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Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! 7/28 Update

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 6:49 pm
Hoitash wrote:
LOL WUT wrote:
Oh a cliff hanger ending?

I try to do that as often as possible. I am a Master Troll :twisted:
So I am guessing you were trained by The King Troll aswell then?


Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! 7/28 Update

Posted: Sat Jul 28, 2012 9:01 pm
by Helbereth
Reading how Hoitash cuts things off in the middle makes me consider doing the same. I kinda did that with The Kenji Files, and The Traitor, but my other two kind of end on a last thought from the character after a finished scene... I dunno which method I like more, but I think it has more to do with the type of story.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! 7/28 Update

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:25 am
by Mirage_GSM
From your writing I don't get the impression of equal numbers. Seems more like the bad guys have a huge advantage in numbers...

And I really recommend OHHC ;-)

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! 7/28 Update

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 6:39 am
Mirage_GSM wrote: And I really recommend OHHC ;-)
I have no idea what that is.
Please Explain.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! 7/28 Update

Posted: Sun Jul 29, 2012 8:21 am
by Hoitash
Mirage_GSM wrote:From your writing I don't get the impression of equal numbers. Seems more like the bad guys have a huge advantage in numbers...
Well, when assaulting a defensive position, a 3:1 ratio of numbers in favor of the attacker is recommended to overcome the defenses. So it's relatively even in that the attackers outnumber the defenders roughly three to one.

Oh, and OHHC is an abbreviation for Ouran High School Host Club, which can be viewed for free at As can One Piece (screw you 4Kiddies) and about a million other anime series.

I too, recommend Ouran. I also recommend One Piece, actually.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! 7/28 Update

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 9:43 am
by Hoitash
In the name of the Ordo Hereticus, I hereby issue an order of Exterminatus upon Weyland Industries Island No. 12. The Emperor Protects.

(I enjoy roleplaying, what can I say?)

Previous Chapter

Part Five: Escape

Kenji moved to fire his Tesla again just as the soldier fired his grenade rifle. I shoved Kenji down before he could shoot and we both crashed onto the floor as the grenade sailed passed us and exploded into the bulwark, sending debris and shrapnel everywhere. I felt a sting as a piece of metal grazed my leg, and I heard several men scream while more shrapnel imbedded itself in my armor. I blind fired my Tesla to take out the soldier before he could shoot again and looked around, trying to shake off the dizziness from the explosion. Three of the Freemasons were down, and the Illuminati were moving in. Our pilot and agent were okay, so I motioned for us to move up. We formed up along the defenses, Kenji and I taking the left and right of the new hole in the makeshift barricade. Kenji said something to them and one of surviving Masons moved to the stairs, where he immediately started firing.

“We need to clear them before we head for the roof,” I said.

Kenji nodded and pulled out another Tesla grenade. I pulled one out, too. After a quick count we tossed them and waited. Once the static and jolts of electricity subsided, the four us ran up against the left wall of the recess. I peered over into the hall and saw our next hurdle: an open door concealing another soldier with a grenade rifle. Soldiers were poring in from the roof entrance down the hall, either forming into battle lines in the hallway itself, or working around to flank us from the other side. Gunfire to our left helped reassure me that we wouldn’t be flanked anytime soon.

Deciding to save my last grenade, I fired another Tesla shot at the door while Kenji fired into the hall. The agent with us, meanwhile, tossed a frag grenade and fired a quick burst from his rifle before ducking down beside us. When the grenade went off at the soldier's feet in the doorway, we bolted for the open door. I quickly fired my Tesla at the two soldiers waiting inside the room- a study it looked like- and the agent turned to cover it just as incoming bullets cracked passed the door down the hall. As we crossed the hall I had noticed a pile of Freemasons and Illuminati scattered down the length of it in a bloody trail towards the roof stairway. The Freemasons had tried to put up a strong first line of defense, but I guess the soldiers had just punched harder and faster.

“Well, we’re closer,” I said, catching my breath and checking my heart. I also checked the shrapnel graze; it wasn’t very bad, and I could probably pass it off as an exposed nail to Hanako.

The agent said something to Kenji, who translated for me, “he’s going to toss his other grenade and draw their fire in the hall. While he’s doing that we rush for the stairs and bolt for the helicopter.”

“That’s suicide,” I said. Possibly for everyone involved.

Kenji nodded, “he knows.”

I knew better then to say anything. The agent swung his pack off and tossed it to Kenji, who put it on as the agent tossed the grenade into the hall and blind fired a quick burst. When the grenade went off he jumped sideways into the hall and opened fire. The three of us quickly ducked and ran forward as the invaders took cover. The agent ran ahead of us and fired his last rounds. When he was empty he tossed the rifle and pulled out a long shining dagger from his belt. While we hid behind an open door roughly three fourths of the way to the stairs- not willing to risk it the entire way- he rushed the scattered surviving soldiers. He managed to stab one in the eye before a soldier with a shotgun blasted him into cat meat.

“Now what?” I asked.

Kenji pulled out his last grenade and threw it. We barely waited for it to fizzle out before dashing forward into the hall. Yeah it was risky, but we needed to hurry before the place was overrun, assuming it wasn’t already. The grenade did the trick in clearing the path in front of us, and the left hall was still in a firefight, so we were able to bypass them towards the stairs. With the door missing, Kenji quickly charged in and fired his Tesla inside, and I heard the sound of two men tumbling down the stairs. I didn’t feel like asking how he knew they were there. Our pistols only had five shots before we had to recharge them, so between us we had four shots left. Once inside the stairway I noticed the door to the roof was missing, as was most of the shed around it. The stairs were fortunately still intact.

“So, how do we get to our helicopter, assuming they haven’t destroyed it?” I asked. Before anyone could answer, the pilot’s earpiece went off. After a few seconds he said something and looked up at us.

“The second group has made it to the top of the fire escape. They’ve lost an agent and a guard. Based on where they are and where we are, if we move at the same time we should be able to make it to our helo- he says it’s still there.”

“Sounds like a plan,” Kenji said while I pulled out my last grenade. After a quick countdown I tossed the grenade up onto the roof, while Kenji fired his Tesla at a group of soldiers trying to get in. As our grenade went off I heard several frag grenades explode above us.

“Hey, man,” Kenji said, “sorry for dragging you into this shit again- thought the job would be easy.”

I laughed dryly, “so did I. Hell, it’s Mr. Sarif, for crying out loud. I probably would’ve taken the job no matter what.”

By that point it was time to charge, so we rushed up the stairs and fired our Tesla’s at the first thing in gray we saw. Several more soldiers were on the ground, either stunned, groaning, or dead. The Most of them were probably in the building or the forest dealing with the AA. Our pilot handed his rifle to Kenji since his Tesla was dry. Since the other agents were coming in from our right, I was worried he’d hit them, but he made sure to fire only to his left as we dashed for our helicopter. Between that and the second group, the Illuminati had too much incoming suppressive fire to be able to shoot back. A few helicopters were circling around, thankfully not armed as we groped forward to our ride out of this godforsaken island.

Our copter was easy to spot, being the only green one around- the Illuminati copters were painted light gray. The pilot easily slid into the cockpit and started it up as the Kenji and I dove into the back. By then the soldiers had recovered from the shock of our charge, and I watched the last guard of the second group take several dozen rounds as the two surviving agents and copilot ran in after us. I had already slammed the right door of the copter shut, and when the agents were in Kenji slammed his side shut.

“Alright, we are outta here,” the pilot said once the copilot shoved his door closed, and torturously slowly, the copter took off.

“Is it possible the Illuminati sabotaged this copter?” Kenji asked.

“Or that they commandeered the AA?” I added.

“We’ll find out the hard way,” the pilot said. As we started to lift off the ground I heard small arms fire ping off the copter. I also heard a few grenades explode below us, which sounded like hail against the thin metal plating as we slowly rose out of their range.

“Did anyone see any rocket launchers on the way up?” I asked. The four of us tensed once Kenji had translated that, but after an hour we relaxed; we were safe. I took the pack and armor off and sighed heavily. I also unclipped my helmet as I opened the bag to look at the ledger, but I ended up just staring at the bourbon. I wasn’t too surprised when one of the agents pulled out a flask and started passing it around.

“Kenji,” I said as I grabbed the offered flask, “the next time a famous forerunner in an industry that relates to my field and interests offers us an easy job and I think about accepting it… stab me in the knee with a fork.”

“Look on the bright side, man,” Kenji said, smiling mischievously, “they never said we couldn’t copy that data before we deliver it. With it, we can finally start making deliberate attacks on the Societies… but not for a while.”

I laughed, “works for me.”


Next Chapter

An epilogue for this part will occur.

Why? ‘Cuz I wanna.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! Updated 7/31

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:00 pm
by Helbereth
Criminey, Hoitash, I just woke the fuck up, and now I have to deal with this?

You're a bastard! Bastard, I say!

Watch for edits...
Pretty sure you mean the obstacle kind, which is spelled with a 'd'; thus 'hurdle'.

You must have found an editor because this is actually the only hurdle I found... well, okay, I sent you a PM, too... but, whatever.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! Updated 7/31

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:26 pm
by Hoitash
Helbereth wrote: You're a bastard! bastard, I say!
You love it and you know it :)

Edits made, thanks for reviewing, as usual. I think I owe you a French vanilla tea at this point.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! Updated 7/31

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:29 pm
by Helbereth
Hoitash wrote:
Helbereth wrote: You're a bastard! bastard, I say!
You love it and you know it :)

Edits made, thanks for reviewing, as usual. I think I owe you a French vanilla tea at this point.
Haa... I forgot to actually post the other little one. Life can hurtle forward and throw many hurdles at you, I guess.

I like tea.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! Updated 7/31

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:33 pm
by Hoitash
Helbereth wrote:
I like tea.
I find a cup of vanila black tea in the evening quite relaxing.

I also enjoy it while gaming, for the same reason.

Man can not live by booze alone. Even as a gamer :wink:

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! Updated 7/31

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:37 pm
by Helbereth
Hoitash wrote:Man can not live by booze alone. Even as a gamer :wink:
Well, I can attest to that; I don't live by booze at all.

Typically while gaming, I have root beer or ginger ale at the ready.

By the way, I feel I should mention my surprise that their helicopter was intact when they reached the roof. Although I suppose the Illuminati wouldn't want to destroy it if there were still a chance they could absorb it into their fleet.

That's probably what you told yourself when you reached that point -- it's what I thought of as I read about the stair-shed being blasted to bits.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! Updated 7/31

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 1:49 pm
by Hoitash
Helbereth wrote: I suppose the Illuminati wouldn't want to destroy it if there were still a chance they could absorb it into their fleet.
That was my line of thinking. Waste not, want not, as the dead old people used to say.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! Updated 7/31

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:23 pm
by Helbereth
Hoitash wrote: That was my line of thinking. Waste not, want not, as the dead old people used to say.
Dead old people often seem to know what they're talking about.

That sounded really creepy... dead people talking... I hear dead people... Though you're a historian, so you've probably heard that... the statement, not the dead people talking... then again, maybe you have... I'll be quiet now.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! Updated 7/31

Posted: Tue Jul 31, 2012 6:59 pm
by Hoitash
Helbereth wrote:
That sounded really creepy... dead people talking... I hear dead people... Though you're a historian, so you've probably heard that... the statement, not the dead people talking... then again, maybe you have... I'll be quiet now.
You caught me. I am a necromancer. And Bruce Willis.

Oooh, best novel idea ever: necromancer historian resurrects Theordore Roosovelt, they fight crime. That is so the next book I'm gonna write.

Re: Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives! Updated 7/31

Posted: Sat Aug 04, 2012 9:33 am
by Hoitash
Because every adventure should end with a meal prepared by a loved one.

Warning: Part is short. Please direct all complaints to

Seriously, though, thanks for reading and reviewing :). Also note that is a fake email address.

Previous Chapter

Part Six: Dinner

Our dining room table wasn’t very impressive- even after all the money Hanako made, she insisted it be put towards our children’s future and various charities. Something I had no problem with. Still, the lighting fixture above us was decidedly ornate- we picked it up on our honeymoon in an antique shop. I forget the proper term, so I just called it a brass chandelier pretending to be a crystal one. The kids were with Naomi and her partner- Lilly was in Scotland visiting her sister. Mr. Sarif sat across from my wife, talking about her latest novel. Though her anxiety wasn’t anywhere close to the severity of our high school days, having such an esteemed guest talking to her was clearly making her nervous. Whenever she started stuttering, though, Mr. Sarif would always compliment her and start talking to me or Kenji.

As they talked I couldn’t help glancing at Kenji and Mr. Sarif. The man liked to keep secrets, we knew that much. We were both convinced he knew nothing of the assault, too. Beyond that, we knew… precious little about the man, the real man.

Kenji had managed to copy the data we were supposed to deliver before we repackaged it and dropped it off. The associate insisted on paying us a bonus- I figured he knew about the attack, but I didn’t ask. Kenji said he could use the information to locate major strongholds of Templar, Illuminati, and Hospitaller activity, and then we could decide our next course of action.

Considering our course of action with a Society usually involved shooting, explosions, and me checking my heart rate several times, I was relieved when he said pinpointing a target for “infiltration” might take a few weeks. He was going to focus on information storage facilities and listening posts, so we could gather more data and possibly coordinate strikes with Freemason agents. Once he had calmed down his publisher, who was apparently having a fit that he hadn’t written anything in months.

We had no idea how many agents would be discovered, if any. I hoped that the Freemasons had managed to destroy the data before the Illuminati recovered it. We had tried to make contact with the island when we landed through Mr. Sarif’s associate, but all we got was static. I didn’t want to ask Mr. Sarif about it, so Kenji and I had assumed the worse in our planning- the base was lost with everyone in it, and at least some of the data had been obtained by the Illuminati.

My maudlin line of thought was interrupted by Mr. Sarif asking me about the article he had mentioned back at our office.

“Actually, that journal article was more of one-time thing,” I answered him, “I write about astronomy every now and then, but my main field is chemistry.”

“Astronomy is more of a hobby for him,” Hanako chimed in, “he keeps a t-telescope in the backyard.”

“Well, you managed to combine a hobby and your work, that takes some doing,” Mr. Sarif said, “you know, we could use a few good chemists at Sarif- we’re working on expanding outside of the Great Lakes region.”

I smiled and shook my head, “thank you, but I prefer teaching,” there was something in Mr. Sarif’s eyes that made me add, “although, if you ever have any hypothetical queries, I’m sure I could send you some information.”

Mr. Sarif raised an eyebrow for a moment before he nodded, “I would appreciate that, son,” he turned to Kenji, who was fiddling with his pasta, “I can say the same to you, Mr. Setou. Though your field is much more eclectic, I could have use for a man with your talents.”

His offer to Kenji removed any doubt in my mind why Mr. Sarif really wanted to hire us. While Hanako looked very confused, Kenji merely smiled and shook his head, “nah, I like my work here. Besides, I don’t feel like moving away. I can do a lot of good here, on the sidelines, and I intend to make sure I do as much work as I can.”

Mr. Sarif nodded slowly, “well put, Mr. Setou.”

As we resumed our meal and my eyes drifted toward Mr. Sarif’s prosthetic hand, my mind wandered back to the island. Each one of those copters held eight men, according to Kenji. Eighty men had assaulted that island, and, like the thirty-six defenders, every single one was probably willing to die to ensure that data was recovered. Just as willing as the defenders, outnumbered two to one, were willing to die to ensure it’s destruction.

Mr. Matthews’ words echoed briefly in my mind, and my thoughts shifted from that doomed island base to Kenji’s new office. In one of Kenji’s drawers was an empty bottle of scotch. Written on the bottle in silver Sharpie, in both Japanese script and English, was a simple phrase, a phrase that would mean little to the unaware: “In honor of those who died for the Cause. You are not forgotten.”



Oh, look. Shit just got real. Anyone got any Skittles?

Since this part was so short, I’m not going to wait a week to start the next mystery like normal.

Speaking of which:

Next time on Hisao and Kenji- Master Detectives!

Kenji makes a breakthrough and decides the time to strike has come! A Society Listening post tempts him to launch an attack that will hopefully invigorate the Society’s wars, and give the Detective Duo valuable information on future targets and plans. The problem, of course, is getting out without getting killed or discovered.

Tune in next time for Mystery Four: Templar, Templar

Same thread, same forum!