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Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:58 am
by Oddball
someguy1294 wrote:Comparing a girl you fucked in another route to your daughter, Hisao? Ew.
What? You're holding things that happened in some parallel reality against him? That doesn't seem fair. You might as well say that it's creepy he wants to have sex with girls at all when in another route he's a bloody smear on the pavement.
Hisao also compares Lily to a china doll at one point, because nothing's healthier than comparing your loved one to an inanimate object.
I suppose you're against people calling each other things like "sugar" or "honey" as well.
The bit where he runs to the airport is contrived and stupid. She had a cell-phone. Why didn't he just fucking CALL her!?
There's no way of knowing if she had the cellphone anymore or if it was turned on.
Why did he JUST NOW decide that the woman he loved was worth fighting for!? They confessed their love, they fucked all over Akira's summer-house. It's not like he wasn't aware of their feelings.
She knew and it wasn't that he was fighting for her. He just needed to talk to her one last time.

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 7:34 pm
by Potato
Oddball wrote:You might as well say that it's creepy he wants to have sex with girls at all when in another route he's a bloody smear on the pavement.
That is a horrifying mental image...

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:30 pm
by someguy1294
Fuckin' Everyone wrote:Comparing Hanako to a child isn't creepy, because Hisao didn't fuck her in this route!
Maybe it wouldn't have come off as quite so bad if I hand't played through Hanako's route ahead of time. As it is, it's still creepy. Hanako is set up as a potential love interest in Act 1, and positioning her as a foster daughter to gives me some bad vibes. Not to mention it goes against everything we were supposed to learn in the Hanako route.
Atario wrote:
someguy1294 wrote:The bit where he runs to the airport is contrived and stupid. She had a cell-phone. Why didn't he just fucking CALL her!?
It has been theorized that she'd already shut off service and gotten rid of it in preparation to leave Japan.
Theory isn't good enough for me. Leaving the reader to pick up the writer's loose ends is bad form.

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:33 pm
by Steinherz
someguy1294 wrote:
Atario wrote:
someguy1294 wrote:The bit where he runs to the airport is contrived and stupid. She had a cell-phone. Why didn't he just fucking CALL her!?
It has been theorized that she'd already shut off service and gotten rid of it in preparation to leave Japan.
Theory isn't good enough for me. Leaving the reader to pick up the writer's loose ends is bad form.
You do realize you're SUPPOSED to turn off cellphones before going onto a plane right?
It's not just a theory, it's common sense. which a lot of people seem to lack it seems

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:33 pm
by someguy1294
Potato wrote:A bunch of condescending bull-shit.
If your'e not going to speak with some measure of respect and seriousness, this isn't going to be much of a discussion.

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:34 pm
by someguy1294
Steinherz wrote: You do realize you're SUPPOSED to turn off cellphones before going onto a plane right?
It's not just a theory, it's common sense. which a lot of people seem to lack it seems
Ah, but he didn't know if she was on the plane yet. In fact, considering that she left the house just before he arrived, it's probably that she hadn't turned it off yet. Would have saved him the troubled of yet another heart attack.

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 8:50 pm
by Potato
someguy1294 wrote:Not to mention it goes against everything we were supposed to learn in the Hanako route.
The Hanako route and the Lilly route are completely and totally separate. One is not relevant to the other in any way. If something learned in one route goes against something in another, it's because Hisao didn't learn that something in the other route. And really, you could just as easily criticize Hanako's because what Hisao learns there goes against the family dynamic in Lilly's route. It's inconsistent both ways, but then it's not meant to be consistent. Also, the end of Kenji's route goes against everything in the other routes. Depending on player choice, a lot of Hisao's actions in Lilly's route go against what's learned in Emi's route. If you really want to open that can of worms... :lol:

And I was speaking with some measure of seriousness. I believe I even said that. I was just speaking with a greater measure of mockery because it's honestly pretty ridiculous that anyone could so completely fail to grasp a basic comparison.
someguy1294 wrote:Ah, but he didn't know if she was on the plane yet.
Phones go off before one enters the plane so whether she was on it or not isn't a matter. Anytime from her departure toward the airport to boarding time, it could've been off. And given the sad nature of the departure, she easily might've turned it off ASAP to avoid depressive, decision-muddling calls and texts. Plus he didn't leave in pursuit immediately after her (in the time he wasted moping in bed, Lilly's already gotten home, packed up, and headed to the airport) so assuming her phone was already off isn't a huge stretch of imagination anyway. Also, did he even have Lilly's number? I know Akira called him but he never saved the number. (Inb4 "check call history" - He's panicking and depressed, give him a break. :P)

And besides all that, face-to-face is just a better shot at keeping her than a text or call telling her to stay. It just isn't the kind of thing you leave to impersonal methods. XD Not to mention the obvious reasoning: A phone call would ruin the story. That whole big chase and bad-end-fakeout would be completely cut out if he'd just called.

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:29 pm
by someguy1294
Attention, Various Lily-fans intent on disemboweling me,

She'd made of pixels. She's fictional. I did not just badmouth your girlfriend.


-Some Guy

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:33 pm
by SpunkySix
someguy1294 wrote:Attention, Various Lily-fans intent on disemboweling me,

She'd made of pixels. She's fictional. I did not just badmouth your girlfriend.


-Some Guy
Waifus are serious business.

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:39 pm
by someguy1294
SpunkySix wrote:
someguy1294 wrote:Attention, Various Lily-fans intent on disemboweling me,

She'd made of pixels. She's fictional. I did not just badmouth your girlfriend.


-Some Guy
Waifus are serious business.
Jeez, I insult the most popular character in the game, and suddenly everyone gets all touchy. Who'd a thunk it?

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:04 am
by someguy1294
Potato wrote:Some more condescending bullshit.
What you missed... okay, ONE of the things you missed you missed a lot, is that the family dynamic with Hanako as daughter isn't healthy. Even in Lily's route, Hanako grows out of being Lily's pet and becomes her own person.

Kenji's route doesn't go against everything in the game, at all. The message (if there is one) of Kenji's route is that you should find someone to love, or you'll die. Also, teenagers shouldn't get smashed on whiskey. How exactly does Kenji's route contradict anything else in the game, again?

Lily hadn't even reached the airport yet, so why would her phone be turned off? Why would Hisao ASSUME that it was turned off? Why wouldn't he just try before making his suicidal, heart-destroying dash?

Calling someone in a panic is just as easy as running after them in a panic. Plus, Hisao was sitting in a taxi for most of the trip the airport. He had plenty of time to make that call. Lily was his girlfriend; there is no reason for him to not have her phone number. None. If he's in a panic, to reach Lily, he's going to use the first method available, and if he wants to talk to her face to face he should have called and said he wanted to talk to her face to face.

Your whole 'they had to do it for the story' argument proves exactly why this route sucks. Instead of following a logical sequence, drama is forced into the story through plot manipulation. Which, if you had ever studied literature, you would know is bad writing.

Not everyone loves Lily, or her route. Get over it. Suck it up, fanboy.

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:07 am
by Oddball
You're just determined to make friends here, aren't you?

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 12:12 am
by someguy1294
Oddball wrote:You're just determined to make friends here, aren't you?
Hey, I'm not the one who started launching personal attacks. I merely expressed an opinion on a piece of literature.

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:20 am
by Comrade
You guys should calm down. Both sides are making good points, but you should accept not everyone agrees with you, and there's nothing you can do about it.

Re: Lilly's Route (SPOILERS)

Posted: Sun Feb 23, 2014 4:58 am
by Atario
someguy1294 wrote:Theory isn't good enough for me. Leaving the reader to pick up the writer's loose ends is bad form.
By the same token, if there had been some internal-monologue lines on Hisao's part that did the exposition on this, that would also be attacked as unnatural shoehorning ("I should call her! Oh wait— she already shut off her phone service. Damn, what to do… I know!").
Not everyone loves Lily, or her route. Get over it. Suck it up, fanboy.
I think the reason you're getting flak is that you seem intent on proving that your least favorite is objectively bad and will brook nothing to the contrary.

In time, you'll come to appreciate her too. I hated Shizune for a while, till I reread her route. I've never fully understood Rin, but then that's kind of the point. In the fullness of time, they all give good facets of the experience.