her hand along the asphalt with a sigh, "Why doesn't anyone care?"


"Well, it doesn't really affect them so they don't really need to care..." I mutter as I stretch out my back, "And some people don't like gossip or interfering with other people's business anyway."

Chiyoko looks up at me sadly, "But they like each other... Right?"

It hurts to see Chiyoko at the point where even she is having second thoughts. I want to say that she's right but... We won't know unles- Wait...

I reach out and hold Chiyoko's shoulder firmly, "It's true that things are looking down but the truth is, we won't know how they feel unless we have them meet together."

"I'm guessing that was your plan right? Have them meet up in a secluded space so they can discuss their feelings?"

Chiyoko's frown turns into a smile as she stands up, "Yes! That's the plan! But... Will it even work Kichirou?"

... I look to the floor and shrug,

"Who knows, but it's better than nothing right? We'll only know if we act, even if it does mean we're tampering with people's emotions... But I think if they're at least honest with each other, it'll save them from regret and heartbreak further down the line."

Chiyoko nods rapidly and shouts out, "That's right! It's settled then! We're doing this Kichirou, operation Council Leader Romance is a go!"

... Council Leader Romance? While the plan might be somewhat solid, the name sure isn't. Maybe I should ask for some outside help? Then again Takashi might screw up this whole thing... He would probably call it something far worse.

Chiyoko takes the lead as we make our way back to Yamaku, I smile at her sudden energy spike. I much prefer to see an energetic Chiyoko than a demoralized one... Not t-that I care though!

But really I wanna see what happens between those two, a part of me wants to get this whole thing outta the way and another wants to see if they really do want to be with each other.

Hopefully once this is all over I might be able to set a new record for my academics... Hopeful thinking but hey, I've been doing quite a lot of that since I received that metal attachment in that cardboard box.

The stars in the sky light the way as we march up the hill, I stare up at them and think to myself... Things'll be different I said, and for the first time since I muttered that phrase in the snow, It's starting to seem more true than false.


It's after class, I'm standing out in the hall like someone who's waiting for their school crush to emerge... While I'm not eagerly awaiting the presence of a loved one, I am waiting for someone.


I got the message this morning as I was tying my knot, Chiyoko was going to handle Ayame and I was going to be in charge of Nakajima. A smart move on her part for sure, no doubt Hanamoto would be suspicious if she sees me two times in a row in such a short time span.

One problem I face of course is how I'm going to convince this guy to go to town with me... Our relationship is limited at best, we don't even know each other's hobbies or interests...

Well, I'll think of something. Uncle always said that I was far more resourceful than I appear to be... Here's to hoping he's right, because here he is....

The man of this teenage hour.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 2:01 am
by HoneyBakedHam
Geez, this chapter was the Great Wall of Text. Definitely gonna feel this one in the morning from the amount of reading, instead of sleeping.

Nonetheless, I really like this chapter with how he's giving the new leg a real chance at it. That and more Kisu/Chiyoko-shipping moments. :mrgreen:

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 7:36 am
by AntonSlavik020
HoneyBakedHam wrote:Geez, this chapter was the Great Wall of Text. Definitely gonna feel this one in the morning from the amount of reading, instead of sleeping.
If you thought that was a lot of reading I had to read the last 3 chapters thanks to my absence. That took a while.

HoneyBakedHam wrote: Nonetheless, I really like this chapter with how he's giving the new leg a real chance at it. That and more Kisu/Chiyoko-shipping moments. :mrgreen:
Agree with both of these. Chiyoko is just so much fun.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 8:53 am
by HoneyBakedHam
You set yourself up for that one, though. :P

Glad to hear we have another member for Team Chiyoko, however. :)

...Oh God, I sounded like a Twilight fan there. :(

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:20 am
by AntonSlavik020
HoneyBakedHam wrote:You set yourself up for that one, though. :P :(
Blame RWBY. Not my fault that show is so good. :P

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 11:23 am
by HoneyBakedHam
I have trouble seeing the hype about RWBY. That and JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, don't know why.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 3:52 pm
by AntonSlavik020
HoneyBakedHam wrote:I have trouble seeing the hype about RWBY. That and JoJo's Bizarre Adventures, don't know why.
Not for everyone I suppose. One of my closer friends can't get into it either.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 9:25 pm
by HoneyBakedHam
Could be because I'm a sucker for harem romcoms (Nisekoi, My Teen RomCom SNAFU, etc.) and shoujo romance (with or without comedy) animes. It would explain why I'm loving this OC fanfic SOOO much.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sat Jun 20, 2015 10:04 pm
by AntonSlavik020
HoneyBakedHam wrote:Could be because I'm a sucker for harem romcoms (Nisekoi, My Teen RomCom SNAFU, etc.) and shoujo romance (with or without comedy) animes. It would explain why I'm loving this OC fanfic SOOO much.
I'm kinda the opposite. I prefer if the romantic focus is mainly between just two people. I like it fine here since it's not a huge focus, but it normally ends up annoying me if it goes on for too long.

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 3:26 am
by HoneyBakedHam
See, I can do either or (one couple or harem).

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 7:34 am
by Mirage_GSM
Hanamoto acts kinda strange - even for her and considering she's supposed to be sober this time...
I turn and hobble after the poker dotted girl
What's that supposed to be?
The poker dotted girl spins on heel
Google suggests Polka dots. Is that what you mean? If so you should mention her clothing somewhere, or we'll assume she has some kind of disfiguring illness :-)
"Do you like Nakajima?
Oooh. Subtle.
I d-did it! How come this is so easy now?
Good question. It shouldn't be. Let me point you to another currenly running fic that also has someone learning to use prosthetics.
If their was anybody out there right now
Both are "there"
Shit, I better just go. I don't think I can take this...
That guy HAS to learn how to say "no"...
Several others cheer but are soon silence is caused by a grimace on the boy's face
Something's not right here.
it's now only Chiyoko and I who remain.
Chiyoko and me
Agree with both of these. Chiyoko is just so much fun.
I'm not really a fan of Chiyoko - better "of girls like her" - so I'm a bit disappointed that all the interesting characters had almost no screen time those last few chapters...
But Go Team RWBY! :-)

Re: Puppet Show [OC Story] NEW Chapter! 20/06

Posted: Sun Jun 21, 2015 8:44 am
by RidiculousLuke
Google suggests Polka dots. Is that what you mean? If so you should mention her clothing somewhere, or we'll assume she has some kind of disfiguring illness :-)
Polka! That's the word. I'll have to edit that... Oh and yes, I am referring to her clothes, her thigh highs to be exact. Granted though, I mentioned "oddly spotted thigh highs" at first, which obviously don't immediately hint at polka dots but... oh well >.>
Good question. It shouldn't be. Let me point you to another currenly running fic that also has someone learning to use prosthetics.
Kichirou stated in an earlier chapter that he has used a prosthetic before, so even though he isn't super proficient with it, he does have a general feel for the things. And this could just be some dumb imagining on my part but, I have a feeling that a student with a missing leg who spends a large part of his time in his room after class, would probably be quite adept at using a prosthetic. Not for anything major mind you, but probably enough to balance.

Perhaps it's not the safest thing, but then again Mr. Masuyo is somewhat lax about Kichirou's rehabilitation. Which suggests that Kichirou's done this sort of thing before.

It might not seem realistic in your eyes but if you think about it, it's quite plausible. If you were missing a leg, had some time on your hands, a teenage stubbornness, and a prosthetic nearby, I'm sure you would spend a few hours trying to walk. It's not like your going to try hurdles or anything, just weird walks around your room.

.. Unless of course, your body had sustained a major injury besides the amputation. Then it would make sense if the only time he could use the prosthetic would be while under medical surveillance, But Kichirou's doesn't suffer from anything like that. Whereas in that fic you linked, the main character has spine problems. So it makes sense he isn't allowed to practice without eyes on him.
Oooh. Subtle.
A personal gripe right? Hanamoto would've probably cut through any bullshit he would've used as a roundabout way of asking her that question. :P
I'm not really a fan of Chiyoko - better "of girls like her" - so I'm a bit disappointed that all the interesting characters had almost no screen time those last few chapters...
This arc is almost over, and I knew you didn't like Chiyoko from the moment you started talking about her :) It's kinda obvious. The other girls will be taking centre stage in the next few chapters, so try to endure it! xD