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Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:26 pm
by Oscar Wildecat
brythain wrote:Re Lily: aha, new fanfic idea... where she faces Hisao and says, "Did you just give me music of Bach's in a musical box?"
I wonder if he gave it to her on Boxing Day?

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 7:47 pm
by brythain
Oscar Wildecat wrote:
brythain wrote:Re Lily: aha, new fanfic idea... where she faces Hisao and says, "Did you just give me music of Bach's in a musical box?"
I wonder if he gave it to her on Boxing Day?
For Lilly he'd be thinking 'Buxom Day'. :D

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:20 pm
by Munchenhausen
Oscar Wildecat wrote:
brythain wrote:Re Lily: aha, new fanfic idea... where she faces Hisao and says, "Did you just give me music of Bach's in a musical box?"
I wonder if he gave it to her on Boxing Day?
I tried to think of a joke about Hisao giving Lilly loads of cardboard boxes on Boxing day, but all I managed was mental images of Hisao attacking her constantly with boxing gloves, screaming "BOXING DAY BOXING DAY" over and over

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Mon Dec 22, 2014 8:34 pm
by brythain
Munchenhausen wrote:
Oscar Wildecat wrote:
brythain wrote:Re Lily: aha, new fanfic idea... where she faces Hisao and says, "Did you just give me music of Bach's in a musical box?"
I wonder if he gave it to her on Boxing Day?
I tried to think of a joke about Hisao giving Lilly loads of cardboard boxes on Boxing day, but all I managed was mental images of Hisao attacking her constantly with boxing gloves, screaming "BOXING DAY BOXING DAY" over and over
Now I've got this image of Lilly dressed up in the original red Daredevil costume, with her blonde ponytail hanging out at the back and using her radar sense to deflect and avoid his blows. Then when they're all hot and sweaty they end the sparring match and... go for a cold shower. :D

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 10:15 am
by Oddball
dewelar wrote:Despite the number of fanfics to the contrary, I've always been a bit dubious about the characters returning to Yamaku after finishing their educations. I can see a case for Hisao and maaaaaaybe Hanako, but I don't think the others have such an affection for the place (speculation regarding the Hakamichi being on the board of directors notwithstanding) that they'd want to spend most of their adult lives there.

No, I'm not going to spoil future Developments chapters by saying what my headcanon for Emi is :wink:.
I can see one or two of them returning, but I've never got into any of the stories that brings the entire cast of the game back to Yamaku as teachers and staff. It just feels like a TV show that's gone on too long and all the characters have outgrown their parts but they don't want to let the characters go.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:54 pm
by ogorhan
I can only see Shizune and maybe Emi visiting their old school back just to see how the current student council and track team is doing other then that I dont think the others would come back.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 4:58 pm
by Charmant
azumeow wrote:what it actually is.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:08 pm
by dewelar
ogorhan wrote:I can only see Shizune and maybe Emi visiting their old school back just to see how the current student council and track team is doing other then that I dont think the others would come back.
*nods* I never said I couldn't see them visiting now and then like this, because I'm sure they would. I meant that I couldn't see them pursuing careers there.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Tue Dec 23, 2014 5:47 pm
by azumeow
Charmant wrote:
azumeow wrote:what it actually is.
Lilly slowly opened the box, feeling the present within to determine what it was.

The Cunt Destroyer 9001. The same dildo she'd been wondering whether or not to purchase. "My my, Hisao, Hanako. It seems you've gotten more...forward...with your hints. No, I do not need a boyfriend. My collection does me well enough. Thank you for the addition."

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Wed Dec 24, 2014 2:56 am
by Atario
azumeow wrote:My collection does me well enough.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:02 pm
by ParagonTerminus
azumeow wrote:
Charmant wrote:
azumeow wrote:what it actually is.
Lilly slowly opened the box, feeling the present within to determine what it was.

The Cunt Destroyer 9001. The same dildo she'd been wondering whether or not to purchase. "My my, Hisao, Hanako. It seems you've gotten more...forward...with your hints. No, I do not need a boyfriend. My collection does me well enough. Thank you for the addition."
Hanako frowns.

"B-but L-Lilly... I w-was w-wondering if w-we could..."

Suddenly, Hanako realised that Hisao was unusually quiet. Turning to face him, she saw him lying on the ground, having a violent heart attack.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 1:12 pm
by azumeow
ParagonTerminus wrote:
Hanako frowns.

"B-but L-Lilly... I w-was w-wondering if w-we could..."

Suddenly, Hanako realised that Hisao was unusually quiet. Turning to face him, she saw him lying on the ground, having a violent heart attack.
In Hisao's mind:

So, this is how it ends? Not running, or even having sex? Imagining Lilly destroy her body with a massive dildo while Hanako....


That's right, Hisao HHNGGGG'd so hard that even his internal monologue HHNGGGG'd.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 2:20 pm
by ParagonTerminus
azumeow wrote:
ParagonTerminus wrote:
Hanako frowns.

"B-but L-Lilly... I w-was w-wondering if w-we could..."

Suddenly, Hanako realised that Hisao was unusually quiet. Turning to face him, she saw him lying on the ground, having a violent heart attack.
In Hisao's mind:

So, this is how it ends? Not running, or even having sex? Imagining Lilly destroy her body with a massive dildo while Hanako....


That's right, Hisao HHNGGGG'd so hard that even his internal monologue HHNGGGG'd.
I'm slapping a copyright on that and putting it in a fanfic now, dammit!

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 3:24 pm
by azumeow
ParagonTerminus wrote:
azumeow wrote:
ParagonTerminus wrote:
Hanako frowns.

"B-but L-Lilly... I w-was w-wondering if w-we could..."

Suddenly, Hanako realised that Hisao was unusually quiet. Turning to face him, she saw him lying on the ground, having a violent heart attack.
In Hisao's mind:

So, this is how it ends? Not running, or even having sex? Imagining Lilly destroy her body with a massive dildo while Hanako....


That's right, Hisao HHNGGGG'd so hard that even his internal monologue HHNGGGG'd.
I'm slapping a copyright on that and putting it in a fanfic now, dammit!
Not like I'm gonna do it, so go ahead.

Re: The Official KS Headcanon Thread

Posted: Thu Dec 25, 2014 7:59 pm
by SpunkySix
There's a separate forum for fan fiction, guys.