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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Tue Apr 27, 2010 4:24 pm
by ContinualNaba
From what I've observed, they often do both.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 12:08 pm
by sniukashch
Hi. I've just come upon a line looking very weird (in "friday"):

"For some reason, it makes me feel really bad like it has since that time in the forest with Iwanako. Like I was locked in a cage with something nasty and scary."

These two sentences following one right after another make a strange impression... One could think it's Iwanako who's "nasty and scary".
I hope that was useful.
Waiting eagerly for the full version =) Good luck.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sun May 02, 2010 2:09 pm
by Smoku
It's a feeling, not judging a person.
It's hard for him to describe it in any other way, I think. This seems plausible at least in my opinion.
One may never have freedom of a possibility of being interpreted in a wrong way.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 12:48 am
by idol studios
The story is absolutely fabulous, and the characters are believable.

My only gripe is the character design change for Emi from the midget not-loli to her new design.
Due to her lack of legs, this is the best place to get away with one of those "Really seven hundred years old" lolis, and I believe her old design meshes well with the other characters better than her new one.

The first and most present difference in new Emi is the eyes.
They're thinner and smaller than even Shizune's, and Shizune has that aggressively pointy tsundere shape to hers.
The color change in Emi's eyes is also more vivid and sharp in her new design, which stands in stark contrast to Lilly's ultra-subtle shading, and even Rin and Hanako have a layer of transition in color between the dark pupils and the lighter iris.

The next noticable difference is in her shape. Her chin seems to come to a point, and her fingers seem to utilize straight lines, making her hands appear blocky.

My last real concern is the notion that she's still supposed to be the shortest character, however, my perception of things seems to mess with that.
If you placed the Emi and the Rin from the 'characters' page and placed them next to each other (i.e. the lunch on the roof), you'll notice this problem.
-"Emi's head is lower than Rin's head, so she must be shorter, right?"
--Not so much. The top of Emi's head is lower than the top of Rin's head, but the bottom of Emi's chin is also higher than the bottom of Rin's chin. Also, Emi's belt (if she was wearing one) is also near the height of the bottom of Rin's breasts. There are a few explanations for this.
1) Emi just has an unnaturally short torso and very long legs/prosthetics
2) She's standing on something at the time.
3) *She's actually quite a bit taller than Rin, and is standing several feet in back of her*

The shading on Emi has the light source coming from the upper right, whereas Rin's light source is coming from the upper left, making their standing next to each other a little weird. But that's just nit-picky and easily ignored.

TL, DR: I love the game. Give me back my old Emi.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 6:12 am
by Juno
idol studios wrote:Lilly's ultra-subtle shading
There's a reason for Lilly's eyes to be that way, which is to represent her blindness.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Tue May 11, 2010 8:33 am
by Csihar
idol studios wrote:TL, DR: I love the game. Give me back my old Emi.
Hmm, I'm not sure I see most of your points, at least from the pictures on the main site. The eyes look pretty consistent with the other characters', and I think the thing about comparing her height with Rin is probably just an illusion, since I don't think the sprites on the character page are strictly to scale in relationship with each other. Everything looks fine here, for example. The fact that Rin's shirt is loose and hangs from her chest a bit whereas the other characters' are more form-fitting might have something to do with it also. Of course, crazy though I may think it, your right to prefer the old Emi is entirely yours. :P

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Fri May 14, 2010 6:54 pm
by Panty Supervisor
Holy shit, I just played the manly picnic route. It's awesome. There are three of the best musical pieces of the entire game, and they work so well. I love how Hisao regrets that he didn't ask a girl to hang out at the festival together. It's very sad. :(
But at some point during the Kenji scene on the rooftop, the music switches back from one of the three great dramatic pieces to the casual character music for Kenji. That felt kind of weird to me.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 5:08 am
by Smoku
All the fans suddenly live the game again :D

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:15 am
by Bara
Smoku wrote:All the fans suddenly live the game again :D
One sign of a good story is it never gets old and you can re-experience it many times. :mrgreen:

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 9:44 am
by U.T. Raptor
So is the choice they clarified "I'm Fine" or "I was having fun at the nurse's office"?


Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 2:07 pm
by Smoku
Bara wrote:
Smoku wrote:All the fans suddenly live the game again :D
One sign of a good story is it never gets old and you can re-experience it many times. :mrgreen:
This is the first video game/book/story I ever returned to so fast after 100% completion after such a short time.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 6:01 pm
by Jojje
This has most likely been posted already... In Lunch Evolution Theory there's a small spelling error.
Socializing, gossiping, rearranging desks, the ones with actual boxed lunches mixed in and chattering like everyone else, only interrrupted by short bouts of eating.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 11:25 pm
by Warwick
A couple of small-ish ones, and throwing in my hat on Emi's sketchiness.

First one's from Shanghaied. When she's teaching you to sign 3685 yen, her next line is a repeat with the Wahahahahaha~! tacked on without a space. I'm not really sure what the original intention was, so I'm just going to point it out. Either Misha's purposefully repeating herself or the 3685 yen part leaked over.
Scripting error?
Scripting error?
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Second is from Exercise, if you push yourself. I've never really seen the term "sportstar" before, mostly used to seeing it as two separate words.
sports star
sports star
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The last few are really nitpicky, so ignore them if you want.
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Generally I'm more used to the term good-for-nothing, but it's a usage/editing quibble.

Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sat May 15, 2010 11:38 pm
by Warwick
Double-posting because of 3 attachment limit, and too lazy to throw them up on an image hosting site to make it easier.
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Again, general usage/editing quibble. I'm more used to hearing it shortened to "the quad," but then again that's on a by-campus/institution basis.

Screw it, I'll just list them from now on.

Exercise: At the very end, if you push yourself, you're contemplating whether to go back to your dorm or head to class. The line reads, "The sun stings my eyes, so I head towards the dorms." Feels sorta like a non sequitur

Slow recovery: I'm not used to the term "eyepairs." Just curious about the usage. Usually just hear "pairs of eyes."

Event Horizon: "Shicchan says she is happy now." it also feels like a non sequitur. The previous line before Hisao's monologue was about how she shouldn't have told him to be more decisive about running away. Unless she read your competitive spirit from your monologue, the line doesn't really make sense.

Home Field Advantage: Well, I'll let the screenshot speak for itself. I'm just baffled by the choice of words. Maybe there's a joke that's over my head, or it's just supposed to be funny, but it's just jarring at the moment.
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Re: Katawa Shoujo Act 1 Preview feedback thread

Posted: Sun May 16, 2010 4:08 am
by Distinguished Gentlemanne of Leisure
The Emi sprite is off, needs to more smoothed out and polished. It's a bit too shiny as well. Yuuko is also slightly off, but it's moreso a contrast of color. Also, I do like the subtle change to Lilly's eyes.

The music sounds different, and sometimes too quiet. However, the Nurse's music is absolutely bitching and unusually fitting.

Other than that, I'm loving it (again) so far.