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Re: Hisao's little bundle of joy

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 9:21 pm
by Eraser35
Snow_Storm we came from taking about if Hisaoxmain girl mated to a debate on condoms and birth control pills and the Catholic Church.
welcome to the internet where any thing can happen

Re: Hisao's little bundle of joy

Posted: Thu Mar 15, 2012 11:13 pm
by Mirrormn
I'm not entirely sure I want to participate wholeheartedly in the full-scale abortion debate that has broken out here, but I will note a few things:
  • There is no set point at which a human life begins. Anyone who tries to tell you there is, has simply decided to choose an arbitrary point from the continuum of human development. People do this because they desperately desire a prescriptive code of ethics that can be applied in every situation. Moral gray areas frighten them immensely. Unfortunately for them, desire does not beget truth. Killing a man to steal his money, killing a man in self-defense, helping a terminally ill person end their own suffering, abortion after consensual sex, abortion after rape, abortion when delivering the baby would risk the life of the mother, contraception, masturbation, chewing my fingernails: all these things are essentially the same act, and the rightness or wrongness of each of them cannot be declared categorically or decisively.
  • To Paddy specifically: despite being an atheist, I can generally get along with Christians. I was raised Christian, it was a pleasant upbringing, and I harbor no ill will towards my former religion in general. I even still sing in my church's choir on occasion. However, what you're doing in this thread is the exact reason that atheists as a whole feel they cannot peacefully coexist with Christians (or other theists) as a whole: you are vehemently making absurd moral judgments based on nothing but an interpretation of text that is considered to be entirely fictional by many people to whom you are preaching. If you feel that strongly about an issue, then discuss it by all means, but try to leave the Bible out of it. If your viewpoint holds any weight in the real world, you should be able to frame your argument in a religiously agnostic form.

Re: Hisao's little bundle of joy

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:06 am
by Paddy
That's it. I'm starting a separate thread. It's proably too late, but I'm diverting this once and for all. It's long overdue I do so. <<< Go here go here go here go here go here

Re: Hisao's little bundle of joy

Posted: Fri Mar 16, 2012 12:28 am
by Suriko
Too late.