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Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Tue Apr 24, 2012 11:22 pm
by Walrusfella
sociopath wrote:a portrait gallery
Must be nice to be able to lift a streetcar.
Althamus wrote:By moderate, I mean the 100 pushup challenge or something I imagine would be fine.
Well, I've started it. It's your fault for making it sound all fun and/or possible. :)

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:52 am
by Althamus
Walrusfella wrote:
Althamus wrote:By moderate, I mean the 100 pushup challenge or something I imagine would be fine.
Well, I've started it. It's your fault for making it sound all fun and/or possible. :)
Nice work :D It's tough, I won't lie about that, but I do find it rewarding, and over the course of 3 weeks I've really improved myself :D

And to clarify on my quote - 100 pressups is a lot, and it is tough. But over 2-3 months of training, I reckon it'd be achievable, and at the end of the day, all you're doing is lifting 2/3 of your bodyweight (ishish). It's not like you're bench pressing a car.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 11:57 am
by sociopath
Althamus wrote: Nice work :D It's tough, I won't lie about that, but I do find it rewarding, and over the course of 3 weeks I've really improved myself :D

And to clarify on my quote - 100 pressups is a lot, and it is tough. But over 2-3 months of training, I reckon it'd be achievable, and at the end of the day, all you're doing is lifting 2/3 of your bodyweight (ishish). It's not like you're bench pressing a car.

I really don't get this 100 pushups challenge. I've been to the site and it seems rather retarded.
100 pushups and they call it a challenge? Shit. And what's with the focus on 100?
Do people think it's a high number? It isn't. To do 50 pushups in one set is really easy to get to. Meaning you could do 100 pushups under a minute without much effort at all.
Yet I see these people struggle on YT to do measly 100 pushups, like this guy:

After only 60 he seems to be in a lot of pain. lol

I'm not built like a tank and I haven't done more than 500 pushups in a single day yet. But if you guys want some overall strength:
Add dips and situps to your workout. It sucks in the beginning but it'll do a lot more than doing some pushups alone.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 12:51 pm
by completesky
I have a hole in the back of both my heels and now have to run with feet covered in bandages, which sucks.

How many of you guys who are nearly finished Couch to 5K are planning to take up the Bridge to 10K? It's getting lonely...

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:18 pm
by NoOne3
sociopath wrote:I'm not built like a tank and I haven't done more than 500 pushups in a single day yet. But if you guys want some overall strength:
Add dips and situps to your workout. It sucks in the beginning but it'll do a lot more than doing some pushups alone.
Dude. What are you doing here? Cause there is a thing that pops into my mind right away.
100 pushups challange is not some gym program. It is directed at those people who thought up till now a pushup is kind of a bra, and nothing else (yup, you can pick up such knowledge just by watching Anime).
Couch to 5k is self explanatory - you fill the void in your soul temporarily made by some puny visual novel you just read with a really basic form of light physical activity, instead of ice cream.

There are people there who live their whole lifes not doing a single pushup, situp, dipps or anything. Don't mock us, seeing some of us bragging about running 30 min straight, or doing a mere 100 pushups.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:32 pm
by MoogleDee
completesky wrote:How many of you guys who are nearly finished Couch to 5K are planning to take up the Bridge to 10K? It's getting lonely...
I will, but not right after I finish C25K. That's a kind of time investment I have to work around as opposed to running around my current schedule.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 2:39 pm
by sociopath
NoOne3 wrote: There are people there who live their whole lifes not doing a single pushup, situp, dipps or anything. Don't mock us, seeing some of us bragging about running 30 min straight, or doing a mere 100 pushups.
I'm not mocking anyone. It's too bad not more people spend time doing some exercise. That's all.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 3:14 pm
by Althamus
completesky wrote:I have a hole in the back of both my heels and now have to run with feet covered in bandages, which sucks.
As in blisters? I'd suggest leaving it a few days to let your feet at least partially recover if the bandages aren't enough to avoid them keep irritating the wound, otherwise your feet won't be able to heal properly, getting the wound irritated every other day, and will scar.
sociopath wrote:I'm not mocking anyone. It's too bad not more people spend time doing some exercise. That's all.
I think you miss the point of this topic. It is "Emi INSPIRED running/workout", implying that previously to reading KS the vast vast majority of the people here hadn't been doing exercise, but were inspired by Emi to start, or seriously do exercise.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 4:43 pm
by sociopath
Althamus wrote: I think you miss the point of this topic. It is "Emi INSPIRED running/workout", implying that previously to reading KS the vast vast majority of the people here hadn't been doing exercise, but were inspired by Emi to start, or seriously do exercise.
Actually, seeing as Emi pushed Hisao so hard he had a heart attack and almost died, I'd imagine all people here to be fairly hardcore.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 5:09 pm
by NoOne3
sociopath wrote:I'd imagine all people here to be fairly hardcore.
Well, I am. I have a heart attack after fifth pushup (aka. push-half-the-way-up-groaning). Every. Time.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 7:33 pm
by Althamus
Intended target:
Actually did:
Week 4 gets tough, real tough. I did a sneaky peak forward to W4D3, and it's basically the same as today. With an extra 4 pushups on each set. Nice.
On the up side, I need to go for an appointment tomorrow, and also need to go grocery shopping. Both places are 2 miles from home in opposite directions, so I aim to do one in the morning and the other in the afternoon, both by walking. Also pretty heavily burdened when returning with my shopping. Exercise shall be done! More points for Fitocracy >8D

Interstingly, I'm still feeling tired as I do pushups, from about the 5th pushup of each set onwards, but I'm able to keep going until the end. My arms feel like they're going to drop off, and are complaining like anything, but I can keep going no problem.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Wed Apr 25, 2012 10:53 pm
by Kilo
completesky wrote:I have a hole in the back of both my heels and now have to run with feet covered in bandages, which sucks.

How many of you guys who are nearly finished Couch to 5K are planning to take up the Bridge to 10K? It's getting lonely...
I think I'm going to stick to the short runs until I get bored and can't increase speed over 30 minutes anymore...
I mean, I've been into it for the challenge, for the feel of accomplishing something and moving on to better results, more challenges.
But then I'll be running 30 minutes, everyday, no improvement. I am thinking of increasing speed and when I can't anymore, I'll start it :)

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:02 am
by Althamus
Kilo wrote:I think I'm going to stick to the short runs until I get bored and can't increase speed over 30 minutes anymore...
I mean, I've been into it for the challenge, for the feel of accomplishing something and moving on to better results, more challenges.
But then I'll be running 30 minutes, everyday, no improvement. I am thinking of increasing speed and when I can't anymore, I'll start it :)
Sounds cool :D I envy you a little for already being able to go out and jog for 30 mins nonstop. Oh to be young again...

Incidently, FYI 30 mins run ~ 5k anyways. Roughlyroughly :D

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:22 am
by HurricaneHarvey
sociopath wrote:
Althamus wrote: I think you miss the point of this topic. It is "Emi INSPIRED running/workout", implying that previously to reading KS the vast vast majority of the people here hadn't been doing exercise, but were inspired by Emi to start, or seriously do exercise.
Actually, seeing as Emi pushed Hisao so hard he had a heart attack and almost died, I'd imagine all people here to be fairly hardcore.
Eh it just seems all a little aggressive. Most people here are starting up a work out routine as has been pointed out. 500 push ups is not a unreasonable goal for one day however one needs to make a goal of doing 5 before they can make it to doing 10 to 50 to 100 and so on and so on.

Re: Emi inspired running/workout

Posted: Thu Apr 26, 2012 3:47 am
by sociopath
Althamus wrote: 25/30/25/25/36
Nice job.
NoOne3 wrote:
sociopath wrote:I'd imagine all people here to be fairly hardcore.
Well, I am. I have a heart attack after fifth pushup (aka. push-half-the-way-up-groaning). Every. Time.
Ouch. How old are you anyway? I'm 23 years old.
I used to weigh 120 kilos. I ate candy practically every day. Now I'm down to 80-82 kilos.

Yesterday I mostly fucked around so I didn't do much in terms of exercise: 300 pushups and 175 situps.
Today I'll do 1k situps and 500 for pushups and dips. No jerking around today.
Know what Mike Tyson did? He did this on a daily basis:
5pm: 2000 sit-ups; 500-800 dips; 500 press-ups; 500 shrugs with a 30kg barbell and 10 mins of neck exercises
Plus all the running and ring work and whatnot. Insane.